Chapter 26- Feelings

60 Days With Mr. Haughty

Hey guys... did I took so long? I'm so sorry I got busy with school stuff. Lots of things happened lately. If only I could talk to someone...

Anyways, enjoy reading! let me know what you think!


•••••Andie Rams' POV•••••

Ugh! My head hurts and my body is betraying me to move. I wanted to sit up, I really do, but I just cannot even dare to open my eyes. I feel so tired like my energy's all used up. I want to sigh, I want to swallow a lump but I can't. It was the very the same thing I felt before.

I am half awake and I swear, something just moved from my left.

Yeah, I know I'm in a hospital, I'm sure of that too. But...

A very familiar scent took over my nose making me flinch in confusion. I know this smell! I really do. I just don't know when or where I smelled it before. Definitely there's someone beside me. I even confirmed it when I heard some sigh and a sudden thud from the bed. My eyes flutter open and the sudden light blinded me as I fought my eyes to close again. I slowly tilted my head to my left and I almost didn't believe myself for what I saw.

A very oh-so-handsome Matthew Andrews is sleeping peacefully from the side of my bed looking like an angel from this angle. It feels like I can stare at this sight for the rest of the day.

Wait, is this even real? Is he really here? I bit my tongue hard and soon realized it wasn't really the best idea. But at least I know it is real.

He's just freaking too adorable I want to cry. Well, not really. Aww and those cute pinkish milky white cheeks, he looks so squishy I can squish him all day! He is a one true irrisistable boy!

But why is he here? Oh, maybe he saved me from those three es. Wait! No, last thing I remember was some girl shaking my body. I don't think I've seen him there before I passed out.

Maybe he came right after I fainted and saved me or maybe the girl cried for help, catched his attention and carried me right away. Argh, nevermind. I'll just get back to this beautiful creation beside me and study every detail. I was so out of my senses appreciating the view when my smile vanished in an instant.

His eyes starts to flutter open and he flashed me a heart-melting smile as soon as his eyes landed on mine, "Hey Missy", he greeted groggily sitting up as he wipes his right eye, "How are you feeling? Better?" he asked glancing from his watch

He suddenly flushed worried like he realized something and immediately stood from his seat, "You want to drink or eat something? It's lunch time."

Before I could even answer, he was already preparing the bed table from not so distant from my bed with a bowl of hot soup, a glass of water and the undying pancakes with honey on top, my favorite!

He turned back to me and carefully placed the bed table on, of course, my bed as I gave him a genuine smile that he also returned.

"Thank you Matt" I managed to say

"No problem Missy" he said

I stayed silent and just gave him a questioning look, "What's with that look?", he asked

I looked away, "Nothing, I was just thinking. But anyways--- what are you doing here? And how did I get in this place? Where was the girl who saved me?"

He chuckled, "I suppose that girl you're talking about's my friend, Jade. She called me and said it was an emergency. Shane brought you here and they were here too five hours ago. But Shane brought Jade back to school. I thought he must be here already but I guess he---" my eyes widened

It took me awhile before I realized something so I cut him, "Shane was here? You mean Shane, as in Shane?"

"Yes, Shane. I mean Shane, as in Shane" he chuckled as if I was joking

"Come on, really" I insisted

"Yes, he was really worried when we brought you here. Why? Is it bothering you?", he teased

I just snorted and rolled my eyes from him to the pancakes. I took the fork before answering, "Kind of"

He chuckled amusingly, "Well honestly, I'm kind of surprised too. You should have seen his face when he carried you into this hospital"

"He carried... me? No way" really? And he was worried? About me?

He smiled, "Yes way, And I've never seen Shane like that before. He looked so nervous as he hold onto your hand"

I'm speechless. I shouldn't really be feeling like this but... that was so... sweet

Well maybe he was just trying to be nice. Argh, but I can't get enough with the thought that he's actually worried about me. I hate to admit but I'm kind of... touched.

For a guy like Shane, I wouldn't be surprised if he just walked out on me. But this. This is something new. Maybe he's really serious about---

Gosh, stop it Andie! You're overthinking things again. Of course it wasn't really like that! No, it can't be

I clread my throat, "So, where is he?" dang it, curiosity!

Matt was about to answer when a voice interrupted

"Missed me already?"

I turned my head to the other side to see another good-looking guy wearing his signature smrik all over his face

"Sh-Shane" I stuttered

He cocked an eyebrow keeping his gaze at me and turned his smirk into a creepy ear smile as he walk nearer to my bed. He turned his gaze to Matt, and they both stayed silent like they were reading each other's mind and as if Matt really did get his message when he cleared his throat, "So uhh" Matt started, "I guess I'll have leave you guys alone. Got to grab my lunch"

My brows furrowed, "Wait! Don't leave too soon. You can just take my soup. I just-uhm don't really do hospital food, you know"

Dang it! Did I just looked so enthusiastic to make him stay? This is embarrassing! I hope he didn't get the wrong idea. I just really don't want to be alone in a room with Shane now. I'm kind of feeling uneasy around him for some reason I don't know.

He smiled, "Same goes here, Missy. Hospital junks made me sick. I want some real food to eat so, I guess it's my cue to go. Angry stomach" he smiled

Okay it'll make me look weirder if I insist too much.They might just get the wrong idea so I just sighed, "Oh, okay" I said probably sounded too disappointed. Yay life.

I heard him chuckle, "Don't worry. I'll bring you guys some when I get back"

My head snapped back up as I wear a wide smile all over my face, "Really? Thanks!" I beamed

He just nodded and we bid goodbyes. As soon as Matt was gone, the room became deafeningly silent. I sighed and turned to my right only to see a not so happy Shane staring at me deadpan.

"What's with you?", I asked

He snorted, "I could ask you the very same thing. What is with you?" my brows furrowed in confusion as he walks closer to me.

"Whatever are you talking about?" annoyed tone evident in my voice. With that he just sighed and put his hands inside his pockets, "Nothing, forget about it" he simply said shaking his head

Owwkaay? "That obviously isn't just nothing, Shane. What is it?"

"I said it's nothing" he sounded controlling


"Nothing!" he insisted with his voice too loud that made me jump in fright. His features softens as soon as he saw me looking away from him and I just felt some footsteps getting nearer.

"Hey, look. I'm sorry" he said without a second thought. His voice sounded so calm yet so serious. He said sorry to me again! I thought this wouldn't happen anymore. But it did, he really did apologize!

"What?" acting dumb, eh?

"I said I'm sorry. None of this could have happened if only I was there with you. The doctor said you're allergic to alcohol. I didn't see you as a drinker so Jade, the girl who saved you, told me what she saw." wait a second. Jade? Why did that name sound so familiar!


I don't know other Jade than Jade Farrell. Wait! That hits me. Suddenly all things that Eric has told me about Jade and Shane whipped back to me. She's that girl. She's the girl that Shane was liking. Does this mean that Shane would be changing his mind on asking me out?

Oh whatever. That's a good thing right? I mean, at least I would just have to focus on finishing those sixty days with him. Yeah, I shouldn't be acting like this.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you." he continued. Okay I wasn't expecting for that one. I'm was so out of my senses I might have missed some things he said but I'm sure I heard him right. Even if I didn't, his blue eyes says it all. They really looked apologetic as they stare down into mine.

What is this. Something hurts in my chest but also felt good. Is this what they feel when... argh"

I looked away afraid I would melt under his gaze when a rumbling sound broke the silence. My eyes widen realizing that it came from my stomach.

Shane chuckled, "Sounds like a bad weather's going in there" he teased

I rolled my eyes from him and crossed my arms in front of me. Why does he always have to ruin everything. One minute he'd annoy me, but then he gets so sweet, then just get back on annoying me again. Why don't he jus---

I was interruped from my train of thoughts when I saw Shane beside me in my bed holding out a fork of pancake in front of me. I stared at him blankly. Is this really happening?

"Don't make me do it" he said

"Do what?"

He rolled his eyes, "Say 'ahh'" he sang

I looked at him shortly before laughing my heart out. I laughed so hard my stomach forgot about the hunger I was just feeling. He is so damn cute! He's like a first time mom trying to feed her baby.

I wiped the tears forming from my eyes when Shane just shoved the fork into his mouth instead. My head snapped to him and there was his undying smirk again. I nudged him at his stomach

He flinched, "Hey that is mine!" I complained

"Ah really? I thought you hate hospital food" he said joshingly

"Yeah, I do hate them but pancakes. It is a different thing."

"But still, it's from hospital"

"But still, it's a pancake"

"You really love pancakes, do you?" he asked fixing his posture


"Then let me be your pancake" he smirked

"Huh?" that all I can say to cover my emotions. If I tried to say other things, I might just said something stupid. That one's just too cheesy for a guy like him. Though I find it weird, I must say it's kinda cute too. My heart skipped a beat and I can't even dare to look straight into his eyes now.

Gosh I hate this. This is so embarrassing especially in front of him! I feel so... so nervous! Why is it like this!

Then there was another awkward silence. Well maybe at least for me, I guess, so I just tried my very best to keep my attention glued at the pancakes, "Y-you're kidding me, right?" I stuttered

He broke into laughter, "Come on Princess, I was just messing with you" he said pinching my nose gently.

Oh, just messing with me, huh... I hate you Shane. I really do!

"Ha-ha really funny, Shane." I mocked snatching the fork from his hand but obviously, my attempt failed. He had pulled the fork away from me already.

"Come on. I'm serious now. You have to eat" he said bringing another fork of pancake in front of my mouth

"I can do it on my own. Just give me---" I was reaching for the fork again but...

"One more word and I'd really kiss you" his words suddenly made me stiff. Like my heart actually jumped out of my chest. I mentally zipped my mouth and didn't dare to say a thing.

I'm not scared of him or anything but I just don't want to loose my first kiss to some guy I don't like. Especially to him. I don't know if he's just messing with me again but by looking at him, I could say he's not kidding with what he just said. And that's what made me uneasy. If I mutter a word, he might have just really kiss me.

Another smirk formed his mouth bringing the fork nearer to me. I took that as a signal to open my mouth, so I did. He fed me gently, smiling for every piece that I take.

"So, when did you came back into life?" he asked

I didn't answer. I don't want to be kissed by him, duh.

Then he broke into guffaw

"Don't tell me you aren't answering cause you think I'd kiss you" he said between his laughter, "Come on Princess, you really thought I'd kiss you?"

H-he... He wasn't going to kiss me? Okay that is it! I really do hate him!

"W-what the heck are you talking about. No! Of course not! I know you won't do that" I huffed

"Geez! I was just asking. Why so defensive?"

"No, I am not!"

"Okay! O-kay" he surrendered throwing his hands in the air, "So, when did you wake up?"

"Why do you care?"

"Just answer the question. When did you came back to life?"

"What am I, a zombie?"

"Do you always have to answer me with a question?"

"Does that bother you?"

"See?" he said throwing his hands exasperatedly. He was panting like he has just got from jogging or something.

He looks so cute. I giggled softly looking at his tired image, "What's so funny?", he asked dropping the fork into my plate. He's probably trying to intimidate me but he doesn't look intimidating at all.

"You looked stressed" I chuckled

He cocked an eyebrow, "Oh, and you find that funny?"

I didn't bother to say anything more. My giggles says it all.

"Unbelievable" all that he can say before turning his back to me. Annoyed Shane really is priceless. He looks like a child especially when he pouts. Now I just added another one in my list of 'reasons why to annoy Shane Wilhem'. I chuckled more with the thought.

My laughter slowly fades when he grabbed two paper bags, one blue, one white, and gently handed them to me. My brows furrowed in confusion as I shift my gaze from the bags to Shane and back to the bags. Whatever might be in these things?

"Of course they would open by themselves if you just stare at them" Shane blurted

"Really?" I intendedly ask to annoy him

He just rolled his blue eyes but I swear. I saw the side of his lips curving up into a smile.

"What's inside them?" I asked finally

"Bombs maybe?"

"Seriously" I said firmly

He just smirk, "Whatever, just---"

The door creaked open and audible voices seemed to get nearer "Just calm down dude, I'm sure she's fine", said an uneasy familiar voice

My lips curved up. That sounds like, Jaik.

"I wouldn't calm down until I see her with my own eyes" then the two came into sight. Gray's features relaxed as his eyes landed on me

"Hi guys!" I beamed

"Told you she's okay. Hey Andie!" Jaik said to Gray before greeting me back with a wide grin on his face.

Gray sat beside my bed as Jaik offered me a fist bump. I touched my fist with him before turning back to Gray who doesn't really look satisfied.

"Andrea, I thought we talked about this already" Gray started. Uh-oh, he's mad.

I sighed and forced myself to smile at him, "If you think I drank an alcohol at school this morning, that's technically true." I heard Gray grunt

"But it wasn't my fault. Three senior girls walked up on me and started talking about craps. Really, I tried to get away with them but two of them held me by both sides and the other one shoved a small bottle of alcohol into my mouth."

Gray sighed, "Okay, I believe you. Do you know who these seniors are or why did they do that to you?"

I shook my head, "I don't know them. But uhm---" I don't know if I should tell this... argh, "They were Shane's fangirls" damn it!

I wasn't finished yet but Gray stood from his seat already and glared at Shane, "You!" he started

I quickly grabbed his hand and tried my best to calm him down, "Gray, no! It wasn't Shane's fault. He wasn't there."

"I don't care" he said shaking my hands off, "Those were his crazy fans. He should have known about them. He should have watched over you." next thing I know, Gray was in front of Shane ready to punch his face with his full fist.

"Gray, don't!" I cried out loud. His fist almost landed on the face but lucky thing, Jaik had shoved Gray's arm away already before that could even happen.

Shane kept shut and silent but he wasn't looking intimidated at all. He just stood right on his place as if he was expecting for the punch. He didn't even flinched. Why didn't he said something or at least stepped back from Gray. He could have got himself hurt!

"Gray, please! Come on" Jaik begged gently pushing Gray away from Shane.

"Gray, it wasn't his fault!" I cried, "It was the girls'. None of us knew this would happen. You can't just actually blame Shane" Gray calmed down, "Actually, I should be thanking him for bringing me here." I ended stating the obvious

Gray's eyes snapped to Shane who stood still looking sorry. It's like Gray got his mind cleared up as his features showed guilt for his actions.

He cleared his throat, "Excuse me" he said walking out of the room

Gray as usual is so overprotective towards me. I'm not really complaining but sometimes he goes too far from it. Just like what happened just now.

"Shane, why didn't you say something to him. He could have punched you really hard. Why didn't you move a little! Are you out of your mind?" I yelled at him

He just looked at me and stared into my eyes, "He was trying to gain his trust" said Jaik who was now beside me


"He's showing respect to Gray" he added

I frowned, "Okay, now I don't understand. Why would you do that?" I asked turning to Shane

He sighed, "Things would have gone worse if I told my side. You know I at explaining" he said as if nothing actually happened or should I say, almost happened. What I found odd was the smile and nod he threw Jaik after saying that.

Boys... I could never get what's running inside their heads. Especially Gray. What has got into him!

"So uh, don't worry Andie. Gray's just mad because you got hurt. We'll get those girls on Thursday. In the meantime, get yourself some rest." Jaik said

"On Thursday?" I asked. I mean, not that I want to get those girls already. But today's Tuesday so why not tomorrow.

"Yeah, we don't have classes tomorrow. It's world teachers's day, remember?" oh yeah, yeah... like I care that much. So, I just nodded and lied down again.

As Jaik was about to carry the bed table off my bed, he noticed the paper bags that Shane got me, "What's this?" asked Jaik. I looked at Shane before answering, "I have no idea. Shane gave it to me"

Jaik smirked evilly and threw Shane a sly grin, "Can I open it?" asked Jaik

Shane gaped at him and was looking uneasy as he shake his head no.

"Okay" Jaik sang opening the white paper bag. He cocked an eyebrow and there he is again with his evil.grin, "I'm sure you'd look fine in a white dress, sis" teased Jaik

I sat up snatchinh the bags from his hand, "What?"

I slowly put out every piece from the bag and put it in front of me so I can ta a good look. The first one was a pretty white dress with a pink lace at the bottom. Though simple at first glance, the cloth actually have some delicate details in closer view. It was very classy and pretty. Another piece was a pink fabric that would probably fit if it goes on of the white dress I was just looking at. I put out another one but I was just as shock as Jaik when I realized what I was holding. A pair of blue bikini, definitely something I haven't experienced wearing before. I took a glance from Shane and he was burning red. I don't know what to say to him, especially that Jaik is here with us, "That's the best, Andie" Jaik managed to say between his chuckles

"W-wh-whatever" I stuttered putting the all the clothes back into the bag. There were still more but I'm too embarrassed already to.continue. I would just takr a look at them when I got the chance to be alone.

"What are those for?" I asked Shane with a slight disgust evident in my tone. He suddenly looked embarrassed just as I am. He cannot look straight into my eyes. The confident and fearless Shane I know was gone.

"W-we got a beach party tomorrow. And I was..." he stuttered

"You were what?"

"I'm expecting you to come with me" he finished

"Yeah, sure. She'd go with you" Jaik interrupted

"Cool!" beamed Shane gaining his old self back.

"Wait! I haven't told my side yet!" I complained

"Whatever, Andie. You're going with him. But!" he said turning to Shane, "You know what to do, boy. No alcohol. Keep Andie away from somewhere cold, somewhere isolated, and somewhere dark, are we clear?"

"Count me on that!" Shane exclaimed happily when somebody cleared his throat.

The three of us snapped into the direction the sound was coming and see that it was Gray. As much as I hate to see him like that, he looked guilty and embarrassed. It was also his fault. Sad to say.

"Can I have some conversation with you?" he told Shane

Shane just nodded and they both went out of the room.

As soon as they left, Jaik noticed my uneasiness as I was lying down, "Chill little sissy. I'm sure they'd work things out" he ended with a wink

As simple as that, I smiled. A genuine and more relieved smile. I really hope they'd work things out. I really do.

"Don't worry too much and just take some rest already" asured Jaik as he brushed his fingers through my hair. I smiled again and finally closed my eyes.

I took a deep breath putting all the stress aside and just letting myself relax.

Everything will work out well.


Also, follow me on instagram @thejuniorroyal ... thank you



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congrats :)
Chapter 5: Thank you for commenting a lot Chandyd!
Chapter 5: whoot =! scary that!
Chapter 4: what an interesting updare ^_^ luuuuv it
Chapter 3: fast updates, huh? i like that ^^
Aww thank you ^^
Chapter 2: unni! please make it soon ^^
Chapter 2: wow... please update!!
very cute! totally subscribed ^_^