chapitre 6 - It's Show Time !

Magnificient High School (or Kim Heechul's High School and his wonderful slaves... oups... teachers)
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Chapter 6:


Few weeks later, Heechul was in his office playing video games with Hangeng and Junsu when the bell announcing the beginning of classes rang loudly. Being professional despite their attitude sometimes, the two teachers began to stand up to go to class when Heechul interrupted them:


-      What are you doing?! The game is not over! He cried out loudly. We can’t stop now or we can’t clear this level!

-      Heechul, Hangeng called him softly, we have class to give, he said with calm.

-      But… we can’t stop now, Heechul replied childishly. Go to class once this level is cleared!

-      So, tell me if I get it wrong, Junsu started a bit confused. You – the director of this school – give us – teachers – the order to not go to class and instead stay with you to play video game? He asked to make things clear.

-      Exactly, Heechul confirmed proudly. I am the director, I do what I want and I want to clear this level, he said, his arms crossed on his chest with a stubborn expression on his face.

-      Really? Hangeng replied raising one eyebrow. You want us not to do our job to play video game with you. Do you think the student’s parents will appreciate this.

-      Why not?

-      Because they are giving you a lot of money and I’m not sure “the teacher was absent because of video game’s level to clear asap” is an excuse they’ll accept. Ne junsu?

-      He’s right Heechul, Junsu agreed and patted his boss' shoulders gently. We’ll coming back after class.

-      But what will I do while waiting for you? Heechul pouted.

-      Your job, you're the director after all, Junsu replied. Now, we have to go or we’ll be late.


Disappointed, Heechul’s eyes followed his two teachers leaving his office and disappearing at one corner. He really disliked when Hangeng was right.


Following his friends' advice, he went to sit in front of his desk and look at the files on it. He opened one of them and began to read it. 30 seconds later, he looked up and sighed, already bored. He stayed looking at nothing for five minutes and suddenly he stood up to rush outside.


Taking randomly a corridor, he walked to a room where the door was slightly ajar. Inside, he saw Yunho sat on his desk explaining something to his class, seemingly hypnotized by their teacher charisma.


Heechul hesitated to enter but he knew Yunho wouldn't appreciate much his intrusion. Even if he was nice and understanding, he didn't like to be interrupted without a good reason during his class.


He continued his way and few minutes later he noticed another occupied classroom. Seeing Senah inside, he shrugged and continued again his way, knowing her recriminations against his appearance will be even more boring than the files he had been 'working' on.


Once again, he started to wander around when he heard some voice. Looking through the class’s window, he saw Maud’s class. Without any hesitation, Heechul entered the class without knocking.


All heads raised towards him as he entered and Maud stopped her lesson to look at him surprised.


-      Mister the director? Maud asked, her eyebrows raised.

-      Hi everyone. I’m just paying you a little visit of courtesy. Is everyone doing well?

-      Yes, mister the director, the whole class answered in one voice.

-      What are they studying? Heechul ask Maud while he sat beside her.

-      They’re doing a test, like they're supposed to do it this week. Do you need something? She asked Heechul in a low voice.

-      I’m just bored, Heechul answered. So I’m visiting the classes but if you’re doing a test, it won’t be fun. Who’s in this corridor?

-      I saw Siwon and Yoochun. Why?

-      I’m Leaving then, he said without answering. Everyone, do well your test, he added before leaving the room under the interrogative eyes of the class.


Heechul, closed the door behind him and went slowly to the end of the corridor. Through the door's window, he saw Yoochun’s class immediately and entered, once again without knocking.


Yoochun was writing something on the blackboard. As he heard the door opening, he turned towards the newcomer. He smiled when he saw it was his director and waited him to speak first.


-      Hello everyone, Heechul greeted. Don’t pay attention to me. I’m just sitting here few minutes and observe your class. Is it okay with you Yoochun?

-      Of course, Mister the director.


Yoochun turned back and began to write on the blackboard again, not bothered one bit by Heechul's interruption. Then, he started speaking about the social caricature apparently described in some book Heechul didn’t even know – not that he knew the author any better.


Heechul took a good look at the class and saw all girls were drinking Yoochun’s speech with big loving eyes while boys were just as annoyed as him. He tried hard to focus on what Yoochun was saying but after two minutes, he was lost in his thoughts.


Suddenly, he stood up and left the class without any words. Uncaring about the class he interrupted, he ran towards his office and sat behind his desk, took a paper and began to write quickly. When he finished, he sent a message to all the teachers to go to the teachers’ room after their class.



Two hours later, one by one, all teachers arrived at the teacher’s room. Jaejoong arrived and sat between Mel and Yoochun.


-      What does Heechul want? He asked curious. It seemed urgent.

-      No idea, Mel shrugged.

-      Don’t know either, Yoochun replied. He went to my class today and left suddenly.

-      He went to mine too, Maud added. But as I was doing a test, he said it was too boring and left. He truly seemed bored, actually.

-      He was sad because we couldn’t play video game with him any more because of our classes, Junsu precised.

-      You can not play video game just for one day, can’t you? Maud asked Junsu.

-      Nope, I can’t, Junsu grinned.

-      You’re hopeless, Mel said with an amused sigh.


The door opened violently and Heechul entered the room with a broad smile on his face. He sat at his place and checked if everyone was there before talking.


-      I had an idea! He said when he noticed all the teachers were there, looking at him.

-      Why am I afraid? Yoochun muttered to Mel who chuckled in answer.

-      Shhhhht! Heechul scolded them. Today I was bored and really disappointed because my team abandoned me shamefully in the middle of our very important task to go to class and it troubled my plans since I planned play video game all day, he complained while looking at Hangeng and Junsu. So instead, I went to see some of you but it didn’t distract me. By the way, Yoochun, all girls in your class are in love with you, he cut his speech.

-      I know, Yoochun said with a wink, making Senah roll her eyes.

-      But it's not the matter of today, Heechul cleared his throat and continued. Since classes prevented me from clearing my level, I had this wonderful idea of doing a video game contest involving the entire school.

-      What? Why? Siwon asked.

-      As I said, because I want to play video games and with all the students playing, it will add challenge and nobody will have to leave me for a class or anything, Heechul grinned proudly. So during one day or two, it will be the “Heechul’s video game contest, can you beat our magnificent director?”

-      Do we vote for this project ? Siwon asked.

-      No need, I’m the director and I decide we will have this event, Heechul said with a sly smile.

-      Will there be any price for the winner?

-      Yes. A dinner with me, Heechul said sticking out his chest proudly. That's all I wanted to say. See you tomorrow, I have a date.


Heechul left the room with a gesture of the hand leaving his team who began to chat eagerly about what just happened.



The next day, when Mel arrived at school at 9AM, she saw a group of students gathered in front of the student’s board, talking with animation. Intrigued, she came closer and tried to see what the meaning of all this agitation was.


Too many students were in front of the board and she couldn’t see anything. She abandoned and decided to go to the teacher’s room, to ask one of the two gossips of the school. When she entered the room, she ran towards Maud and Jaejoong who were in front of their board, chatting about some students new relationship.


-      Do you know what's up today? Mel asked.

-      It’s Tuesday? We have morning class, like every day and our club in the afternoon, Jaejoong replied as he wrote something on the board.

-      Oh I have to ask to Heechul about the cat’s photo exhibition, Maud said. Jaejoong, Takaki is with Noda not Sasaki!

-      Oh sorry. What do you want? He said to Mel.

-      Nothing, she said desperate by their behaviour.


She was ready to give up when she noticed Yoochun coming in and walked closer to him with a seductive look.


-      Hi Honey~ she singsonged, looking at him with doe eyes. How are you today?

-      Always fine by your sides darling~ he replied a seductive look. Did you miss me?

-      I’m always missing you, she said, fluttering her eyes. By the way, do you know why the students gathered in front of their board? She asked, suddenly sounding more serious.

-      This, Yoochun said and put a flyer on the table.


Surprised, Mel read the note on the colourful paper in front of her:



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UknowAde #1
Chapter 7: glad to see another update from you. haha... Luckily Junsu didn't win the match else, hardly could imagine how their life would be after that...
Chapter 7: how will heechul have dinner with himself? were they trying to spare Junsu having a dinner with heechul?
UknowAde #3
Chapter 6: hahaha.. Typical Maud.. couldn't keep hatred for long..
UknowAde #4
Chapter 5: thanks for updating.. it's been quite some time.. hope you could update it again..
Chapter 4: okay...changmin is over jealous of things. but really why is mel exempted? is she sleeping for real? wink wink
Chapter 3: changmin and mel?????
Chapter 2: me likey this story. hoping for more tvxq with heechul than the rest.
UknowAde #8
Chapter 2: Pls do continue to write... I like to read more... fighting.