Another Year...

Gwen's POV

"Ms. Collins?" My head pops up from my parchment, locking eyes with Prof. Burton. "May I have a word?"

The corners of my mouth tighten in slight irritation, already dismissing whatever it is she's about to say; but packing up my notes and belongings in order to make my way to her desk. I sling my bag over my shoulder as Heidi Brownstein throws me a smirk. I frown suspiciously walking past her desk, and she trills a laugh before joining her gang of flunkies waiting for her in the back of the Transfiguration's classroom. 

"You needed to see me, Professor?" I ask after the classroom has emptied out.

Her pudgy face continues to inspect mine, and I wait a bit impatiently feeling the silence continue to drag on. "...Yes."

My eyebrows raise from her one word response, and I bite my upper lip resisting the urge to speak out of turn. 

"I wanted to see how you were adjusting."

"A bit late in the semester, don't you think?"

"Better late than never, I suppose" she smiles kindly and I inhale deep and let it out even slower. "...How are you."


"Really?" She hedges knowingly and I roll my eyes.

"What exactly are you hoping to hear? That I'm having the time of my life, and are utterly losing my mind at the thought of never seeing any of the stupid students within this castle ever again?" I sneer. "If I were you I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that day, Professor. Otherwise, Hogwarts is going to be in serious need of another Transfiguration's teacher."

"I know that Hogwarts can be a difficult place," she begins. "But you've been given a special opportunity. And it saddens my heart that you aren't taking advantage of it."

"I disagree entirely...Hogwarts is truly magical in every sense of the word. Mystery and adventure is built within the bricks. And it's been nothing but a dream come true, the continuation of a legacy, by having me attend and learn within it's sacred halls" I argue, as reverently as possible. 

Prof. Burton sighs waiting for me to stop, and I purse my lips once more to keep myself in check. "Are you finished?"

"I, suppose."

"Excellent..." She adds with a tiny chuckle. "Gwen, I believe you've misplaced my concern...It is true, you have submerged yourself within the knowledgeable store-house that is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," she explains. "You have recieved excellent marks within your classes. Your abilities as a witch have exceeded further than your teachers at Ilvermony had anticipated, and you have been nothing but a dutiful asset so far-"

"But," I interrupt, knowing this is a double-edged compliment. 

She gives me another look as if I've just proven your point. "But as your Student-Exchange-Counselor, I have to say I am more than disappointed with your lack of socialization amongst your fellow classmates."

"Friends?" I scoff. "This whole conversation is ultimately about my inability to be the most popular girl in school?"

"If you can name one experience that has impacted something other than your studies, I'll let you go right here and now."

I twist my mouth determined to name something. I narrow my eyes, searching my brain before becoming vibrant with another arguing point. "The giant squid."

"The giant squid?"

"Yes," I nod enthusiastically. "The giant squid within the Black Lake, has to be the most majestic creature I've ever seen. I mean, the amount of control and grace flexed within it's massive tentacles as it swooshes by the common room is truly remarkable."

"I'm sure it is, but it can't exchange a conversation or invite you to sit with them during the next Quidditch match."

"I don't care about any of that stuff. Some people function better when left alone, Professor" I hedge. "So, if you're expecting me to regale you with stories of the latest butterbeer special at the Three Broomsticks, or any of those other foolish shops within Hogsmeade-"

"Exactly my point! Why don't you go?" She encourages. "I mean, your fellow exchange-students are exploring all that Hogwarts has to offer-"

"The other exchange students weren't sorted into Slytherin. From what I gather, Slytherins are known to keep mostly to themselves," I tease. " Also, I find it extremely impossible that the other kids are exploring what Hogwarts has to offer, outside of Hogwarts. Everything wonderful about Hogwarts is right here, on the grounds."

"To some," she begins wrinkling her nose. "Spending all of your time with magical creatures and house-elves could be considered productive, however they are ultimately beneath and cannot replace human interaction. And from your application and reccomendation letters, Ilvermony made it seem like you were a well-rounded package...I find it very hard to believe that you are satisfied being alone," she challenges, before resurging her argument. "I mean, I've heard your voice. You clearly belong in the Choir. And the Dueling Club! You were the Club's Student-President at Ilvermony! Honestly, why haven't you joined?"

"I'm going to be late for my next class, Professor."

She stares at me dryly, before starting to smile defeatedly. "We just finished the last session of the day."

"Then I'm going to be late for something completely unrelated, and as far away from you as physically possible."


"What," I exhale, and her eyes soften once more. 


"If I agree to try, will you leave me alone?"

"If you make an honest effort? Yes. I can agree to leave you alone."

I nod turning my back to exit the classroom but she calls my name again. 


"Yeah," I say as mockingly as possible. 

"I am available to talk, if you need me."

"Thanks, Prof. Burton. But it's really not necessary," I add giving her a tight lipped smile, and heading out. 

I hike my bag up a little higher on my shoulder along with my hood of my school-robes, and reach inside to pull out my scarf.  The thickness of my "House" scarf make me feel like I'm drowning in a sea of green, white and silver; but I'm grateful for it today because it's bitterly cold. But then again, it is February. Snow flurries and flakes whizz in between the corridors and archways due to the howling wind, and the clusters and couples of students huddle together to keep warm. I wrap myself in tighter, quickening my steps in order to follow the path to get to the common room. I walk down the various hallways, taking the appropriate turns, feeling proud that I've finally got a solid bearing on this castle and head for the dungeons. 

There are a few second years who scurry towards the entrance, and after they give they password we walk inside and down the stone steps to get to the common room. It's bustling, as usual after classes and I make my way to my dormitory. I've learned to give a quick nod as I pass my "fellow" Slytherins; most of them don't smile. least most of the upper-classmen don't, but the younger kids do; no doubt still reveling in their excitement. 

I climb the stairs and set down my bag and take off my scarf and outer robe, before collapsing face first onto my bed. I let out a long, low pitched groan into my pillow; before turning my head and sighing as I stare at the empty owl-post. I make a face thinking that maybe I should've listened to my father, and gotten a pet companion. I push aside the conversation with Prof. Burton and the physical representation of my loner-status here at Hogwarts and sit up. A few other girls enter the room settling in as I find the urge to move.

"And so she comes up to me after class, expecting to show off her score on our last exam" Melissa, a third year speaks to Janice and Fiona a few other Slytherin girls in different years. "When in fact she scored fifteen points lower than I did. So of course I make it known throughout the classroom, before making a bad- exit."

I stare at the three of them blankly, contemplating how this conversation is important and I shake my head standing up to get dressed. 

It's funny, I thought Slytherins were pretty much the same seeing as how we all share a solid number of characteristics but I quickly discovered that wasn't true. I mean, being Thunderbird could mean so many things. A strong sense of adventure is pretty much all we have to go on, but Slytherin is so incredibly complex. I mean, I don't truly fit here either, or at least in the stereotypical sense. I like to joke around too much, and everyone here is somewhat more serious. Conservative. Mastering the ways of gracefully entering and exiting a room, and delivering quick witted one-liners. I cracked a joke in the common room, and ended up snorting at my own humor only to recieve a roomful of diapproving stares. Ever since then, I've kept it to a minimum. I barely talk to anyone in my own house, because I've been shot down so many times. Only the first and second-years find me somewhat funny. They've been my saving grace. Everywhere else? I've learned to act like the rest of the house; understanding that it's our core values that we have in common. They still look out for me of course, but it hasn't been as easy as one might think.

I slip off my uniform, putting on a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark-green, oversized, knit sweater and a pair of old sneakers. I swear one of the only brightsides to it being Friday after classes means that we can begin wearing casual clothes. And I was so lucky to be sorted into a house where my enesemble already matched. I practically live in neutral colors, so I am always unintentionally showing Slytherin pride. 

I open a jar and place a fair amount of creamy moisiturizer in my palms before working it through my hair, restyling the curly pixie-cut. I wipe my hands on my sweater and head for the door before remembering my wand. I flex my right-hand, and it floats from my bag, zooming into mid-air and I catch it swiftly before sticking it in my front side pocket. I climb down the stairs and re-enter the common room and it's sort of mellowed out no doubt to the dinner-rush. Various students study in corners or talk in hushed tones amongst their groups or even to themeslves. I keep my eyes low making my way out, as they talk anxiously about the upcoming game against Gryffindor. 

I smile a little hearing their excitement, prefering to watch how emotional they get over the game. Quidditch doesn't really interest me much, but I like seeing everyone elses reactions. 

"Hi-yah, Gwen!" An adorably brown, chubby second year with a mop of curly dark hair, smiles up at me. 

"Hey, Jamie" I smile ruffling his head. "You headin' to the Great Hall."

"Not just yet. My friend Carl just got his new pack of Wizard Cards, and rumor has it he's got a Hermione Granger!" He says excitedly and I chuckle.

"Well that sounds like fun," I add, slightly disappointed that I won't have someone to sit with at dinner. Not that I need the company, but I have no doubt Prof. Burton will be watching me more than usual.

"Not as much fun as us creaming Gryffindor for the second match in a row!" Jamie says a bit darkly, before turning happy again. "Isn't that right, Davey!"

Davey Addison, who's been sitting in one of the many armchairs by the fireplace shoots him a skeptical look, before throwing an approving smirk and I feel it hit me in the chest. He stands up to walk over to us, and I shift a little in place making more room for him to talk to Jamie. 

"You should save your excitement for the match," he speaks perfectly, and I'm able to check him out more closely.

He's got dark-brown skin, smooth as melted chocoloate and light facial hair that seems to be coming in perfectly. He's tall, a bit of a thicker build, and long hair twisted in neat locs that make me wish I could twirl them personally. 

"Who's your friend, Jamie?" He smirks knowing that I've been oogling, and I sigh before giving him a tight smile. 

"No one, important," I finish preparing to walk away but he calls my name. 

"On the contrary, being the foreign exchange student from America, along with your family ties to-"

"My name is Gwen," I finish. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise, I'm sure," he nods easily. "...Are you coming to the match? I could use another pretty face to cheer me on," he flirts and I laugh, suddenly feeling my attraction to him fade just as quickly as it came." 

"No. I'll probably be finishing up some homework or something more important," I wince. 

"More important than Quidditch?" He frowns and I roll my eyes and give a single laugh, my eyes suddenly noticing the Captain's pin on his robes. 

"She doesn't mean it, right?" Jamie asks frightened. "She just doesn't understand the game."

"Oh, well I'd be happy to explain the rules-"

"I'm gonna pass, but good luck. And I'm sure I'll hear it over the speakers wherever I am," I smile deciding that I've had enough. "See you around Jamie."

I work my way up the steps, and through the passage-way arriving at the dungeons. Another corridor and series of steps take me to the Great Hall, and I sit at my usual spot at the end of the table by the door. Some other first years crowd in filling in the empty seats around me, and I give them a wink before preparing to enjoy a deliciously hearty beef and barely soup. I my lips in anticipation, appreciating the fact that one of the best parts about Hogwarts is the food. Everything here tastes incredible, as if it were made fresh from scratch right in front of you every single time-

Just then, the salt shaker closest to me begins to unscrew it's top before smoothly rising off of the table before toppling into my soup. Immediately the scowl forms on my face as I scan the table of Ravenclaws, searching for their faces. Heidi tosses her flamming red-hair arrogantly over her shoulder giving me another mean-girl smirk, before returning to a chorus of cackles from her table of minions.

I roll my eyes unimpressed with her attempt to get to me, before starting to twirl my fingers to raise the liquid contents from my bowl and and taking out my wand. 

I swirl my hands in order to form an orb shaped ball, probably the size of a bludger. I sustain it in mid-air before pointing the wand at it and whispering, "Evanesco..."

"What a lovely demonstration," Prof. Flitwick wobbles in gleefully entertained, after it vanishes. "Ten-points to Slytherin."

A small erruption of applause comes from our table, and I look over at Heidi who's glaring at me because it's a spell everyone in our year knows she struggles with. I make a face at her, and then adjust myself sitting a little higher within my seat before getting more soup. I eat quickly and quietly, before heading out of the Great Hall. Mostly everyone is at dinner, which is how I like it. It let's me know that most of the classrooms or the library will be empty. 

On my way to the owlry, I notice the other kids talking about their plans for the weekend or what they plan to do for Spring Break. 

I remember my own father, and how his last letter encouraged me to take full advantage of the opportunity at Hogwarts. I'm almost grateful he didn't want me home. It was hard enough to say goodbye to him once already, I'd rather just stick it out and finish the program.

I hated leaving him alone, but he practically insisted. He said it would give me a better chance to get to know my mother...

"RUN! RUN! He'll catch you with his murderous-hands!!" A group of young Gryffindor chortle, bounding down the halls, as his ghostly figure glides to a stop at the end of the corridor. 

He perches himself in one of the window-sills, of one of the arches. He's so still and focused, I can't help but gravitate towards him. The vibrant glow from the fire-pillars, refracting off of the silver droplets of blood staining the high-fashions of the 11th century. 

"...Nice night," I comment, and his form bobs up and down. "Mind if I sit?"

He doesn't move nor answer, but I've become accostomed to that part of our conversations. Aside from the magical creautres I've "befriended" and the occassional house-elf...The Bloody-Baron is one of my only "friends". And even that's probably a stretch. Everyone knows he doesn't keep friends, especially with the living. 

But, I like talking to him. He's a good listener, and an automatic repellant to anyone not willing to take the time to get to know a person. They rarely discuss him; too judgemental regarding his infamous history with Rowena and Helena Ravenclaw. He's always floating by himself, and even in passing the other students do their best to get out of his way. Wherever he goes, it's quiet and no one hardly ever follows. Not even the other members of our house. 

"This is a great view, but I prefer the Astronomy tower," I begin, staring out the window as well. "But it isn't available tonight, because they've got class. Which is really a shame, because there's supposed to be a meteor shower. And I doubt if there's a better seat in all of Hogwarts than in that classroom."

He continues to ignore me, staring up at the various colors in the sky subtly changing from dusk to evening. 

"I uh...hope you don't take what those kids said to heart. They're just being..." I trail unable to find the right words. "What I mean is..Not everyone thinks of you, like that...Take me for instance," I joke. "I happen to think you're excellent company."

He turns his head to look at me, cocking an eyebrow perfectly and I eat a smile. 

"Will you look at that? Collin's has fancied herself a boyfrien'! What? The living are too much to handle? You had to go and get somebody dead?" Rosalind Daniels calls out, and Heidi lets out a breathless laugh.

"Or maybe no one else here was actually worth the extended time and effort in order to form a meaningful conversation," I sass as Rosalind's smile begins to fade. "And seeing as how it's apparent that my words have gone over your head, you've just proven my point."

Rosalind blinks blankly a few times, before scoffing and folding her arms attempting to come up with something smart to say. "Oh, yeah?"

I shake my head knowing I won that round. "Yeah."

"Well, you're just mad my house is going to beat Slytherin, on Sunday" Rosalind quips.

"Oh, yeah" I reply, making my voice sound just as nasily and annoying as hers walking past them. 

"Give it up, Ros" Heidi smirks. "Besides, brains was never your strong suit anyway. You offer more muscle, than substance."

"Heidi," she whines. 

"But that's why we're friends," Heidi giggles as I continue to walk away. "Don't worry, we'll find another way to get her. I've already got part one on stand-by," she adds once she thinks I'm out of ear shot. 

I'm not 100% sure how I developed such a major problem with Heidi Brownstein in the first place, but I've been on her "list" ever since I stepped on the Hogwarts Express at the start of term. I tried befreinding her on the train, and it didn't go well at all. Her and her group of friends practically tore into me regarding everything about me. From my muggle-dad, to being an American witch, to my possible connections to a family of Dark Wizards. 

Point is, she made it extremely clear that she'd make it difficult for me to make friends. And seeing how she's the Queen Bee of this school's sheep-mentality, she's kept true to her word. The only comfort I've found is within my Hogwarts house. True to Slytherin fashion, they've looked out for me during my time here. But speaking to most of them is a bit redundant. None of them seem interested in anything aside from being the best, and although we share that trait it's not something I obsess over. I understand that there are other parts to life than being number one all of the time. Most of them seem to study for the purposes of seeming smart or extremely knowledgeable, hiding within their books in order to prepare for debates or other public demonstrations of their wit. Not me.

Not that I don't keep my nose in the books, or that I don't spend most of my free-time in the library it's just I do it for other reasons. I find it fascinating. And Hogwarts is ridiculously rich in history, not to mention...books are a lot kinder than the people here. And although being a "loner" is a complete 180 degrees from my social-status at home, I am content with exploring this other part of myself...

When I eventually make my way to the Owlry up in the West Tower, immediately I regret not bringing a coat. I rub my hands together  entering into the stone room, and expelling a short gust of air seeing it blow out in front of me as the owls begin to acknowledge my presence within the room. And then I see him. The most beautiful barn owl, perched on the far window-sill staring out into the night just as stoic as the Bloody Baron until I come up the side of him. He turns his head before inching the rest of his body to face me, and he hops  a few times happy to see me before ducking his head for me to it. 

"Hello, Jareth," I smile scratching his head lightly. "...Are you keeping out of trouble?" He coos in response and I chuckle. "Yeah, right. I'm sure. With you being so devilish."

He nips at me gently and I smile even more staring into his dark, black eyes. He chirps a little cocking his head from side to side. He's golden tan and white, with a slightly crooked beak and a dark spot across the front of his chest. He doesn't seem to belong to anyone, unlike the other birds who've got small charms or chains linked around their legs to carry parcels and letters. And I've never seen him deliver anything to anyone in the Great Hall. I've only ever seen him here, or perched on a random balcony or post around the castle. He reminds me of that old 80's movie Labryinth, which is why I call him Jareth...

He coos at me, inching closer in order to nuzzle my face and I chuckle feeling his feathers tickle, before he begins picking at my sweater. "Alright! Alright," smile shrugging off the bird in order to pull out a treat. "Here..." 

I reach deep in my back pocket and slip out three minature snuff boxes.

"Engorgio," I motion after taking out my wand, and the boxes swell. Jareth hops from foot to foot, and I laugh at his impatience. I tap one of the boxes, "Reparifarge", and it transforms back into a dead mouse.

I do the same with the other two boxes, before presenting it to Jareth and he begins devouring it immediately. I grimace watching him swallow the first one with slight difficulty, and I back away giving him more space. 

"I'll uh...catch you later" I say and he stops mid-swallow to look at me accusingly. "What?" I quip. "I don't want to stay and watch," I joke as he slurps up the tail and I shudder. "See you arou-" I stop hearing someone approach. I wait a moment and don't move before raising my wand a little higher. "...Hello?" I call but recieve no answer. "Homenum Revelio!" 

The spell forces him out of the corner he'd been hiding in, and I frown a bit at his perplexed expression. A second or two later he straightens himself up in order to appear casual, and I ease a little more knowing who it is. 

His name is Alistair Xiang, and we're in the same year. He's your stereotypical light-hearted jock, who no doubt would win Prom King if you dropped him in any American public school system. He's seventeen, extremely good looking brandishing the attractive features from his multi-racial background. He's on the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team. He's a fairly good student. And to add to his ridiculously climbing coolness factor? He's a Metamorphmagus, meaning he can change his appearance on command without the help of a spell or any additional magic. Not that he needs too, he's already annoyingly gorgeous. Super tall, but not obxnoxiously so. Medium-long, red-chilli-pepper hair he usually keeps in a topknot or pony-tail. Dark brown eyes, light freckles. Full pouty lips that any girl would pay to have or kiss-

He's just...perfect, alright? Some people seem to have it all, and are still foolishly sweet. He's just one of those people. But unfortunately, he's no better than most of our year because he ultimately still possesses a "sheep" mentality. He and his friends are usually posted up around the school, cracking jokes and what-not. But what makes him different, is after his crew is gone he'll go and check on whoever they've been making fun of. If they've taken a joke too far, he's the only one I've ever seen feel remorse or try and make amends. 

I'd have a more positive association with him if he'd just stand up and refuse to join in, rather than be a part of it and try to make up for it later.  Although I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, he doesn't have much of a backbone. It's basic knowledge that he and Heidi used to date, and she definitely seems the type to control a relationship-

"Homenum Reve-"

"The Human-Presence-Revealing Spell," I explain and he twists his mouth disappointed. "I thought I heard someone, so I figured it was appropriate."

"Appropriate," he scoffs looking away from me with an amused smile. "...Yeah, I guess. I probably do look like creep."

I don't say anything, allowing the silence to speak for the situation and he winces. 

"Sorry...I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," I interrupt. "I was just leaving-"

"You-You were?" He asks and I nod once more. "Oh..."

I frown a little more hearing his reply, but I don't push it. "Yeah, I just came here to check on-"

"Oh? I didn't know you had an-"

"I don't," I rush, and he raises his eyebrows questioningly. "I mean...He's not mine, officially. owl I was looking after."

"Oh-Oh" he stutters and I frown even more. "That's really, kind...of you. Not that you aren't kind. Or that you can't show kindness, it's just-"

"I'm in Slytherin?" I quip sarcastically and he shakes his head even more, trying to explain. 

"No! No! There are tons of kind Slytherins!" He blurts. "I mean my-my family is, is loaded with them."

My eyes begin to narrow suspiciously, before I  shake my head stuffing away my wand. "Like I said..I was just leaving."

"Oh..." he frowns. "Was I inter-rupting something? Or someone else?"

"Its just me," I affirm before hearing a few hoots. "Well, me and the birds of course."

"Of course" he nods and my face furrows a bit. "It's just that I heard you talking-"

I roll my eyes already preparing myself for whatever insults he's about to deliver, and my nostrils flare impatiently ready for him to get on with it. 

"What-What's wrong, now?" He asks cluelessly and I smirk finding nothing funny. 

"I'm sorry, is there a more polite way to recieve an insult?" 

"In-Insult? Was there something I-"

"Well, isn't that what you were about to do?" I interrupt, already becoming upset. "Call me a crazy-bird lady, or..whatever other half-thought, elementary derisions you and your friends come out with behind my back-

"I'm sorry," he says softening his expression. "Not for making fun of you..." He sighs, before shaking his head quickly to erase how it sounds. "Not that I do, because I promise you I don't. But, for my friends," he says becoming shy once again. "Sometimes they can be..."

"A circle of friends is the most accurate representation of a person's character," I recite, winning the round and he grimaces before nodding once more. 

"..They're a good group of lads. Really funny, unless you're the brunt of the joke-" he works out, allowing his words to fade. "What I mean is-"

"You don't have to explain," I finish, and he sighs like he's struggling with staying quiet. "...But if you weren't going to make fun of me, then..." I trail, and he forms a crinkle in the middle of his forehead as if he's solving a difficult equation. 

"I've got a problem. Something I'm pretty sure only you could help me with...You see, there's this girl I like," he sighs and I raise my eyebrows suspiciously. "And since Valentine's Day is tomorrow, I thought it'd be the perfect time to tell her how I feel."

I shift my stance impatiently and he smiles relaxing a bit. 

"Basically, I was wondering if you had any advice on how I should go about it?"

"And I should want to help you, because?"

"Because, if anyone can create a plan to successfully win her over-"

"Like you even need my help," I quip and he raises his eyebrows. " least, that's what I've heard."

"Which is what exactly?"

"Oh come on," I half-laugh. "You're easily the best looking person in Hogwarts, even without magic" I admit before clamping my mouth shut. I shake my head and readjust myself, attempting to appear indifferent. "What I mean is, you're a decent guy" I add, clearing my throat. "And I'm pretty sure any girl in Hogwarts would gladly throw themselves at your feet, for the chance to go out with you...You don't need my help-"

"But I do, Gwen" he interrupts earnestly, beginning to stare at me differently. "If she's as wonderful as she appears, I think she could really mean a lot to me. I want the chance to really get to know her, and I'm finally ready to let her know how I feel.

I twist my mouth, seeing how beautifully sensitive he is; and I feel the tiny tugs at my heartstrings to help him out. I inhale deep in order to better examine his question. "Well, choosing Valentine's Day is a good start. She's sure to be caught up by the surroundings, but telling her privately is not her style."

"...It's not?" He asks sounding a bit confused and I shake my head. 

"Girls like that are all about spectacle, so if you really want to impress her the best chance to do it would be at the party tomorrow."

"In the Great Hall?" He asks sounding surprised.

"You sound scared."

"If I'm being honest, I am. But not for me," He corrects. "I mean, I could do it of course. Get past my nerves or whatever, but I can't help but think about how she'll react if my gesture is too big."

I shake my head confidently, before giving him another uselful piece of advice. "Go big or go home."

"But, in front of everyone? Are you sure?"

"Of course," I answer confidently, thinking of Heidi. "I mean it's the perfect chance to tell her. And it's just the type of event that's sure to have people talking for weeks. Which I'm sure she'll consider an added bonus."

He stares at me with a hard expression. "...And you're really sure about this?"

"Yes," I answer a bit short. "Why do you keep asking that?"

"Because from what I know of her, she wouldn't be caught dead going to a party like that" he challenges, and I frown. "I guess, I'm just...surprised."

"Well, she can't spend all of her time in the library," I deduce, remembering the numerous times I've seen her studying. She spends almost as much time in there as I do. "Besides, if you make a demonstration in there, Madam Pince will flip a . So you're safest bet, is in the Great Hall," I conclude, but he still looks uneasy. "...Did that help?" He winces scratching his head, but nods as I turn to go. "...Good luck." 


I stop in place, turning back to look at him and I nod. "Yeah...Although, why ask for my advice-"

"Because," he interrupts and a moment passes. "...Because, I wanted to get it right."

I smile a little shaking my head. "I guess we'll find out tomorrow."

"Yeah, I guess we will."

The next morning starts out just like any other Saturday for me at Hogwarts. I review my study-schedule noting the various assignments and exams I have coming up, before getting dressed and heading for the Library. I go to my usual corner and begin reading, whizzing through a copy of The Handbook of Hippogriff Psychology, before deciding to sign out Merpeople: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Language and Customs. 

My stomach grumbles and I wince remembering how I've skipped breakfast, but I feel even more conflicted knowing that the Valentine's Day celebration has already started. There's really no other place to get anything to eat. I mean, I could essentially sneak down into the kitchens, but it's too much of a risk if I get caught...

I roll my eyes and pack away my study-materials slinging my bag over my shoulder, before walking over to the front desk to check out my items. Our exchange is quick and silent, and I give a polite nod to Madam Pince exiting as quietly as possible. 

When I finally get to the Great Hall, it's worse than I think. The room is practically one giant space, with students clustered in different corners or around the food tables. Swirls of pink and red whoosh and spin above our heads. Large wreaths and flower petals continue to shudder and burst into the air, forcing us to walk through sudden explosions of color. There are so many heart-shaped objects, zooming and whirring among us, it's probably a hazzard. The music is highly over the top, with comples orchestrations continuing the romantic nature of this party. I close my eyes and head over to the food table, taking a plate off of one of the corners and beginning to load it up with a few heart-shaped sandwiches and cookies. 

"Well-Well-Well," a voice chimes from behind. I stiffen, feeling the small group form and pose beside me, and I roll my eyes and sigh turning around to face them. Ashley Newton, another Ravenclaw girl in our year faces off with me. She's about an inch or two taller, with dyed icy-grey hair and dark blue eyes. Elvish features, long and slender body, and two of Heidi's minions on either side of her.  "Look who finally decided to crawl out of her hole."

"What can I say, I had some free time," I answer dryly, lifting a cookie off of my plate and taking a bite walking over to take a seat.

"Don't tell me you're actually going to stay," Tanya Griffin, a sixth year in Gryffindor exaggerates, as if my presence here is somehow personally offensive.

"Seeing as how this is the only place to get something to eat? I think I will" I sass, taking my plate over to an empty chair and the group heads off into the opposite direction. A few minutes later, Heidi walks in with a train of of Valentine cards and notes floating behind her like a veil. They trail in the breeze of her walk, gracefully pecking her to open them and she continues to brandish her sea of admirers. 

I sit down and begin eating, ignoring the excited giggles and happy trills from the younger students who've recieved their Valentines. Small envelopes and cards zoom through the air in elaborate flight-patterns before arriving to the sender. 

A twinge of bitterness pangs my heart, secretly wishing that I'd get one. How sweet it'd be to sincerely recieve one with romantic intentions. 

Back home I'd have tons from friends, but never from someone special. Or from someone who thought I was special enough to put in enough time and effort to send one...

And then it zooms to a stop in front of my face, a bright red envelope addressed to me. I glance around the room quickly, searching for whoever might have sent it but no one seems to react. It shudders and jumps in mid-air as if something inside is bursting to come out, and I grab the letter and rip it open. Immediately it leaps out of my hand in order to shout a slur of insults at me. 

"YOU COLLINS!" It's feminine voice shrieks, and I wince at the amount of force and power stuffed within the envelope. "A COMPLETE WASTE OF MAGIC! COLLINS, YOU !"

It shouts even louder before ripping itself up and then bursting into ashes as more and more red envelopes whiz over to do the same thing. 


"YOU, SUUUUUUCK COLLINS" Another envelope jeers, gaining more and more attention as the other students begin to laugh. "YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER?!"






The tears fill my eyes, feeling all of my rage swell inside as the letters continue their speech. The ashes float down to my feet, as the unkind smiles and howls of laughter seem to ring and echo within my ears. I stare at each of their faces, the mix of students who find it funny and I'm thankful that none of them are from my house. And then I see his. Alistair, standing near the entrance of the Great Hall. His pity for me practically overflows to the point where I'll do anything to escape his stare. His eyes, bore into mine showing nothing but empathy and that's worse than their laughs. To have him witness me in such a situation, is more humiliating than anything I could ever imagine.

I smile bitterly rising from my seat, quickly grabbing my things in order to storm out of the Great Hall. I know I'm not really paying attention to my steps; just wanting to exit as fast as possible, which is how he's able to catch me so easily.

"Whoa-Whoa-Whoa," he says holding me steady, attempting to peer into my face. 

I breathe hard trying not to sob or become hysterical, and I begin to nod knowing I just have to muster my courage long enough to get out of there. 

"Let me walk you back to your common room-"

"NO!" I shout feeling my walls fissure, before gathering myself together. "Thank you, but I'll be alright."


"It's no-thing," I expel feeling my emotions crack. "I'm fine," I affirm, finding my voice. 

"No, you're not," he tries again, giving me a little shake in order to see my eyes. 

"Xiang!" One his friends calls, another boy with reddish-brown hair who had been laughing gestures him over. 

I step back trying to leave, but he catches me holding on even tighter. "Wait."

"Alistair, I'm fine. I prom-"

"But, you can't go yet," He pleads even stronger, and Heidi jogs over to where we are.  

"Alistair, babe. What are you doing? We already got her," She cuts in, as if I'm not standing less than a few inches away. "You don't have to go through with pretending to like her."

My eyes flick to his and he just scowls. I glance down to his hold on me, and shrug myself away from him.

"No. Gwen, it isn't like that-"

"Babe," Heidi coos, trailing a finger along the width of his shoulders. "I know you love a good laugh as much as anybody, but you can really drop the act. I told you, we got her," she explains and I nod and smile understanding the joke as Heidi continues to gloat."You completely missed her reaction! I mean, she never even saw it coming!" She laughs. "And people really consider her the brightest in our year? Please. Even a squib would've recognized a howler..."

Her amusement burries and gongs deep within my ears, attempting me to go mad until I flex my fingers, stunning her with jinx. 

Choking and other grunts and motions, along with aggressively clutching at to express the fact that she can't talk. I stare at her smiling tight lipped and satisfied, watching her eyes buldge and her tongue continue to uncomfortably lay flat against the roof of . 

"HEIDI! What is it?" Tanya shrieks rushing over and I end up laughing, backing up far enough watching the two of them struggle. "What did you do to her?"

"I don't know what you mean" I sniffle somehow fighting a smile, backing up even further. "Maybe she just had an allergic reaction. Too many chocolates?" I grin wiping my cheeks from my tears. 

"ARGH-UGH!!!!" Heidi says lunging for me, and I evade her with another laugh.

I flex my hand again, and her tongue frees only to begin swelling at a dangerous rate. It lops out of , forcing her to pant as it continues to swell and pour out onto the floor. She screams even higher gathering it up by the handful, and the surrounding students begin to really laugh.

"Come on! Let's get you to Madam Pomfrey!" Tanya says ushering her out as fast as possible, as Heidi continues to make unintelligible threats. 

"Hopefully, it's something Madam Pomfrey can fix!" I call after her feeling my good mood exit with her. Alistair stands in front of me, staring at me differently. Scared, embarrassed and yet somehow impressed. My smile fades remembering his part in all of this and I scoff walking out of the Great Hall. 


"What?" I snap refusing to slow down. "Show's over. You've all had your fun. Might as well leave me alone."

"But I need to explain!" He groans. 

"I'm pretty sure Heidi said it all!" I say becoming upset once again. "Look...Just, go away."

"No!" He stresses, continuing to follow me down the corridor. "I've done some messed up things, but I wouldn't do something like that. Especially not to you."

"Why?" I sass, pushing myself even faster towards the library. 

"Be-cause," he sighs grabbing my arm once again, forcing us to stop. "...I fancy, you."

"Ohhhh, sure."

"It's true," he smiles a bit shyly. "I've been trying to tell you for weeks, but talking to you is-"

"Is what?"

"Intimidating and scary as hell," he expels with a beautiful smile. "But I was working up my nerve-Wait! Where are you going?"

"To the only place where I'm apparently safe from this complete and utter load of bull!" I call back. "I swear, you're worse than Heidi. At least she knows when the joke is over!"

"But Gwen!"

I take off running, and I don't stop until I'm back in the library. 

I fight off thoughts about Alistair with my used copy of Advanced Potion Making. I sit comfortably at a desk burried in between the wonderfully tall bookcases, feeling as if nothing can get to me. That is until a flock of bird-origami flutter to and float around my desk, humming harmoniously in perfect pitch, before one starts floats forward to perch itself on my book. 

"Give me a run for my money, there is nobody no one to outrun me" his voice croons. "So give me a run for my money, sippin' bubbly feelin' lovely...livin' lovely..."

"Just love me," four of the notes sing perfectly.

"What in Godric's name?!" Madam Pince shouts from her desk, and I try to enchant the notes to stop but that just makes them sing even louder.

A fatter note-bird waddles in front to sing Kendrick Lamar's rap. "If I didn't ride blade on curb would you still-"

"Love me," the other notes chime.

"I will not tolerate a disturbance of this magnitude!"

"If I made up my mind at work, would you still-"

"Love me."

I take out my wand, and whisper Mufflato but the notes begin singing even louder than before. Whoever sent this, jinxed it so that if I tried to either stop or quiet them down it would just get louder. 

"Keep it a hundred, I'd rather you trust me than to-"

"Love me."

"Keep it a hund', don't got you I got nothing."

"Give me a run for my money," he sings literally stepping out of a random aisle, and the notes provide the perfect back-up. "There is nobody no one to outrun me-"

My jaw drops seeing how bold he is, as he continues to serenade me in the Library. 

"So give me a run for my money, sipping bubbly feelin' lovely" he smiles unapologetically sweet, as Madam Pince charges in our direction. 

"WILL YOU STOP THIS?!" I exclaim, unable to stay serious as he sings even more passionately. 

"JUST LOOOOOOVEEEEEEE MEEEEEEE" He adds in a beautiful falsetto and I cover my face embarrassed, swirling my wand to pack up my things and slinging it as quickly as possible over my shoulder. 

"STOP-SINGING!" I laugh and he ignores me to show off his musicality even more. 

"This is pure insolence!" Madam Pince yells, and I grab his hand forcing him to follow me. 

His fingers lace through mine, and I sigh allowing the contact before dragging him behind another set of bookcases. 

"Call off the notes."

"Only if you'll talk to me."

"What? Absolutely not!"


"Shut-Up! Shut-Up! Fine!"

He chuckles waving his wand and removing the charm from the sheets of paper, and they float to the ground. He levitates them so they rise and stack themselves, before aggressively stuffing themselves into my bag. I roll my eyes, before hearing Madam Pince approach and I take his hand and tug him towards the entrance. 

"Play it cool," I hiss and his grip tightens around my hand. I twist my mouth annoyed at the fact that I sort of like the feel of it. We walk past the front desk, with me feeling more anxious than ever. But he isn't. Even when I look back at him he's just as calm and cool as ever, and I pull him even faster to follow me in hopes that I'll be able to be rid of him sooner. I make sure we're far enough away from the library, before I begin wiggling my hand free and stopping to face him. "Okay. We're out."

"Yeah, we are" he sighs glancing behind us to check if it's safe, before breaking into an satisfied grin. 

I stare at him watching him stand utterly pleased with himself, and I feel my eyes narrow."Let me guess, I'm supposed to be impressed by your lil' stunt?" I challenge and he chuckles even more.

"Well...yeah. I was kind of hoping you would, seeing as how I went through all of it for that specific reason," he jokes and I roll my eyes. "I mean, technically all I did was follow your advice."

"To embarass me in public?"

"Embarass?! Really?"

"What else do you expect me to say? You pull off something that loud in a library-"

"I was just doing like you said!" He argues. "You said to make a spectacle of my affections! That making a quiet confession wasn't a good idea, and that my best chance to impress you would be on Valentine's Day."

"What on earth would make you think-"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?! We talked about this in the owlry, last night!"

"No. We talked about Heidi, last night-"

"Heidi!" He shouts as if he's got a bad taste in his mouth. "What would make you think-"

"Because you'," I say gesturing to him. "And there's no way you could've meant, me."

"Why not? Why does everyone keep saying that, like it's utterly impossible for us to be together?" He groans, almost sounding insulted. "You're really smart and funny-"


"Kind, but a fortress or a complex puzzle. Not to mention, insanely could I not fancy you?" He finishes, allowing his words to catch up to him, and he winces afraid that he's shared too much. "...I know based on what you may have heard about me, Heidi seems more my type but," he says stepping closer. "There's more to me, than what you think you might know."

I feel my eyes narrow skeptically and he makes a face, feeling he doesn't have a chance.

"It's true. And whatever Heidi or her friends did, you have to believe when I say I had nothing to do with it...I wouldn't jeopardize getting to know you for anything," he pleads. "And I'd really like too."

I roll my eyes feeling my heart flutter from his confession, and he sighs thinking what he's said has no effect. 

"Nevermind...I tried right?" He says to himself before shrugging off his poor mood. "Hey," he winces. "I'm really sorry if I embarrassed you, or made you feel some type of way...I'll uh...see you around."

He turns around and I maybe let him get three steps before I'm calling out to him. "Hey, Fred!"

He spins around in order to face me, giving me a confused look. "...Fred?"

"Well, your name is Alistair right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"So, I thought calling you 'Stairs was kinda mean," I shrug, not really sure how to go about this. "But literally saying your name, doesn't allow me to picture much else."

"So, you call me Fred instead?"

"Yeah, like Fred Astaire," I smile finding my own joke amusing, but he looks at me blankly not getting the pun. "Nevermind. It was a joke, but unless you know who he is I guess it's not really that funny."

"The muggle, I mean..No-Maj dancer, right?"

I feel my face soften, slightly grateful at the fact that he knows what I'm talking about. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to make a reference or a joke on this side of the Wizarding World, only to have it backfired or destroyed right in front of my face. 

Most days I've literally stopped trying to win people over, or to try and get them to like me. Most kids here don't seem open to a cultural exchange, so instead of being rejected I just stay quiet and observe. Only speaking when I have something unrefutable to say, or if I'm defending myself or someone else. I usually keep to myself, knowing it's safer than putting myself out there. 

Lonely, but safer. 

He smirks reaching up to scratch his head. "You know most people just call me, Al."

"I figured, but-"

"But what?" He asks anxiously. 

I wrinkle my nose to keep from smiling full on, preparing to say something cheesy. "...Where's the fun in that?"

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I'm stuck you guys with how i want to rewrite the next part..I've rewritten it so many times and i'm not happy with how it's coming out. That's why it's taking so long. My apologies once again, and hopefully i'll have something posted for you really soon!! <3


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Chapter 13: That was agonizing and beautiful all in one. I'm glad he's finally free of his family and I hope that he can still keep a close relationship with Gia without the rest of the family blocking them.

I really wish nothing but for joy and love to surround both of them from now on.

Also I'm not sure how much of this story is left but I'm excited to see their development at school after all of this. And how they handle that petty (I forgot her name lol)
733 streak #2
Chapter 13: Awesome chapter, although a bit sad. Oh, I so hope Lord Harris kicks the bucket, and Alastair ends up with everything - in a lovely twist of fate. :) Now, how to get rid of Auntie Dearest...

Hope you’re doing well. I am hanging in there.♡
733 streak #3
Chapter 12: Something tells me all hell is going to break loose at the party. Daddy Dearest and Step-mummy need to get what’s coming to them.
733 streak #4
Chapter 11: Good chapter. Oh no, you really are putting them through it! In the matter of a day, their lives have been completely turned upside down. I’m just hoping that outside forces will not tear them away from each other. Daddy Dearest and Auntie Acid both need to eff off.
Chapter 10: ing Sheva ?

I'm so glad that she found HER wand. I too can not wait to "see" Heidi's busted crusty dusty face. She REALLY needs for someone to bring her down a few notches.

I wonder what she'll name her Hippogriff when they get back to Hogwarts. And I wonder what her aunt will say about the wand situation ?
733 streak #6
Chapter 10: I need a wand to do my dishes and housework. (^_-) Good chapter, I like that Alistair is starting to open up. Hopefully he’s old enough now to stand up to his father, so that the man can’t make him miserable.
733 streak #7
Chapter 9: Hmm... “whatever we’re about to face” sounds ominous. lol The kids are finally in a good place, despite Heidi, now you’re gonna them headfirst into more problems? Can’t wait! (^_-)
Chapter 8: Damn... he was a whole thot.. the entire crew got a ride.
733 streak #9
Chapter 7: d (^‿^✿)
Chapter 7: Kinda glad they broke her moms wand. Now they know what she's capable of and know that they shouldn't fxck with her.... I bet they still will try but ??‍♀️. The 3 of them really need to break away from the pact. Now that they see how low the others will stop to... it's time to GO (if they can)