Chapter 3 - Class - Rooms

Magnificient High School (or Kim Heechul's High School and his wonderful slaves... oups... teachers)
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Chapter 3:


The alarm had been ringing for three minutes when Mel finally popped her head out of the blankets. Grumbling a bit against the pillow, she spread her arm to reach Changmin's phone and make it stop. Then, she let her head fall back on the bed and sighed.


- Wake up! She said not-so-gently as she shook the man by her side.

- It’s too early! The latter mumbled sleepily.

- Way too early, she agreed. That's why you have to wake up. In a few minutes, your alarm clock will ring again and if so, I won’t be able to sleep more! Mel said, raising her voice while she was still shaking the boy’s arm.

- Leave me alone! Changmin said, pushing her hand away from his body. What time is it? He added as Mel was lying down again, hiding her face under the blanket.

- Too early for me to wake up. Let me sleep.

- Shouldn't you wake up too instead of just bothering me? Changmin asked.

- My class begins at 10, she added, face in the pillow.

- What! He exclaimed. Why? That’s so unfair! Why?!

- You are repeating yourself, Mel smirked, eyes closed to tease the other.

- Why, do I have to do class at 8 every morning and you can begin at 10? That’s so unfair! Changmin said angry and frustrated.


Changmin sat on the bed and started to fix a bit his messy hair he just ruffled. Unhappy, he crossed his arms on his chest and tried to keep cool. Amused, Mel sat behind him and looked at Changmin with a large and satisfied smile. She couldn’t help it, she liked to and make him angry too much. He was kind of cute at these times.



- You ask me why? She almost singsonged, to bug him more.

- Yes, I do! He replied annoyed. Why?


She tried to refrain her laugh and put her elbow on his shoulder to watch him.


- I have an exemption from my doctor, she explained with a grin. I can’t begin before 9 because it will make me fell ill. Too bad, Mel said, not sorry or compassionate at all.

- What is all this crap! Changmin protested. What kind of doctor would give this kind of exemption? And why would Heechul accept it?

- It's not crap. It's a very wise instruction given by our school’s doctor, Kimura-san.

- What?! Kimura? Changmin asked incredulous. Did you sleep with him or what ?

- What! How can you think this of me! I’m really offended, Mel cried out with a fake offended face, a hand on her chest.

- That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, I can't see any other reason.

- He is married! She defended. I have no interest in married man.

- So... Changmin said doubtful. Then why?

- Because he’s a nice guy. I asked him and he said yes.

- And Heechul accepted it like that? Changmin asked, his arm cross on his chest.

- Yes, she smiled again. I gave him the paper and he said “ Oh, if Kimura san said it will be bad for your health, no reason to doubt. I won't give you class before 9”. That’s all. Mel shrugged.

- That’s unfair! Changmin protested again, shrugging her off him as he stood up.


Mel fell on the bed and laughed as she observed him. He was really funny standing in underwear in front of her, his arms crossed on his chest with a pouting expression on his face. Really, despite everybody's saying, angry Changmin was the cutest thing ever, nothing to be afraid of, for sure.


- I can’t help you, dear, she said, refraining her laugh when he glared at her. Plus, I'm very sorry but I've to tell you better hurry or you’ll be late if you keep staring me like this any longer.

- I really hate you, you know! Changmin pointed her before taking his clothes and going to the bathroom.



At 7.50 am exactly, Jaejoong, reached the gymnasium to check if everything was settled down for his very first lesson with the new students. With his usually motivation, he prepared the material and sang out loud with happiness. He was checking on the tatami when he heard a weird noise behind him. Stopping his movement, he looked over his shoulder but saw nothing. He shrugged and focused on the tatami again, but then, the noise came out again.


Jaejoong frowned and walked silently over the dance mats. Holding his breath he suddenly took a look behind them. The girl hiding behind cried out of surprised making her teacher stepped backwards a little.



- You surprised me! What are you doing there? Jaejoong asked a hand on his heart as if he barely saw a ghost.

- I wanted to see you, sensei, the girl answered with a wide smile.

- You’re not in my class this morning, are you? He wondered as he looked at the girl who was visibly older than the students he should have soon.

- No, the girl answered, shaking her head. I have no more class with you until Thursday, she added sadly.

- So, why do you need to see me? Jaejoong asked. Do you need any advices? Or do you have any problem with my class?

- Not exactly… she said, biting her low lip.

- Really? So why are you here?

- Well… how can I say that… the girl began, prancing while she looked at Jaejoong with a sly smile.

- Yes? Jaejoong asked expectantly.

- Do you have a girlfriend, sensei? She finally asked, fluttering her eyelashes as she walked closer.


Instantly, Jaejoong stepped back a little, embarrassed. He needed to increase the distance between them or he knew it might end up rather badly. He had never been so comfortable with those kinds of things and didn’t know what to answer or what to do.


- What? Why do you ask me this? Jaejoong replied awkwardly.

- Because, you know, sensei, you are so handsome! She exclaimed, surprising Jaejoong with her sudden high pitched voice. I’m in love with you!


The girl walked closer again and stopped only few centimeters away from him. He was about to say some excuses when she almost leaned on him and her fingers slowly his chest. Startled, he jumped aback with a yelp and looked at her eyes wide, slightly afraid.


With his hands in front of him, he prevented the girl from coming near again as he tried to steady his heartbeats. He was ready to run away toward the cloakroom when he heard footsteps coming behind him. He himself and saw his life-saver Yoochun at the entrance door. Thanking his friend silently, he waved at him and focused his attention on him.


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UknowAde #1
Chapter 7: glad to see another update from you. haha... Luckily Junsu didn't win the match else, hardly could imagine how their life would be after that...
Chapter 7: how will heechul have dinner with himself? were they trying to spare Junsu having a dinner with heechul?
UknowAde #3
Chapter 6: hahaha.. Typical Maud.. couldn't keep hatred for long..
UknowAde #4
Chapter 5: thanks for updating.. it's been quite some time.. hope you could update it again..
Chapter 4: okay...changmin is over jealous of things. but really why is mel exempted? is she sleeping for real? wink wink
Chapter 3: changmin and mel?????
Chapter 2: me likey this story. hoping for more tvxq with heechul than the rest.
UknowAde #8
Chapter 2: Pls do continue to write... I like to read more... fighting.