The past, the secret

Dream-World is a Sleep



* Amber Liu *

“Mom!” I screamed in instance. Waking up in nightmare, it was terrible one in awhile since I created dream-world under my stimulus. I crunched up, hugging my knee. That warm-smile one formed from her was forever stayed in my head. She was just wanting to save her baby.


That baby was me.


The header of the Kberism INC. saved the moment, my mom’s memory, when mom passed away. They saved the most precious moment of my entire life, very first crying I spilled out had made mom genuinely smiled, the looking of eye-smiled earnestly at that puffing eyes tearing out for embrace and love. No matter what, I wanted to know more, I wanted to confirm that warm hugging, that genuinely heart synced with warm smile from mom--as if it was really gone. 


Was mom really death like they told me?


I watched every day I wake up from the nightmare. “Umma.” I whimpered, but this weak emotion needed to save later. I wiped my tears off. Here I was. Aliee’s house dimly and cozy felt safe.


Thanks Aliee.


She had been in part of my life, like another half. She approached the bed, the most comfortable one, its color was the dense coffee color plaid bedsheet. My eyes should be dried, no tears left hanging, I hoped.


She approached, handing me over the coffee mug. The scent of vanilla latte swamped around my nostril, I breathed in severely, “thanks.”


My accent occurred uncaring, making her edgy a bit. “Nightmare again?”


Just a nod, I didn’t feel like dribble out any arguments for now. Stony voice expectedly came from her, it maddened her when I didn’t express things to her, “what else? That’s not it.”


She knew, interpreting my mind well than anyone else. Who else around me, except her? Maybe for now. I struggled hard to translate things out, “I’m scared, Aliee. I’m scared that I won’t make it next time. I almost died in there. I—”


She cut my words off right away, “you can stop now. It’s enough for today. I think you’ve overwhelming with this new whole level activity. You should go sleep more.” She knew what was the best for me, suggesting me to sleep.


Correct. Sleep.


“No.” I automatically opposed the idea, “I don’t want to drown into sleep anymore. I’ll take the courage to live. I want to find out more about my mom.” Broken voice from the throat sounded so hoarse, I managed the cough.


“You’re really weak right now. Rest. Listen to me, will you?” she softened her voice, low, in a way that made me to follow her.


My tears streamed down at the corner of my eyes unknowingly, she held my face with her caressing hands, “Amber, if you want me to stay by your side, you need to listen to me. Take things slowly, kay.” She pleaded carefully, reminding me how to cool down. My eyes shot at her pitifully, I couldn’t hold on to this filled up emotions inside any longer.


She kissed my cheek, nibbling that teardrop out of my face.


“No, I need you.” I whispered.


Near to her, I felt love.


[Amber’s REM mode during sleeping log] - Read on the digital watch


I think I am in love. The back of my voice started to talk.




Don’t do it. Love is painful and dangerous. Another voice in distance echoed, I only heard the voice speak. I struggled inside my head again, sleeping at the REM mode wasn’t the best for me.


I had bad dream last night. It made me realize that I met that faithful eye-looking girl again, at the maze.




The digit clock glowed up my arm-wrist watch. I checked my activity log. I sneaked out while Aliee sleeps next to me.


I ran a few blocks around her house area. At night, street and road were vacant and quiet. I stopped to take some breathe from running constantly too much, the gravity of outdoor was a big difference. I made a 4 miles running already.


I rubbed my chest, checking my heartbeat condition. The bushes made some noises; I dared to come closer to check.


“Freeze! You’re better not moving, Mister!” I shouted, pretending I held a gunpoint at him, behind the neck, I had the white handkerchief cover up my form finger as a gun. “Put your two hands in the back, now.” He hesitated as I repeated, “I said, now!”


“Alright, alright!” he shifted his neck to check on me.


“What do you think you’re doing at this late hour?”


“Dude, chill. I was feeding this stray cat.”




He moved again, I yelled, “Do not move!”


* Eric Nam *

Seriously, who was this? I thought silently, I didn’t move a bit. The cat crawled into my feet, but I tried not to move a single step. It climbed up to my pocket, reaching the little food bag. Damnit.


The person stood behind, keep yelling at me. I groaned, “dude, there’s a cat. Come check, seriously.”


Listening to the foot steps, getting closer and closer from behind, my quick moves hurriedly let the cat hang at my V-neck’s. It dangled there, hang in there. I made my move real quick. I got scared, grabbing the stranger’s wrist hand as I forcefully pull down. I did some knuckle knocks at the neck to make the person unconscious.


I escaped with my baby cat, hurling like a hurricane from the animation gone in 3 seconds within thin air.


With this late night, I made it home. Sneaking the door, slowly and gently closing it, I crunched out to lock the doorknob without any sound created. It clicked, “.”


Tiptoeing to my room, a pair of foot stopped my way, “hey…oh hello there, Soo Jung, did I wake you up?” I smiled. She pinched my cheek for a short moment.


“I’m your oppa! How dare you?” I squeaked. She finally let go on my cheek. Damn, this girl was really something.


Her icy cold voice indicated that she took over my baby Soo Jung, dissociated. “You’re inherited soon to your dad’s company, act like one. Still feeding poor cats around neighbor? Seriously? Soo Jung and you should be lucky that I knew what to do with the company.”


Ah, her personality disorder just switched. “Aigoo, Krystal Jung totally was opposite to baby Soo Jung of mine” I whined, I didn’t want to yell at my beloved sister. “Krystal-shi, I understand. Thanks a lot.” She still was part of my sister anyway.


* Amber Liu *

Aish. I rubbed my neck, my bending knee from the ground supported my balances and finally stood up. This guy was remarkable. He got me there. I had to admit. He must really good at the taekwondo.


I looked his running like some sort of girly dude. Dudes could be possibly having enchanted girly walk, do they? Oh, dear. I may learn from his walking then.


I cleaned my arm-wrist watch, his fingerprint stamped on surface, probably accidentally from grabbing my wrist. I checked, the hologram screen appeared, small screen profile of the dude zoomed out.


Profile: Eric Nam

Age: 23

Status: Citizens, the only son of owner’s Krysooyun INC.

Siblings: Krystal Jung and Soo Jung

Identity: Not available


What is this? His identity is private. I cursed under my breath that I didn’t chase after him. Every missing single detail must relate to something hidden. Things could lead to somewhere at the end.


I squeezed mom’s necklace.





Thank you for subcribes this story of mine

I apologize ahead if there's lacking of interested, anyhow, I shall work hard!

Please stay tune with me for the coming chapter.

Thank you for your supports on reading! 





The coming chapter is going to be updated on Monday's night, I've been working on it. This chapter gets to reveal---


Just like how a casual goes, it wouldn’t hurt her nor it would harm me ever. Just that, it warmed my reality temporarily. 

Here goes my temptation

I dumbfounded asking about it anyway, “what’s wrong?”

They asked, “is Krystal Jung unnie coming? Your dad talks about her so many times in front of us, but we never got to meet her.”

* Amber Liu *

I tucked in my tie carefully before entering, Aliee wrapped her hand into mine, like a couple. 

Thank you for checking up again!
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CaesarC #1
Chapter 4: having you back is sure nice, authorshii~
CaesarC #2
pls update!!!!!!
Chapter 3: woah...that was like a really great way of meeting each other :) keep it up!

Minor_silent #4
Chapter 3: Ahh it's getting more and more interesting in every chapters. Can't wait for the next update!
15lehna #5
Chapter 2: Woah i'm really loving this!
nanacepet #6
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: can't wait for the next update!!!really interesting
niceguy12 #7
looks interesting can't wait
I seriously can't wait for the update. hehe <3
leejuyon14 #9
i like dreams so yeah