
Another Year...

Gwen's POV

"Madame Pomfrey says," Morgan pauses carefully before trying to extend his comfort. "He can still hear us..."

My eyes slowly lift from Alistair's untangled body lying broken and unconscious within his hospital bed and I fix my hardened expression on Morgan. I stare at him coldly wanting answers and he shakes his head painfully before starting to beg.

"Please...Please don't-"

I give a short exhalation dismissing his request, all the while mentally challenging his loyalties to his best friend. 

"I can't say anything! And neither can Sheva or Alistair when he wakes up! We took vows!" Morgan blurts and I snarl so low I'm pretty sure I'm hissing. "...Our loyalty is to the group and anything that could potentially get us in trouble or expelled-"

"Including the attempted murder of a beloved friend?" I snide and he gripes regretfully. 

"We were kids! How were we supposed to know that it would get this bad? We thought we'd stay friends forever, no matter what! How were we supposed to know you were going to change everything?"

Anger flares within my chest swirling upwards from the pit of my stomach, making me feel like I could breathe fire like a dragon.

I swallow hard and clench my fists tightly resisting the urge to hex him, and I return my attention towards Alistair. "...I think you should go."

"Gwen! I didn't-"

"Now," I snarl making the three-letter word elongate, as my eyes sting from rage and betray me with tears. 

He rises slowly leaving me alone with him, and I cry bitterly reaching out to take Alistair's hand. I end up kneeling by his bedside, interlocking our fingers and kissing the back of his hand tenderly. 

His body reminds me of a collection of black and purple inkblots, spreading and collecting across the canvas of his skin. His torso is wrapped tightly in bandages no doubt setting a cracked rib, and he's covered head to foot in cuts and slashes. 

"Don't fret too much, dearie" Madame Pomfrey smiles guiding me to my feet. "As soon as I administer the Wiggenweld Potion-"

"Why can't you admit the real reason as to why you won't wake him?"

She tilts her head narrowing her gaze at my tone. "Excuse me?"

"Don't play coy, Madame Pomfrey. You can't honestly expect me to believe, that his current status was caused by someone slipping him a Sleeping-Draught," I smile bitterly. "You're smarter than that."

She blinks three times, each time a different emotion. Curiosity. Shock. Insult. "...Are you blatantly questioning my medical opinion, dear?"

I lower my eyes feigning humility. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"Good," she huffs still ruffled. 

"I'm simply implying," I say popping my head up to really nail-her. "That you're with-holding your full diagnosis," I quip and she chokes on her next sentence allowing me enough time to hit her with my analysis. "You see, it's more than obvious his current state shows the effects of a Sleeping-Draught, but you're too experienced as a health-practitioner to believe that his other injuries occurred at the same time," I add pointing out the yellowing bruises on his cheeks and under his eyes, clearly from a few punches to the face. 

"It's no secret that Mr. Xiang has been involved in quite a few altercations-"

"You know as well as I that these open gashes did not occur in the course of a few weeks. Even with your medical expertise, they only appear to be a few hours old," I hedge and she scoffs as I continue. "He looks like complete and utter , and you know it."

"Ms. Collins-"

"Something happened before someone slipped him that Sleeping-Draught."

"Ms. Collins," She snips but I continue to press her like an attorney in a court of law.

"Not only are there no signs of a physical struggle. The different slashes and curves to his cuts scars let me know that it came from a wand," I assess. "The abnormal swelling indicates that he's been hit with a series of stunning spells, and I'd bet my O.W.Ls that that gash is the result of a Sectumsempra-"

"Ms. Collins!"

"His injuries are randomly placed on both the front and back of his body."

"Ms. Collins!"

"Which means this wasn't a fair fight, but that there were multiple attackers!"

"Another word, Ms. Collins and I will revoke your visitation rights!"

I scowl as hard as I can at her, knowing she's got me in a corner and I clench my mouth until it pains. I lower my head and focus on deep breathing before gathering my bag and standing up to leave. I lean over and kiss the top of his head gingerly. 

"Wise choice, Ms. Collins," she snides, smiling tight-lipped and victorious as I'm heading for the door. 

I notice her desk piled high with neatly stacked paperwork, sitting comfortably in six tiers. As soon as I grip the handle of the wand, it warms instantly on contact no doubt trying to dissuade me from the growing temptation...

But then I think of Alistair and how I ultimately can't let her get the best of me and decide to walk out quietly. 

"...Americans," she mutters under her breath and I stop in place, turning around slowly to judge as if I've heard her correctly. She rolls her eyes at me before beginning to attend to another patient, and as soon as I walk by her desk I give a lazy flick of my hand that causes a large gust of wind to send every single sheet of paper into the air. They soar and circle flying high around the Hospital-Wing as a young Gryffindor boy hollers in amusement, clutching his sides within his bed nearly tearing his stitches. I my head to look back and mock her previous smile, and she howls her threats towards my back as I exit. "COLLINS!!!"

I storm off heading back down to the dungeons, and I accidentally bump into Sheva. She's blotchy and puffy-eyed from her tears and as soon as she recognizes me, her hands clamp onto the sides of my body to keep me from avoiding her. 

"Out of my way, Sheva" I warn and she shakes her head trying to talk through her tears. 

"No!" She says a bit harsh. "I know you don't think much of Morgan and I but-"

"You're wrong," I say freeing myself from her grip. "I thought the world of you both until today."

"Gwen, you have to understand-"

"What I understand is, the ones responsible for attacking Alistair are just going to get away with it because you two would rather stay loyal to some problematic-code-of-honor-"

"We are bound by magic to protect the group. Something like this has never happened before. None of us have ever attacked one of our own..." She wipes her face hard. "You can't imagine how horrible I feel. I was there when we were ambushed and Al-"

Her sound gurgles before fading and she shakes her head unable to continue. I watch her silently gnaw and gag at the phrases she's attempting to express, and when she can't her eyes brim with fresh tears and she shakes her head in defeat. 

My heart softens seeing how much of a struggle this is for her, and I wrap my arms around her in order to give her a hug and she falls against me starting to sob. I hold her steady as she cries against me, and I guide her over to one of the stone walls propping her up. 

"I'm so sorry, Gwen..." 

"Shhh," I answer squeezing her a bit tighter. "There's no use in both of us going to pieces...Especially considering as how I'm most likely banned from the Hospital-Wing."

She gives a watery chuckle before peering back to see me. "What'd you do now, Collins?"

The next few days drag by unbearably slow with no changes to Alistair's progress. Madame Pomfrey refuses to administer an antidote until he's in better shape and considering how bad he was when he was first admitted I'm not holding my breath.

"Just until the week is out," Sheva promises optimistically over lunch. 

We're outside in the Clock-Tower Courtyard eating sandwiches while Morgan is using his free-period to visit Alistair. It's a fairly cloudy day and you can tell the sky is just waiting to open up and downpour, so I understand why it's entirely empty except for us. Neither Sheva nor I want to be around people at the moment. Too many rumors flying around about Alistair's "accident".

I lift my eyes until they reach the highest tower of the Hospital-Wing, and close my eyes hoping he can feel me with him. I let my mind travel back to the multiple bear-hugs he's given me, and allow my memories to subside the ache of him not physically with me...

That is until the sound of their irritating and clustered cackles pulls me out of my dreams.

"I swear it amazes me sometimes how wonderfully lucky I am. I mean, does it technically mean I'm obligated to a pity-- with the Johnsons, yes," Heidi giggles unashamed to Rosalind and Tanya, who soak in every detail. "But what they did to Alistair was totally worth it."

My head flicks to the side capturing every syllable, and I slowly peer back to Sheva who's eyes are spreading in amazement as the three girls continue their conversation. 

"I still think Sheva overreacted, though" Tanya sighs wistfully. "They should've saved it for someone who'd appreciate it."

"Right?!" Rosalind chimes. "Like you're really gonna complain if two of the fittest boys in our year touch you a bit over the clothes!"

"I certainly wouldn't complain!"

"Plus, it's not like she isn't known for doing more!"

"We all know she's the easiest walking around Hogwarts."

"It's just like that time she asked for it from Davey-Addison."

I look back to Sheva, who's weeping bitterly silent as they continue and between what they've done to her and Alistair all bets are off. 

"WHAT IN THE ACTUAL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" I bellow marching out of our corner and Rosalind and Tanya freeze in horror, while Heidi just rolls her eyes unimpressed. "What makes you think you can treat people like this?!"

"I thought I smelled Toad's-Spawn lurking in the shadows," Heidi teases, unthawing her friends and they giggle in harmony. 

"What I wouldn't give to knock you off your pedestal, just. Once!" I screech. "Do you realize you could've killed him? Oh!" I laugh borderline hysterical. "Don't even get me started on how you orchestrated two--boys to attack your so-called-friend-"

"I don't know what you're talking about," she sneers adding in a slight shoulder shrug, and I swear all I can see is red. 

"!" I say practically chewing the last two letters. "YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT I'M REFERRING TO!"

"Actually, I don't" she smirks stepping towards me, lowering her face to get in mine and I close my eyes and turn my head clenching my fists as tightly as possible attempting not to bury themselves in her crimson-hair. "And even if I did..." she adds lowering her voice. "You couldn't prove it. No one would believe you anyway."

"Says who, I have a witness!"

"Who? Sheva?" She smiles tauntingly, before peering around me to look at her. "Sheva-Babe...Did something happen you wish to share with the class?" Heidi hints, as Sheva tries to explain but all that comes out are a series of mangled gurgles before a fierce scream as she runs off out of sight. "...Some witness," she smiles and I clench my teeth wishing to bite her head off. "Face it, Collins...this is just another thing that's going my way...Let's just hope if Alistair wakes up, he comes back to his senses."

"So...this was still all about me?"

"I'm not sure what love-spell or potion you've got him under, but I'm not gonna let your family of Death-Eaters and Acolytes ruin him or his future as an Auror in the Ministry," she states seriously. "One way or another, you will learn to leave him alone-"

My hands reach into her head and gnarl themselves into her scalp until I hear her yelp in pain, and she grabs me by the throat beginning to choke and shake me loose. I claw her face as she continues to swing us both around the courtyard and we slam into a nearby wall. I'm able to knock her to the ground and climb on top and send a swift punch into her right eye. I don't stop continuing to beat and pound every inch of her I can manage, and no matter how hard I hit it's like fighting in a dream. It's never as hard or as satisfying as I intend it to be. 


I look up from Heidi over to Rosalind who's holding my mother's wand in her hands, high above her head. 

I glare at her hard trying to think of a way to rescue the small piece of wood, but finding no other solution I let Heidi go and roll off of her. I get up to walk over to her and she raises the wand even higher. 

"Not another step, Collins" she hedges and I look at her differently. 

"Quit messing around, and give me my wand."

"Break, it..." Heidi gasps and I look at her fearfully, as she prepares to give the order again. 

"Rose, don't," I snarl, before feeling my expression soften.


"No!" I shout motioning for it, but she brings it down towards her other hand beginning to apply pressure. "Please! It was my mother's!"


"She died when I was two. She's all I have left of her. I am begging you," I strain feeling my eyes beginning to betray me with tears once again. "Don't. Do it."

"Then you promise to break-up with Alistair?" Heidi offers somewhat manically.


"That's the deal, Collins..." She smiles gathering herself up from the ground, bloodied and a complete and utter mess but still beautifully frightening. "You promise to let Alistair go, and-"

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!!" I roar. "Me, breaking up with Alistair isn't going to change how we feel about each other. And forcing me to choose between my mother and him, isn't going to keep us apart. All it does is prove how much of a cold-hearted- you really are!"

Her face reddens before she screams at her friend, commanding her to break the only tangible connection I have to my mother...

And as soon as the wood snaps and the tiny splinters of the 10.5 inches Acacia wand seem to fissure and trickle to the ground, I swear it's as if her spirit lifts into the atmosphere before dissipating.

I tilt my head not fully understanding or accepting rather, what's just occurred because for the first time since it was presented to me...I feel, free.

I don't feel weighted or tethered to anything. There are no rules or expectations, or limits. I wiggle and flex my fingers gracefully as if to test the boundaries, and when I can't find any I find myself laughing unable to stop. I toss my head backward and release a shrill so high, you would've thought I had just been released from Azkaban. 

"Why-Why is she laughing?" Tanya wails in fear, as my fingers begin to twirl. "What-What is she doing?!"

I feel just like Azula in Avatar the Last Airbender, just electricity surging and charging all around me filling me up like helium to the point where I'm literally hovering off the ground. It's like the universe has a giant orb of energy into my hands, and my only purpose is to sustain it as it continues to grow and grow like a star about to supernova.

"You've really done it now, Heidi!" Rosalind shouts as I'm full-on hysterical, partly because I am actually genuinely finding this funny. They push and knock into each other attempting to stand within the windstorm I'm currently causing, but they can't. The gusts are too strong...

"ME!" Heidi hollers. "You're the one who broke it!"

"You TOLD me too!" Rosalind cries starting to really cry. 

"SHUT-UP!" I boom sending out a pulse along with my voice. 

"That's it! I'm outta here!" Tanya says trying to run, and my hand lashes out causing a powerful jet of water to sprout up from the fountain and snatch her ankle like a whip before suspending her in mid-air. Her screams drown my ears with pleasure as I continue to laugh, conducting their torment through another jet of water.

"You're mental! You've gone complete and utterly mad, COLLINS!" Rosalind screeches, and my hands twitch ensnaring her as well.

"I SAID, SHUT UP!" I screech, forcing another pulse into the courtyard and it cracks one of the stone arches surrounding us. 

"COLLINS!! PLEASE!!!" Heidi screams bowing low before me. "IT WAS ALL JUST LAUGHS-"

I send another jet swirling around her body, constricting her tightly before sending her into the sky to float in between her friends. The way I have them suspended, I probably look like a three-armed octopus. 

"Merlin's-Beard!" Professor Longbottom shouts from the upper-balcony, and I flex my fingers drawing them in like three squirming fish on the same line. 

I swirl another burst of water from the fountain, encasing it around the three of them before freezing it like a ball as Professor Longbottom rushes down to where we are. 

"Ms. Collins..." He begins carefully and my head jerks to Professor Longbottom warning him not to get too close, but he raises his hands even more defensively inching closer to me. "They aren't worth it, Gwen-"

"They hurt my friend...They hurt Al..." I feel my body attempt to vibrate, almost making it difficult to speak. I can't remember a time when I've been so angry.

"They've hurt you too, but that's no reason to give in to what they want..." he explains, and the frozen orb bobbles in my hand. "They want you to be this person...Don't give them that satisfaction...Let me help, Gwen. Set them down..."

The orb feels like glass, and even though every urge in my body is screaming at me to send it towards the nearest wall...I don't. I wave my hands carefully, setting them safely down on the ground before thawing them out of my frozen ball and they gasp and cough for fresh air.

They scramble themselves up from the floor before running out of sight, and I heave in place realizing what I've just done. I gaze down towards the ground feeling ashamed that I've allowed myself to get that upset, and I begin fidgeting with myself as Professor Longbottom goes to retrieve my mother's wand.

"They did this," he alludes immediately and I breathe even heavier starting to cry, feeling the absence of her presence. "Alright...I'll clean up here while you meet Professor McGonagall in her office."

"McGonagall?!" I shout. "Professor Longbottom-"


"Is involving the Headmistress, really that necessary?" I try and he sends me a look. "I mean, Heidi got in a few good as well! Not to mention, this courtyard can easily be repaired with a few charms-"


"I'll even help!" I say frantically, before remembering how I don't have a wand. "Well...I can still try," I offer, attempting to levitate the spilled water back into the fountain and Professor Longbottom walks over to place a hand on my shoulder. "...I, didn't mean for it to go this far. I swear I'm usually in better control-"

"Deep breaths..." he coaches and I nod following his advice. "Professor McGonagall is still expecting to see you, but you don't have to be afraid. She's an extremely fair woman, so just tell the truth about what happened. And I'll vouch for you if necessary."

"As will I..."

I turn my head to see his stoic figure floating behind one of the stone pillars, the silver droplets of blood glinting on the lapels of his coat.

I stare at him gratefully, becoming overwhelmed with gratitude that I have a solid witness and as I make my way to her office and whisper the password in front of the eagle statue... "Sherbert Lemon..."

It leaps to the side before revealing a spiral staircase and I begin my trek to the top. I knock on the door and she invites me inside, and I enter the office. Just like I've heard it described, magical artifacts and instruments bob and hum throughout the room. The portraits of past headmasters and headmistresses cover the walls, and one by one their eyes fall on me as I make my way even closer to her desk. 

And there she is, in all her glory. Her round spectacles, her vibrant emerald robes, the signature bun swirled elegantly into a top-knot...

She's always been a hero of mine, and although I'm completely terrified of what's about to happen; it's still not enough to stop me from becoming starstruck. 

"Guinevere, Collins-"

"May I just say something before you expel me, Headmistress?" I interrupt and she lifts her head to look at me. "...I'm not excusing myself in any way. I know fighting is against the rules, and although I had no intention of allowing things to escalate to the point of destroying school property or even endangering the lives of my fellow students-"

"Ms. Collins-"

"Please, just let me finish and I'll shut-up," I promise, knowing that I'm losing my nerve. I take a deep breath and begin again. "I overheard Heidi confess towards actions that successfully hurt two of my friends, and before you go and ask me if I misheard her I promise you with every breath in my body I didn't. And my friends are unable to talk about it because of some magical-contract that doesn't allow any of their group of friends to get members of the group in trouble. And because it seemed as if she was going to get away with it, I hit her. And kept hitting her...And I'm not really sure how I let things get so out of control after that, but-"

"You see, Ms. Collins. That's what I wanted to talk with you about," she says evenly before whizzing a chair to sit beside her and offering me a seat. "Watching you earlier as well as reviewing some incidents on your application for the Exchange-Program...has strengthened my theory, that you may be an obscurial."

I roll my eyes dismissing the notion. "An obscurial? Me?" I scoff and she nods.

"Maybe not a full-fledged one," she says like it should make a difference. "But I feel that something might've been cultivated during your time here at Hogwarts...The seed was certainly planted in your childhood before Ilvermony, and there are small accidents over the course of your school-record that suggest I may be right," she says motherly. "...There is no question of your abilities as a powerful witch, and I can only imagine the level of control you possess to keep your 'temper' as you call it, from escaping...But there are too many occurrences over the years to call it a coincidence."

"But, Professor. I thought an obscurial was created out of suppression and abuse."

"In most cases, yes."

"Well, even if I were to entertain the idea of suppression I haven't been abused. At home, nor at school. I've had a great childhood, and my relationship with my father is wonderful. We're all we have, and he's never once made me feel ashamed for having magic or for being a witch."

"...And your mother?"

"She died when I was two...I can't remember her."

She looks at me slightly differently, and I frown not liking her expression. "Would you like my help in trying?"

My eyes narrow even more fighting with myself. On the one hand, I can feel myself aching to feel a part of her. Something that will replace the part that I lost today...

But on the other hand, I can't help but feel like there's a dark undertone to whatever it is I've been suppressing. Something that was secretly feeding on the happiness I've had throughout my life tucked tightly in a corner of my mind. Something complacent with being left alone, and harmless unless provoked...

"Perhaps not today," she extends and I nod. "...On behalf of this school, I want to extend a formal apology to you. As our guest, you deserved a positive educational experience and if you hadn't exhibited your talents of strength in time of adversity, I'm fairly certain something far worse was likely to happen. And in regards to Ms. Brownstein-"

I shake my head stopping her. "You don't have to get her for what happened to me. As far as I'm concerned, we're even...I just want justice for my friends."

"That will be taken into consideration, and unfortunately due to your confession earlier I am forced to take action...Three night's detention ought to do the trick."

"Would it be too hopeful to request my time served with Professor Hagrid?"

"Detention is supposed to deter you from negative behaviors, Ms. Collins. Not reward," she adds and I drop my head nodding as well. "Three nights with Madame Pomfrey volunteering in the Hospital Wing, I think will be sufficient enough."

I grimace and nod accepting the punishment gratefully, fully understanding that it could be so much worse. "Thank you, Professor."

"Now, am I correct in knowing that you are no longer in possession of a wand?"

I nod again. "When they snapped it, I snapped as well."

"Understandably and regrettably so. I know how much that wand meant to you," she consoles before changing her tone and becoming impatient. "But, highly unpredictable and troublesome if you ask me."

"Yes and no," I comment. "It felt more like a leash with someone else controlling the other end. It would only let me do certain things, never what I wanted. So when it broke, I just felt-" I pause suddenly, coming to another realization. "...The wand was the suppression. My negative feelings towards magic and the barriers...The combination of what happened to my mother and her wand...Wow."

Professor McGonagall chuckles lightly before nodding. "That is my theory, yes. But we can discuss that at a later time...For now, as the other part of your punishment I am allowing you to return to classes without the use of a wand."


"You will attend all classes and examinations without the use of a wand-"

"BUT PROFESSOR! MY NEWTS! THE ENTIRE BANE OF MY ACADEMIC EXISTENCE IS TO TAKE PLACE LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AWAY!" I panic and she stares at me unimpressed and slightly amused. "All of my studying and preparation! Not to mention, the requirement to take such an assessment of such magnitude requires the use of a wand. A rule, Professor Flitwick is keen on reminding me constantly during charms class, I might add!"


"And I know I didn't have much a chance with my mother's wand because it was so temperamental, however, it was still a chance!" I argue as she continues to watch me unmoved. "I mean, what am I supposed to do?"

"Study and prepare," she answers calmly and I roll my eyes shaking my head as she continues. "So that when you return with your wand after Spring Vacation-"

"What?" I question picking out the two most important words. "...My, wand?"

She sighs impatiently. "I'm requiring that you visit Ollivander's, so that you may purchase a wand of your very own," she explains and I become small and quiet at how quickly I overreacted. "...Gwen?"

"Yes, Professor?"

"Don't be too hard on yourself...You're dealing with a lot," she smiles and I expel a gust of air before finally feeling comfortable enough to return it. "Considering all that's occurred, I am excusing you from the rest of today's lessons. However, you will report to Madame Pomfrey directly after dinner and begin your first night's detention."

"Thank-You Professor," I reply and she nods getting up from her desk, preparing to head back to my dormitory in order to change my robes. My hair is disheveled and I'm suddenly aware of how sore I am. 

"Oh and Ms. Collins?" She begins and I look at her hesitantly. "Although I can't condone your methods, your bravery and loyalty to your friends is more than admirable...Five points to Slytherin."

Those five little points feel more like five-thousand, and I've got a subtle sense of pride settling in the middle of my chest. 

By the time I make it back down to the dungeons, my encounter with Heidi and the damage towards the Clock-Tower Courtyard is known throughout the castle. People stop talking until after I've passed, and they don't walk too close to me making the hallways seem as if I've parted my fellow students like the Red Sea. Everyone seems afraid to approach me, and instead of feeling some type of way about it I'm actually grateful for the solitude. 

If something is truly wrong with me, maybe I shouldn't be around anyone. 

I curl up in my bed with my covers just thinking about this entire situation...

When I go to dinner, I eat quickly and quietly anxious to get to the Hospital Wing. 

Alistair is still asleep when I report to Madame Pomfrey, and she warns me that if I deliver any form of sass or back-talk she'll have me serve detention someplace else. She has me empty the bed-pans and replace them with clean ones before having me wash the dirty ones, and I feel just like Samwell Tarley from Game of Thrones getting lost in the rhythm. When I'm done with that, she sets me in a corner to strip bandages by hand. I tear them in long strips before rolling and stacking them neatly in the cupboard. Every now and then I'll steal glances at Alistair just to make sure he's breathing because he's too quiet and still for my liking. I keep expecting to see him smile or crack a joke...even his hair is a dull shade of brown instead of the beautiful golden blonde he's been currently sporting.

"Back to work, Ms. Collins" Madame Pomfrey snips and I jump slightly before stripping more fabric. 

The next two nights go the same way, and even after my time is served I come back to the Hospital-Wing to volunteer. It's better than listening to the other students talking about me in the Great Hall or being openly interrogated in the Slytherin Common Room. Or the death glares and whispers I receive in the Library. The Hospital-Wing has become another sanctuary of mine, another quiet place to escape from it all.

It isn't until almost two weeks later, she surprises me by ordering me to brew a Wiggenweld Potion. 

"Do you think you can manage that?" She challenges a bit differently. Her tone doesn't suggest that I can't, just more of a privilege she's allowing me to have. 

I nod tearfully before heading towards her supply cupboard and gathering the necessary ingredients. I set the supplies by her brewing station and wash and carefully clean her cauldron before beginning the potion. I follow the instructions even more precisely than usual, and it blossoms beautifully boiling inside the pot. The colors change when they're supposed too, and when I finally leave it alone to simmer she offers me a chair by her desk. 

"You're not at all like I expected, Collins."

"What were you expecting, Madame Pomfrey?"

"Honestly? An insufferable know-it-all," She huffs checking her clipboard. "An arrogant, disrespectful prodigy with no regard for tradition or her elders."

"Tell me how you really feel," I smirk and she ends up chuckling. 

"But after your time here, I can't help but admire your skills as a nurse. And I understand your unrefined passion is just an excess of your compassion, which is probably the most important talent within the medical profession."

I wait a moment before thanking her and she gives a curt nod continuing to check her charts. "...You know, Madame Pomfrey?"

"Yes, dearie?"

"...I'm sorry I sent those stacks of paper flying off of your desk-"

"Pish-Posh, dearie. No harm was done..." she ruffles like a chicken roosting. "In fact, it gave Johnny Tompkins a great dose of the best medicine there is...Laughter."

I smile a little looking over to the empty bed where he once was. 

We wait patiently for the potion to finish, and while it's cooling I rise from my seat to position myself closer to Alistair. He looks so peaceful, almost as if he's having a good dream...

I glance over my shoulder to see where she is, and when she's at a safe distance I lean forward to touch his hand using all of my might and concentration to delve into his fantasy...

And as soon as I see it, I can't help but smile...

We're on a Quidditch-Pitch, and he's soaring brilliantly above in the clouds guarding his post as if it were a real game. He dips and spins gracefully in the air, and I'm not sure how long I watch him but it feels like forever, and it still isn't long enough for me because it's been so long since I've seen him this happy. My eyes tear up hearing him cheer and holler in excitement as he continues to play the best game of his life, before descending down to the ground and landing with a perfect thud. 


I turn around to see the arrival of someone running out onto the pitch, and I grab my face in shock recognizing my figure. Dream-Me is smiling so big it should hurt, and it's like I'm slow-motion running towards him as he smoothly walks towards me...

I cover my face embarrassed at how cliché his fantasy is, but it's so him and so adorable I can't help but get caught up. And when he finally kisses Dream-Me, it feels like I'm watching a movie. All sappy and wonderful, and I can just feel how innately happy he is.

I shake my head in wonder seeing how in love this boy really is, and I sigh unsure of what's going to happen to either one of us when we have to say goodbye-

"HEY!" He shouts breaking away from Dream-Me and I jump letting out a short scream and he turns his head to look directly at me.

"Everything alright, dearie?"

I let Alistair go immediately, shaking myself back to the present. "Uhm-Yes?"

"You screamed. Are you sure?" She asks and I stutter and nod trying to seem normal. She shakes her head, motioning back to the potion. "Potion's ready...A little dab'll do." I frown at her instructions and she rolls her eyes passing me a small vile. "You two are dating, are you not?"

"Yes but..."

"Sleeping Beauty is a story they have in America, yes?" She says almost angrily. "And they tell me, you're a smart girl," she says pulling the curtain shut to give us some privacy.

I smile finally understanding her meaning and dip my finger in the potion before spreading it across my lips like a gloss. It tingles my lips like mint, and I quickly lean in to kiss him just like the fairy-tale. It isn't as fast-acting as I expect, but in another moment or so he becomes responsive and then adamant.

He leans into me, almost as if he's felt the separation as well and I kiss him back as tenderly as possible hoping to express how much I've missed him.

"I told you..." He whispers before starting to smile. "No mention of D-Day."

I end up laughing feeling my tears spill over, and against hospital regulations, I take him in my arms to give him the tightest hug I can manage. I feel his laughter rustle low in his chest and for one moment, my entire world is perfect.    



sorry, it's so late. i got stuck, and you have no idea how many re-writes I had to go through. 

more is coming, and please leave me comments!

i hope you enjoy the story so far. 

much love, pce


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I'm stuck you guys with how i want to rewrite the next part..I've rewritten it so many times and i'm not happy with how it's coming out. That's why it's taking so long. My apologies once again, and hopefully i'll have something posted for you really soon!! <3


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Chapter 13: That was agonizing and beautiful all in one. I'm glad he's finally free of his family and I hope that he can still keep a close relationship with Gia without the rest of the family blocking them.

I really wish nothing but for joy and love to surround both of them from now on.

Also I'm not sure how much of this story is left but I'm excited to see their development at school after all of this. And how they handle that petty (I forgot her name lol)
743 streak #2
Chapter 13: Awesome chapter, although a bit sad. Oh, I so hope Lord Harris kicks the bucket, and Alastair ends up with everything - in a lovely twist of fate. :) Now, how to get rid of Auntie Dearest...

Hope you’re doing well. I am hanging in there.♡
743 streak #3
Chapter 12: Something tells me all hell is going to break loose at the party. Daddy Dearest and Step-mummy need to get what’s coming to them.
743 streak #4
Chapter 11: Good chapter. Oh no, you really are putting them through it! In the matter of a day, their lives have been completely turned upside down. I’m just hoping that outside forces will not tear them away from each other. Daddy Dearest and Auntie Acid both need to eff off.
Chapter 10: ing Sheva ?

I'm so glad that she found HER wand. I too can not wait to "see" Heidi's busted crusty dusty face. She REALLY needs for someone to bring her down a few notches.

I wonder what she'll name her Hippogriff when they get back to Hogwarts. And I wonder what her aunt will say about the wand situation ?
743 streak #6
Chapter 10: I need a wand to do my dishes and housework. (^_-) Good chapter, I like that Alistair is starting to open up. Hopefully he’s old enough now to stand up to his father, so that the man can’t make him miserable.
743 streak #7
Chapter 9: Hmm... “whatever we’re about to face” sounds ominous. lol The kids are finally in a good place, despite Heidi, now you’re gonna them headfirst into more problems? Can’t wait! (^_-)
Chapter 8: Damn... he was a whole thot.. the entire crew got a ride.
743 streak #9
Chapter 7: d (^‿^✿)
Chapter 7: Kinda glad they broke her moms wand. Now they know what she's capable of and know that they shouldn't fxck with her.... I bet they still will try but ??‍♀️. The 3 of them really need to break away from the pact. Now that they see how low the others will stop to... it's time to GO (if they can)