Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun...

Another Year...

Gwen's POV

(A Few Hours Later. Early Afternoon...)

"I swear you have to tell me everything that happens!" Sheva exclaims capturing me in another tight embrace. "I read my charts again, and this week should be especially life-changing for you."

"Yeah?" I scoff. "Do they finally send me to Azkaban for endangering everyone?"

"Ugh! How many times do I have to tell you?! You're not gonna go mad," she snips before letting me go. 

"No, of course not. Just form a new world order-"

"Will you stop!" She glares snapping her fingers in my face. "You are in control. You are already fierce and powerful and have nothing to fear from gaining a wand of your own. If anything this is going to help you channel your abilities...Besides," she sasses. "I am not losing my best friend to the Dark Arts. I don't care if your family has connections-" I frown a little confused and she stares back at me just as puzzled. "Wot?"

"Me...I'm your best friend?"

"Yeah... And?"

"Well," I cackle and she rolls her eyes. "I didn't know." 

"What the do you mean, you didn't know?!" She says angry and horrified at the same time. "What did you think I was just being polite to you all this time?"

I wince and her anger flares clearly insulted. "Not that I didn't want to be-"


"Like...You' best friend-"

"Yeah, and-"

"But with you having so many, I didn't think I was yours," I admit softly and her rejection dissipates. 

"Aww, babe," she says embracing me again and I laugh. "This...This is a thing now. You and I...I ship it."

"Me too," I giggle and she smiles letting me go to gather her trunk, and Alistair comes back from parting with Morgan to see Sheva off. 

"I'll see you in a week, yeah" she promises before hugging him and whispering something in his ear before kissing his cheek. I frown suspiciously as he closes his eyes becoming irritated and she saunters off happily in another direction. He opens his eyes glaring at her back while I'm still awkwardly waiting for him to explain what's just happened, and he shakes his head sighing gravely before walking over to our suitcases. 

"So..." I hedge and he breathes a smile. 

"in' Sheva," he expels taking a bag and slinging it over himself.

"What's going on?"

"Exactly. And if I tell you what she said, she wins. And if I don't, she wins. So no matter what, she comes out being right. And tha's cheatin' that is."

"Right about what?" I ask cluelessly. "And what exactly does she win?"

"Because we both know you're too curious to let this go-"

"Well, I might've if you hadn't just said that."

"And she's counting on that," he glowers suspiciously. "She knows by not saying anything this is going to fester between us, and I'm eventually gonna crack."

"So, beat her to the punch and just tell me anyway."

"But if I tell you, you're gonna make a big thing of it."

"What if I promise that I won't?"

He gives me a skeptical look before starting to grin in defeat. "ing Sheva."

I take in a deep breath and nod to myself, silently promising not to pester him about whatever it is that's going on. I grab my suitcase and reach out for his hand and he takes it, leading me out of King's Cross. We step outside and are immediately greeted with the fast-pace pulse of London traffic, and I bob in place fighting the urge to ask him for information. 

"...It's my birthday in three days."

My head whips to his so fast everything I see is a legit blur. My eyes practically bug out of their sockets, and I'm shaking my head so fast silently arguing and protesting this bit of information. He watches it all with reluctance and humor as I'm spluttering out so many sounds I probably sound like I need medical help. 


"Here we go."


"Can you lower your voice at least? There are children-"

"How in the actual ?!" I hiss as hard as possible.

"Thanks," he smirks taking my hand and starting our trek to the Leaky Cauldron. 

"I'm serious! How in the actual am I just finding out about this now?!"

"It's not that big of a deal."

"NOT A BIG DEAL?!" I bellow forgetting and he an eyebrow reminding me of my volume. "Do I honestly need to list the reasons as to why this is a huge ing deal?!"

"Here we go."

"One! I love you!"

"Aww, really?" He jokes playfully trying to change the subject. "You know I'm actually surprised and equally impressed that you made that your first point-"

"Two! We're dating!"

"Another proclamation of your feelings?" He mocks but somehow still praises. "Brava."

"Three! There's absolutely no way in the universe I should just be finding out about this now! With only sheer hours to prepare!"

"Because it's not a big-"

"I'm not finished," I snarl so menacingly he has to pause with fear before becoming flattered. "You are one of the most important people in my life, and there's no way I should not have known. Now, why didn't you tell me?"

"For this very reason! I knew you'd take it to the extreme."

"Of course I would, when you only let me know three days in advance!"

"I knew you'd try to do something for me, and it's not necessary nor-"

"Why the  isn't it necessary? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You've never mentioned yours! You've never told me," He tries, thinking he found a good arguing point. "All this time, I thought you were still sixteen-"

"Because my birthday isn't important!"

"What?!" He cackles stopping dead in his tracks. "That's a bit hypocritical, don't ya think?"

"No! My birthday was in January, and the date had already passed," I sass and he shakes his head even more. "We didn't really start hanging out until after Valentine's Day and I honestly never expected you to want to stick around to celebrate it the next time it came around, which is why I never brought it up. However, we're in MARCH! And we are, TOGETHER," I emphasize and he smiles. "HENCE! I totally could've prepared an appropriate presentation of affection-"

"Gwen," he says stepping in front of me to hold my other hand in order to face him. "...I genuinely don't want anything, including you acknowledging the day-"


"Please? It's not a happy time for me," He begs, changing his tone so I know how serious he is. "Just treat it like any other day, okay? That's what I want," He says bending low to kiss the top of my head before releasing one hand and jerking the other in the direction he wants me to follow. "And quit makin' tha' face," he smiles but it doesn't brighten his eyes. They're still somber.

I clench my mouth tightly in protest not wanting to drop this but obviously noting that it makes him uncomfortable. I take in a deep breath and hiss under my breath. "ing, Sheva."

He chuckles tugging me along and we continue to head for the Leaky Cauldron.

London is so amazing and fast like I feel like I'm in New York City but London is slightly upscale grunge if that makes any sense. And the gloom and fog hovering over us showing signs of a possible downpour at any moment sort of reminds me of the Slytherin Common Room. The city is modern but historic. And the abundance of pubs and dodgy alleys seem to create a maze, but Alistair smoothly glides us through the different passages.

"This feels like a tour," I smile as we turn another corner. 

"It's my ci'y" he says allowing more of his cockney to come through. "Whenever I could I'd slip on a train into London and spend hours walkin' up and down these streets," he admits becoming sad again and then shaking his head to appear happier. "And that there, is the Leaky Cauldron."

"Thank God, because this suitcase is becoming bothersome," I comment and he hurries me along to finish the path so I can check-in. The infamous sign of the cauldron pot swings low above us and I grin tempted to take out my camera. "Would I look too much like a tourist if I took a picture?"

Alistair chuckles opening the door. "In ya' go, Collins."

The pub is just like I've read, and I smile even bigger within its extremely cozy atmosphere. It's fairly empty no doubt due to the time, but a few customers are spread out by the bar and a table. 

"Oi! Jackie!" Alistair calls happily over the "front-desk" and he turns around to wink at me. 

"Untwist your knickers and gimme' a minute, eh?" A young male voice barks and he slides between a narrow space making his way to us. "in'-Hell, they let you outta school already?"

He's a tall thin man with thin features. Shaggy black hair, dark-olive skin and a crook in his nose like he's been in a good fight. He wears a dirty white button-down shirt with a brown vest that's kept open, and his sleeves are pushed up to his elbows revealing a series of symbols and tattoos. He's handsome but in a way that reminds me of a swashbuckling pirate, and he's even got the smudged guyliner to outline his baby blue wolf eyes.

"Just this week," Alistair answers. "We're on holiday."

" me twice. You're serious? I guess this means I've got a ton to do then," he hedges before laughing easily. "...Who's your friend?" He says eyeing me happily. "You're quite pretty."

"Thanks. Yer' not s'bad yerself," I smile sounding just like them and Alistair releases a breathy chuckle. "I'm Gwen, Gwen Collins."

"Where are ya' from? And, please don' say London," he flirts as if I'm actively crushing his heart with my bear hands before recovering smoothly. 

"O'yeah? Why's tha'?" I smirk playing along. 

"Because forgetting a face as beautiful as yours would be a crime, but a far worse sin," he pauses to show me the glint of gold in his teeth. "Would be the fact that we've been in the same ci'y and we're just meeting now," he says using the full power of his eyes and I narrow mine before looking to Alistair. 

"Oh he's good," I add breaking character allowing my American accent to come through, and the three of us share a round of laughs. 

"Not as good as you," he compliments before looking at Al. "She's a knockout, mate. How'd you manage to swing tha'?"

"Wait, you told him about me?"

"Of course! And I'm happy to see that he's picked a girl with a sense of humor, unlike the last three-"

"O-KAY!" Alistair jumps in and I roll my eyes stepping even closer to the counter. "Gwen needs to check-in."

"For sure...Do you need a room too?"

"Nah, I've got to head home."

"Oh and you're entrusting me with keeping her company? Brave man," he taunts sending me another wink and I smile shaking my head. "No worries, mate. I'll keep her out of trouble."

"It's just when I'm not here," he explains to the both of us. "Which will technically only be as long as my train ride."

"No rush," Jack shrugs casually before smirking towards me mischievously. "I'm sure Gwen and I will find some way to...occupy, the time."

"Ha-ha. Very funny," Alistair says dryly and I smile even bigger seeing him become jealous. 

"It would be..." I add gingerly towards Jack. "Wouldn't it..." I say sending him a flirtatious smile, and we both laugh seeing how it's getting to Alistair who's staring at us back and forth speechless.

"And this is over," he says protectively and Jack and I laugh even more. "Key please."

Jack gives me my room-key and I thank him as he waves his wand transporting my things to my room. Alistair takes my hand and kisses it possessively before sending another glare to Jack, and I giggle even more following him to the courtyard entrance. 

"How long have you guys been friends?" I ask as Alistair takes out his wand to tap the entrance password. 

"I've known Jack since my fir's year, but we didn't really become friends until the summer or two after. Twelve or even thirteen, maybe?" He questions himself before beginning the story. "See, after my first year at Hogwarts, I didn't want to stay home much so I started hanging out at the Leaky Cauldron in order to help me feel like I hadn't lost my mind."

"What do you mean?"

He inhales deeply continuing to explain. "As you know my dad and I have a strained relationship, and because of his job we didn't spend much time together when I was a kid. But I had a nanny named Tizzy and she was wonderful and unknowingly to everyone but me," he smiles a little remembering something funny. "A squib."

"A squib?"

"Yeah," he says becoming a little animated. "She couldn't do a of magic, but she'd tell me all these wonderful stories about the magical world, and how I'd get to go once I got my letter from Hogwarts. And she'd go on and on about how special I was, and how my life then was just something I had to go through in order to get to something better. That one day, I'd finally be surrounded by people who'd love and support me."

"...She sounds amazing."

"She was," he agrees, starting to sound sad again. "For the longest time she was the only company I had, and despite what everyone said I knew she loved me as more than just her paycheck."

"...She eventually left you?" I guess, alluding to the further drop in his tone.

"My dad sent her away," he corrects darkly before softening his tone. "He fired her after hearing her tell me a story about the infamous Harry Potter and the Final Battle at Hogwarts. Sent her packing straight away...Said she was mad and called me mad for believing her stories about magic. That she was filling my head with nonsense and called her a coward for hiding behind a child during all of those unexplainable accidents."


He nods again as the bricks begin to shift and swirl out of place. "Breaking objects. Making things levitate or disappear altogether...Things I couldn't explain or that made me sound completely mad when I tried. I swear, I had just about seen every specialist in the U.K before I turned eight...So yeah, when my dad sent her away when I was nine, I waited two years for my owl to arrive...You know, that's my memory."

"To conjure your Patronus?" I add, knowing where he's headed and he nods, gripping my hand tighter before we walk through the path. There are so many pockets and clusters of people walking we're pushed closer, and I don't mind because even though we're walking I can't help but feel like I'm settling in for a good story.

"It's the happiest I've ever been," he smiles. "I waited in our servant's kitchen for hours, sitting on top of the large wooden counter-table just staring out the skyline window for any signs of flight...Summers have always been the busiest time at the estate and my cousins Dylan and Trevor had been visiting, so when they found me in the kitchen they made fun of me. And they teased me so bad I started crying, so when my dad found us demanding an explanation I broke down and told him that I was awaiting my letter...He practically himself," he smirks although something tells me that the memory is anything but humorous. "So here he is, my dad on the verge of announcing his bid for Speaker and he's borderline raving to me about Tizzy, and how it's all just nonsense, yeah? When all of a sudden I see it," he smiles painfully. "The graceful swoop of a large white owl with large amber eyes, scratching at the glass-pane of the window with an elegant white envelope perched in between its beak."

"...Your father must've gone through the roof."

"Rumor has it he's still orbitting the sun," Alistair jokes sending my hand a loving squeeze. "No, but really, the day I got my letter...It was the happiest day of my life because it proved Tizzy right and everything she had said. There was a magical place, and I'd find people who'd surround me with support," he adds sounding happier. "And that I wasn't wrong or foolish for believing in all that she told me."

"That still doesn't explain Jack and the Leaky Cauldron."

"Well, when I came back for the summer I knew I had to find a way to stay connected to the magical-world. And I knew if I couldn't find that connection, I'd have driven myself mad thinking that I had imagined the entire experience. So when I found out about the pub, I used to hang out there daily and Jack worked there in the summer even before he graduated. We were in the same house at Hogwarts, except he's five years older."

I nod attentively, taking the entire story in and I find myself frowning at the fact that he holds so many painful memories. Even his happiest one leaves a bitter aftertaste, and that taste only worsens as our destination comes in view. My jaw clenches shut with resentment as we arrive at Ollivander's Wand Shop, and I groan before walking in.

"Is this really necessary?" I whine. "I mean, I have a week to do this. We're only on the first day."

"Anticipation can sometimes be worse than the actual act, love" he adds easily following me inside. "And I for one would like to enjoy this holiday with you, rather than having your apprehension loom over our heads. Especially when this isn't anything to worried about, you're gonna be fine."

"For everyone's sake...I hope so," I mutter to myself stepping up to the front counter. "...Hello?"

"Jus' a minute!" 

"Okay," I reply with another sigh and Alistair gives my shoulders a comforting rub.

A tall, ginger-skinned man with bright green eyes and fair hair kept in a pony-tail comes jogging out of a corridor, slightly out of breath but still smiling in order to greet us. "Hiyah! Welcome to Olivanders! How can I help you? Wand-Repair? Or Accessories?"

"Actually, I'm here to purchase my first wand."

"Really?!" He shouts a bit excitedly before inhaling deep and nodding to himself. "I mean, that's great! Welcome to Olivanders!"

"You said that already..." I wince already beginning to weigh his competence, and he does too becoming embarrassed to the point of his cheeks beginning to redden.

"Sorry!" He shouts again before fixing his volume. "I mean..Sorry...Usually I'm in the back doing repairs or other services...This first sale. I'm still considered somewhat of an apprentice."

"Oh? Well, I can come back-" I try but Alistair gives my hand a shake before making himself comfortable and leaning on the counter. 

"Nonsense! My man-"Alistair pauses hoping the store-clerk will catch on, and three solid beats go by before he realizes we're all waiting for his name. 

"Yasser," he smiles a bit dopey and I shake my head with a laugh finding his late response a demonstration of his skill.  

"Yasser," Alistair nods encouragingly. "Is a trained professional. Not to mention you'll find no better quality in wands than Ollivanders."

"He's right, there, Miss. This shop has been around for ages, and we pride ourselves on upholding that reputation," Yasser recites proudly and I sigh, still skeptically but knowing I'm losing this battle. "Although this is my first sale, my studies within Wandlore and the magical properties of wood, will aid me in helping you find your perfect match in a wand."

"You see?" Alistair grins. "He knows what he's talking about-"

"Of course I do! And to prove it, your wand sir?" Yasser extends his hand for Alistair's wand, and Al passes it over easily. His fingers twirl and flex the wand in his hand, and I watch him carefully. "...Vine...Thestral-Hair...Thirteen inches..." he pauses placing the end of the wand to his ear as if to collect a secret. "Flexibility...Nice and supple," he smiles impressed with himself. "Rare pairing that is."

"Is it?" I ask and both Yasser and Alistair nod. 

"Thestral-Hair," Alistair explains. "Rumor has it it's tricky to handle, but it's never given me any trouble."

"In my research, only those who've accepted, and come to terms with death can wield wands with Thestral-Hair," Yasser recites, easily glossing over the dark undertone in order to share the information. 

Alistair winces taking back his wand and placing it in his side pocket. "You don't say."

"I do say," Yasser says completely ignoring the uncomfortable atmosphere. "In fact-"

"Hey, Yasser!" I interrupt abruptly, deciding to change the subject. "Could you tell me about a wand if I give you the owner's name?"

"Of course! Harry Potter's wand was Holly, Phoenix Feather-"

"No, I wasn't going to ask you about Harry Potter, " I correct. "I was wondering if you could tell me about a wand previously owned by a witch...Lynnette Gaines."

"Oh, yeah! Just give me a second to look it up," Yasser says a little surprised but eager for the challenge. "You wouldn't happen to know the year the wand was purchased, would you? It'd make finding the information a lot quicker."

"1986? I mean that would make the most sense if she purchased the wand when she turned eleven. Before she started her first year at Hogwarts," I postulate and Yasser disappears down a row to retrieve a rather large book. 

"Her last name was Gaines?" Alistair asks and I nod. "Then how-"

"My grandmother was a Rosier," I explain just in time for Yasser to come back.

"Lynn-ette Gaines..." he repeats running his slender finger down the page. "Ah! There she is...Lynnette Gaines-"

"Acacia. Dragon-Heartstring. Nine-inches. Flexibility, unyielding?" I guess and Yasser's eyes widen in wonder before frowning in confusion. 

"Wait, if you already knew that, then why-"

I shake my head wanting to change the subject. "I was just confirming a suspicion. That's all," I cut him off, flexing my hand and the book shuts on his desk immediately ending the subject. 

Alistair sighs beside me before suggesting Yasser continue with the search for my wand. We try a few options, with me sending casual flicks throughout the shop but nothing life-changing happens. 

"Maybe...I'm just not meant to have a wand," I offer like there's even the slightest chance that Alistair will let me leave this shop without one. 

"And just how do you plan on taking your N.E.W.T's? You've heard time and time again that you need to have a wand."

"He's right, Miss," Yasser adds pulling down and opening up another box. "The wand chooses the wizard-"

"And none of them want to be paired up with me," I joke weakly stepping away from the counter. "Not that I'm surprised."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alistair tries but ends up being interrupted by Yasser's enthusiasm.

"Don't give up, we're just getting started!" He takes his own wand and waves it in the air, and the choices laid out before me flop back into their boxes, close their lids before floating back to their proper shelves. "May I ask you a few questions?"

"Do you think it would help?"

"It couldn't hurt," Alistair chimes in to be hopeful. "What's the first question?"

"Okay...You open a chest full of magical artifacts, which do you choose? An old black glove. A dusty bottle. An ornate mirror. A silver dagger. A golden key. A bound up scroll...A glittering jewel."

I frown reviewing my choices and feel myself become caught up in the possible meanings behind each...

A mirror probably represents some type of vanity and the fact that it's ornate probably signifies an attraction for beauty...

A silver dagger? Nothing positive about that.

A bound up scroll? The jewel...Neither of those sounds too appealing. 

"Have you decided?"

"I'm stuck," I admit. "I'm having a hard time deciding between the key or the bottle."

"Why?" Alistair chuckles. "There just random objects-"

"No-No-No! Keep working through it," he says disappearing down a different corridor. "Also, too! Which object would you rather have? Time-Turner. Marauder's Map. Philosopher's Stone. Firebolt-Supreme."

"Firebolt-Supreme! Hands down," Alistair answers immediately causing me to smile. 

"Time-Turner, easy."

"Really? Not even the Philosopher's Stone or the Marauder's Map?"

"Have you seen Nicholas Flammel? If I have to look that frail and pastel just to be immortal, I'll happily die of natural old age," I joke. "And the Marauder's Map? It's just an enchanted piece of paper. A really advanced piece of paper, but I could essentially just create my own...So yeah, the time turner."

"And the random object?" Al prompts. 

", I don't know" I chuckle feeling silly. "I mean, I'm still stuck between the key and the bottle."

"What's so special about a bottle?" Al questions and I smile even bigger. 

"What could be inside it?" I answer obviously. "It could be something very powerful or very precious, but the point is you can't judge an object by appearances alone. And the fact that it's dusty means that it's been overlooked, time and time again."

"Are you always this analytical?" Yasser questions curiously.

"Yes," Al answers with an exhausted chuckle. "She overthinks just about everything."

"Any fears?" Yasser shouts from his position somewhere in the shop.

"Acromantula," I rush out and Alistair smirks. 

"Oh of course, a giant hippogriff or a fire-breathing dragon she has no trouble with, but a spider," he teases and I knock into him. 

"A giant, man-eating, talking spider? yeah, I'm scared" I smile. 

"Any others?" Yasser prompts and I frown thinking.

"I'm not crazy about heights or small spaces."

"What about isolation? Darkness?" Yasser questions and I shake my head. 

"Are you kidding, those are my vacation spots," I smile again thinking of my cozy corner within the Slytherin Common Room. I sigh silently aching for it, and because mostly everyone is gone for Spring Break it's sure to be unoccupied. My chair in front of the blaze of the fireplace...

"Alright, and what two qualities do you most pride yourself on?" 

"Her intelligence," Alistair offers easily and I shake my head. 

"In all honesty, I don't think I'm that smart," I shrug and he sighs disagreeing. "Like I'm smart but I'm no genius, I just pay attention and allude to likely conclusions before most people." He an eyebrow and we both laugh. "Whatever. Back to the question...Maybe my resilience? And my selflessness."

"What day were you born on?"

"The twenty-fifth," Alistair answers and I pause with pride for a minute before turning on him and swatting him hard up against his head. "Have you gone mental?! What the bloody hell-"

"You liar!" I say, this time punching him in the arm. 

"OW! Will you stop doing that?"

"My birthday! You lied! You said you didn't know it!"


"Don't you give me a technicality! You knew my birthday" I say preparing to hit him again, and he sighs gravely raking his hand through his hair. "So, that completely shoots your previous argument in the face."


"Why can't we celebrate yours?!"

"Can we please just focus on-"

"Why can't you tell me?!"

"There's nothing to tell!"

"Yes, there is! You're hiding something! Don't you think I know when you're acting weird about something? You're the worst liar I know!"

He turns his head to give me a hard look and then a defeated smile before backing up towards the door. "I'll-uh...wait for you outside."


"There's a bench right around the corner," he sighs opening the door preparing to step through, ignoring my attempts and apologies to get him to stay. "I'll wait for you there, alrigh'. Take your time, no worries."

He leaves the shop and the chimes signaling his departure feel daunting somehow. Yasser, who's been patiently watching our entire exchange winces when I finally look back at him. I answer the rest of his questions, and he presents me with three wands. 

"These should feel better than the ones you initially tried out," he compliments, opening the boxes. "Two of them have phoenix cores, although I threw in one dragon-heartstring to shake up the mix. But from your reaction earlier you seem to have an aversion, therefore I have a feeling it won't be the right fit for you."

"From what I've gathered from my research, Dragon-Heartstring seems to be the most temperamental of the three cores, along with having the easiest transition of performing dark magic...Seeing as how I already seem to posses a small piece of darkness, you can imagine why I am not looking to amplify that quality within myself."

"Understood, however I think you should take in the relationship you are about to embark with your wand...You learn from it, and it from you but ultimately you are the one in control. At least in most cases."

"Most cases?"

"Well, Phoenix-Cores do have the rare ability to act on their own. The independent nature of the phoenix...But I feel it's more of an act of loyalty or protection, rather than rebellion."

I nod feeling slightly comforted by my options. 

"Shall we try one out?" He offers, tilting a wand towards me. 

I take it and frown, taking the wand and balancing it in my hand. It vibrates a little from my touch, like an invisible handshake gone terribly wrong and I let it go quickly. "Not that one...Let me guess, Dragon-Heartstring?"

"Yes. Cedar. Dragon Heartstring. Quite-Bendy..." He sighs placing the wand back in the box and covering it. "I have to say, Ms. Gwen. I am impressed with your knowledge of wandlore and wood-types."

"Well, it truly is a fascinating subject," I compliment. "Even if I don't quite appreciate the concept," I grumble to myself while preparing to choose another wand. 

"Before you open it, another question. You are traveling alone when you reach a crossroads, where do you continue? Left towards the sea...Ahead towards the forest...Right towards the castle."

I wait a minute before answering. "...The castle...Which one represents the bottle?"

Yasser smiles before allowing his eyes to fall on the dusty dark box. The last box left unopened. My hands reach for it, and I hesitate briefly recognizing the importance of this moment. I lift the cover and a dark ombre colored wand rests casually within the velvet cushion. My hand dips into the box to lift my wand and immediately a warm sensation overwhelms my hand as if I've placed it directly into an open flame but it doesn't hurt, I just feel heat radiating. The gentle stirring starting at my fingertips, flowing up my arm into my chest before spreading to the other parts of my body, just to circulate and flow back out that same channel towards the tip... 

It feels totally different from how my mother's felt. When her wand would grow hot in my hand, it stung. Like a painful shock, or a hard slap on the back of your hand.

This wand...My wand...It feels like the warmth and overwhelming sense of comfort within the kitchens at Hogwarts. 

"Congratulations, you've found your wand..." Yasser smiles. "Pine. Phoenix-Feather. Eleven and a half inches. Pliant."

For a few seconds I'm silent, but when I find my words I bombard Yasser with every question or thought about Wandlore that pops into my head. We end up in a series of short rounds of conversations, and it's only after another customer enters the shop I remember Alistair. 

"I'm so sorry, I lost track of time!" I apologize, paying for the wand. 

"It's no trouble! I had fun helping you choose. Oh! And as soon as you get home, you have to register your wand with the MACUSA. That's really important."

"I will. Thank you, Yasser!" I rush almost knocking into a mom and her son waiting patiently for me to finish. I'm jogging around the corner to get to Alistair and he's waiting for me on the bench just as he described. "...Sorry I took so long."

"I figured you would after you got paired," he smiles a little, motioning for me to sit beside him. "How do you feel?"

"Honestly?" I ask and he nods. "Awful."

"What?" He chuckles sounding frustrated.

"Not about the wand, the wand feels great. But, how I'm pressuring you to open up," I say taking his hand and squeezing it. "I just don't understand why you won't talk to me about something that bothers you so much. I mean, you're always asking me to open up to you-

"I get that, believe me, I do...but I also need you to listen and respect my wishes. And I need you to understand that when you do share things with me, it's because you want too," he says earnestly. "I never force you to open up."

"Bull! You pry!"

"I do not. You bottle up and completely ignore your emotions to the point it barely takes more than a question or two before your feelings explode everywhere, he smiles knowingly.

I make a face and glare in the opposite direction. "So, what do you want me to do?" 

"You really want to help me?"

"Of course I do! You know that better than anyone. What kind of ridiculous question is that?" 

"Good," he quips. "Then unless I bring it up, don't you either. Alright?"

I nibble my top lip before biting it extremely hard and then exhaling. "Fine."

"Don't do that."

"I'm not doing anything. You said you wanted me to forget it, this is me forgetting it," I shrug trying to appear indifferent, standing up and stretching in front of him. "Are you hungry? Or do you want me to forget that you skipped breakfast too?"

His arms stretch and link around my torso pulling me back to him effortlessly and he sits me on his lap.

"Let me up, Al-"

"No," he says turning his hold on me so that I'm forced to face him. I fold my arms and roll my eyes refusing to make eye contact and he laughs even more. "You're impossible."

"Whatever. I'm also hungry," I grumble unhooking myself from him, and pulling him to his feet. 

"I know just the place," he adds trying to lighten the mood. 

We end up at one of Diagon Alley's many street-cafés keeping our meal low-key and chill, we order two kinds of soup and split a sandwich and a basket of fries. 

"...You haven't asked me about it," I say after an unbearably long silence between us. "My wand."

"I didn't feel I had a right to ask, seeing as how it makes you uncomfortable," he adds knowingly and I make a face that causes him to smile. "...But how do you feel about it?"

"Well," I sigh. "It's definitely different from how my mother's felt, but not in a bad way...In fact, it's the exact opposite. But then I don't feel like I'm going to lose control either."

"Unlike your obscurial."

I nod slowly. "You know better than anyone how much I hate to feel vulnerable, or like I don't have any control as to what's happening to me...I've always felt unlimited in a sense, and although unwelcomed my mother's wand helped keep me in check. Even if I found it inconvenient and restrictive. So I thought when I got my own wand, I would just feel...unstable. Like when I lost it...Just a giant surge of energy into my arms that I'm just supposed to sustain for as long as I can."

"...Is that really how it felt?"

"Now you see why I was so terrified?" I nod again with a small smile. "But I thank God, it doesn't feel like that at all. It's just like you said, I'm in control. And yeah, I feel powerful. More powerful than I ever have," I pause smiling even bigger thinking of my potential. "But, directed. Focused...I can't wait to take our N.E.W.T's," I laugh a little realizing what I've just said and he shakes his head with a bigger smile eating more fries.

The rest of the day lulls on with the two of us visiting different shops and me constantly talking about my wand. We end up killing quite a few hours in Flourish and Blotts bookshop. There are so many books the shelves line the walls all the way up to the cieling, and large fat stacks line the aisles of the floor like pillars of the Parthenon. 

"What've you got there?" Alistair asks coming up behind me with a book about Defensive Spells. 

"A book about Hippogriffs. One about useful household charms and transfigurations. This one, is an in depth analysis of pine as a wand-wood, which is also why I got this book on phoenixes. And this one," I smile showing him the cover. "Is the latest edition of Hexes, Jinxes and Other Offensive-Spells."

"I see, and who exactly are you looking to use that last one on?" He asks trying not to laugh, knowing exactly who I'm imagining. 

"No one."


"At least not yet. I have to read it first," I smile and he beams as well nudging me towards the checkout desk.

We buy our books and head back towards the Leaky Cauldron for dinner. There are a lot more people than there were this morning, but Jack saves us a table towards the back. The air becomes chilly with all of the customers coming in and out sending cold air throughout the pub and I rub my hands together. 

"Cold?" Alistair asks and I nod. He scoots out from his seat across from me to sit beside me, welcoming me to curl up to him. He's so wonderfully warm I snuggle in, enjoying the heavenly scent of his cologne within the inside of his jacket. "Better?" He chuckles rubbing his hand on the outside of my forearm. 

"Yeah, thanks" I smile resting against him. I wait another minute for my guilt to give my concious a hard kick before taking out my wand and swirling it swiftly above our heads. "Muffliato..."

The comforting hum descends like a bubble around us and I look up at him practically beaming at how effortless the spell felt. 

He shakes his head with a small laugh. "I guess we're all in for it now, aren't we?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I chuckle mischeviously, understanding perfectly what he means. 

"It means, keeping up with you was already a difficult task with your mum's wand. And now that you've got your own, the rest of us literally have no chance" he adds scrunching his nose teasingly. "I legit can't wait to see Heidi's face in Charms, come next week."

We both share a quiet laugh before he asks me why I cast the Muffliato-Charm, and I take in a deep breath before beginning to apologize. "...I'm sorry, Al. Pressuring you at Ollivanders. Even before Ollivanders," I wince, leaning away from him to face the full hypnotizing power of his immensely kind eyes. "...It wasn't right. In fact, it was awful. And my behaviour today..." I pout, truly seeing how immature I've been acting. "There's no excuse."

He doesn't say anything. He just continues to look at me with a hard stare, and I sigh realizing that he's not going to take pity on me by allowing me to forgo the rest of this apology. Not that he should, because we both know I'm in the wrong. 

"You've never given me a reason not to trust you, and if there's something you don't wish to share with me I should know that it's serious and you have a good reason for not wanting to talk about it."


"And I'm not saying any of this as some reverse-psychology tactic to get you to open up."


"I genuinely don't have to know. In fact I don't want too," I nod fully accepting the privacy of his secret. 

"The reason why I don't want to acknoweldge my birthday, is because my mom died the day before."

As soon as the phrase lifts from his pillowy full lips, I feel just like Giles Corey of the Salem-Witch-Trials being pressed to death by that boulder. And although I know it isn't, mine seems worse to me because it's like I'm being crushed by multiple emotional boulders that show no signs of easing. Just the insensitivity of my actions and words replaying itself as I've been unintentionally digging myself into the ground, only to have him add more weight by being so wonderfully understanding. And all I've legit done today was give him a -load of reminders of a time he asked me more than once to forget. 

"Gwen," he says softly and I just bury my face in my hands succumbing to my shame. His fingers gently pull at my wrist and I drag them down defeatedly as the fattest tears I've ever cried begin to spill from my eyes. "Gwen...please don't cry."

"How can you even say that?" I half-wail. "I...You...Me...Ugh!" I say entirely disgusted with myself and he gives a low chuckle. 

"This is the very reason why I didn't want to tell you. I knew you'd find some way to blame yourself-"

"But it's my fault! I've been pestering you all day! Ever since we got off the ing train," I groan thinking of the one person responsible for all of this. "ing. Sheva! I swear I'm gonna wring her neck the next time I-"

He laughs low pulling me into a hug, resting his head on top of mine and I sob bitterly and silent. And then I remember that he's the one who needs to be comforted, and that snaps me out of my current state. 

"Do you need anything?" I say leaning off of him and wiping my face pofusely. "Tea, perhaps? Chamomile, with extra honey? And I'm sure we could find some apple struddle, somewhere."


"Or you know, I could make it!" I say determined. 

"You can't bake" he laughs allowing the humor to touch his eyes, but I just become even more dramatic. 

"SO!" I yell entirely insulted, and then I cower back down knowing I'm being over the top. "...I could try."

His large hand cups my face lovingly, swiping away the tear-trails across my cheek. "I'm okay, okay?" He sighs. "I'm not a kid, and stuff like this happens. Death is just...a part of the cycle, inn'it" he nods supportively and I exhale a little harder causing him to smile. "...It's just a tough week...Some years it's easier to talk about, but this year just isn't one of them. And I'm sorry I couldn't explain that earlier. I felt myself getting upset, and rather than lash out, I left...You're not the only one with a temper," he smiles. 

"But I should've just backed off."

"Maybe...But if things were reversed, I would've reacted the same way. And if something was clearly bothering you and you didn't tell me, I would've felt like you couldn't trust me too. So...I get it. And I'm sorry too."

Jack walks over to us with two bowls of hot pea-soup, and I swirl my wand again ending the simple charm. "Finite-Incantatem."

"Alrigh', two house specials," Jack says setting down the soup and passing us two spoons. "An' I suggest you don't waste time with your teenage-angst. The pea-soup's been known to eat people...Bon Appetite."

Both Alistair and I exchange a skeptical look as we each hear a low gurgle coming from our bowls and we laugh before starting to dig in.

When we're done, Alistair hangs out with me for another hour or so before deciding that he has to go. 

"You'll call me as soon as you get in," I demand and he nods with an easy chuckle, and his arms slip around my waist to pull me in for a last hug, as we're standing outside the front entrance of the Leaky Cauldron. "Like, I won't go to sleep until you do."

"I'll call you the moment I reach," he promises before bending low to kiss me, and although I'm expecting him to keep it polite he somehow turns the moment bittersweet. Almost like this is the last time...

He sighs breaking our kiss and his eyes form that somber-stare again. 

I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. I hate seeming him sad, or dissappointed or whatever his current expression is. I jump high enough for my arms to link around his neck, pulling us back together and I kiss him hard until he breaks away with a hearty laugh. And I guess it does look pretty funny, because of the way I'm holding him so tightly I probably resemble an oversized necklace. But I don't care, I'm not letting him go. 

"Thank-you," he breathes, looking only a little happier. "I needed that."

"Anytime," I answer profoundly, like I've just cured cancer or some other pandemic and we both laugh. "...Bye."

"I'm just going home, not off to war," he chuckles setting me down hearing how much I'm going to miss him. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Fair," I sigh with another smile, untangling myself from around his neck and he heads in the direction he needs to go.

He turns around coolly to give me a final smile and he doesn't turn around until I wave back. I watch him until I can't any longer and then head inside to sit and wait by the phone at the front desk of the Leaky-Cauldron. The pub is settling down and the pub-customers are filing out as new guests arrive to check in. Jack is running around trying to accomplish so many different jobs he resembles a chicken with his head cut off. The bar-maid who's supposed to be helping is currently flirting with a beautiful older woman, and it's as clear as day she could care less that Jack is practically drowning in disaster. 

I narrow my eyes at the opportunity starting to grin. I am of legal age to practice magic outside of a school setting...

I hop down from my stool and slip around Jack who's dealing with an irrate customer at the front, grabbing his rag and apron. "You handle them, I've got the pub."

He gives me a shocked look and I gesture towards the dark-haired witch currently complaining about the lack of hot-water in her room. I take out my wand and smile fully ready to try it out...

When I enter the dining area, I make a familiar notion with my free-hand, but my wand beats me to it completing the action flawlessly causing all of the dishes within the room to levitate. I swirl my hands again and the dishes separate and begin to stack themselves into two separate sections hanging in the air before I send them gently soaring into the kitchen and I hear a gentle thud and a single crash alerting me that I misjudged the sink. I wince heading to the kitchen, before elegantly waving my wand and the glass repairs itself before plopping into the sink. Another flick, the water turns on and a rag with soap begins to wash the first plate on the endless stack. I smile at how smooth every notion feels, and return to the dining room. I wash the tables fairly quickly by hand, before enchanting a broom and mop to sweep the floor. I throw away the garbage and changeover the room for the next shift, before sending another swift motion through the air and all of the chairs stack neatly on top of the tables. 

"You know..." I begin, looking at my wand with pride. "I believe this is the start of a beautiful relationship."

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I'm stuck you guys with how i want to rewrite the next part..I've rewritten it so many times and i'm not happy with how it's coming out. That's why it's taking so long. My apologies once again, and hopefully i'll have something posted for you really soon!! <3


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Chapter 13: That was agonizing and beautiful all in one. I'm glad he's finally free of his family and I hope that he can still keep a close relationship with Gia without the rest of the family blocking them.

I really wish nothing but for joy and love to surround both of them from now on.

Also I'm not sure how much of this story is left but I'm excited to see their development at school after all of this. And how they handle that petty (I forgot her name lol)
743 streak #2
Chapter 13: Awesome chapter, although a bit sad. Oh, I so hope Lord Harris kicks the bucket, and Alastair ends up with everything - in a lovely twist of fate. :) Now, how to get rid of Auntie Dearest...

Hope you’re doing well. I am hanging in there.♡
743 streak #3
Chapter 12: Something tells me all hell is going to break loose at the party. Daddy Dearest and Step-mummy need to get what’s coming to them.
743 streak #4
Chapter 11: Good chapter. Oh no, you really are putting them through it! In the matter of a day, their lives have been completely turned upside down. I’m just hoping that outside forces will not tear them away from each other. Daddy Dearest and Auntie Acid both need to eff off.
Chapter 10: ing Sheva ?

I'm so glad that she found HER wand. I too can not wait to "see" Heidi's busted crusty dusty face. She REALLY needs for someone to bring her down a few notches.

I wonder what she'll name her Hippogriff when they get back to Hogwarts. And I wonder what her aunt will say about the wand situation ?
743 streak #6
Chapter 10: I need a wand to do my dishes and housework. (^_-) Good chapter, I like that Alistair is starting to open up. Hopefully he’s old enough now to stand up to his father, so that the man can’t make him miserable.
743 streak #7
Chapter 9: Hmm... “whatever we’re about to face” sounds ominous. lol The kids are finally in a good place, despite Heidi, now you’re gonna them headfirst into more problems? Can’t wait! (^_-)
Chapter 8: Damn... he was a whole thot.. the entire crew got a ride.
743 streak #9
Chapter 7: d (^‿^✿)
Chapter 7: Kinda glad they broke her moms wand. Now they know what she's capable of and know that they shouldn't fxck with her.... I bet they still will try but ??‍♀️. The 3 of them really need to break away from the pact. Now that they see how low the others will stop to... it's time to GO (if they can)