How could you...

My 2 ChoSarangs

SoMin's POV

What is this?What does this mean?Why does he have Ahjummas number saved as "Eomma", Why does he have EunJo's Number saved as "Dongsaeng" and mine saved as "That Babo" ?WHy do I call Baek Seung Jo and his phone rings?Why is Baek Seung Jo's phone with him? Its not like they are the sme person...they just look alike.No...Kim Hyun Joong is not Baek Seung Jo and Baek Seung Jo is not Kim Hyun Joong...I wont believe this, this is plain nonsense...this is not true...its a dream right?

"RRIINNGGG" The phone rang again.

"Manager hyung"? His manager?


That really is his manager...I hung up because I didn't want to hear more...I didn't want someoneelse to tell me that they are the same person...I don't want to believe this...

A textmessage came from that phone again. 

"Kim Hyun Joong neo eodiyah!"

"Hotel New World" I replied so as not cause trouble.

"Yah by the way why are you using this phone?I couldn't get through your other phone too.Its spoilt?Should I help u get a new one?"

Damn it...someone just did confirm that they are the same person...I really don't know what to do now.How can those two be the same person?How can Baek Seung Jo be Kim Hyun Joong  and not tell me?One is the one im in loved in for many years,the other is the one I loved for many years as a is mean and cold,the other is warm and kind, one tthinks of me as a real babo, the other thinks of me as a cluless can those two be the same person.So...Is he Baek Seung jo or is he Kim Hyun Joong?Who is he?Which is the real him?Which side of him should I  believe in? I really don't know anymore, althought everything makes sense now...Ahjumma leaving here, weird moments when he looks like he has something to hide from me, Kim Hyun joong being able to speak perfect English, and everytime Baek Seung Jo is free, Kim Hyun Joong would be busy,just like he didn't come home the whole night....because he is the Baek Seung Jo I left at the hotel....

I'm so confused,I already don't know who is he...Who am  to say that I like him,who am I to say that I'm his fan when I don't even know who is he?Wait...him being nice and warmhearted Kim Hyun Joong, knowing that I like him and not telling me,was he testing me and my feelings for him?Was his aim to make me confused between them and my feelings?Is his aim to make me fall for Kim Hyun Joong and give up on him?Or is this an extreme way to tease me?What is this...Is this then the real him?I can't believe this...I just cant...hes a liar...without a doubt hes a liar, this is the real him, a liar.I liked a liar, I loved a liar...

Baek Seung Jo's POV out of battery....hyung must be so angry at me for being missing in action  again aish...wait where is this? a hotel room?Why is it so big suite room?Why am I here by the way...did that girl leave me here?But why must she put me in such a big will cost a bomb///wait...Did I do anything wrong to her?Thats why she made me pay for such an expensive room?Oh dear...the money i earned in all the events I done these few weeks are gone..Aish that childish girl...What exactly did I do?

*Flashback* "You were so cute that night!"...."SoMin ah...Saranghae..."

WHAT? OMG...DID I SAY THAT TO HER?OHMY...No wonder she put me here...ohno...did I just confess to her yesterday?Did she hear it?omo eottokke eottkke?I can't deny it either because I said her name...Baek Seung Jo just confessed to Jung So Min?Thats weird!That isn't the Baek Seung Jo style...This isnt cool enough!Confessing when I'm drunk?This is so embarassing...urghhhhh...But at least I can honestly and confidently face my feelings that I finally said it out...I think I'm more prepared to tell her about the truth...shes going to find out sooner or later anyway...And if she heard my confession, shes going to stick with me all day long,but I wouldn't mind that either , since I do like it when we are together.If we are upgrading to a "dating" status, I guess its a given that I should be honest with her...and she would trust me and forgive me if I do it this wat right?


"Jung So Min! We need to talk" I called out to her at the company


"Lets have dinner together at home tonight.They cancelled your night practice with me too to let u rest before your debut..."

"Alright, I think we really do need to talk too..."she replied, in a rather scary way...

That isn't the usually cheerful jung So Min...did something happen between her and the girls again?But they dont have combined practice today...Shouldn't she be ecstatic now because the Baek Seung Jo she loved so much confessed to her?This is weird...shes acting weird...


SoMin's POV

"Here is your steak..."

"Wow HyunJoong oppa cooks just as well as Baek Seung Jo!" I said with sarcasm.

" that Baek Seung Jo is good at cooking too?"

"mmm...oppa, your steak tastes exactly the same as Baek Seung Jo's" What, he still doesn't get it?Hes still insisting on acting as Kim Hyun Joong?

"Isn't that great?You get to taste your beloved SeungJo's steak" Oh beloved Seung Jo...You know that hes my beloved Seung Jo and yet you are doing this to me?

"Oppa, dont you find it amazing?You look exactly like him and you cook exactly like him."

" His cooking skills maybe as good as mine,but I bet I still look more handsome than him...How can anyone else surpass me in looks?" Still denying huh?We will see how far you can go today.



"Yeah, Exo's Kai, he is hotter than you."

"Oh that young dude...they are  really popular these days"

"Yeah,I don't like you anymore, im switching fanclubs,from henecia to EXO=L"

"Yah Jung SoMin, thats very disloyal of you...someone said to support me forever as a fan..."

"Nah I wont .I changed my mine.That Was what I said when I thought you were actually Kim HYun oong."

"Huh?What are you saying i'm confused."


I got so angry I just left the house without thinking about where I'm going to sleep tonight.He caught up with me and grabbed my hand.

"SoMin ah,listen to my explanation."

"DON"T TOUCH ME!" I shouted as I pushed off his hands from mine

"I dont want to hear  any of your excuses,I don't care about what you have to explain.What remains true is that you are a liar.You lied to me.You cheated on my feelings for you.Did you think it was funny?Was it fun?Did you laugh enough already?Toying with me,making me confused with my own feelings,making me think twice about giving up on you, making me an idiot who thought her heart betrayed herself and felt so guilty?Did you have fun watching that while teasing using Baek Seung Jo as KimHyun Joong.I think its enough.You played this game for too long.I don't think I can trust you anymore...because I don't even know who you are now...How could you have done all these despite knowing how much I liked you..."I said as I walked away.

SeungJo's POV

What is this?This is not the ending I wanted...It was supposed to be a happy ending...I thought i already confessed toher?She didn't hear it? But she found out before I could tell her anyway...It would mke a difference even if she heard it...Mianhe SoMin arh...I really didn't mean it...I didn't want to hide it from you this long...I didn;t want to hurt you...I thought this would end very soon so I didn't have to tell you the truth...I really didn't think that you would get hurt from this.It wasn't a joke,It wasn't a game that I played either...I was tough for me too.I'm really sorry...forgive me, please...


YAYy so finally Somin found out the truth...what is going to happen next?Hope you enjoyed this chapter!Thanks for reading!




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Pitu-kris #1
Please update very nice story
Chapter 39: good story please continuee
Chapter 39: It's really a mindblowing story.plz don't leave this story.update plz.preety plz :*
tomcat #4
Chapter 39: Please continue this story dear author...
liahyunmin #5
Chapter 39: such a sweet moment they shaRed..
Chapter 39: Wow what a sweet chapter because we finally see kim hyun joong is he a way sweeter brother than seung jo but so min only love seung jo
Chapter 38: Yayy!! Finally they made up and confessed their feelings!!^^ so happy for them! :))
liahyunmin #8
Chapter 38: they officially couple right..glad to see them being together again..
samysamy #9
Chapter 38: the whole new revelation was a great turning point....
and I'm glad they made up
Chapter 38: OMG hyun joong n seung jo are twin brother no wondering they look like and seung jo finally explain to so min why he pretend to be hyun joong and he hear so min say that she love and he finally admit his true feeling for her and that he love her