Magic Works

Another Year...

Gwen's POV

Two weeks flies by in no time at all, especially with me having something to really look forward too. And now, I'm practically bouncing up and down from excitement because tonight is the night.

"I cannot stress it enough," Professor Garrett smiles getting caught up within his lecture. We're standing in the middle of the room in a circle, listening intently on his lecture. "The Patronus-Charm is a physical projection of an individual's positivity. The literal essence of the happiest thought, feeling or experience you've ever had bursting it's way into the atmosphere. For example," he bustles taking out his wand and brandishing a swift circular motion. "Expecto-Patronum!"

From the tip of his wand a silver stream jets out before producing a swan, gracefully spinning through the air in flight around our classroom. I watch in awe, smiling at the bright silver creature soaring above us until my eyes fall upon Professor Garrett and he raises his eyebrows in encouragement.

"Ms. Collins?" He urges and I shake my head immediately. 

I've never been successful at producing anything regarding a Patronus, not even a silvery whisp of a shield. He raises his eyesbrows, silently asking me to try one final time and I wrinkle my nose, physically backing away from the opportunity. He shrugs moving onto the next person. "Any other volunteers?"

"I'll give it a go," Alistair quips and I give him a surprised look. He's standing at my left diagonal, and after I roll my eyes at him as he smirks stepping confidently towards the center. He closes his eyes a minute, choosing his memory and with a clear and direct voice he summons his Patronus. "...Expecto-Patronum!"

The Piebald-Stallion errupts from his wand, shinning brighter than I've ever seen. Pure light showers down within our classroom as his Patronus gallops gallantly up and down the aisles of desks.

"Excellent, Mr. Xiang. Ten Points to Hufflepuff," Prof. Garrett praises, earning another small round of claps until his Patronus trots happily over to stand directly in front of me.

Its piercing silver eyes pour into mine until I finally look over to its owner, and he's giving me the same doting stare. I smile a little covering my eyes before looking back at him covering my mouth entirely speechless. The other students gawk and tease the two of us until Professor Garrett calls us in check.

"Alright, settle down. Let's call it for today, shall we?" He teases and slowly people begin to exit.

"...Subtle..Real, subtle," Morgan comments unimpressed as he packs his bag.

Alistair shrugs coolly before giving me a wink, and leaving the classroom and I laugh feeling even happier following him out a few paces behind.

"Ribbett-Ribbett" a fourth year boy croaks as I walk past him down the hall, and Alistair stops dead in his tracks to go after him but I turn him around and we keep moving.

"It's the last day of it," I offer and he sighs not liking the reminder. "And then I'll be back to normal."

"I don't understand how you take it so well," he frowns. "I feel like I could scream for days on end, just from frustration alone."

"It's almost over," I smile, remembering all of the reasons I have to be excited. "And tonight, is going to go...perfectly," I chuckle thinking of my lucky-potion. "You'll see," I promise.

He makes a sour face before shaking his head and exhaling hard. "...I'll see you there?"

I nod pushing him a little further ahead and he jogs away from me, disappearing down a different corridor and I head for the dungeons through another passage way. I hurry along in order to enter the Slytherin Common Room, placing my things on my bed once I get to the girls dormitory. I stretch out on my bed listening to the other girls talk excitedly about their weekend plans, and I smile dreaming of all of the wonderful ways in which tonight will go...


My head pops up to see a fifth year girl named Vanya Reed, shuffling her way to my area with tears in her eyes. I wrinkle my nose subconciously in reaction to her Golden-Envelope challenge...She got stuck with attacking herself at least three times a day with Dungbombs...

"What's up, Vanya?" I wince and she surprises me by beginning to cry.

"I'm horrible. Just...UGH!" She wails starting to earn a few stares. "I hope you can forgive me!"

"..." I groan, automatically jumping to the worst conclusion and I feel around my bedpost for Felix and I don't relax until I feel him safely in my hands. I take a deep breath, satisfied that the worst hasn't happened and begin questioning Vanya. "What'd you do?"

A few sobs escape before she waves her wand, and my school trunk containing all of my best clothes come whizzing out to make a pile on my bed. They're completely ruined with slashes and tears, forcing the fabric to practically hangs in pieces. I've got enough scraps to make quilt, and it's clear my school uniform is no longer an option but my only source of clothing.

My stare turns hard, and I bite my lip trying my hardest not to rip into her for ruining my clothes. But I want answers, and I can be patient enough to wait. I take a step towards her and she cowers down with a whimper, beginning to cry even harder.

"I'm really sorry. I am! But it isn't my fault-"

"Really?" I snide getting right in her face. "I'm surprised Vanya, I thought Slytherin's were all about getting the glory. I'm shocked you wouldn't want to take the credit for this...Not that you really can."


"Wha-What?" I mock sneering down at her. "Oh please. It's as clear as day, The Council made me a part of your challenge. What I can't figure out, is why didn't you come to me so that we could've figured this out together?"

"I ha-had too," she begs. "I mean, you know how it is. We have to follow our instructions to the letter-"

"All year this House has had my back, and if you had just talked to me I would've helped you. I know how important this tradition is, I care about it too," I explain. "But to wait until the last minute, when we're literally hours away from-" I grin, becoming dangerously upset. "You know what? Forget it. Just move," I say brushing past her to go to dinner.


"Sorry? Not yet, but will be. Just like the rest of them," I finish with another dark laugh.

Dinner goes by quickly with me slightly stress eating all of the wonderful comfort foods placed in front of me, trying my hardest to think of something to wear besides my uniform.

I need something beautiful...but vengeful...Something that is going to make a positive statement, and have everyone envy me. And if it was ironically inspired by this turn of events, where it made it so that I was the one finding amusement in all of this that would be a plus...

The way I figure it, I've got enough Felix Felicis to last me five hours or so. An hour past midnight...I roll my eyes at the Cinderella-Reference.

I scrunch my nose debating on whether or not I want to use it so soon, but God knows I need the luck...

I take the potion from my pocket and uncork it, chugging it down with haste afraid to spill even the tiniest drop. And at first, I don't notice anything except a slight fuzzy tingle happening at the tips of my toes. If anything it feels like that one time at Christmas, when my Dad let me share a few sips of his sherry...

"Head back to the Girls-Dormitory..."

I tilt my head at the innate command, wondering if I'm beginning to hallucinate because I'm clearly hearing and feeling a voice. And not only is it extremely lighthearted and happy, it's confident and comforting.

My chest warms, making me feel as good as if Alistair were standing right beside me and I feel myself smile stupidly as I'm rising out of my seat.

"Stop smiling..."

My expression falls immediately, making me appear sullen and downhearted as I exit the Great Hall coming face to face with Heidi, Tanya and Rosalind. Heidi raises her eyebrows tauntingly before folding her arms, and a beat later Rosalind and Tanya follow suit.

"Vanya told me what happened," Heidi feigns concern. "...And with nothing to wear, it looks as if you won't be able to make it tonight. Shame...I know we were all looking forward to you being there," she smiles. "Oh, well. Next time...Then again, I did warn you."

"But don't you fret," Rosalind chirps, allowing Tanya to finish her sentiment.

"We'll keep Alistair company for you.."

It takes everything I have not to tell Tanya to go a horse and birth a mule, but Felix swoops right in with an absurd request. "Appear defeated...And, really sell it..."

I mangle my face feeling over the top as the tears form and pour from my eyes, and I release a brokenhearted wail before dramatically running out of their sight towards the stairs that lead to the dungeons, their high pitched cackles and shrieks powering every step.

"I'm pretty sure that was too much," I huff, wiping my cheeks after delivering the password to our concealed entrance.

"Actually it was Oscar-Worthy," Felix approves and I let out a happy laugh heading directly for the girl's dormitory.

It's empty, and I'm grateful because I really don't feel like having an audience watch me struggle through this perdicament. "Alright, Felix...Now what?"

"...Gone with the Wind..."

"What?" I snap a little anxiously. "What kind of bull advice is that? Especially at a time like this-" I begin until my eyes fall to my bed.

The dark emerald green, eiderdown silk comforter...

"I can't," I say horrified, understanding the reference and he urges me to take out my mother's wand. "I can't make a dress from a bed-spread! Scarlett used curtains! Besides, what will I sleep on?"

"What will you sleep in, is a better question. Now, cut it..." he instructs playfully.

I swallow hard totally hesitant to destroy school property, but my hand flexes levitating the comforter and have it drop down in front of me, waving my wand-arm in order to make the necessary cuts and alterations. I collect the feathers and suspend them in mid-air, before weaving together the scraps of cloth from my torn clothes and stuffing the feathers inside to make a new blanket. I fold it neatly with another flourish of my wand and spread it across my bed, before returning my attention back to the satin comforter. Felix instructs me where to cut, taking the left over fabric and thread to sew and attatch it in new places. And in less than five minutes, I've made a stylish slip-dress. It's slinky and totally unlike anything I've ever worn at Hogwarts, but entirely perfect for all that I want to accomplish...

I change my clothes, slipping on the dress with ease and it fits me like a glove hugging every curve and contour my body has to offer. I look in the mirror happy at the outcome, and decide to play with my hair and make-up. I end up extending my hair allowing the curls to flow to the middle of my back, in this epic body-wave motif. I work half of it up into a ponytail and slick down my baby-hairs, and then start my make-up. Just like I timed it, my bumps are disappearing returning my face to normal. And by the time I'm finished with my make-up, my face is clear, my lashes are extra long and full, and my highlight is poppin. I swear, I want to drink Felix Felicis everyday for the mere fact alone that my eyebrows are not only perfectly arched but IDENTICAL!

I hop up and down excitedly, searching for a pair of sneakers and deciding against how they look. With another swish of the wand, I transform them into a really cute pair of gladiator-ankle sandles.

"Now you're just showing off...Get going."

I chuckle once more before casting a disillusionment charm over myself, and it feels like a large egg has been cracked over my head. The invisible, slimy yoke dripping over my body covering me from head to foot. I slip my wand in the hidden inside pocket of my dress, swipe my invitation from my desk and smile at my concealed reflection within the mirror, as the door opens and more girls usher inside. They must be coming back from dinner or wherever, and the oldest girls begin getting ready.

"I still can't believe you did that to Collins," Janelle Williams, a sixth year student and probably one of the prettiest girls in our House. "I've always prided myself on clawing my way to the top by any means necessary. But I'd never betray a member of my team."

"I know!" Mika Tanaka, another sixth year agrees. "Slytherin may be foul sometimes, but at least we have a code. And Gwen's been a faithful member of our House since she got here. American or not, that girl is the epitome of Slytherin values."

"Exactly!" Janelle chimes. "And! She offered to help you! How nice was that?"

"Plus, she trusted us to look out for her," Mika deduces. "You know how hard it's been for her. She felt safe here. Probably one of the only places within all of Hogwarts where she could go without constantly worrying about someone out to get her."

"For taking away her safe space, that alone makes you vile," Janelle sasses, before adding a slight edge to her tone. "I hope tonight's worth it, and I suggest you enjoy it. Because I'm pretty sure this is the last invite you'll get from The Council, if I have anything to say about it."

"...Wha-What?" Vanya stutters. "You're on...The-"

Janelle puts a finger to her lips signaling silence. "We're everywhere, and we've been watching. And obviously the system is corrupt, if people can add challenges without the other half of the Council knowing about it. This is supposed to fun," she finishes sounding irritated. "But then again, knowing Collins she's got something up her sleeve," she smiles becoming a little excited. "I mean, did you hear what she did to Tanya Griffin in Transfigurations?"

I smile a little bigger walking quietly out of the dormitory the next time the door opens. I slip down the cool stone steps and into the common room, and it's uncommonly noisy from the happy converstions and the various rounds of Wizard's Chess being played about the room. I sneak out of the Slytherin entrance and wander over to the grand staircase in order to begin making my way to the seventh floor.

I take my time walking through each of the floors attempting to kill time. Because I'm initiating, I have to arrive after curfew otherwise it looses it's sense of risk. On the thrid floor I end up finding a Wireless lying on the floor, lowly crooning Celestina Warbeck.

"Take it with you..."

I frown following Felix's soft command, and walk over to shut off the device before making it small enough to fit inside my pocket. I walk around some more, exploring the castle and I have to say it truly is a remarkable night. A perfect night. Uncommonly warm, but somehow cool and comfortably breezy. Clear, dark navy skies with thousands of twinkling stars...

"Head upstairs..."

I sigh walking up the changing staircases, gliding through the different levels until I reach the seventh. I walk down the hallway to my left, stopping at the infamous portrait of Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls ballet.

"Say your password..."

I smile thinking of how ridiculous my password is, and how for someone so smart she's a complete idiot. "All-Hail, Queen Heidi."

An iron door manifests itself and I stand patiently waiting for it to finish appearing, before reaching out and pulling the handle. I open the door and step inside and immediately it feels like ten gallons of water has been poured over my head as soon as walk through. I'm spitting and spewing water everywhere as I continue to cough and gasp for air, and a set of hands pull me to the side. I rub my eyes trying to see and I frown as Davey Addison continues to smile at me. 

"Theif's-Downfall," Davey Addison explains, looking me over leisurely slow. "It removes all enchantments."

"And soaks its caster from head to toe," I comment reaching into my dress and pulling out my invitation, suddenly realizing that I'm visible. My dress clings to me more than usual, and I probably look like I belong on the cover of Playboy or Sports Illustrated with my hair and dress sticking ily to me like I've just taken a hot steamy shower.

"Here, let me help you" he flirts, casting a Hot-Air Charm and I begin drying off instantly. "Glad you could make it, Gwen. Maybe you'll save me a dance?"

"Me?" I quip like it's outrageous, openly laughing at the thought. "I'm sure a -boy like yourself has got a million girls waiting for that chance."

"Yes," he chuckles, no doubt becoming even more inflated by the thought. "They are."

I scrunch my face and nod, being reminded of all of the reasons why he'll never be more to me than a pretty face. I kiss my teeth thinking of how he's such a waste, and I sigh straightening my dress and fixing my hair. "Thanks for the charm," I wink as I walk away without tripping or making a fool of myself, and I'm utterly convinced Felix Felicis needs to become a staple within my diet if it allows me to be this smooth.

Music is pulsing around and I already feel my head beginning to bob to the beat, my hips swaying to how good I feel and how I can't wait to really start dancing.

"Oi! Collins!" I turn my head to see Morgan jogging over to see me, and I smile as wide as I can waving to him. He leans in to give me a quick hug and I return it happily. "You look ah-mazing!" He approves and I smile even bigger.

"Thank you..." Felix replies expectantly and Morgan gives me a look hearing the a different voice in my head.

I giggle even happier, mentally showing him what I've been up too. He hollers with laughter, dragging a hand down his face. "You're ing brilliant! You know that?"

"...Yeah," I nod easily with another laugh, until I feel a hand tap me on the back of my shoulder and I spin around with my wand drawn offensively.

"WHOA!" Sheva exclaims raising her hands. "Take it easy, Collins. I was just coming over to wave a white-flag."

I flip the end and stuff it back inside my dress, giving her a suspicious look. "What do you want?"

"To...apologize" she begins peacefully. "For the misunderstanding between you and Al...I just wanted to help, and you two are destined to be great together. I just know it," she smiles warmly and I frown. " hard feelings?"

My eyes narrow refusing to relax my skepticism, but I nod seeing as how there's no initial harm done. "I suppose so."

Sheva laughs, looking over me to stare at Morgan. "Blimey, she's tough."

"You have no idea," he smirks. "Where's Al?"

"Not sure, he should've been here" Sheva answers. "You wanna grab a drink?"

"Yeah, sure," he shrugs before checking back with me. "You're alright?" He asks and I nod. "Try and have a good time, no one's dumb enough to pull anything tonight," he explains trying to soothe my nerves.

I nod again watching them go, and take a deep breath before scanning the room searching for Alistair. It's a large space, set up like a rave taking place in an industrial warehouse. A few students stand in different corners of the room, shooting different colored beams and lights into the sky with their wands. Neon flashes and vibrant colored streaks pulse in time with the bass of the music, and with each passing second more students from grades five, six and seven trickle in to form a crowd. A large food table is placed on the right side of the room, filled with different snack foods and drinks, and some kids stand around eating and mingling.

I feel like I'm spinning around in circles trying to find him, and I'm getting nervous because both Sheva and Morgan are right. He should've been here by now.

"Oi! Oi! Oi!" Janelle grins stepping onto a small stage. "Can I have everyone's attention?"

"You could have more than that, once you take a ride on this BROOM-STICK!" Benny Johnson, a seventh year Gryffindor cat-calls earning a few laughs.

Janelle rolls her eyes unimpressed, before giving a small exhilation and making her speech. "...On behalf of The Council, I'd like to congratulate each of you for making the cut!" She smiles sweetly. "You all look wonderful, and I know that tonight is going to be a great night to remember." A few people clap and holler in agreement and she wiggles her eyebrows playfully. "Alright, can we get our initiates up here on-stage?"

I feel myself wince hating the fact that I'm being put on the spot, but Felix encourages me to head towards the stage. I get a few interested looks and surprised expressions, but none of them belong to the one face I've been longing to see.

When I get on-stage and turn around, everyone is looking at us. Janelle gives me a warm smile and I exhale trying to relax.

"You guys can relax, you've endured the worst of it," she laughs, attempting to reassure us. "And although it hasn't been the easiest, the fact that you are partaking in this tradition proves that you belong...You are part of the family here, at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And no matter what challenges you may face from this moment forward, it can't be worst than what we've put you through."

I smile a little, ironically finding comfort in her words.

"So...enjoy tonight. And every night after, because you've earned it!" She grins. "So...LET'S TURN-UP!!!"

By the time the bass drops the middle of the room is flooded with dancers. I make a bee-line for the edge of the wall where I know there's a row of seats, and I make myself comfortable. I watch the door intently looking for any sign of Alistair, and I get nervous because I still don't see him.

"...Go. Dance."

I make a face questioning Felix, and that warm feeling expands in my chest guiding me to get up and dance. "This isn't going to help me find Alistair," I think to myself.

"No, it won't..." Felix answers, giving a small chuckle. "Go. Dance."

I make another face already feeling the music pull me to my feet. I bob my head and rock my body to the beat, making my way to the heart of the room knowing the best place to gain an audience is in the middle. That's where all of the action and passion is contained within the dance-circle.

I close my eyes remembering the times when I'd spend summers with my dad's family in South Side Bronx, New York. The muggy temperatures. The block parties filled with good food and laughter, and the music that would pour into the streets. The carefree times when I'd dance in the streets, making up new dance routines with my cousins. Or the memories I have of dancing after I got a little older, dances that entice the boys leaning on the gate to come over and join in, just riding the good vibe and beat making up new steps just for the fun of it...

My hips swish in circles, pulsating off of the beat and I begin angulating the upper half of my body. I spin and work in some complex footwork, and with every turn and step more and more people are backing up to give me more room. A few other girls cheer me on no doubt hyping me up and I dance even harder, smiling and enjoying the good feeling spreading through me. I open my eyes and add in some head movements, flirting with crowd and they begin to clap and cheer...

When I finally see his face he's staring at me in shock, before his face forms a dopey grin and I laugh dancing my way to him. I take his hands and tug him to me, rocking side to side in order to bring him in the middle, and he steps backwards shaking his head in reluctance.

I twist my mouth and nod wrapping his hand around mine, and guiding him through the crowd towards the outer limits of the circle.

"What are you doing? Get back out there!" He orders with a proud grin.

"For what? It served it's purpose," I smirk giving his hand a firm squeeze. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm...good," he answers sounding detached and I frown at the casual shrug he adds in on the end.

"Well, when I couldn't find you I got worried" I admit, feeling like he's avoiding something.

His face brightens up, pulling his cheeks up in a smile. "If that's what happens when you get worried," he adds flirtatiously, coming closer to me. "I'll definitely try to worry you more often."

I cover my face attempting to hide my laugh, but he catches my hand kissing the back of it. The soft pressure from his lips, makes me feel it in the pit of my stomach and I purse my lips to keep from really beaming.

"You look great," I mutter a bit shyly, he's wearing a fitted grey sweater and dark skinny jeans. His ginger-red hair a little brighter than normal, but still in it's signature top-knot. He chuckles backing away to really see me.

"Me? Look at you! You're-" he pauses getting caught up in my appearance. His eyes express the words he's having trouble getting out, and I wrinkle my nose letting him know he doesn't have to keep trying. I get it.

The music changes again, and I laugh unable to keep it in because this song is that perfect for the moment we're sharing. He looks at me a little differently and I tilt my head confused. He smiles taking my arms and placing me delicately within his frame in order to dance, cradling my hand to rest in his. He breathes deep before taking a small step and I follow resting my head on the front of his chest, and I swear it's so quiet within our tiny corner of the world I can hear his heart beat in sync with mine. His head rests on top of mine, and we lean on each other for support slowly turning within our private part of the outer-circle.

I've never been in love, and I always expected it to overwhelm me with realization. But...I'm pretty sure this is it, because I don't think I could imagine something stronger than what I feel right now. And I don't mean because of a potion, but I genuinely feel...incandescent. Like...being submerged under water, but I'm somehow able to breathe comfortably. Relaxed, floating through a gentle force before breaking through it's surface. Magical...Wonderful...Happy.

My nose wrinkles due to the overwhelming scent of his cologne masking his sweat. I feel my lips pull up in a smile, seeing how it's overuse is a metaphor for his nerves. It's so amazing to me how someone who is so brave, open and confident in so many of the things I'm most afraid of, is still hesitant. Like...He's able to fly a broomstick thousands of feet above the ground, but going to a party with the girl he likes makes him nervous. 

I look up at him and he peers back to see if I'm alright. I feel my stare change, hoping he can see how much I care about him. How I'd practically do anything to keep him happy and safe. How hard leaving him is going to be for me...

And I swear it's like he can read my mind because his hand reaches up to cup my face, using the rough pad of his thumb to brush away the small trickle of a tear before it can fully roll down my cheek. "...Don't think about it," he muses. "You're with me now."

I give a short watery laugh and he kisses my forehead as we finish the dance. And as the music changes again, we take advantage of the up-tempo and lift our spirits. We jump and spin beneath each other's arms, dancing happily in our confined space. Sharing smiles and cheerful hollers until Felix gives another command. "Choose the Chocolate-Frog..."

I motion with my hands that I want to get a drink and Alistair nods taking my hand. We hold hands making our way over to the food table, and he passes me a cup of punch and I smile taking a sip. I turn and see the Chocolate-Frogs and become excited going over to pick one out.

"I didn't know you liked Chocolate-Frogs," Alistair notices and I shrug.

"I've never had one, but a mound of chocolate is always promising" I giggle, beginning to open the box.

"Just be careful, they tend to jump" he cautions and I give him a skeptical look, that just causes us both to laugh.

I hold the box a little longer almost afraid of what's inside, but it doesn't matter. Because a hand grabs my forearm in order to spin me around, and I shrug it off immediately.

"What the-"

"How are you even here?!" Heidi shrieks, yelling directly in my face. I back up even farther, giving us both enough space for her tantrum. "Vanya-"

"Wasn't lying, and I still have no idea what I'm going to wear tomorrow," I interject, before suddenly remembering how incredible I look. "But I've discovered that I'm creatively resourceful," I place a cute hand on my hip and shrug with a taunting smile. "So, I'm sure I'll come up with something."

Her scowl mangles her face even further. "Get-Out! You've ruined everything!"

"Excuse me?" I half laugh.

"You broke the rules!"

"How?" I cackle. "My face was a pimple-popper's dream! I could've been the mascot for the Frog Choir-"

"Oh my gosh, I thought the same thing" Alistair chimes in humorously, and I give him a look and we both laugh again.

"Even so, get out!" Heidi screeches, and I raise my eyebrows surprised she's making this big of a scene. We're starting to gain a smll audience, which is amazing since the music is so loud.

"Are you serious?" I scoff.

"Come on Heidi, it's a party-" Alistair groans impatiently, but that just seems to make things worse.

"I don't care what it is! You broke the rules! You and Xiang-" she stops revealing the real reason, and Al and I look to each other. Heidi snarls, attempting to breathe calmly before addressing me. "...On behalf of The Council, you are hereby banished."

"Banished?" I repeat feeling my IQ drop a few points just from my understanding of her logic. She nods unwavering, and I sigh ready to comply getting a brilliant idea. "...Can you do me a kindness before I go?"


My finger tears open the box I'd been holding, and I chuck my Chocolate-Frog at her. "THINK-FAST!!!"

The Frog hits her square in the chest and she freaks out as it croaks loudly in her face, causing her to back up and crash into the food table. The table collapses, forcing most of the desserts into the air only to land directly on her and she screams.

"CO-LLINSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!" She roars and I cackle running off towards the exit, with Alistair by my side. The cheers and laughs from our classmates adding to the most bad- exit I've ever had.

We race down the corridor after we've left the party, and stop only when I feel we've arrived at a safe distance. I lean up against one of the stone pillars. holding my sides in laughter. 

"You're insane, Collins" Alistair pants. "Completely, mad" he expels as I continue to laugh. 

"Did you see her face?!" 

"Shh! Keep your voice down!" Alistair warns in a short whisper. "It's after hours."

"Sorry," I chuckle a bit breathlessly. "It's just..." I try, becoming tickled once more before regaining some composure. "I'm good. I promise."

"You sure?" He asks staring at me skeptically and I nod still in a happy mood. 


He shrugs, and I begin pestering him until he tells me. "You're just..different tonight."

"Well, part of it's Felix."


"Felix Felicis," I clarify before continuing my explanation. "And then the other part is me feeling comfortable enough to have fun."

"...I don't want to make it seem like you taking Felix Felicis isn't a big deal, and I promise you I want to talk about that. But I know the more important thing to discuss right now, is why you're just now feeling comfortable."

His sweet-nature causes me to smile, and I take a moment just appreciating how wonderful he is.

"If you had to describe me to someone, without mentioning my appearance or re-using answers from previous conversations...What would you say?"

His eyebrows raise a bit not expecting a pop quiz, but he obliges. "...I'd tell them, to have patience," he smirks finding his answer funny and I roll my eyes. 

"Okay, why?"

"Because you don't open up to people easily, but when you's precious and rare, so don't take it lightly."

I nibble my lip, trying not to show him how flattered I am. So I focus on the fact that he got the answer right. 

"It's for that very reason, I'm just now feeling comfortable," I admit. "I mean, this is the first night since I've been here that I haven't been shot down or rejected...People are finally laughing with me, instead of at me. And aside from Heidi, no one else is set out to ruin me..." I chuckle. "I've been so paranoid all year. So defensive, ready for anything to jump out and get me...Tonight is the first night, my Ilvermorny side has had a chance to thrive."

"Excuse you, but I happen to enjoy your Hogwart's persona."

"Okay, but aren't you the tiniest bit happy to see me as the social butterfly?" I grimace and he stares at me unimpressed. 

"And give another reason, to make you even more desireable than you already are? No thanks," he scoffs and I cover my mouth to stifle my laugh. He grabs my hand, gently pulling me to him as our fingers interlocke. "...You aren't showing me anything new, Collins. I've always found you fascinating," he promises. "...It's just now, other people see it too...And before you think Felix Felicis had something to do with it, your wrong. It just enhances what was already there. You had it in you this whole time..." he exhales. "You've always been amazing, and you've always known it. So, why do you suddenly care if everyone else notices it?"

"Because, your friends feel that liking me is somehow slumming it. And I want to prove them wrong."

"But you already know I don't think of you like that."

"Even so, they do."

"So! Since when have you ever cared what anyone had to say? " He groans getting upset, talking more towards the empty corridor than to me. "We like each other, and anyone who has an opinion about it." My eyes spread a little surprised at how passionate he is, and he turns to face me. "'s just that this," he says looking deep into my eyes. "Has no bearings on anyone else except us...And if we're willing to take the leap..." He sighs, sounding little shy. "You-You are still willing, aren't you?"

"...What do you think?" I quip, staring up at him obviously. He scoffs, shaking his head a little before taking a step towards me to close the distance between us.

I don't move, noticing the flames reflected in his eyes from the stone-torches grow as he continues to breathe steadily. I inhale slowly keeping still as he begins leaning in to kiss me...

"Rrrr-EOW!!" Mrs. Norris screeches and we jolt apart in fear.

"Filch's cat," I hiss and Alistair grabs my hand pulling me to follow him out.

We run and race down the hallways taking different twists and turns only guided by the pale light from the moon, until we stop at what appears to be an ordinary wall. Alistair approaches the far left corner of the wall, whispering something I have no hope of understanding because of the series of sounds. Not to mention his voice is so low it's practically inaudible, but just as quietly a set of stones shift and slide in order to reveal a chute. 

"I'll see you at the bottom?" He smiles happily, silently asking me to trust him and he squats down to himself head first down the slide. 

I close my eyes and turn to sit deciding to go feet first, and scoot myself down. The wall shuts as soon as I'm past the entrance and I'm wooshing down what feels like a fifty foot drop. I keep my eyes shut; comfortable within the darkness of my eyelids rather than whatever dark lair I'm passing through, and I clamp my hands over my mouth to hold in my screams and pray to God that the ride is almost over. I whoosh and slide even faster, feeling my stomach rise into my ears until my feet land with a hard thud on the other side. His strong arms catch me, bringing me up easily to my feet and I open my eyes to see Alistair's grinning face. He dusts me off a little before stepping me away from the passage way and it seals itself as if it were never there. When I finally get my bearings I smile realizing where we are...the Dungeons of Hogwarts. 


"I kind of don't want to tell you, because I'm pretty sure you'll freak," he chuckles as we walk out to the main area of the floor. 

"Okay now, you have to tell me" I answer and he smiles even bigger.

"...The Chamber of Secrets."

A solid beat goes by before I start laughing, doubting the entire story. "Yeah, right. Come on."

"I'm serious," he grins, but it's somehow sad and hesitant. 

I wait another moment judging the weight of his story, and then shake my head in disbelief. "Impossible!" 

"Is it?" He hedges coolly. "Hey, are you hungry? I could go for a nightcap," He muses, heading for Hufflepuff's Basement, and I run up to catch up to him. 

"You can't just change the subject after name dropping something like that," I complain, following him mindlessly. 

"It's not that big of a deal," he shrugs easily, taking the corridor opposite of his House. 

"Actually it is! How would you even find out about it? Do you know how epic that would be if it were true?!"

"What do you mean, if it were true? You know very well the Chamber of Secrets is a real place," he scoffs. "Besides, it was just one of the secret passage ways-"

"Even so! It's still epic!" I almost shout and he hushes me down. "I'm sorry, but...Wait! You actually let me go down a tunnel that transported a basalisk!"

"It's been dead for years-"

"That's no excuse! What if it had babies?!"

"You're officially overreacting," he notes and I make a face following him down the staircase passing the various food-themed paintings. 

"Oh, I'm overreacting. We could've died, but I'm overreacting?" I drone on dramatizing the experience, and he gives an easy laugh arriving at a door and tickling the pear in the painting. It becomes a handle. "Wait..." I pause as my mind continues to work through what's just happened. "...You're a Parselmouth?"

He faces me slowly, breathing carefully even waiting for my reaction. "...No one else knows. Well, Morgan does but I don't really count that because I didn't tell him. He saw it," he sighs frustrated, refusing not to lose his train of thought. "But the point is, no one knows and I don't want them too. So, promise me you won't say anything."

"I won't tell but-"

"But, what?" He challenges worriedly and I wince, seeing how frightened and defensive he is. 

"Nothing...It's just that, you shouldn't feel like you have to hide. There's nothing to be ashamed of," I quip, and his expression softens.

"You...really mean that?"

"Of course, I mean it! Any person with brains understands, that it is not our abilities that show who we really are but our choices," I explain already becoming upset by the amount of injustice that exists in the world. "Albus Dumbledore said that, you know. And how stupid are people to really judge you on an ability, you were born with. Like seriously? Out of all the problems worth discussing in our messed up sense of society-

His lips fall on mine, crushing me gently with feather-light intensity before allowing the weight from his frame to back me into the wall. His hands anchor my face to his inching me even closer into him, and I swallow hard unable to breathe. My stomach churns with butterflies, feeling the pleasure from his soft lips le and nip mine sensually slow. A series of chills flow down my back as his grip tightens around me, leaning us both into the stones of the castle.

I'm not sure how long we stay tucked in and attached next to that tickeled-pear, but it's wonderful. And when we finally break apart, I'm breathless and somewhat panting, from holding my breath too long.

"Are you okay?" He chuckles low and I nod, unable to speak. 

" can't, kiss me like that" I frown, clearing my throat giving me time to form my thoughts. 

"You, didn't like it?" He winces and I open my mouth to answer but I only end up stuttering. "I'm sorry if I attacked you, it's just-"

"I've never been kissed like that," I scowl interrupting his apology, trying to understand where a boy his age learned how to make me feel like this. "Where did, you learn how to kiss like that? I mean, you're seventeen. I'm pretty sure you need parental-consent in order to"

He laughs, a little embarrassed raking a hand down the front of his face. "Are you coming?" He says taking my hand, turning the door handle with the other. 

 A room with a ceiling as tall as the Great Hall above us, stretches immediately welcoming the two of us with warmth and vibrancy even with the lateness of the hour. My face is blasted with heat from the gigantic fireplace, and I feel extremely cozy almost as if I were back in my bed in my dormitory surrounded by my mountain of blankets in the cold chill of the room. 

"Mhmm..." I stifle, unable to help myself from the heavenly aroma wafting in the air, and the strong sense of comfort I feel. 

Alistair looks at me skeptically, and I straighten myself upward suddenly realizing that I've been slightly hunched over and leaning because this place feels so wonderful. I swallow and frown, adding in a few shrugs like I'm not affected by the place and he shakes his head with another laugh, leading me over to one of the five, oversized kitchen tables in the room.

"Can we have two chairs, please?" Alistair asks and a house-elf whooshes two wooden stools over we are and we sit. "...Do you happen to have any left over apple-strudel from tonight's dinner? Oh! And some hot chocolate?" He asks and a few house-elves wobble around to assist us. "You guys are the best...really," he praises earning a few happy squeaks and a series of bows. 

As soon as our food comes over he thanks the house-elf who brought it, before summoning two forks from a nearby cabinet-drawer with his wand. He passes me one and we dig in, treating the night like any other by talking for hours about everything under the sun amongst the comforting crackles of logs within the fireplace. 

And even as I feel the influence of Felix Felicis slowly fade out of my system, I still feel as optimistically wonderful confirming my theory that Alistair is the reason.

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I'm stuck you guys with how i want to rewrite the next part..I've rewritten it so many times and i'm not happy with how it's coming out. That's why it's taking so long. My apologies once again, and hopefully i'll have something posted for you really soon!! <3


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Chapter 13: That was agonizing and beautiful all in one. I'm glad he's finally free of his family and I hope that he can still keep a close relationship with Gia without the rest of the family blocking them.

I really wish nothing but for joy and love to surround both of them from now on.

Also I'm not sure how much of this story is left but I'm excited to see their development at school after all of this. And how they handle that petty (I forgot her name lol)
743 streak #2
Chapter 13: Awesome chapter, although a bit sad. Oh, I so hope Lord Harris kicks the bucket, and Alastair ends up with everything - in a lovely twist of fate. :) Now, how to get rid of Auntie Dearest...

Hope you’re doing well. I am hanging in there.♡
743 streak #3
Chapter 12: Something tells me all hell is going to break loose at the party. Daddy Dearest and Step-mummy need to get what’s coming to them.
743 streak #4
Chapter 11: Good chapter. Oh no, you really are putting them through it! In the matter of a day, their lives have been completely turned upside down. I’m just hoping that outside forces will not tear them away from each other. Daddy Dearest and Auntie Acid both need to eff off.
Chapter 10: ing Sheva ?

I'm so glad that she found HER wand. I too can not wait to "see" Heidi's busted crusty dusty face. She REALLY needs for someone to bring her down a few notches.

I wonder what she'll name her Hippogriff when they get back to Hogwarts. And I wonder what her aunt will say about the wand situation ?
743 streak #6
Chapter 10: I need a wand to do my dishes and housework. (^_-) Good chapter, I like that Alistair is starting to open up. Hopefully he’s old enough now to stand up to his father, so that the man can’t make him miserable.
743 streak #7
Chapter 9: Hmm... “whatever we’re about to face” sounds ominous. lol The kids are finally in a good place, despite Heidi, now you’re gonna them headfirst into more problems? Can’t wait! (^_-)
Chapter 8: Damn... he was a whole thot.. the entire crew got a ride.
743 streak #9
Chapter 7: d (^‿^✿)
Chapter 7: Kinda glad they broke her moms wand. Now they know what she's capable of and know that they shouldn't fxck with her.... I bet they still will try but ??‍♀️. The 3 of them really need to break away from the pact. Now that they see how low the others will stop to... it's time to GO (if they can)