Chapter 5 - Love fight?

Magnificient High School (or Kim Heechul's High School and his wonderful slaves... oups... teachers)
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Chapter 5


When all students were gone, Jaejoong did not know what to do. It was only 5PM and he didn't want to leave yet. He wanted to stay more at school. He loved too much his job and teaching to this young and cute students. Without thinking his foot led him to the gymnasium, his favorite place in the whole school. He entered it and immediately spotted Mel cleaning.


What are you doing? He asked.

I’m having fun, obviously, she replied with irony, a box filled with dance stuff in the arms.

Do you want help? Jaejoong offered.


Mel looked at him surprised and shrugged. Without a word, she put the box in his hands and started walking to the storage room, Jaejoong following her.


Thanks. How was your club?

Very fun. Except for the hundred pictures of cats I received from Maud every five minutes telling “Look, it’s so cute ~ :3”... he said, shaking his head at the memory. You know what was the worse? He added with a wince.

No… what is it?

She was right! He exclaimed with a sigh. But every five minutes was too much.

Well, can't help it. You know she loves cats more than everything, Mel stated matter-of-factly. Even more than Yunho I think… I bet that she’ll make them doing cat’s photos exhibition, she laughed at her guess, knowing her friend too much to really doubt it.

I’m pretty sure you’re right, Jaejoong agreed. By the way, how was your club?

So cool, Mel answered with bright eyes. I wanted to keep going on and the students too, but it was time already… she sighed.

Same for me, Jaejoong said while they were reaching the storage place.


As they were coming back to the gymnasium, they heard a voice coming up from the girl’s changing room. Immediately, Jaejoong grinned, tiptoed toward the room and stuck his ear at the door.


What are you doing? Mel asked, surprised by his weird behaviour.

Shht! I’m listening, Jaejoong replied, put his hand in front of his mouth to complete his word.

I’m not blind but why? She asked again, in a lower voice.

I have to know the last news of the school. How do you think I update my board?

By eavesdropping... she stated flatly.

Exactly! He admitted proudly, without taking notice of the irony.

You’re so… she started, trying to find the appropriate word to explain her thoughts.

They are talking about Yunho and Maud, Jaejoong whispered, excited.


Suddenly, Mel pushed Jaejoong on the side and stuck her ear to the door. Amused, Jaejoong chuckled and retrieved his place quickly.


You’re sure they are dating? A girl asked.

Yes, my friend Sasaki has Jung sensei as home teacher, another girl explained, and apparently he told them he was dating.


Many voices commented the situation, cooing or sighing.


Actually, he tried to deny it after, the girl talked again. But it was obvious he was dating her.

I’m jealous, the first girl pouted. But I think they make a cute couple.

Me too…, the girl sighed. We’re going?



When they started to hear the steps closer, Jaejoong and Mel ran towards the gymnasium to not be catch red handed. Out of breath they look at each other surprised.


Did I hear what I heard? Mel asked puzzled and Jaejoong nodded. Wow.

It was Yunho! Jaejoong gaped. I was sure it…

… was Maud who …

I have to tell her. She won’t believe me, Jaejoong said, already pulling out his phone.

Don’t do that! Mel cried out.


Because, it is fun to make her believe it is her who said it accidentally.

True... but I will tell her anyway!

Nooo, I prefer you don't, she'll scold him, Mel frowned.


For a short time, Jaejoong seemed to consider the situation.


I have to tell her! He replied.


Mel jumped on him and blocked his arm behind his back, throwing him on the floor. She climbed on his back to prevent him from moving and Jaejoong cried out in pain, pleading her to let him go.


Stop it Mel! You're hurting me! He whined. I can’t bear it! Stop it!

Liar, she replied, yet releasing her grip a little bit. Swear you won’t warn Maud.

I swear it. Let me go!


As soon as she released his arm, Jaejoong sniggered and took his phone. He started to type his message quickly and Mel tried jump on him again. After a short fight, she managed to catch the phone, only to noticed the message had been already sent.


Too late, he teased with a large grin.

You’re hopeless, Mel replied while rolling on her back, out of breath after their last struggle.


Maud was still in the club classroom looking at kitten pictures when she saw she had a message of Jaejoong. It was only written “it was Yunho” and she frowned at this short sentence she couldn’t guess the meaning of. Curious, she went to the gymnasium, sure to find her fellow teacher there and ready to ask for more explanation. As expected, she found him, chatting with Mel.


What’s the meaning of your message, Maud said showing her phone's screen.

Nothing, Mel replied.

I’m not asking you, Maud said, smelling something fishy. What did Yunho do?

He’s too handsome, Mel said trying to prevent Jaejoong from talking and stood in front of him.

Everyone knows that. But I’m asking Jae. So?

Mel, sorry, I can’t hide the truth, Jaejoong said after a while and stepped in front of his gossip-friend. Maud, you know that there is a rumour... well not exactly a rumour since it's true, but anyway, the students are saying you and Yunho are dating and everyone was thinking it was you who leaked out the information.

Yes… she agreed. But I don’t know when I… wait…Maud understood the whole situation and the meaning of the message. It’s… I can’t believe it! I’ll kill him!


Maud angrily ran out of the gymnasium. Curious Mel and Jaejoong ran behind her. She went to their office and opened the door so violently it slammed into the wall.


Yunho! She cried out loudly.


At his desk, Yunho jolted, imitated by all teachers and students who were consulting them for different matter. They all turned their gaze towards the door and saw with surprise a furious Maud. Mel and Jaejoong just stayed in the hall looking with amusement what was going on.

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UknowAde #1
Chapter 7: glad to see another update from you. haha... Luckily Junsu didn't win the match else, hardly could imagine how their life would be after that...
Chapter 7: how will heechul have dinner with himself? were they trying to spare Junsu having a dinner with heechul?
UknowAde #3
Chapter 6: hahaha.. Typical Maud.. couldn't keep hatred for long..
UknowAde #4
Chapter 5: thanks for updating.. it's been quite some time.. hope you could update it again..
Chapter 4: okay...changmin is over jealous of things. but really why is mel exempted? is she sleeping for real? wink wink
Chapter 3: changmin and mel?????
Chapter 2: me likey this story. hoping for more tvxq with heechul than the rest.
UknowAde #8
Chapter 2: Pls do continue to write... I like to read more... fighting.