Last Exam in High School

My 2 ChoSarangs

It is the start of the last month in Parang High School,they all will be graduated soon...

SoMin woke up early in the morning and walked to school briskly as she was having a test.It is an entry test to the University she wanted to go,Parang University.There was a obvious reason for her to want to go there,it is simply because Baek Seung Jo,her crush was also going to study there too.

Just to pass that entry test,SoMin stayed up late at night to burn midnight oil to study for this very important test.It was the first time ever since the start of the year when she did not go to the internet to search for latest updates of Kim Hyun Joong,her beloved idol and studied so hard and so long for a test.She stayed up late almost the whole of the last week to study for the entry test, even to the extent that she now has super dark eye circles.

She reached Parang High School and went into her classroom to get ready for the test.

Somin's POV

I walked past Seung Jo and went towards my seat.I couldn't believe, even until now, that the great Baek Seung Jo has always been sitting beside me since the start of the year.

"The crush of many girls is beside me hehehe....but anyway, he is also my crush,so im gonna do my best to get into Parang U" I thought.Let me greet him first.I sat down on my sit and put down my bag before i greeted him.

"Hi!I studied really hard for this test so I can get into Parang University!You?You are getting into Parang U too right?You must have studied hard,great effort eh!Fighting!" I told him loudly,with confidence.

" Ehh...What's your name again? arh...SoMin,do you know that you are very irritating and annoying?No wonder no one talks to you and no one friends you.Didn't you know that Im Baek Seung Jo?the mighty one with 200 IQ?Do I look like I need to study for this easy test?and don't talk to me or bother me anymore" he said arrogantly .

"Who says I don't have friends?I still got Min Ah and Ju Ri!" I said loudly and angrily. "How can one be so arrogant...You are so full of yourself, just because you are that stupid mighty Baek Seung Jo,you think you know everything?So short tempered...idiot..." I muttered to myself softly.

Seung Jo's POV

OMG...this irritating girl came again...when will I ever have peace?I have to sit beside her to help her with studies since Park sunsaengnim assigned me to.How unlucky...wish I could sit beside least she talks about useful stuff and not as irritating as this girl.Wait...this girl is saying something...WHAT?!someone even dare to call me IDIOT?!Does she even know who I am?The GREAT Baek Seung Jo!

"OI!" I shouted fiercely at her, "How dare u call me babo?!"

" can actually hear it,didn't know you have great ears too" she then turned around and quietened down.Finally,peace for me...

No One's POV

"Wow i didn't know my crush had great hearing system too. ..he's just so amazing..." So Min thought to herself. Finally,Park Sunsaengnim arrived with the test papers and passed it down to the students.

"Alright,you can start now." Park sunsaengnim announced and the students started flipping the papers and doing the difficult questions.

SoMin's POV

OhMyGod!Exam has started!Ok,Fighting!!lets do our best SoMin,get good results and get into the same university as Seung Jo...sit beside him again! Ok,lets do it with this mentality!I flipped open the stack and started to read the questions.The first few questions are easy..i remember them,arh...those Seung Jo taught me before...but the questions are getting more and more difficult...Eottokke??I don't think i remember how to do this questions...

Omo,did i forget to read this chapter?!Is fully English that i don't understand at all...although im not good in any other language too...ok,lets skip this page...wait a minute...why is this handsome guy packing his stuff already?OMO!Seung Jo is leaving!

"Hey!where are you going?" i shouted to him.Haera then stood up and say "We've finished the paper,Seung Jo lets leave together!" what?oh so people with 200 IQ can finish a 1-hour paper in 15 minutes?!ok ,nevermind...lets move on...ok this question...

No One's POV

SoMin finished her paper and went to the school's cafeteria to meet MinAh and Juri before they eat.When Somin reached the cafeteria,Juri and MinAh were already there waiting for her,but Somin only saw SeungJo who was sitting at the next table.Without any doubt,as usual,Somin would walk towards him and try to talk to him to get closer with him.

Somin walked towards that table and reached out for the chair beside SeungJo,however,Haera already grabbed the chair and sat down beside Seung Jo before Somin could do that.Haera then began to eat while talking to SeungJo about stuff Somin couldn't understand at all.It's the talk between people with 200IQ.

Somin then looked around for Juri  and MinAh then sat down when she realized that they were just beside her.  "Somin,you looking at some handsome guy again?Trying to get his attention again?haha" Juri teased Somin.Somin then put her fingers on her lips and whispered angrily.

"Shh!Don't you say this so loudly again.I don't want anyone to know about my crush and don't you dare tease me!"

"Alright alright,Oh SoMin's crush is..."

MinAh then teased again loudly.Somin tried to cover but to no avail. "Kim Hyun Joong!" Min Ah shouted.This joke really scared SoMin as everyone was looking at her but once "Kim Hyun Joong" was announced,everyone sighed because they thought it was someone new.Too bad,it was the "Kim Hyun Joong" whom Somin had openly loved and publicly announced as her crush.

SoMin's POV

Oh My God!That really scared me.How much I hope for Juri and Min Ah not to create so much nonsense again...They really know how to surprise me."Kim Hyun Joong"??Oh yah!I almost forgot about him!I haven't check for the latest updates about him or SS501 for a full one week already!Oh My God!I must have missed out alot! can a Henecian(KHJ fan) and Triple S(SS501 fans) be so clumsy...Aigoo,Jung So Min ya,I really pity you for your stupid brains.No wonder I sense something wrong about myself these days,not following the daily routine to check updates.

What a fan I am...Nevermind,shall rush home today to see all the updates.I turned my head around to look at SeungJo as I missed Kim Hyun Joong's face suddenly.To my horror,Haera was wiping his mouth for him!My whole faced turned red and heat was burning up in my eyes. this girl!How could she!She's not even his girlfriend...such a !I coudn't control anymore 

"OI!Yun Haera,don't you even have your own pride?How could you wipe his mouth like that,acting like you are his girlfriend!" I shouted angrily at her.Juri and MinAh then covered my mouth before I could scold further.I then realised that I had embarassed myself and created chaos in the cafeteria.! Now I'm in big trouble!

SeungJo's POV

Wow this irritating girl is here again.Why does she need to appear everywhere I go?Am I that unlucky? man!This stupis girl and her friends are always creating trouble.I knew that bunch of girls always create nonsense trying to get attention...Its so disgusting!Yucks!I don't want to see them!Oh my god,how does she know someone I don't know?Who the hell is Kim Hyun Joong?

I really thought all the girls in this school are into me,surprisingly this stupid girl likes another guy!Kim Hyun Joong? he more handsome then me?I thought Im the handsomest anyone here know about.Ok whatever...wait,what the hell is Haera doing?Wiping my mouth?I didn't even realise she was wiping my mouth.

I looked at her the she stopped.ok,I think I went too deep into my thoughts of my looks and that Kim Hyun Joong's looks...I did not even realise a girl wiping my mouth!Ok,here comes the crazy girl again!What?What is she doing now?Yelling so loud and scolding people?even publicly?It is not even her business and I didn't even say anything about Haera,how could she bother me like that!She only knows how to create trouble.

"Yeah,so what if Im not his girlfriend?I love him so Im doing it ,so what can you do?"Haera's voice said calmly but with confidence.I stood up and said clearly.

"Hey,It's none of your  buisiness,so don't interfere and mind your own buisiness!" then walked out.

SoMin's POV

What?Why are people with 200IQ so irritating and arrogant?It really angers me,even the sight of them.That Yun Hae Ra,you better watch out!What?She's now even running after SeungJo to pester him?So irritating!I hate her!Freaking girl!So what if you are way better than me in studies and looks?Does that mean that only you can love that mighty Baek Seung Jo?

By the way,SeungJo also never said anything about liking you what,so shameless...I didn't even shame myself like that before...saying that you like someone...I Hate her!I took my bag after I finished eating and stomped out of the cafeteria angrily,still thinking about Haera and stuff.I then ran home once I remembered about Kim Hyun Joong.I haven't checked his updates yet!

I reached home and quickly ran into my room to flip open my laptop and go into the internet to check for the latest news for Kim Hyun joong and SS501.The news about them over the one week is the same...all about the member's solo activities... blablablah...oh...

"Kim Hyun Joong admits that his ideal girl is Lee Hyo Ri"?arhhh...thats old news already,he revealed that long time ago...Omo,here's his new song!Wow it is wonderful,handsome singer,nice voice,pro dancer,the music is also perfect!ok,tats all the updates for the week?

wow,I read them so fast...ok,lets watch some Korean dramas with English subtitles!hmm...there is nothing to watch...maybe lets re-watch "Boy Over Flowers" again! "Boys Over Flowers"is the best drama ever man!

The drama which lead me into the 'ideal and idol land' which my friends had been enjoying their life in, the drama which had made me a crazy fan girl,just like any other schooling girls, and also the drama which had let me met the handsomest guy ever,Kim Hyun Joong!...ooh...Its Geum Jan Di again!She's so pretty and cute!How I hope I have the looks of her...hmm,Here comes my handsomest blonde guy! Yun Ji Hu(Kim Hyun Joong's role) Kim Hyun Joong!YAY!I LOVE HIM!


...Mianhaeyo... I have changed some info in the foreword because i found some mistakes in it and added some info too,do check it out if you want to...n tell me if you found some mistakes too:)Tis chapter too long?too many POVs?Sorry,i willl make it better next chapt:)Btw,wud yall mind if Haera ends up with SeungJo or Somin marrying two or Hani appearing?or sad story?Cox if Hani appears,things get more confusing but i will do it if you want:)

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Pitu-kris #1
Please update very nice story
Chapter 39: good story please continuee
Chapter 39: It's really a mindblowing story.plz don't leave this story.update plz.preety plz :*
tomcat #4
Chapter 39: Please continue this story dear author...
liahyunmin #5
Chapter 39: such a sweet moment they shaRed..
Chapter 39: Wow what a sweet chapter because we finally see kim hyun joong is he a way sweeter brother than seung jo but so min only love seung jo
Chapter 38: Yayy!! Finally they made up and confessed their feelings!!^^ so happy for them! :))
liahyunmin #8
Chapter 38: they officially couple right..glad to see them being together again..
samysamy #9
Chapter 38: the whole new revelation was a great turning point....
and I'm glad they made up
Chapter 38: OMG hyun joong n seung jo are twin brother no wondering they look like and seung jo finally explain to so min why he pretend to be hyun joong and he hear so min say that she love and he finally admit his true feeling for her and that he love her