YAY!I Passed!

My 2 ChoSarangs

SoMin was checking the updates for Kim Hyun Joong again.She had never forgotten about the routine ever since the last time she did. "woah...Asia Tour...America not included again?Urghh!!Wait....Concert in USA?!Oh My God!!So hes coming to USA?!YES!!" 

Somin exclaimed to herself while reading the updates.She ran around her room while screaming in joy and excitement when she found out that her long-termed crush was finally visiting her country.

"Okay!So Now nobody can say that I love someone who doesn't even know me...I will make sure he see me before he is leaving me again to other countries...Wait,It must be so expensive...a concert for his first solo album...Ohh...further notices will be given.ok,alright,shall wait..." Somin muttered to herself while reading the rest of his updates again.

Just like Jung So Min,as clumsy as possible,she was late again.She was late for the collection of her results for the University exams since she was on the internet the whole day.

"OH !!I am super late now!Arghh...Wonder how Park Sunsaengnim will punish me this time...It's an important day,and how that Mighty Baek Seung Jo and Irritating Yun Hae Ra would laugh at me when I am scolded again...,better rush now!" SoMin thought as she quickly changed into her uniform before rushing to Parang High.

"!I hope I am not late!" Somin thought as she dashed through the blocks of buildings and houses to get to school.

When she reached,Park sunsaengnim was already giving out the result slips.Luckily,she was only a few minutes late as Park Sunsaengnim just started giving out the result slips.SoMin slipped into the classroom quietly before Park sunsaengnim could find out that she was late.

"Baek Seung Jo" Park sunsaengnim called Seung Jo for his results slips.Seung Jo took his results and went back to his seat just to find out that his irritating partner was back to irritate him again.

"Oi,how much u got?" SoMin called out to Seung Jo."Hmm...let me guess...98/100?or is it 99?", "Shut up and Mind your own business busybody,just use your common sense,I have an IQ of 200!" Seung Jo replied coldly.

Somin's POV

Oh that boy...his personality is just so bad....I wonder why I like him so much...Let me peep at his results slip.I stretch out my body and neck to see what he got.

"Oh My God!100/100?!You are so clever!The test is so difficult!" I exclaimed. "Just mind your own business,you busybody...just worry about your own marks" Seung jo replied meanly to me again.Maybe he is right,I really should worry about my own marks instead,there is no doubt he could get into Parang University...but there is so much doubt that I can even pass the test!

"Jung So Min" Park sunsaengnim called me. "Surprisingly" Park sunsaengnim said to me.I took a look at my result slip:

Parang University Entry Test

Grade: D     Marks: 50/100    Status: Passed

*You have sucessfully passed your entry test.Please proceed to a 2nd round interview for further evaluations for entry into Parang University.

Huh?!Oh My God!!I actually passed!I was about to jump in joy when this familiar snide voice asked me.

"Hey what is your marks?did you even pass?" It was Seung Jo,as mean as ever...oh god,he really thinks I don't have the ability to pass?fine!shall take my revenge! I thought.I decided to reply meanly like him and said

"So what if I passed?What will you do?By the way its none of your business so don't you care busybody!"I said in an angry tone to him...oh but don't we sound like a cute little couple having a little tiff?Its so cute!oh my god...I think I'm thinking too much,that is impossible... lets just see how he deals with my cold answer...

Seung Jo's POV

Oh...this girl...trying to copy my mean and cold style ehh?ok fine you win...

"Ok fine,If you ever pass I swear pigs will fly...but are you sure?You always ask me for my marks thinking that its your business too...you babo,idiot...you didn't know you are scolding yourself." I turned my eyes at her.

"What?!So you really think I do not have the ability to pass?Alright...its true,I had never passed before...so what?And I'm asking you what will YOU do if I passed and not what pigs will do you idiot...can't even answer my qestions directly,its basic for passing any tests." she yelled back at me. Just then HaeRa came...she just got back her results and I am sure she got nice marks like me again...

"Hey Jung So Min,Please do not talk to my Seung Jo Oppa like that,Thank you very much.By the way,its already impossible for you to pass this test and this is the last test in this school so what can YOU ask my Oppa to do?You have no rights to ask for that and my SeungJo Oppa will not do anything for you.Do not worry,just continue dreaming and wake up soon...SeungJo Oppa,its done,she can't do anything to you already" she said in her pretty voice...

But somehow,to me it sounded fierce when she talked to SoMin...well,she is known to be fierce in a pretty way anyway...wait...what she say?'MY SEUNG JO OPPA'?!Who's her "oppa" man,we are only a few months difference...EEW...I don't like that "My" or "Oppa" word.Ok...that girl must be thinking that I'm a coward who doesn't dare to challenge her...shall see how and what to bet on then...

"Hey..."I started.

SoMin's POV

that girl...why is it her again?She is so irritating...and just at the time I bickered with Baek Seung Jo...that is always the only way to get him to talk to me...!And I almost beat seungJo in that bet already and she comes top irritate me...anyways,I am going to show it to her that Baek Seung Jo will soon do something special for me in a bet BECAUSE I PASSED!It's not up to her to decide whether I should pass my tests or not...

I WILL show to her that what she thinks is Impossible IS POSSIBLE!And what did she say?!My SeungJo Oppa?My Oppa?Oppa here Oppa there...yikes!so disgusting!I am sure Seung Jo Hates it!Who the hell is her Oppa?Hes just a few months older and "Oppa"?Yucks!Wait...that guy is a coward?Why does he sit there and relax when a girl solved problem for him?Doesn't he feel ashamed?as a man?ok...he's a coward then...chickening out from the bet.

But I want to prove to that irritating Yun HaeRa!I am not gonna lose! 

"Hey!" I called out...but he said the same thing too...hahaha so 'great minds think alike'?ok let him continue...

"Hey..You don't ever think I am a coward ok...I am not ever going to back out because I Know I will never ever lose a bet with you...so what do you want?I bet with my life!" he said arrogantly.

"I want you to do something for me that you have not done to anyone else before if I passed any of the tests from the past.From my memory,I passed nothing but I will go home and find a test the I passed as well as future tests...do not worry,I will contact you if we are not in the same school next time.Make your promise now.Make sure you do not lose!" ...ok!yes!Baek Seung Jo is going to do something for me!He doesn't know that he will lose?heheheh...

"Ok fine! But I will only do it for one time...only one time which you ever pass...I am not so free and lame as you!" OK!Yes !He agreed!...

"Ok!CALL!you can never back out again ok?And make sure your pigs will fly if I ever pass ok!" I said,ensuring he will not break his promise. "Ok,Shut up until you pass!" he hissed...Yay! anyway, he agreed!OK,yea I'm cunning,but who ask that stupid guy who act clever to bet with me?...kekekeke...


After the collection of results the students were dismissed to go home.When SoMin was on the way home, Seung Jo walked fast to approach her as they were going in the same way.

"Yah!Come to my house tomorrow after school,my mother wants to meet you." he said after stopping in front of SoMin and before walking fast towards his house  to leave a big distance between both of them.

Oh yeah...I forgot I know his mother,Dad is an old friend with her...She is a nice auntie,at least this is what I remember,ok,I will meet her tomorrow then! SoMin thought.


HI!This is the second chapter!comment n subscribe please thx!!do giv some advices n sry for the mistakes made...sry for the late update cox i hv alot of tests...actually,the upcoming ones are even more but im prepared to fail them...haha lols,btw,to PKissers,my teacher actually mentioned about Playful Kiss during lesson to teach us vocab that i dun understand at all to describe BaekSeungJo...cant she use simpler ones?lol,like cold and mean,etc...ok,I'm happy about this fact.and about the nxt chapt,it will take some time,as i mentioned,i hav alot of oncoming exams and i sleep in class so i hav to re-read everything but i will update when i really cannot wait anymore...haha...

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Pitu-kris #1
Please update very nice story
Chapter 39: good story please continuee
Chapter 39: It's really a mindblowing story.plz don't leave this story.update plz.preety plz :*
tomcat #4
Chapter 39: Please continue this story dear author...
liahyunmin #5
Chapter 39: such a sweet moment they shaRed..
Chapter 39: Wow what a sweet chapter because we finally see kim hyun joong is he a way sweeter brother than seung jo but so min only love seung jo
Chapter 38: Yayy!! Finally they made up and confessed their feelings!!^^ so happy for them! :))
liahyunmin #8
Chapter 38: they officially couple right..glad to see them being together again..
samysamy #9
Chapter 38: the whole new revelation was a great turning point....
and I'm glad they made up
Chapter 38: OMG hyun joong n seung jo are twin brother no wondering they look like and seung jo finally explain to so min why he pretend to be hyun joong and he hear so min say that she love and he finally admit his true feeling for her and that he love her