
Magnificient High School (or Kim Heechul's High School and his wonderful slaves... oups... teachers)
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Once upon a time, in Ikemenokura, there lived a really beautiful king… or queen… maybe both. Actually, no one could really be sure.


Anyway, this beautiful...hum... person was at his desk, looking at himself through a mirror. He noticed the time on the clock behind him and suddenly jumped on his feet.


     - Oh, I should hurry or else I'll be late! He said as he looked at himself again through the mirror while he fixed a misplaced lock of hair.


Putting the mirror in a drawer of his desk, he sighed and left the room. Slowly and with all the distinction he was known for, he went at the building’s third floor. When he reached the door, he prepared his brightest smile and entered the first room on his left decorated by a board written in gold letter “teacher’s room”. As soon as he enters the room, a tall guy in three-piece suit raised his head saying:


     - Good Morning Mister the director, he said with his famous flashing smile.

     - Good morning Yunho, he answered back the smile. Oh, everyone is there so we can begin already, Heechul said, sitting besides the so-called Yunho.

     - Unfortunately not, someone is missing, replied a strict man at the opposite side of the table.

     - Really Siwon? Oh! True, Mel is missing, Heechul nodded when he noticed that one chair was empty.

     - Late as usual, a young woman pointed out besides Siwon.

     - Well, it's almost nine, so I’m pretty sure she’ll arrive soon. Let's wait for her before we begin this meeting.


Without paying attention to the two vexed faced in front of him on the left, Heechul sat down at his place beside Yunho and Hangeng. As they waited for the last teacher to appear, he began to chat with his two best friends. After few minutes, all the employees followed the director's lead and the room was quickly filled by a giant hubbub.

Twenty minutes later, Mel, the latecomer, finally appeared at the door. She was greeted by a fellow teacher's behind right in front of her eyes. For a long minute, she didn't move, her eyes stuck on Junsu's pretty duck . When he noticed the heavy silence that followed the sound of the opening door, Junsu immediately stood up, his fallen pen in his hand. Embarrassed, he blushed when he met the girl's appreciative gaze and her lopsided smile. He looked down but couldn't escape the teasing smiles of the two women in front of him making him blush deeper. He quietly tried to make them stop, but it only made them smile more and one of the two women burst into laughter. Next to them, Yunho tried to make his neighbor stop laughing by pitching her tight slightly under the table, but she couldn’t retrieve her calm. Even though he was amused by the situation, Heechul decided to be a good director and put an end to the situation.


     - Maud, go pick up the timetable inside my office, he ordered while Mel run towards her place between Hangeng and Yoochun and began to talk happily with the last one.

     - Why me? She whined.

     - Because I’m the director. I give the orders and you obey. So now, please, go pick up the timetable, Snow white.

     - I think I should go instead, Yunho said carefully, knowing the girl too well to let her wander alone in the corridors.

     - Yes, he should. He’ll be faster than me, for sure.

     - I want you to go Maud, so you will, Heechul insisted.

     - What if I lose my way? With the building's renovation still going on, I’ll get lost, for sure! She complained and almost everybody around the table nodded, agreeing to the fact.

     - Then, if you don’t come back in 1 hour, I’ll call the police, start a search operation and warn the firemen, just in case, he grinned mischievously. Go now, we need the timetable to begin the meeting.


The young woman looked at her director face and pouted, but she easily noticed that it was useless to discuss any longer this matter. She stood up and slowly went out the room. With a satisfied smile Heechul put his elbows on the table and leaned his head on his crossed fingers to look around him.


     - While we wait for Maud, let's start with personal complaints and comments before we discuss further about this year's planning.


The woman next to Siwon stood up with a frown. Fierce and elegant in her suit she waited in silence for the director's approval to share her complain.


     - Senah? He tilted his head toward her, inviting the woman to go on.

     - I think it is unacceptable the renovation’s work is still going on and school will start tomorrow. I mean, the girls’ bathroom on the second floor, where as you already know my class is located, is still closed. This is clearly discrimination against girls and against my students! She argued passionately. How are they supposed to do if they need to go to the bathroom between my classes?

     - They can go to the boys’ one. Heechul replied with his best sly grin. I was just joking Senah, he added when he saw the chocked face of the teacher. The ones on the first floor and the third are opened. They can go there.

     - But…

     - The renovation of this bathroom will be the priority. I will tell the workers to do it first. Anything else? He asked looking around the table.


As no one seemed willing to talk, he shrugged and looked at the wall clock. Intrigued, he leaned toward Yunho.


     - What is your girlfriend doing? She left more than 10 minutes ago.

     - I told you I should have gone instead. She must have lost her way... again, Yunho whispered back. I should try to find her before she ends up in the other side of the city.

     - No, we’ll wait 10 minutes more. So, what did you do yesterday?


When Maud opened the door out of breath eight minutes later, everyone was speaking with their neighbors loudly. She ran to her seat and gave to Heechul the timetables.


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UknowAde #1
Chapter 7: glad to see another update from you. haha... Luckily Junsu didn't win the match else, hardly could imagine how their life would be after that...
Chapter 7: how will heechul have dinner with himself? were they trying to spare Junsu having a dinner with heechul?
UknowAde #3
Chapter 6: hahaha.. Typical Maud.. couldn't keep hatred for long..
UknowAde #4
Chapter 5: thanks for updating.. it's been quite some time.. hope you could update it again..
Chapter 4: okay...changmin is over jealous of things. but really why is mel exempted? is she sleeping for real? wink wink
Chapter 3: changmin and mel?????
Chapter 2: me likey this story. hoping for more tvxq with heechul than the rest.
UknowAde #8
Chapter 2: Pls do continue to write... I like to read more... fighting.