The Interview

My 2 ChoSarangs

"Self Introduction?I dont even have anything to say about myself,I got nothing...I dont have good brains and barely passed this test,I didn't do anything that I can be proud of,I'm not from a prestigious or reputable high school or rich family or what...all I can say is that I'm Jung So Min,thats it.I'm sure they won't accept me..." So Min thought.It was the first time she was so pessimistic.

"Miss Jung So Min?"

"Oh yes,neh..." she replied,still thinking of what to say."oh ok,whatever,i will just talk whatever comes out of my mouth" she thought.

"Erm...I'm Jung So Min from Parang High School.As you can see,I am not really smart because I just passed the entry test.But regardless of that,I would still want to be part of Parang University.I will put in my best effort to do everything for the school and myself if you accept me."


"But do you have anything to be proud of?How can I trust you?"

"Yes,I do not have anything but I have confidence and determination,and I'm optimistic,more than anyone else.That's what I believe,Confidence,determination and being optimistic can be a major part of success.I  maybe slow in learning and achieving something,I may not have enough intelligence to do well,but at least what i get in the end is something and not nothing.Like my failures continuously in the pass,I've passed my test now."


"Then can you tell me how and why your confidence,determination and you being optimistic helps our school or in achieving anything?Why do we need your confidence and determination?And does that mean that intelligence is a small matter to you and it is not needed for any forms of success?" the professor questioned.

"Thats not what I meant..."

*Beep beep beep*

"I'm sorry Miss Jung So Min but your time is up,please leave the room now."

"But if you cannot find anyone with the confidence,determination or is optimistic,then don't forget about me.I will show it to you." So Min smiled and gave a 90 degrees bow again after saying thank you before she leaves.


SoMin's POV


Oh that professor sure is scary...shes fully dressed in black and have super thick make up,with super thick eye-liner...asked me questions which are so difficult and I can't answer...seems like I failed the interview...


I walked out of the room,dragging my bag and umrella with me...Eotokke?seems like the professor isn't pleased with me...Parang University is my only hope.But they say they will contact us within next 2 days right?Hope she changes her mind and accept me...It would be a big regret if I can't make it.Then I won't be able to graduate from a university and can't get a job that can let yo earn alot...I wonder what will I become,someone useless?

I don't think I like any other jobs other than being an entertainer.It doesn't really require academic skills...what to do?I am who I am,there no point and no way to change,I am Jung So Min,the not smart but clever Jung So Min...what to do,people just don't see my good sides...


I walked to the train station pouting as I thought of feeling the test...Arghh,so much sad things happened...meeting the scary professor,most probably failing my interview,get called by Park Sunsaengnim...arghh...such a long day,so many things actually happened.Erm,...what else?Seung Jo leaving me?


The moment I thought of Baek Seung Jo makes me want to cry...all the sad feelings just gushed through me and I ended up with goosebumps,a lump I tried hard to swallow in my throat and tears welling up in my eyes.As I think of that,I have less than a week with him,less than a week to spend with him...and less than a week to make him fufil his promise with me,less than a week to confess...Time really goes on very fast.Just like today,the whole day ull of activities but the sun is already going down.My only hope now is Parang University,if I can get in there,at least I get to see Seung Jo next year although iI know he woudn't even look at me...


I just want more time with him,if I fail then where can I get to see him again.He's really gonna be very bsy next year,going in and out of America to other countries.And,who am I to ask him to look at this stupid girl will, it will hurt me so much to see us growing apart like that...I know him,he wouldn't stay if I even confessed...I wil just treasure every moment we are together now and make it memorable...


Ohh,I reached,finally woke up out of those deep and sad thoughts when I realised I reached the stop I am supposed to alight at...Appa must be waiting for me at home for dinner,I must quickly rush home or else the food will turn cold...I ran towards the bus stop and waited impatiently for the bus to come.


End of POV

The bus finally reached and SoMin went home.

Mr Jung: "You are back?"

Somin: "Yea"

Mr Jung: "Eat your dinner"

SoMin: "Ok"

Mr Jung: "So how was the interview today?Do you think you made it?"

SoMin: "I did what I can and tried my best...I don't think I passed though..."

Mr Jung: "Why did I have a daughter with no brains?Why did your mum want to move to America?Now the niversities here are so hard to get in..."

Somin: "What to do?your brainless daughter...but Appa,rest assured because I won't give up any chances or hope..."

Mr Jung: "I hope so though I doubt you can make it."

SoMin; "Okay,believe in me,Appa...I will still get a job and earn money for you."

Mr Jung: "Fine,Ok,as if I don't have a job myself..."


SoMin later went to sleep after waiting for the phone call for a long time even though its already midnight,at the same time thinking of Seung Jo leaving her soon.She just don't want to say goodbye and ended up crying in her beauty sleep...


Hi guys,I know this chapter is short again...sorry,I have to end Somin's day...hehehehe...Enjoy reading though...It's just midnight here...sorry,I coudn't make it earlier bcox I was playing...Mianhae,look forward to to the next chapter too...and thanks for reading:) but also,leave some COMMENTS and givs some advice...SUBSCRIBE neh...THX!

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Pitu-kris #1
Please update very nice story
Chapter 39: good story please continuee
Chapter 39: It's really a mindblowing story.plz don't leave this story.update plz.preety plz :*
tomcat #4
Chapter 39: Please continue this story dear author...
liahyunmin #5
Chapter 39: such a sweet moment they shaRed..
Chapter 39: Wow what a sweet chapter because we finally see kim hyun joong is he a way sweeter brother than seung jo but so min only love seung jo
Chapter 38: Yayy!! Finally they made up and confessed their feelings!!^^ so happy for them! :))
liahyunmin #8
Chapter 38: they officially couple right..glad to see them being together again..
samysamy #9
Chapter 38: the whole new revelation was a great turning point....
and I'm glad they made up
Chapter 38: OMG hyun joong n seung jo are twin brother no wondering they look like and seung jo finally explain to so min why he pretend to be hyun joong and he hear so min say that she love and he finally admit his true feeling for her and that he love her