The Two faces of love (Dahmo)

ONCE upon a time
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This one is gonna be about Dahmo based on "Beauty and the Beast". and i'm warning you, if you don't like Angst don't read this! HAHAHA.  There's also a bit of Satzu and 2yeon in here. Well, been a while since i updated this, i hope you like this!

  Chapter 4: The Two faces of Love


"Love has two faces.

Sometimes it’s beautiful, but a lot of times it hurts."



Do you know the time when you would come inside a store looking for at thousands of clothes, then just one look at a certain one, you know.. that truly, definitely it was the one thing you’re looking for.


That’s the feeling of falling love at first sight.


And that’s what happened to Dahyun, unfortunately.


“Momori~! Wake up!” Dahyun brush Momo’s hair as she called her, softly and sweetly. Still, The blonde just covered her head with a pillow, turning her back to Dahyun. Momo was bad at waking up, Dahyun knows that. And One time, she tried shouting but Momo stood up and cursed endlessly.  No one would dare to wake Momo up, the lord of bad mornings. Then more often, Momo would miss morning classes.

Since then, Dahyun would wake up extra early to wake Momo up. Just like this morning, She prepared early and went inside the older’s high-end apartment.

Dahyun looked at her black watch on her left wrist and see that it’s still early. So she stood up from Momo’s white bed and went in the kitchen, to cook breakfast for her girlfriend.


‘Girlfriend’ Dahyun giggled at the thought. She and Momo has been together for almost 2 years now, but still thinking that Momo is her girlfriend, gives butterflies to her stomach.


She was the one who confessed to Momo. Three times rejected before Momo accepted her.  Yeah, Dahyun is persistant, that’s always one of her good points. She doesn’t give up on anything or anyone.

‘Hard work will always pay off!’ That’s her life motto. A motto she has when she’s in the track and field in elementary.




She still remembers how she fell in love with Momo back then.

It was spring, She’s taking fine arts. They’re first year in University when Dahyun  confesssed.  


She had always thought that you would fall in love with someone by some deep reason. But  apparently, love is different for all of us. In Dahyun's case, just one sight, She fell completely in love. It was shallow, but She knows Momo is the one when she saw her. 


Momo smelled the delicious scent of Dahyun’s cooking coming from the kitchen. She finally stood up and went there.

As usual, she spotted her girlfriend, Dahyun, smiling at her as she greeted her, “Goodmorning!”

Momo sat down at the table and started to drink the coffee Dahyun prepared.

“Still bland.” Momo complained. Dahyun’s coffee is always bland but still, she would make it for her everymorning.

“Really? I thought I made today extra stonger.” Dahyun asked rubbing her head. After a while, Dahyun put the  omelette on the table.

“Itakadakimasu.” Momo put her hands together. It was kind of the thing Japanese do first before they start eating. Momo is a pure blooded Japanese girl from Tokyo. She came in korea when she’s 12 years old. At first Dahyun was confused at all the Japanese habits, but now she’s amazed.

As momo ate it all, Dahyun stared at her affectionately. She had always loved how Momo eats. She eats well, and you could always see her expression lightening everytime.


“Won’t you eat?” Momo asked her.

“No no, you eat it all. I’m fine.” Dahyun grinned.


*Stomach grumbles*


Momo then chuckled“What do you mean fine?”



Momo then put a spoonful of omelette and stuck it right into Dahyun’s open mouth.





As Momo and Dahyun walks in the university, Dahyun felt eyes on them. Not just stares but glares.


Dahyun sigh, but still Momo held her hand.

Momo is famous around the school. Makes sense, how beautiful and charistimatic she is. Momo is also a great dancer, the first time Dahyun saw her, She was left in awe, almost everyone is. She was known to be a player all around the campus, but still that didn’t stop Dahyun from confessing her admiration.

And look now, she finally have her.

She was given the privilege to date ‘Hirai Momo’ so  She doesn’t mind if anyone gives her glares now, or how anyone mess her locker or purposely 'bump' into her.  She is happy being with Momo, waking momo up early in the morning, talking to her and holding her hand eveyrtime.

“Momori!” A girl with short hair then came in and put her hands around her Momo. She has short boy-cut brown hair, pointed nose, flawless skin and  a beautiful jaw-line. She has that andrygoneous aura around her.

“and Hi, Dahyun.” She flashed her pearly teeth.

“ahh Jeongyie.” Momo said as she looked at her. She is Yoo Jeongyeon, captain of the soccer club. She’s one of the school’s heartthrob.

“We have classes together don’t we?” Jeongyeon asked her, smiling ear to ear.


Momo looked at her, “Yeah.. unfortunately.”


Jeongyeon just laughed Momo’s sarcastic comeback, and seeing Jeongyeon laugh, Momo can’t help but laugh too.


Dahyun was just there then, smiling awkwardly. She just feel so out of place, and her heart is hurting so much, even if she knows she don’t need to feel this.


“umm, I’ll go to my class now.” Dahyun said as she looked at  momo, pointing on the other way. Momo just nodded and continued talking with Jeongyeon.


Dahyun felt her heart breaking, by everystep she walks.


Jeongyeon is Momo’s ex-girlfriend and now her close friend. But still, Dahyun could feel jealousy stir up everytime they are together, everytime she was brushed off whenever they are together.


“Dahyuuuun~!” She turn around when she saw Sana coming to her as she put her arms around Dahyun.

“Oh, unnie.” Dahyun turn her head to look at the blonde. Sana has beautiful blonde hair, her nose is pointed and her cheeks are cute. She smiles cutely  like a squirrel but has a y vive which made a lot of guys and girls after her.


Sometimes, Dahyun would always wonder how she’s friends with Sana. She’s just ‘Dahyun’. Plain old Dahyun with a weird personality and awkward social habits.


“Dahyunnie, why the long face?” Sana asked.


Dahyun shook her head and smiled, "Nothing."

“Dahyunnie~” Sana and Chaeyeong smiled when they saw a girl with black hair waving at them. She’s Nayeon, a cheerful girl who turned out to be their friend.

The class ended now, It was very very boring but she wasn’t even allowed to yawn. The professor was an old woman with a bad temper. Once she yawn slightly and so she was thrash-talked, scolded endlessly throughout the whole class. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to drop out.

After class ended, Dahyun felt like she can finally breathe again. As she steps out in the classroom, she felt giddy now, thinking that she might be spending lunch with her girlfriend.


To: Momoring <3

From: Dahyun

Momori, where are you? Class finished? Want to eat now?


She waited for a minute smiling to herself when her phone buzzed her saw Momo’s reply.


From: Momoring<3

To: Dahyun

My class isn’t finished yet. There’s also a meeting for dance practice today. Sorry.


In just split second, Dahyun’s smile vanished. She felt disappointed and her heart sinking.


“what’s up Dahyun?” Nayeon asked her, showing concern and worry all over her face.


“nothing.” Dahyun bit her lip as she averted her eyes.


“just a while ago, you’re excited to eat with Momo, now you’re--- nonono, don’t tell me.” Sana sigh and raised her left eyebrows. She finally guessed that Momo is being an again.


“S-she’s busy.” Dahyun defended her, “they have practice now. I understand.”


“Whatever.” Sana sigh, “What about eating with us?”


“Is that fine? I mean you’re gonna be eating with Tzuyu-ah.” Dahyun asked.


“It’s fine, besides Nayeon is eating with us, too right?” Sana said as she pointed on the girl. Nayeon smiled and nodded.

As they walk in the cafeteria, Dahyun can feel stares again, boring holes right into her.Makes sense because she’s with the school’s most popular girls. Tzuyu, Sana and Nayeon.

Tzuyu is Sana’s girlfriend.They are the school’s power couple, the most popular couple around the school. They are both gorgeous and hot that no one would say anything bad even though they’re both girls.

They’re like the ‘Relationship goals’ people would often post in social medias.


Dahyun can’t help but feel a bit jealous by looking at the two, laughing together. They are so good together. Momo and her aren’t like that. They are  polar opposites. Dahyun is an awkward nerd while Momo is a freakin’ goddess. She felt very insecure, and felt very hurt everytime a girl would come to her and tell her ‘Go away! Momo doesn’t suit you’


Yeah, the speech is always the same. Different girl, same speech, and same slap.


“Dahyun, eat up!” Nayeon said as she pointed on her burger. She looked at Nayeon, she’s the head cheerleader and looking at that cute smile, anyone would be hype up to win the game. 90% of the school is also her friend, she’s that outgoing and popular girl. But still, Nayeon is nice and would treat everyone just the same.


She was eating fairly right trying to think that maybe, Momo and her could meet each other.

“Dahyun.”She was startled when she felt Sana’s tight grip on her shoulder. She turned to her left to look at Sana, Sana pointed on the open part of the cafeteria, to the garden.


She saw the usual green bushes, pine trees, palm, flowers … and Momo, hugging another girl.


“Is that what you call busy?!” Sana’s whole face turned red with anger.


As Sana felt her blood boiling, Dahyun felt her heart breaking pieace by piece.


“What the !” Sana cursed. She was about to stand up when Dahyun grips her hand and shook her head, telling her not to.

Sana sigh and sat down. She cursed again and punched the table.


“How many time have she cheated one you?! Goddamn.” Sana glared at her food, not wanting to look at Dahyun. She doesn’t want to see the pained look on her bestfriend’s face.


Still Dahyun, just stared emptily at the table. Trying to held back her tears, and trying to be strong. Nayeon rubbed her back.


That was the first girl, first girl in this week. Momo has always been going aroung flirting with a lot of girls, but dahyun wouldn’t say anything about it. She always thinks how it makes sense. She’s just ain’t enough for Momo.


“Someday, I swear, I’m gonna punch her right into her face.” Nayeon said as she glares at the couple in the garden.


“But before that, you gonna break up with her already!” Sana said trying not to yell with frustration.


“No…” Dahyun said. She can’t. She can’t break up with Momo. She loves her too much.


She loves her even more than herself.


“Ya, Dahyun.” Momo called her, “why didn’t you wait for me after class?”


Momo seemed a bit pissed off. She just happen to run to her by the convenience store near the school, She is with Sana.

That’s the usual routine, everytime Dahyun gets hurt. Sana and her would eat ice cream, as Dahyun listen to Sana’s usual ranting over the ‘Cheating beast’ (as sana would like to call Momo)

But still Dahyun wouldn’t say anything bad about Momo, she can’t have the heart to say anything bad about the person she love. She still have the heart to believe in her.

And that stupid side of Dahyun irritates Sana even more.


“I’m gonna go.” Sana said before she could pull momo’s hair right there and then.


Dahyun nodded and smiled slightly. As Momo gripped her wrist,  She  winced. The grip was a bit hard.


“I’m sorry, I just thought you’re busy with practice.” Dahyun said.


“I am not,” Momo answered in poker face, “I told you we had practice this lunch.”


“I saw you with someone  near the caferia… y-you were hugging her.” Dahyun answered, trying to stop the pain surfacing on her face. She wanted to cry so much.


“Oh, that was after practice. And so what?” Momo asked coldly. The situation is always like this, Momo would cheat on her.. like it’s nothing. And Dahyun couldn’t say anything about it.


Dahyun was about to cry. Tears are verging on her eyes.


Momo saw this and sigh, “fine, I’m sorry.”


Dahyun bit her lips. She didn’t want to hear that, that hates even more. But Momo pulled her chin up and smiled at her, “Don’t be angry Dahyunnie~”


After that Dahyun hugged her so tight, that she can’t help but forgive her.


Even if there are other girls… Momo would always come back to her.

And for Dahyun, that’s enough.



It was lunch and they’re all sitting together again. Momo has practice today, and this time a member of the dance group confirmed it.

Dahyun had lunch with Sana, Tzuyu, Nayeon and Tzuyu’s classmate, Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung is a small, cute and a member of basketball club. Despite being small, she is an ace and shoots 3 points effortlessly. Which is why she has a lot of fan girls.


As they start eating, Dahyun starts to tell  them what happened.

“ahh Jinja!! Why are you born being so stupid!!!” Sana shrieked when she told her they made up, “You really are a push over!!!”


Dahyun looked down, Sana sigh since she knew she said some hurtful things. She pats Dahyun’s head and said sorry.

Sana and Dahyun has always been together. Since Elementary school, Sana would always take care of the weak, push-over Dahyun.

She was a weird kid, a weird nerd no one would play with.

Sana is Japanese and kids back then couldn’t understand her which is why she’s always left alone. Dahyun was the first one to reach out to her even when she still doesn’t know how to speak Korean yet. Even though Dahyun is  a weird kid, Sana became fond of her.


She was Sana’s first love.



Being together for so long,

It still unknown to Dahyun that Sana used to like her. it’s  still a secret that  aren’t out even though many years pass. Nevertheless, Sana is now happy with Tzuyu.

And as Dahyun convinced herself, she’s happy with Momo now too.


“why can’t you break up with her?” Sana asked I frustration.


“You know why.” Dahyun sigh.



Dahyun before confessing to momo, She’s been crushing on her ever since their second year in high school. They are on the same high school even though Momo doesn’t know her existence, she still amired her so much.


“Momo, I’ve always.. always like you! C-could you date me?” Dahyun asked as she felt her feet trembling on the ground.


“I don’t want to.” Momo said as she walked away.


That’s just the first time she confessed, the second time, Momo told her to ‘ off!’ The third time, Momo raised her eyebrows and told her to die.


The fourth time, Momo was after a blind date Dahyun was set

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Chapter 7: Itsso beautiful and sweet, thank you so much authornim you makes me crying
Chapter 5: Beautiful chapter ❤️
Chapter 7: Saida, Mimo, 2yeon. It's sad to know Tzuyu died here but I'm happy that these 3 are in love with their respective pairs.
Chapter 6: An one-sided beginning, and an uplifting ending. I love this re-start.
Chapter 7: That was an amazing SaiDa one shot. I’m crying.
Joenayeon #6
Chapter 1: So Nayeon is still alive right?
Why you didn't write Jeongmo.
Remiix #8
Chapter 7: This was incredible. I over angst and you did a really great job!! Could I get a dahmo anget please :)) <3