Sleeping out

My 2 ChoSarangs


What is this?Why do I feel SeungJo's lips on mine?I'm not dreaming am I?Omo is SeungJo here to find me?Wait...What am I thinking...Theres no reason for him to be here...But this feels so real...Sigh,just let this beautiful dream continue for a while more then...

"SoMin Ah!"

Aish!This stupid Bong oppa...why does he have to wake me up from this beautiful dream,Why is his timing always that bad...I rub my eyes and saw HyunJoong oppa suddenly moving away from me and looking at the ceiling...Whats with him?

"SoMin ah!" he shouted once more as he opened the door.


"They are going to renovated the storey with your dorm tomorrow, you have to move out from there today.Mianhae, I forgot to inform you earlier"

"And you call yourself a manager" said HyunJoong oppa, in a rather pissed off tone.What Bong oppa did to piss him off like this,I'm not even angry with Bong at all so why is he...Anyways,where do I stay if not my dorm then...I don't think the other girls would let me off if I have to live with them..,

"Then where do I go?"

"The company rented 2 apartments from the building across the road as a dorm.One will be for the boys,and one for the girls.There is only one room in this storey and the practice room, 6 of the girls that are debuting soon will live there,but if you want to stay there I can talk to them.If not you will have to live in that apartment with the rest."


"Oh she gonna move to the apartment."

What am I going to do then...If I make one of the girls move out because of me what will they think of me?They would probably make it worsefor me than how it is now with Anna...But if I move to the apartment then Anna will not let me off...Eotokke?Sigh...But I would rather this then making more new enemie right?I guess so..

"Bong oppa, I will move to the apartment then."

"Alright then."

"Oh yeah SoMin ah,There was a lady looking for you, I think shes at the main door waitng"

"WHo isit?"

"I'm not sure,I asked if she was your mom but she said no."

Omo!Don't tell me ahjumma is here?

"Ahjumma!!!" I screamed as I ran towards her and hugged her.

"Honey-ah!!" she screamed in response.

"Ahjumma, I Missed you sooooo much!!!"

"Me too Honey, I missed you sooo much!!"

"urgh noisy "said EunJo


"Shut up stupid.I don't miss you at all" he replied

"Yah Baek EunJo, don'tbe so rude!" Ahjumma scolded him.hahahaha, serves him right.

"By the way ahjumma,why are you here?Are you here to find SeungJo?"

"Yes,but since hes so busy I thought of looking for you first"

"SeungJo must be so busy...But Eotokke Ahjumma,Its not my free time now,I have to go back and practice soon."

"I know I know,I just wanted to see you.Get going,I dont want to take up too much of your time."

HyunJoong walked towards us to find out whats going on.

"Hyung!!!" EunJo shouted as he ran towards HyunJoong oppa.

"Yah Baek EunJo hes not your hyung,hes just a look alike," I told him

"He IS my hyung"

Seung Jo's POV

"Yah Baek EunJo be careful,I'm not your hyung right now remember?'" I whispered and he nodded in response

So that girl introduced me to my own mother and own brother...this is so weird,and then my mother and brother to me.

"SO, has this sunbae been taking care of you well?" mom asked her.

"Yes!Definitely!He has been responsible for most of my practices.Although he looks exactly like Baek Seung Jo, he is alot nicer and less mean than him,so hes a great sunbae"

"Really?Thats great, SoMin ah I think you better go in and get prepared for next lesson"

"okay, I will call you when I'm free!Bye!" she said as she walked back into the room.

"Yah Baek SeungJo,have you became a gentleman after coming here?Wow now my honey thinks so highly of KimHyunjoong,aren't you worried about Baek SeungJo?" Mom then asked me.

"Huh?Why Should I be?"

"Because she might fall for KimHyunJoong and forget about BaekSeungJo,arent you worried at all?I mean I'm sure you have some feelings for her"

"No,I don't"

"Stop lying,I'm your mom,why would I not know?"

"Hyung wouldn't like a stupid girl" EunJo said

"Yah!" Mom and I responded at the same time.

"See?Thats what I meant.You do care about her,.So are you sure you dont want to tell her the truth?"

"No,not now...I will find the right time to tell her."

"Alright,its up to you,I just don't want you to forget that this job is temporary and you would lose her if she falls for KimHyunJoong."

"Okay, I know,wait for me at home,you have the keys right?"

"Yes,EunJo lets go"

"Bye hyung!" 


Hais,Why is mom always so spot on and accurate...She saw through me right away,Do I really have feelings for her?I know I care about her but are those what they say 'love'?I've never experienced such a thing before...I don't know what kind of feeling is that...But I do know there this special feeling in my heart when I see her...Is that it?does that mean I like her?


"SoMin ah,its getting late,I think you better get ready to move there now,the other girls already stopped practicing hours ago with this as an excuse"

"Okay thanks oppa for reminding me!"

"Oh yeah,you did meet that ahjumma right?Is she your relative?"

"yeah!I met her,uhmmm,shes a relative I guess,although not exactly"

"Huh?What you mean?"

"Shes my friend's mom?"

"Is your friend HyunJoong?I saw him talking to her just now,after you went back to practice"


Why would HyunJoong oppa talk to ahjumma...Thats weird,I mean they are strangers...but well,Ahjumma must have wanted to talk to a look alike of her own son,she must have missed SeungJo so much...


"Yah Jung So Min!" Anna shouted across the apartment

"Theres no room for you, you have to sleep outside at the corridor"

"Huh?I thought theres enough space?I can just use the living room or the kitchen!"

"Excuse me?There is 11 of us here,the rooms are used up and 4 of us have to sleep in the living room and Jihye in the kitchen"

"Oh but there is still space left here"I said as I pointed to the unused space within the matresses that is enough for me to lay my matress on.

"Hey, when I said there is no space for you,It means that there is no space for you,I won't let you take up this precious space,its for us to use,not for you"

"Alright then..." I gave in because I knew it was useless arguing with her.It isn't that bad to sleep in the corridor too...theres is ntural breeze and I don't haveto squeeze with anyone.Since our apartment is at the deepest corner of the storey no one else would see me like this other thanthe boys since their apartment is just beside us.Besides,Its safe since passwords are needed to use the lift.

I carried my blanket and pillow out of the place and sat infront of the door ,thinking about what did I do to receive such treatmentand get ostracised...Its not my fault...So why am I punished this way?As I thought deeper and deeper, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and I started crying...However,right at this time,the boys got out of their apartment, wanting to sneak out to party.I turned away to wipe my tears so that they wont see me crying,but I was too late and they saw.

"Are you okay?" asked Jongdae.

"Yeah I am okay,don't worry about me."

"Are you sure?Why are you out here?"

"There isn't enough space in there"

"Hais, It must be that Anna again..." Minseok commented.

"No I'm alright,its okay,go on with what you are doing."

"Okay then,but since we are gonna go out,why not you use our room for tonight?Or do you wanna join us?"

"Nah,Its okay, I wont make a difference anyway,I have to get used to sleeping here soon.Its against the rules too."

"Okay then I will get an extra blanket for you before we go" JunMyeon thoughfully offered.


"Take care!We will go first!"

arhhh I didnt kknow the guys were so nice...i'm sure the girls are as nice too but they have no choice but to be ordered around by Anna and get influenced by her ridiculous theories to make me a loner...poor me,But at least I do receive more care from the guy trainees...HyunJoong oppa,Bong oppa...



I fell asleep...and woke up because of this somebody in front of me...I cant see clearly who...but its a guy...



"What are you doing here?!"


HEY PEEPS IM BACK AFTER ALMOST ONE WHOLE YEARR!!!really Mianhaee if I made ou reread the whole thing again...Sorry lah,I had to reread it myself too.Since its my break now,I would update as often as I can to complete this story okay...I was really busy mianhaemianhaeminhae....But really gomawo for supporting this story although I'm not a prompt author,sorry for making you wait!Thanks for supporting!!






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Pitu-kris #1
Please update very nice story
Chapter 39: good story please continuee
Chapter 39: It's really a mindblowing story.plz don't leave this story.update plz.preety plz :*
tomcat #4
Chapter 39: Please continue this story dear author...
liahyunmin #5
Chapter 39: such a sweet moment they shaRed..
Chapter 39: Wow what a sweet chapter because we finally see kim hyun joong is he a way sweeter brother than seung jo but so min only love seung jo
Chapter 38: Yayy!! Finally they made up and confessed their feelings!!^^ so happy for them! :))
liahyunmin #8
Chapter 38: they officially couple right..glad to see them being together again..
samysamy #9
Chapter 38: the whole new revelation was a great turning point....
and I'm glad they made up
Chapter 38: OMG hyun joong n seung jo are twin brother no wondering they look like and seung jo finally explain to so min why he pretend to be hyun joong and he hear so min say that she love and he finally admit his true feeling for her and that he love her