Chapter 15- The Wallpaper

60 Days With Mr. Haughty

Andie's POV

This makes me feel uncomfortable with Shane. Urgh, but why?

Whatever it is, it is just nothing and I knew it. It's just normal for teenage girls and it is not something special. I've hated and became enemies with Shane since the day we've met and not a simple eye contact or some cheesy words would break it.

I need to focus to what I'm here for and it is to take responsibility for what I did. Yeah, that is what I need; focus.

So the silence was ear shattering but what can I do? I don't know what to say! Not that I feel awkward. There is just no specific topic to talk about.

I cleared my throat and started, "So. Trying to be gentleman, are we?", I said trying to break the awkwardness

He smirked. I don't know how to react but I somehow feel relieved that it looks like he isn't really affected about it that much.

"What do you mean?" he said taking a glance of me

"I mean, what's with you driving me? Are you drunk or something? Some magical potions or spell, like that?"

"Why? What's wrong with being an inborn gentleman?" he said glancing to me and turned back to the road. He really isn't driving that fast. Good one.

"A gentle what? I'm sorry I didn't get that. I heard a big roaring in my ears." I teased

"Really? You must get a doctor, Pushy Cat"

My brows narrowed as I shot hin a glare, "Stop calling me that or you'll be the one to meet your doctor first" I warned as he just let out an amused chuckle.

"Nah, I'm just kidding. Just take this ride as your price" I said with a wink

My head cocked right.


"Yeah, for saying that I look handsome" he said with a glance

"Hey I never said that!" I defended. Yeah I never did!

"You just did. Besides I need no one to say it. The mirror says it all, but thank you. Appreciated." What an arrogant jerk!

I snorted, "Oh yeah? What mirror do you use? Narcissismirror?"

"Wow how did you know that! What are you, a witch or something?"

"No boy, I'm a wizard from the world of Oz" I said wearing a creepy grin

"World of Odds? I can see that" he ended with a ghostly chuckle

I almost laugh at his retort but I just replied, "You need your doctor Captain Sniffy. I said I'm the great wizard from the world of Oz"

"You're a witch"

"A wizard!"

"Oh really? Let's test it then! What cologne do I use?"

I 'aumed' pretending to read his mind. Hmm, since he's such a narcissist, I think this would work, "Narci cologn!", I guessed sounding like a freaky old woman

I jumped a bit when he started to let out a hearty laugh. I don't get it. What is happening with this guy? I totally lost him.

"What's so funny?" I asked irritatedly

"Check out the compartment and find out yourself, you witch", he managed to say between his chuckles

I frowned and opened the compartment. There I found a small glass bottle which I suppose was his cologne then---

What the freak!

My jaw dropped seeing the label. I remain stunned and silent as I stare at the road with his cologne in my hands. I can hear Shane's loud guffaw starting to fade when he turned to face me.

"Hey Andie" he called

He nudged and called again, "Rams, are you okay?"

I didn't bother to answer then he pulled over the car to check me. He tilted my shoulder facing him and shook me back and forth, "Hey, you okay?", asked Shane

"Am I a witch?" I bluntly asked

And there he brightened up with a smile and laughed harder than before. I stayed silent as I bit my lower lip innocently. I observed him in his laughing and gave him a look.

"Yes you are, Pushy Cat" he said chokingly as he lightly hit me by my forehead with his two fingers bringing me back to earth.

He again started the engine and managed the stirring wheel as he shook his head smilingly.

"Wild guess, huh?" he started.

"No, I really am a witch", I replied with a smirk

"Sure you are", he replied smugly then I lead him to directions when he pulled over Lianne's house without my signal.

Wait, he knew Lianne's house? I haven't even told him where to stop yet.

"You know where Lianne lives?"

He smirked and pointed outside the window revealing Lianne running to our diection. Oh, so that explains it.

I waited  for him to open the door since like what Liam said, all Shane's cars were automatic open. But even before Lianne could get any closer, he got out of the car and opened the door for me which made Lianne stop in her position.

I slightly gaped at his gesture and got down from the car. I mean, he could just press the open button, right? So I asked, "Thank you, but hey, aren't all your cars automatic open? You could have just pressed it. But thank you", I muttered only audible for him to hear.

He then got taken aback with my sudden query, "Oh yeah, you know about that? I-uhh, I just-uhh, I"

"Forgot?" I continued

"Yeah totally. I forgot about that. Yes, I forgot. Thanks for reminding. But I-uhm, what time should I pick you up?"

Wow changing of topic I see, huh? Then his offer hits me. My eyes widened and defended, "What? No! You don't have to. I can't. I mean, I can just ask Lianne to drive me home. Right Lue?" I said turning to face Lianne

Please Lianne. please say yes! I swear I'll be the best best friend ever. Just please say yes.

"Unfortunately, no. I'm sorry but it's my driver's day off. Dad can't drive you either." Lianne stated with a smirk.

Great, just great. What is wrong with you people! Like really, here I am trying to get away with this guy but then there's my best friend pushing me even nearer!

I threw Lianne a glare not believing what she had just said before turning back to Shane who's now smirking looking satisfied as ever. Gosh you don't know how I want to rip that smirk out of that face!

"You're my boss remember? You were not supposed to do this" I said as I ate my pride by accepting he's my boss. Ugh it makes me want to puke.

"That's an order, Rams. Just tell me the time and I'm gone now." he said wearing a smile like he owns the world

I sighed. This guy obviously wouldn't take no for an answer, "Fine, six o'clock" I answered in defeat

"Nope, too late. Five o'clock. Bye"

Wow. Just wow. I gave him a scrutinizing look as he enters the car and drove away.

Tch, such a weirdo! Would ask me something but reject me anyways. Why would ask then!

I snorted and faced Lianne

"Prince Charming's on action, huh?" she teased as she walks towards me

I rolled my eyes and just walked pass her as if I didn't hear anything. "Hey! What is wrong!" she smilingly called from behind. I ignored her and just made my way to their house. I was about to reach for the doorknob when someone unexpectedly opened the door.

My teeth gritted when Jerry, Lianne's driver, appeared in front of me. I turned to face Lianne shooting her with a glare.

"Unfortunately on his day off?" I said mimicing her line lately. She smirked and ran towards me.

"Oh I forgot! He doesn't have a day off, my bad!" she said teasingly as she passed by me entering the house.

My jaw dropped and didn't took my eyes off of her. I can't believe she did that! I remained gaping at her as she just winked at me and chuckled. Oh, this girl! I put out my lipstick out of my bag and waved it at her face.

Don't get me wrong. I just use this thing for emergencies. Emergencies like this.

"You are so so dead!" I warned as I started to chase after her. Her eyes widened as she started to ran for her life. We went on circles as I am obviously having a hard time chasing her. Their house is too spaceous making it more impossible for me to catch her. Okay I won't deny it anymore, I'm a bad, no, a very bad runner. I cannot fail any subject but Gym Class? Kill me now.

I mean I can do work outs but sports in Gym Class? You can trust me failing it.

And gosh baseball was the worst. I tried running as fast as I could and ended up bumping onto my teammate. Stupid, I know.

But yeah, I hate running and here I am, chasing after my best friend for some revenge. Argh this is hopless! I stopped at my place and gasped for air. I bent down and reached for my knees hoping for support. Lianne did the same as the both of us tried to catch our breaths.

I let out a chuckle and there we both cracked up. We ended up laughing our lungs out on the floor forgetting about my revenge.

As our breathing gets normal, she started, "What now?"

I smiled and got up on my feet. I sighed and continued, "I don't know, maybe finish our homeworks first?" she frowned and I continued, "Then we'll do what you want to do"

"Great! But have you taken you lunch already?", she beamed

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, "No, not yet. Not even my breakfast"

"You kiling yourself? C'mon, mom prepared something for you" she said grabbing me by the wrist.

"Hmm, sounds great" I gave her a playful smile and followed her direction.

Well it's already normal for me to be around this house. Gray, Jaik, and I could simply go in, sleep in here or stay in here whenever we wanted to. This was like our second home.

In here, I have a mom, a dad and also Lianne as a sister. This is where I can feel the love of parents. William and Grace treats me like I'm their own.

Well, Lianne and I had been best friends since way back when I started going to school. I remember myself being so awkward around her cause I thought she'd be like the bully kids that gives a crap to the shy and silent ones like I was before. But I was wrong. Behind the mean girl reputation that Lianne was holding, she protected me and saved me from the bullies several times.

She wasn't mean at all, uhm ok she was, but only to the bullies. I was a whimper back then but she made me strong. I owe her big time for that. So, we became friends and she taught me how to fight for myself. I wasn't saying she was a bad influence. Not at all. She even helped me to find the real me that I was missing back then considering my problems with my dad.

Yeah and by the way, the bullies I've been talking about? It was all Shane and his circle of friends back then which also includes Matthew Andrews. That's why I'm a little confused why Matt is being so kind to me now.

Oh well, maybe he changed through the years. I mean, of course, it was kids' nature for goodness sake. But in Shane's condition, I think he's hopless. He'll be childish as always.

Speaking of which, I wonder where did those friends of Shane have gone. I think it's been almost two years since they left from our school.

Okay enough now, I don't know all of them and I don't care about them. I don't even know their names. Wanna know why? Cause it's none of my business. I don't care about Shane or whatsoever related to him.

"Thinking about Prince Charming again?", Lianne interrupted from behind which caught me out of my train of thoughts.

I wandered my eyes to realize I'm in the kitchen.

Well, as much I want to deny Lianne's sudden interruption, I just can't. She can see right through me, just so you know. I sighed. Really great, Andie. Stop thinking about that stupid brat!

"Yes, you're kind of like spacing out, my dear" I turned to my left to see Grace placing the plate of pork barbeque on the tray. My tongue involuntarily traveled down my lower lip with the sight of the barbeque. I felt like Grace and Lianne saw me as they both chuckled at me.

I ignored it and walked towards Grace to help. I was about to grab the glass pitcher when Grace stopped me to do so.

"Oh you don't have help my dear. You two proceed to Lianne's room and I'll bring this up to you there." Grace brightly said

"But---", she cuts me off with a look and I sighed. She smiled and Lianne interrupts, "Okay let's go Andie. But mom, if you need some help, just call for us, okay?"

Grace replied a nod then Lianne and I proceeded to her room.

Lianne opened the door for me and made me enter first. As I walked in, I saw Lianne's cell phone ringing on her bed. I ran up to it and grabbed it before Lianne did. She attempted to take it off of my hands but before she could even steal the phone from me, I have read the caller ID.



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congrats :)
Chapter 5: Thank you for commenting a lot Chandyd!
Chapter 5: whoot =! scary that!
Chapter 4: what an interesting updare ^_^ luuuuv it
Chapter 3: fast updates, huh? i like that ^^
Aww thank you ^^
Chapter 2: unni! please make it soon ^^
Chapter 2: wow... please update!!
very cute! totally subscribed ^_^