
Another Year...

Gwen's POV

The days drag on slowly with me and everyone else here at Hogwart's crawling to get to Spring-Vacation. Even now as I'm sitting in Potions everything Prof. Slughorn says seems redundant or irrelevant, especially seeing how this is my last class until academic-freedom.

"Alright class," he praises walking around our stations. "I'd like you to partner-up and brew one of the three potions listed on the board...And seeing as how it's such a lovely day, the teams with the best potion will be dismissed early from class."

Alistair and I lock eyes immediately and I'm nodding enthusiastically as he scoffs a smile. I clear my work-station and begin to make space for him as he saunters over to get to me and we decide as to what we're going to make.

"Laughing Potion?" I smile in disbelief at his suggestion.

"See, it's working already" he chuckles weakly pointing to the upturned corners of my mouth. "I think it could be a lot of fun. Besides, when are we going to get the chance to brew it again."

"Why can't we be like everyone else and make a cure for boils?" I groan seeing how most of the class has got a head-start by already gathering their materials. "It could take an hour, tops. And either one of us could legit brew it in our sleep-"

"Just trust me! I can do this one too," He urges impatiently as if he suddenly cares that we're already losing. "...I really want to make this one."

"And I really want to get out of class early," I joke mocking him, implying my desire to occupy our free time in other ways. "Come on, we could've already had it brewing by now."

He sighs unaffected becoming somber. "Please...." he asks. "Just, trust me for once?"

He turns his body slightly before opening his copy of Advanced Potion Making and already beginning to re-clean my cauldron prepping the station. I take a deep breath understanding that there's no changing his mind and sigh offering to get the necessary ingredients from the Potions-Closet. He nods beginning to light the fire beneath and my eyes narrow at his newfound focus, but I nod accepting it. Potions is one of our most important classes, so it makes sense that he would want to do well...

I swear I'll be glad when our N.E.W.Ts are finally over, and all of the pressure and anxiety constantly swirling around them will finally vanish.

When I bring back the supplies we need, Alistair has already washed and dried the inside of my cauldron. His hair is piled high into his "Work-Top-Knot" and his robe is off and draped across my stool, the sleeves of his white button-up pushed three-quarters of the way up his arm giving me a perfect preview of his muscles.

"Holy. ," I smile entirely ecstatic at the fact that we're actually dating, and I set the ingredients down before arranging them so he can work. "You look so good right now," I whisper sitting beside him happily. "That look you get when you're focused-

"And what, I'm normally not?" He hedges and my pride dulls into confusion. He gives me a disappointed glance before shaking his head and preparing the first ingredient. "Cut this for me, yeah?" He grunts sounding low continuing to work, motioning me towards the alihotsy leaves.

I stare at him a minute silently asking him what's wrong, but when he doesn't pick up the hint I come right out and ask. "Are you okay?"

He sighs irritatedly before nodding. "When you're done, you can toss'm righ' in."

I frown even harder twisting my mouth accepting his curt-attitude, chalking it up to the complexity of the potion. It's doable, to say the least, and the ingredients and instructions are fairly easy to follow but some of the directions are utterly ridiculous. Throughout the addition of ingredients, we're required to snicker or laugh into our cauldron and the fumes that emit from our work-station don't help me in staying serious.

"GWEN!" He whines.

"What?!" I practically burst.

"You're gonna ruin it!"

"I'm sorry," I apologize before covering my mouth trying to muffle the sounds. "It's just...what are you doing?"

"What do you mean, what am I doing?" He hisses. "The directions clearly say to snicker-"

A legit snort escapes from my nose and I clamp both hands over my mouth almost afraid I'll holler.

"We're gonna have to start all over if you keep doing that!" He snarls protectively over our potion and I release another snort unable to stay serious.

"I'm sorry! I really am," I whisper afraid to really laugh, but I'm finding this all borderline hysterical. "I'll stop," I sniffle trying to focus, bringing myself down from the laughing fit. "What's the next step," I grin trying my hardest not too.

We go back to the instructions of our potion, but in a few more commands we're required to giggle over the cauldron and I practically lose it again. "I'm serious, Gwen! You're ruining it! And if you don't stop, we're going to have to start over-"

I nod getting out of his way trying to be helpful, but the more I find it funny the more upset he becomes. When we get to the step where one of us is required to 'laugh uncontrollably', he looks at me expectantly and I stare back at him blankly before saying, "What."

And the lack of humor on his face reignites my reasoning for finding all of this funny, and I start laughing uncontrollably. He doesn't even saying anything, guiding me off of the stool to bring me over to the cauldron and I laugh so badly it's becoming breathless. I half expect him to dunk my head in our potion, and I'm literally crying from how good of a laugh it is.

He lets me go and sits me down before finishing it up, and I'm still laughing in small doses when I finally stop and our potion is complete.

"Laughing-Potion, is it?" Professor Slughorn. "It seems to be quite potent. I don't think I've ever seen Ms. Collins in such a state."

"Thank you, Professor" I smile airily, looking to Alistair who clenches his jaw with tension and I frown.

"Alright. After you clean your station, you can go," Professor Slughorn nods before wishing us a happy break and exiting the classroom.

"Goodbye Professor," I wave happily still in a good mood. "Oh my goodness, what time is it! I completely lost track! If I don't hurry now I'm gonna be-"

"Weren't you the one who said the art of potions is about precision?" He snides in a tone, and my frown returns. "I'm sorry that everyone isn't as fast or as perfect as you."

"...Do you wanna tell me what I'm missing?" I ask and he packs up the leftover supplies hurriedly, before trudging his way to the closet. I glance around the classroom and there's no one here except for us, so I feel safe in talking openly to him. "...Fred?" I try and he doesn't respond. "Al, talk to me-"

"What more is there to say?" He exhales coming out of the closet. "Your laughter said it all! I'm pathetic."


"Look, I get that you're better than me at most things, but you don't have to rub it in my face constantly! Believe me, I more than understand, I don't measure up. And you-"


"You don't even care how it makes me feel! You never stop to think how your overbearing need to be right, overshadows any opportunity to prove myself-"

"Al, I swear I never meant for that to happen! I thought I was helping," I try and he sighs in a mood. "Although I'm not sure why you have to prove yourself, you already know how great you are. How great I think you are-"

"It's not enough for me to think that I need everyone else to know it too."

"Well," I scoff before I can stop myself. "That's just dumb."


"Yeah. Who gives a flying remember?" I smile. "Everyone else's opinion regarding your life and choices is on them. You don't owe anyone anything. You know you're amazing and-"

"Like I try to take the lead just once, and you don't take me seriously. As if I need you to vocalize how much of a joke I really am," he snides and I frown hard trying to understand how he feels, but for me, this is all coming from left field.

"I do take you seriously, why wouldn't I?" I hedge. "And as far as taking a lead, why was that necessary in the first place? This was supposed to be a team project-"

"There you go again. Canceling me out," he scoffs. "That's what I mean! You have to be in control all of the time. You always have to be right, and that's what makes you a hypocrite. You can't afford for anyone to think you aren't number one! You just show up out of nowhere and take-over-"

"What exactly did I take over?"

"And you know, most times I don't care but I'm really getting fed upcoming second-best to you...of all people," he glares taking a moment to breathe. "I mean, as my girlfriend, you're supposed to want me to succeed...How embarrassing is it, that you just continue to on me in front of everyone in order to make yourself look cool."

"Wait a minute! How long have you been feeling like this?" I challenge determined to get to the bottom of this, and he sighs waving his hands to clear the discussion. "And if it's for a significant amount of time, why are you just telling me this now?"

"Come on, Gwen. You know I can't talk to you-"

"You? You can't talk to me?" I gasp totally taken aback. "We usually talk about everything, that's how you got me to fall for you in the first place-"

"Stop patronizing me! You think I don't know you're destined for better things than me?" He groans and I stare at him in shock. "Why are we even fooling ourselves...We're not going to work."

"I know this fight is pretty bad, but your talking craziness," I smile bitterly shaking my head, refusing to believe what he's saying.

"I know we'd said we'd wait until the end of term, but...I can't keep going the way things are," he shrugs indifferently. "I can't keep feeling about myself, and it only seems to get worse the longer I'm around you-"


"We don't belong together. We don't make sense and we never have!"


"I'm a complete waste of talent and potential, everyone says so! Not to mention look at what you are! You're dangerous," He jabs the air accusingly. "We're not soulmates, we're a threat if we stay together. Look at what you've already done trying to avenge me...And I don't need you bringing me down any further than you already have. Like," he breaks allowing his emotion to tear my heart apart even further. "My year was going brilliantly until-"

My eyes fill with water and begin to sting because I'm not blinking. The veins in my throat and chest tighten because I'm not breathing. It's like someone on the inside of my brain keeps raising and lowering the volume, making it so I can't fully comprehend that this is actually happening but also signaling the end.

"I'm sorry Gwen but we-"

"You don't have to finish. I got it" I nod finally finding words to speak. I flex and wave my hands in a series of motions that clear and clean my workstation, before grabbing my bag and storming out. "Just do me a favor, yeah? ...Act like I don't exist."

"Is that really what you want?"

I smile tightly before nodding. "That's what I want. Oh and a...Good luck with your exams," I rush feeling my voice trying to crack, and he nods turning his hair from bright blonde to fire-engine-red as it begins to grow in length.

I can't look at him any longer especially if he's going to be sporting my least favorite hairstyle on him. The shade resembles too close to Heidi's, so I turn fiercely and practically run out of the classroom. I head for the dungeons, ignoring my house-mates before reaching the dormitories. Everyone is excited about the break, and their happiness fizzes through the air like static electricity. It just motivates me to move faster. I storm over to my dresser and begin finding something to change into, but it's difficult because everything feels tainted by Alistair. Even my wardrobe. I look at the marigold sweatshirt feeling like I could just burst into tears until I internally command myself to keep my together until I'm alone.

"Y'alright, Gwen?" Janelle asks and I nod quickly.

"Just...Excited for the break" I half choke through my lie, but it's enough to send her back into her tangent about her own plans.

I change into a pair of skinny jeans and a charcoal oversized sweater and sneakers and rush out of the dorm to make it down to Hagrid's. I get to the main entrance before bumping into Morgan, and I mentally scramble my brain around attempting to clear my mind, determined to keep him out.

"Wotcher, Gwen?" He says gripping the sides of my body to keep me from falling from our collision.

I nod and brush him off me stumbling backward regardless. "Sorry, Morgan. I-I wasn't paying attention."

He tilts his head trying to read me. "You're sorry?"

"Yeah. I," I smile faintly. "I can be sorry," I add feeling my tears attempting to return. I shake my head hard and smile even bigger. "I've got to go, but I'll see you around, yeah?"

"You'll. See. Me. Around?" He repeats slowly before starting to laugh, and I sniffle backing further away. "Have you forgotten that you're still mad at me?"

"Why should I be mad? You were right" I chuckle as my tears spill. "Everything you said about me and Al..."


"You don't have to apologize, and talking about it just makes it worse so...just do me a favor? Look out for him?" I say feeling my mind preparing to flood me with emotion. "Promise me, you're always going to make sure he's alright."

"I don't understand, what happened?" He says catching a glimpse inside my head. "You two are-"

"Just look out for him!" I shout feeling like I'm about to fall apart, and I cover my mouth knowing how I'm about to start ugly-crying so I take off towards Hagrid's hut. Before I can even reach the cabbage patch I'm running into Hagrid's side, which feels like I've collided with a furry brick wall due to his vest. "Oh, Hagrid..." I sob hugging as much of him as my arms will allow.

"There-There," he pats gently before bending low to see me. "How about a cup'o-tea?"


Alistair's POV

(Hours Later at the Quidditch Pitch...)

"NOT IN MY HOUSE O'CONNELL!!!" I bellow blocking his shot before chucking the quaffle to Gryffindor Keeper, Thomas Heady.

Ugh! Today has just been the best day ever! Maybe Gwen's right and I should find a way to turn pro because I've never felt more right than when I play Quidditch. I didn't even go to classes today, there was no time between setting up my surprise for Gwen and completing one of the last rites as a seventh-year Hogwart's student. We've been playing Quidditch-Friendly's for the past hour or so, with only the players from our year so the teams are all mixed up. Which I like, because all of the trash-talk is kept to a minimum between the houses and we can just play for the fun of it...If only life could be this carefree and wonderful all of the time.

"And Lena Yates has caught the snitch!" Prisha calls and I zoom down to the ground to give another Keeper a chance to play.

Even before I land I've got a cheering section leading a fan-chant as I dismount. Since the school day is mostly over, some of the fifth and sixth years trickle down to watch us play our round of friendly's. I wave and wince before grabbing some water off to the side and Morgan jogs over to me.


"Hi-yah...You broke up with Gwen?"

I half choke on my next sip. "Excuse me?"

"You ended things with Gwen-"

"I didn't break up with Gwen! Are you mad?" I question clearly insulted.

"I saw you!" He argues assuredly. "Or what she let me see of you," he winces doubtfully.

"You've really got to stop invading people's minds, mate-"

"Wait so you didn't?" He shakes his head trying to gain clarity.

"Of course I didn't! Why would I? Not to mention, I haven't seen her all day" I explain taking another swig of water.

"Not even in Potions-Class?"

"I didn't go. I skipped to set up my surprise and then came down for the match."

"But you were there! I saw you clear as day in her head. Dress robes and everything-Hang on. Have you looked like this all day?"

"What do you mean, have I looked like this all day?"

"I mean, did you change your hair?"

I shake my head cluelessly before starting to smile at the reason. "Gwen seems to really...enjoy," I smirk remembering. "The shorter platinum-blonde motif-"

"So not the flamming-red?"

"Nah, man" I smile even more dopily. "She either likes the ginger-brown or honey blonde. Flamming red was never her favorite...She says it reminds her of a fire-truck or-"

"Heidi," Morgan finishes with a tired sigh and I frown, noticing her jog over to her friends on the pitch. She throws a flirtatious smirk before elegantly tossing her hair to the side. Morgan ducks his head with a knowing chuckle. "You've got to find Gwen. Now."

"What happened? Is she okay?"

"No," he grins finding something funny and my eyes bug-out immediately going to the worst and he shakes his head before explaining. "Gwen thinks you two are finished."

"What?!" I shout. "How! Why would she think that?!"

"Because someone who looked exactly like you, broke up with her, after potions."

"But I wasn't in potions!"

"I know, but I have a pretty good guess as to who was," he expels and I tilt my head trying to understand what he's implying. "It doesn't matter now, you've got to find Gwen."

"But, where is she? We weren't supposed to meet up until later tonight-"

"When I saw her last she took off toward's Hagrid's, maybe she's down there?" He offers as I my broom into his hands and take off in a sprint.

Thank God the pitch isn't too far from Hagrid's, and when I reach his hut I'm pounding on the door completely ignoring the small note posted to the door. "Went down to the Reserves."

I follow the path leading into the forest and take out my wand preparing to encounter anything. The shade from the abundance of trees blocks out the sun, and the bright sunny day changes into something more ominous. The sudden rustle within the bushes from my approach makes me jumpy and I walk a little faster in order to get inside the enclosure.

"GWEN!" I shout running over to the fence. "GUINEVERE!"

I don't see her or Hagrid, and there are only a few small clusters of hippogriffs on the far end of the enclosure. I swallow hard before bending low to squeeze myself in between the poles of the fence, and I roll onto my knees before straightening up. I begin jogging over to another area, spinning around in what feels like endless circles shouting her name until I'm side-swept by a large mass of silver forcing me to the ground.


"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" I roll, dodging two massive talons as they attempt to trample me and I avoid another swipe as the creature screeches loudly preparing to charge me again.


"KEEN-HOOK!!!" Her voice slices through the air as she runs over to place herself between me and the hippogriff. I scramble from the ground trying to spin her behind me, but she pushes me out of the way before moving even closer to the creature who continues to lunge for me. "BACK-OFF!" She shouts again as he rears himself on his hind legs, threatening to claw through her to get to me. "I SAID, BACK-OFF!" She scolds unshakably, yanking down a dead ferret from around her neck and tossing it in a different direction.

"ERR-WERRRK! ERR-WERCHHHH!!!" Keen-Hook snips, snapping his beak menacingly and I wince at how sharp it sounds. His violent wings creating gust-storms making it difficult to see.

She yanks off another ferret before tossing it in the same direction as before. "You've made your point, now get!" She waves, shooing him off and he snorts disgustedly towards me before beginning to prance towards his prize.

She turns around quickly as if she remembers that she isn't alone, and as soon as she recognizes it's me her face mangles in pain before she tries to erase it becoming indifferent. My heartstrings tighten painfully hard seeing her reaction to me, I feel like I can't even breathe. Her eyes are so red from crying they look bloodshot. Her breathing is shallow and quick, no doubt trying to stop herself from bursting into tears. And just like always, she's trying to put on a brave face by hiding how she's feeling which somehow makes it worse. Because anyone looking at her can see that she's devastated over something...or in this case, someone.

"Aww, Gwen," I gripe after an unbearably long silence; but in my defense, I'm just as torn up seeing her so upset.

"Unauthorized students aren't allowed to be in this enclosure, so unless you have special permission from Professor Hagrid I suggest you leave, immediately!"


"And I know it's been a while since you've taken a Care of Magical Creature's class, but honestly?! How many times have you heard that Hippogriffs are extremely proud creatures?! You were lucky not to have been killed!" She says preparing to take off but I grab her arm and she slings me off, allowing hatred to beam from her eyes.

"Will you just let me explain-"

"No!" She adds defiantly before sniffling adorably, and I smile a little noting how cute she is. Especially when she's upset with me...And the way I'm looking at her just seems to infuriate her more, and she rolls her eyes before groaning out of frustration. "If you aren't hurt-"

"Whatever you think happened earlier, that wasn't me!" I blurt and she skips right over me.

"I ask you, for one thing!" She rants heading for the fence's perimeter and I follow blindly before she spins around to yell at me. "And you couldn't even grant me that act of kindness for a few hours?!?!?!?!?" She groans beginning to push me out and I step around her causing her to chase me.

"You have to listen to me! Please!" I beg.

"No!" She hisses charging towards me to run me off.

"As my girlfriend," I huff and she howls at the word. "You're required to at least hear me out!"

"Girlfriend!" She cackles as I allow her to catch me. "As of 2:23 PM, I've been a free agent," she smirks beginning to drag me out.

"Exactly, Two-Twenty-Three!" I rush, making a mental note of how physically strong she is.


"Two-Twenty-Three, was potions right?"

"What do you mean, 'right'? You were there!"

"But I wasn't!" I groan outmaneuvering from under her grip in order to face her. "I didn't go to class today!"

"Yes, you did! We made a Laughing-Potion together! That's what started this whole mess!" She shrieks startling a few birds. "You broke up with me! You told me we don't make sense together! That I-"

I kiss her before I can help myself. I kiss her long and hard, holding her tight as I can against me literally attempting to squeeze her doubt right out of her. And what surprises me most is how she's not putting up a fight, if anything she feels weak and frail against me. I cradle her close feeling her tears splash my cheek and when we finally break apart I pepper kisses along the trails trying to reaffirm how much she means to me.

"This is the weirdest break-up, in the history of romance," she sighs weakly.

"Will you please stop saying that, we didn't break up," I say stealing another kiss from her lips. "Two people who feel like we do, don't just end things just like that. Don't you know that?"

"But...I was hurting you," she cries guiltily. "I made you feel insecure-"


"THAT'S WHAT I SAID!" She shrieks, starting to sob. "And you told me that you couldn't talk to me because I don't take you seriously! That I lead in everything!... And then you said I was dangerous," she says becoming quieter. "And that we weren't going to work-"

"Where would you even get that?! How could you even believe that?!" I gripe in shock and she sniffles hard. "Do-Do I make you feel like that?"

"NO!" She quips. "But-"

"But, what?" I ask determined to get to the bottom of this.

She nibbles her lips afraid to say and I nudge her to tell me everything. "Morgan low-key told me the same thing. Not as harshly of course," she says trying to defend him. "But he thinks, I think you can't...handle, yourself. That I override you-"

"I'm gonna kill'em," I glare low towards the castle, knowing he mistook what I meant.

"...But...do I?"

"Do you what?" I ask sweetly, gently brushing her cheeks with the pads of my thumb. She's still upset and my job as her boyfriend is to be supportive and understanding. There'll be plenty of time later for me to beat Morgan to a pulp for almost ruining the greatest relationship I've ever had.

She sighs heavily reluctant to tell me, but her curiosity gives her the strength to ask again. "Do I make you feel like that?"

Her tiny frame looks so bashfully nervous waiting for me to answer, and I sigh sitting down on the ground tugging her to get comfortable on my lap. She waits another moment before sitting with me, and I curl my body around her tucking her in as close as I can before kissing the back of her head. "You love me."

"That's a different answer to a different question," she adds dryly and I smile kissing the same spot once more.

"Yeah, but it also answers this one," I smile giving her another squeeze. "...You worry about me. You always try to prepare the best for me. And if you could plan out my life to ensure that I was never upset or hurt, there's no doubt in my mind that you'd do it."

"So, your answer is yes."

"Yes and no."

"Yes and no? What does that even mean?" She scrunches her face even more annoyed.

"It means, I'm so lucky to have someone who cares about me so much," I say turning her slightly so I can look into her eyes. "And if that bothers other people, so be it. I'm perfectly fine with it...most days."

"Most days?" She winces already starting to panic.

"Well, Quidditch is a different circumstance but we're working on it," I tease before releasing a lighthearted chuckle. "Morgan isn't like us, so I wouldn't expect an eagle to understand...Both Slytherin and Hufflepuff are grounded by loyalty, and where Ravenclaw might view it as a weight to keep them from soaring, you and I know the value and strength of having someone in your corner with your best interest at heart..." I explain before getting to the root of it. "And from the way you are with your dad, I can't really expect you to behave differently when it comes to me."

"Okay, now explain that too."

I smile brushing the back of my hand against her cheek. "Your dad is one of the most important people in your life. Your letters to him are legit longer than some NEWT-level essays I've written, and at the end of each one, you send a list of reminders and directions for him to carry-out," I grin noticing how thoughtful she is. "I swear, it's like you're the parent leaving him home alone for the first time. Why wouldn't I expect you to be as considerate of me too?"

She pouts a little not necessarily liking what I've said. The slight tension in the corners of let me know she's still bothered...Almost as if she's smothering me.


"...What," she exhales before looking up at me.

"It really doesn't bother me," I admit and she makes a face. "If anything these past few months with you has me spoiled," I smile thinking of how wonderful I feel when I'm with her.

"But Morgan-"

"Get's tired of hearing me boast about you, that's all...He mistook what I said. I promise you, I don't feel insecure...at least, not about you."

"But don't you see? I don't want you feeling like that at all," she sniffles. "You're so great in so many beautiful ways, it shouldn't be physically possible. And even if I'm one of the best in our year, I don't ever want you to feel like you don't measure up because it's just not true," she huffs. "You're wonderful, just like you are. And I could never think of you as a joke."

"Wait, I said that?" I frown and she nods. "I said that I didn't measure up?"

"Why do you think I felt so terrible? You said I made you feel like a joke-"

"ing, Heidi" I hiss under my breath glaring towards the castle, and Gwen sniffles again cutely.


I take in a deep breath and exhale slowly before starting to explain. "When I dated Heidi," I begin and Gwen wrinkled her nose. "She focused a lot on public appearances...For her, being together wasn't enough. We had to be the best, which also included top-marks in our classes."

"Okay..." Gwen drags out slowly and I sigh rolling my eyes.

"Come on, Gwen, you and I both know I'm not the best in our year-"

"You're easily in the top-ten. And I don't even mean six through ten, you're at least three or four."

"It's still not one, which was enough to bother Heidi," I shrug, remembering some of the lectures she gave me. "' You're so much more than what you're exhibiting'," I smile painfully, reciting the quotes that hurt the most. "Would you believe my father told me something similar?"

His disapproval echoes low in my ears before I shake my head withdrawing myself from the memory. I sigh and look back at Gwen who's mouth is clenched as tight as her fists. I smile kissing her forehead quickly and she melts into me a little. "My point is..." I say curling her a bit closer. "I don't care about that stuff. That's all Heidi. And honestly, being in the top-ten of our class is just a happy coincidence-"

"Heidi," she snarls even more darkly. "Of course...Her presentation. Polyjuice Potion..."


"Just like Professor Slughorn allowed me to take Felix, he must have granted her to take some of the potion...And here I thought I was special," she scoffs before wiping her face. "Well, this is embarrassing."

"Embarrassing?" I ask rubbing her back and she nods with a weak laugh.

"What else would you call me in this state?" She sniffles before giving me a watery smile. "I'm a ing mess, but in my defense, I had never meant for you to see me so broken-up."

"We share four classes together plus meal-times," I tease, challenging her plan to avoid me. "How exactly were you going to get over me so quickly?"

"Getting over you was never the goal," she adds immaturely before making a face at me. "I was trying to keep my dignity...And I would've had it too if you hadn't found me...I'm not stupid," she says softly. "Since classes were already over I just had to make it through the rest of today to mourn and pull myself together. I would've been perfectly fine for tomorrow's train ride," she sniffles. 

"Have you always been this dramatic?" I groan before starting to laugh and her puffy-red eyes glare at me. "...How long have you been crying?"

"How did you even know where I was?"

"How long?" I press even harder and she sniffles hard again. "Since potions?" I smile dopily, thinking of the amount of time she's spent mourning our relationship. Every tear she's shed just reemphasizes how much she loves me. Maybe convincing her to stay together after we graduate won't be so difficult after all.

"So what if I have, why do you always need to hear it?" She snips and I lean back and laugh. "It's no secret how I feel about you," she grumbles shyly.

"Okay-Okay-Okay, I'm sorry" I beam, trying my hardest not to shower her with how elated I am. "I know feelings aren't your thing."

"Thank you," she snorts in agreement and I grin even bigger at how adorable she looks. 

"You two alrigh'?!" Hagrid bellows jogging over to meet us and Gwen wipes her cheeks standing up to face him. 

"Al startled the herd," Gwen explains in a tone that scolds me as well, and I duck my head apologetically. "But I handled it-"

"Handled it? She saved my life!" I praise and she covers her face. "I swear, I'd be dead if she hadn't rushed in and-"

"What're doing down here in the fir's place?" Hagrid questions protectively and I wince, seeing how he's alluding to my close proximity to Gwen.

"There was a misunderstanding, so I came to find-"

"Hmmph," Hagrid grunts interrupting me before glancing at Gwen. "...And-uh...Everythin' is-"

"We're good Hagrid," Gwen sniffles wiping her cheeks again, giving him a watery smile. "I'll-uh..." she snorts her last sniffle. "Get back to brushing in a minute."

Hagrid waits another moment, eyeing me suspiciously before nodding in agreement. "Alrigh'...I'll jus' be-"

"Actually Professor?" I begin hesitantly. "Seeing as how it's the last day before break, do you think-"

"I'm not skipping out early," she interjects defensively. "I've got a set checklist to complete, along with my observation sketches, and this is the last time I'll be able to observe the herd for-"

"Which is why I was going to ask if I could stay and help," I explain scrunching my nose at her playfully, before turning to Hagrid. "...So, can I?"

"I dunno if tha's bes'" he hedges scratching his head. "I mean, if you've already ruffled some of tha' herd-"

"I'll stay with Gwen the whole time, and whatever she tells me to do I'll listen. She's absolutely brilliant with Hippogriffs and I trust her completely," I promise. "I just want to spend as much time with her as I can."

Hagrid looks at Gwen and she rolls her eyes and covers her face with mortification, before taking my side. "I'll keep him out of trouble. And we'll stay in the main part of the enclosure where you can see us."

Hagrid gives a solid nod before shaking his head with a tired smile. "Young love," he mutters heading off in another direction. 

I'm practically beaming at Gwen who's nibbling her bottom lip to keep from smiling, and she sighs heavily before tugging my arm to keep me by her side. 

We end up to a small cluster of four hippogriffs and she gives three short whistles causing them to line up perfectly in order to address us. She steps up first in order to give a gracefully low bow, and they return it collectively fairly quickly and she goes to each one. They nip and nudge her lovingly causing her to laugh happily until one of them snaps their beak defensively towards me, and she takes a deep breath giving the signal for them to line up again. 

She stands off to the side but in between the hippogriffs and me, and she calmly instructs for me to stop at the midway point about twenty paces or so away. 

"Alright, Al...Low bow. Humble and slow, nothing over dramatic or flailing. Just a nice, low, bow," she breathes and I feel my heart pound extremely fast inside my chest. 

I do exactly as she says, and I don't get the entire approval of the small group but one of them, a bright-blonde one with piercing hazel eyes returns my gesture and I'm allowed to approach. 

"Okay so basically we're just softly brushing them down to remove loose feathers, and plucking out twigs or any other debris we might find," she says nuzzling the bird that's chosen me. "And this is Tailspin. He's fairly sweet, although he's been known to nip if you brush too hard," she says touching her forehead to his and he coos his affection. 

"Alright," I comment beginning to brush him down more gently. 

She stays close continuing to service the other three hippogriffs, and in the time it takes me to groom one she's already finished with the others and calling over a new set. When we finish grooming the entire herd, we sit in the middle with our knees tucked close to our bodies just watching them move about the pasture. 

"...Aren't they just magnificent?" She asks in complete awe and I smile looking over to her. "I mean...such power and precision, gracefully flexing within every fiber of their being."

"You really love it out here, don't you?"

She turns to smile at me and nods. "If I could find a way to stay out here-"

"So why don't you?"

"Why don't I what?" She giggles, and my eyes spread at the obvious answer. "Oh! Come on, Al! Be serious! I can't teach at Hogwarts, I'm not qualified."

"Okay, but Magizoology is something you're definitely interested in-"

"Actually I'm not," she laughs. "I legit only love hippogriffs...and merfolk...centaurs...dragons..." she lists and I give her a look and we both share a laugh. "Okay! But that doesn't mean I want to interact with them on a daily basis. Hippogriffs are legit the only exception, and the only known herd aside from the ones at Hogwarts is with the Scamander family."

"I'm sure there are others-"

"Even so. I'm still not 100% sure I want to be a magizoologist," she winces. "I think I'm too much of a coward."

"You're no such thing! You charged a fully grown Hippogriff in order to save my life, not even an hour ago!"

"Keen-Hook is harmless."


"Okay, maybe not harmless," she laughs retracting her previous statement. "But he's all show. The only reason he made such a fuss with you in the enclosure was that most of the females were watching, and mating rituals are gearing up to start again and since he did so poorly the last go-round, he's trying to build up his bravado," she explains rolling her eyes unimpressed. "Not that it'll do much good."

"Why not?"

"Because my bird won't be interested. I doubt if she ever will be again," she smiles pointing to a small cluster walking into the clearing. A bronze hippogriff, a dark cherry wood one, and a buoyant chestnut-colored foal. "Not that hippogriffs mate for life, it's just heavily implied," she says playfully knocking into me. 

I smile taking my arm and placing it around her shoulder, bringing her closer to kiss the side of her head. We watch them until dusk and it isn't until the sun is about to set I remember my "surprise". I scramble up from the ground and drag her too.

"Al! What is it?!"

"We're going to be late!" I rush, taking her hand to walk to the entrance. "You're officially done here, yeah?"

"Yeah? I guess-WHOA!" She yelps as I'm tugging her along. "Can I at least say goodbye to Hagrid?" She asks yanking her arm free, and I let her go reluctantly. She rushes to him, giving him the biggest hug she can manage with promises of returning just as soon as we get back from break. 

"Don't forget to pick out a name!" He booms as she's running back to me. 

"I won't!" She grins holding out her hand and I clutch it tightly as we run back to the castle. We don't slow until we reach the entrance and she begins to climb the stairs to get to the Great Hall, but I guide her towards the dungeons. "But dinner is this way-"

"Yeah, for everyone else maybe," I smirk tugging her the way I want us to go. "Go and change, and I'll meet you in our spot in the Astronomy Tower."


"What," I grin already knowing where she's headed. 

"You planned something?!"

"Yeah," I answer coolly. "And you'd be wise to prepare yourself for a night of stereotypical teenaged romance."

She laughs covering her face as we walk to our common rooms, and when she releases my hand she sprints towards her house entrance. "Wait! What should I wear?! Should I wear a dress? Or something more practical, in case it goes long and we're caught out of bed-"


"You're right," she nods cutting herself off. "Prepare for the second option."

I laugh watching her go before turning towards my house and demonstrating our password gaining access, and I head straight for the boys' dormitory. I shower and change as quickly as I can, slipping on a fitted black t-shirt and a black hoodie knowing how chilly it can get at night. I slip on a pair of skinny jeans and check my reflection in the mirror. I ruffle my hair a bit making it even more platinum-blonde so that it's the same shade as the moon and I give myself a wink hoping that tonight will go as beautifully as I've planned. I take my wand and stuff it in my side pocket, knowing in the back of my mind that we still aren't safe and I nod determined to protect us both should anything happen. 

I check the time and head for the exit, getting well wishes from my fellow Hufflepuffs and I'm practically skipping towards my date in the Astronomy Tower.

For the most part, the halls are clear due to the fact that everyone's probably at dinner. And we should be safe even after because mostly everyone will go to the massive pool-party held in the Prefect's Bathroom, so tonight is definitely the best chance to be romantically undisturbed so that I can give her the one thing I'm most eager too. 

When I arrive at our spot, she's already there having a conversation with the two house-elves delivering our dinner. "This is so beautiful. I've never seen a more charming atmosphere, it's utter perfection."

"Thank you, Miss. But we're only responsible for the meal...Everything else was Mr. Xiang's doing."

"You're kidding...He did all of this, for me?" 

The way she phrases her question causes my stomach to warm and then tie itself into the largest lump it can form. It feels like a large stone has just settled on my chest and my devotion and adoration for her swells so large inside me, it's hard to breathe. And then when I see her face. Smiling the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, her face solely illuminated by the fireflies I've conjured floating around her like an aura...

She ended up wearing a cropped Her brown skin glowing within the dark magenta haze of the setting sun, contrasting with the ivory shine of her teeth-

I bump into one of the beams knocking my head hard against it, clumsily announcing my presence. "...Ow," I wince and she laughs rushing over to see me. 

Her tiny hands reach up and cup the sides of my face bending me low in order to check my head, allowing me the opportunity to enjoy the intoxicating scent of her perfume. I inhale deep enjoying the subtle reminder of the gardens back home, and the constant smells of mock-oranges and honeysuckle. 

"If we had some ice, we could probably stop it from becoming a bump," she says rubbing the spot lovingly. "And if you were a little shorter, that would help me too," she chuckles feeling the strain in her arms. I scoop her onto me quickly and although she protests, her legs wrap around my waist following the motion perfectly. She gives me a dry look before smirking. "This isn't exactly what I had in mind."

"I know," I snark leaning in smoothly to kiss her. "It's better."

She giggles right up until our lips meet, and I kiss her just like I've wanted to all day. I feel her hike even higher against me, reluctantly releasing a soft moan and I swallow hard feeling myself starting to grow. She pulls back eventually feeling it, and she pants heavily teetering on the edge of that cliff, desire and conflict embedded in her eyes...

I close my eyes and expel hard before leaning forward to kiss her forehead quickly and setting her gently down before I lose my willpower. "Dinner. We can have dinner."

I walk over to the table and sit taking out my wand and giving a harsh wave across the swarm of light in front of me, causing it to scatter and the fireflies circle above. I uncover our dishes and two plates of spaghetti are waiting for us, and I tap the wine-bottle candlesticks with my wand to light them. 

She's still standing in the same spot arguing with herself over earlier and I smile at her patiently waiting for her to join me. "It's really okay...Honest."

"But it isn't. I don't know what's wrong with me," she whines. "...I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to apologize for, except that if we wait any longer our food is going to get cold."

She sighs trudging over to sit, and she pulls out a pocket radio. "You said, 'stereotypical teenage-romance', right?" She jokes setting it up on the table. "So...this was why you weren't in class today?"

"This, and quidditch," I say starting to eat. 

"Well, I still can't believe you did all of this for me."

"Why are you so surprised?"

"Because if anything, I was expecting something like this on our last night together. Something epic and huge."

I shake my head twirling my pasta preparing to take another bite. "Just because we're not saying goodbye, does not mean that tonight is not going to be epic."

"So this is all just because?" She scoffs. "We should at least be celebrating something. You put in a lot of effort to make our spot even more special."

"You're right, I did. And we are celebrating...We're celebrating the fact that I've got the most wonderful person I could ever imagine claiming me as hers."

Her head drops immediately and I smile knowing I got to her. "Why is everything you say perfect?"

"Because I am," I add cockily. "Perfect for you, anyway."

"Will you stop!" She whines before starting to laugh. "You're giving me goosebumps," she says covering her face once again.

"My dear, that's only the beginning" I promise wholeheartedly, ducking down to eat more pasta. 

"Tell me something else," she smiles bringing her hands down. "Why the 'Lady & the Tramp'?"

"Because I couldn't find nor create enough yellow fabric in time to re-enact the ballroom scene from Beauty and the Beast," I admit and she grins even bigger. "I know you love Disney, so I figured you'd give me a pass. Not to mention this set-up is way more intimate, and it gives me the perfect opportunity to cross off a good chunk off of your romantic check-list."

Her eyes bulge and her smile drops instantly before she glares at me. "I'm gonna kill you. And then I'm gonna kill Sheva-"

I chuckle reaching into my pocket and slipping out the small sheet of paper, passing it to her. "Go ahead, we both agree it was worth it. But for the record, she only told me of it's existence."

"How did you even get it?!"

"You doodle on almost all of your notes, I just had to check the classes we don't have together. Muggle-Studies is your easiest one, so knicking it-"

"Ugh! This is so embarrassing! I can't believe you read-"

"I can't believe you didn't tell me!" I say just as excitedly. "I mean, honestly! If there was any way to make you feel amazing, don't you think I'd do it? And every idea on that piece of paper is a chance to have another precious memory together-Of course I was going to follow through!"

Her eyes brim with tears and she nibbles on her lip as her nose constantly flares with her trying to keep herself from really crying, and I automatically understand it's not just because she's embarrassed but also extremely touched by my gesture. 

"So..." she begins slowly to keep her voice steady. "How am I supposed to pay you back?"


"For all that you do for me," she repeats a little stronger. "How am I supposed to pay you back?"

I think a long time knowing she won't allow herself to have a good time until I satisfy her need to repay me, and then my answer is so good I can't help but start grinning. "You're happy, right?"

She rolls her eyes and scoffs, seeing exactly where I'm headed. "Yeah."

"I mean, really happy."

"Yes, I'm happy."

"And you're with me, right?"

"Mhm-hmm," she nods starting to smile, picking up her fork and starting to eat. 

"Payment received."


Gwen's POV

(An Hour Or So Later...)

I sit on the steps of the tower with Alistair positioned in between my legs, and my arms are wrapped so tight around his frame he should be complaining, but his arms cross and link around my hold reinforcing them. I can't stop stealing kisses to the top of his head, and he chuckles deeply before starting to complain. 

"You're gonna mess up my hair," he groans and I smooth it out lovingly and then stop, bringing myself closer to press my cheek to his and I shriek squeezing myself tighter.

"Why didn't tell me you were cold?!"

"Because I can no longer feel it."

"That's even worse!" I say freeing my hold and trying to warm him up with my hands. "We should go inside! Why didn't you bring something heavier? Didn't you know it was supposed to be chilly-"

"But then you wouldn't have been able to see how fit my muscles look in this shirt."

"I could've used my imagination," I giggle tugging his hood up over his head, and rubbing my hands together before placing them on his cheeks. "You're literally freezing. We should go inside-"

"Just a few more minutes?" He begs sounding like a big-kid. "I don't want to leave just yet. Besides it's not that bad."

I scrunch my face at him before surrendering. "Five more minutes."


"And then we have to go because I still need to pack."

"You mean you haven't started?"

"I've been a little busy," I smile snuggling into him even more. "With classes and homework, and studying and-"

"Me," he quips cocking his head to give me my favorite smile. 

"Like I said," I beam. "I've been busy...Thank you, by the way."

"For what?"

"You really need me to tell you? You saved my year," I admit softly. "I was having the absolute worst time of my life before you stepped in and rescued it...You got me out. You gave me friends...A romance fit for the history books," I smile becoming a bit somber, and then I shake my head focusing on the good. "...Thank you."

"Well if you're thanking me, I should probably apologize."

"Apologize? For what?"

"For waiting so long to rescue you," he expels starting to laugh. "But in my defense, I never in a million years expected you to actually fancy me."

"Why not?!" I say almost insulted. "Ugh! I swear! I get caught up in the tiniest facets of your personality. I mean, you're unlike anyone else I've ever met. You're so..."

"So, what?"

I take in a deep breath and exhale an even bigger smile. "Wonderfully sensitive. Compassionate and kind, but immensely strong and courageous...You're deep and mentally challenging-"

"I'm mentally challenging?" He scoffs. "Coming from the 'Queen of Overthinking'-"

"My point is you stimulate my mind and body, while continuously confiscating my soul," I say sending him another loving squeeze. "I can't help but fancy you."

"...Can I give you something, without you totally freaking out?"



"No," I repeat starting to laugh. "Because I'm most likely going to freak out. Like what in the world could you possibly give me, that you haven't already? This night alone has just been-"

His hand swipes from his pocket to produce a small jewelry box and my chest clenches. My eyes begin to widen with shock and fear, and he laughs seeing my reaction before coaching me to relax. "Gwen, chill. It's not a ring." My stare glares in suspicion and protest because the box is the same size and shape to produce such a gift, and he chuckles heartily opening it. "Now I'm really glad I didn't make you a ring. I'd knew you'd freak."

"You-made...You, made this?" I ask, admiring the beautiful wooden pendant. It's a simple prism with a silver choker-chain, and as soon as my finger brushes the wood, something instantly passes through me recognizing the fragment. "...My-Mom's-" I half choke.

"Yeah," he adds comfortingly. "...I asked Professor Longbottom if I could have one of the broken pieces. I couldn't save the core but I tried-" he apologizes, and I shake my head as my tears spill over and I trap him in a hug. "Are you crying because you hate it or-"

"I absolutely love it! And how dare you or anyone else suggest that I could hate something so perfect!" I scold, wiping my cheeks profusely. "This is the most beautiful thing-Where did you even learn how to carve!"

He shrugs casually before easing into a smile. "So, you really like it?"

I nod becoming slightly speechless, taking it out of the box to inspect it even further. "Help me put it on?" It slips into his hand and he brings it over my head to clasp, and the small part of me that's been silently grieving over the loss eases. "...I don't think you'll fully understand how the phrase 'Thank-You' will forever be inadequate."

"Now you finally understand how I've been feeling," he exhales like he's been carrying a heavyweight, and then he smiles. "I've been wracking my brain for weeks trying to find a way to-"

My lips fall on his quieting him instantly, and I kiss him tenderly hoping to comfort and ease him the same way he does me.

I understand now why I find him so wonderful...he steadies me no matter how I'm feeling. Whenever I'm upset or feeling overwhelmed, he remains calm and supportive. He nurtures my soul, and comforts me in ways I never thought I needed. He fills the void I didn't know I had. 

I pull away slowly, allowing our sighs of passion to hover between us and I open my eyes watching him come down from his high. "I love you, Alistair Xiang," I whisper and his body caves slightly inward no doubt taking on a new weight. "And no matter what, I always will."

He ducks his head as a tear begins to roll down his cheek and he breathes out even harder before starting to chuckle. "...Payment received."

The next morning, I wake up with the same stupid smile I went to bed with and I clutch my stomach feeling a rush swirl in the pit of my stomach thinking of how perfect last night went. I sit up in my bed and cover my face trying to keep my euphoria to myself but I doubt if it's working because two other girls in my year tell me to keep my elation to the bare minimum. Which is totally fair seeing as how it's just seven-thirty.

I apologize and then begin to get up and get dressed knowing I won't be able to go back to sleep. I keep it simple wearing a pair of jeans, Al's sweatshirt, and a ruffle my curls into my signature faux-hawk. I put on a light layer of makeup and head out of the dormitory and into our common room. It's entirely empty and I mentally make a note of the best time to take advantage of that, and exit. I decide to visit the Owlry to check on Jareth, and when I get there he's sitting in his usual spot peering out of the window below instead of sleeping like his fellow owls. 

"You're such an odd bird," I comment coming up the side of him and he hoots a welcome before inching close to nuzzle me. "What's going on in that head of yours?" He gives me a side-eye as if to ask me the same question and I chuckle his front.  "Touché...You're going to be alright while I'm away?" He coos another response and I sigh. "I'm nervous about going...Meeting my aunt...What if she's like I expect?" 

Jareth exhales as if he truly understands, turning his head upward to motion towards her bird snoozing in a nearby beam. 

"I'm not joining a new world order," I grumble and Jareth snorts in such a way it almost sounds like a laugh. He bends his head low to give my fingers a loving nip. "...I'm not sure if you'd be up for it considering how you're technically considered wild but," I pause as if I'm making an offer to a real person. "Seeing as how you already act like it, I'd be honored if you came home with me as my owl once the term is done." He snorts again ruffling himself and I smile. "Just think it over," I shrug before patting him again. "And stay out of trouble, yeah?"

He coos towards me and I slip out of the Owlery as quiet as possible so that I don't disturb the other birds. I make my way down the stone steps and into the Great Hall. A few more students have gathered and as the morning stretches on more and more come in for breakfast. I begin to eat, knowing that Al wanted to sleep in and that he said he'd meet me on the way to the train. I grab some toast and bacon, along with the creamiest oatmeal I've ever tasted and a cup of hot tea. I eat happily and slowly, taking my time waving Sheva over and she sits down to join me. 

"I guess last night went well," she smiles taking in my good mood and I glare at her trying my hardest not to grin or gush about my date. "And I don't need the stars or my morning tea to tell me that."

"I could squeeze you for telling him about my list."

"Out of gratitude or frustration?" She taunts happily wrapping her arms around me. 

"Is 'Both' an acceptable answer?" I laugh hugging her back. "...Last night was just...." I try but totally fail, attempting to explain all that last night meant to me. I let her go to show her my pendant. "I mean, look what he gave me."

"Oh! That's so pretty! And so you! Like it fits your style so well."

"I know!" I praise. "And he made it."

"He made that?"

"Yeah!" I shriek becoming a bit loud, before bringing my voice down. "...Out of my mother's wand."

"NO!" she howls seeing how epic it means. 

"YES!" I gush with just as much emphasis. 

"But I thought Heidi had it shattered?"

"I know! Like I thought Professor Longbottom disposed of it because there was no saving it...but somehow Al was able to scrape together enough pieces to make me this," I sigh wistfully proud. 

"No wonder Heidi is still jealous," Sheva laughs. "I mean, we're mates and I'm jealous. I can only imagine how she'll react when she finds out this, well...more of a reaction than after she realized Alistair ditched his match to go find you."

"Wait, what?"

Sheva starts wincing and shrugging trying to downplay it, but I already know what Quidditch means to Al. "Well, after her stunt in potions he had to find you to make it right."

"But it was the last time he could play!"

"He got in a few rounds?" She tries but I make a face before going back to my tea. "Besides, we both know if he had to choose between Quidditch and you-"

"I don't want him choosing between Quidditch and me. He can have both. And I could've waited! It's not like the world was going to fall apart because we'd broken up." Sheva side-eyes me knowingly and I make a face clarifying myself. "I said 'The-World', I didn't say me. And I could've held it together long enough so that he could play...Ugh! Why can't Heidi leave us alone? This makes me so mad. Not to mention, this is another thing Al is giving up just for me."

"I guarantee Al doesn't feel as if he's sacrificing anything. He loves you, that's why Heidi is so bothered," she explains easily. "Just forget her and be happy."

"You make it sound so easy."

"Seeing as how you're dating one of the fittest boys in our year, it shouldn't be too hard," she smirks plucking off a piece of toast from a pile on the table.

We eat and leave the Great Hall together to meet Morgan and Alistair by the entrance, and both boys are leaning coolly against their suitcases sharing a laugh. As soon as Al sees me his eyes brighten seeing that I'm wearing his shirt and he presses his tongue to the inside of his cheek as I approach, Morgan knocking playfully into him and Al shoves him back just as hard. 

"Ugh! Could your bromance be any stronger?" I snark. "Get a room."

"Funny. That's exactly what Xiang's lil' fantasy was about," he quips dodging a few more swings from Al's fist. "D'ya think I could borrow Al's lil' sweatshirt when you're through!"

"You're such a git!" Al punches and Morgan takes the hit with a laugh. "Thank God, I'll finally be able to get a break."

"Bullocks, I already know you're gonna miss me," Morgan laughs. "But lucky for you break is only a week."

"Are you visiting your mum or your dad?" Sheva asks curiously. 

"Neither. I'm headed to my nan's in Es, so if you need to crash" he adds giving Alistair a look and he nods. "I got you, alrigh'."

"I'll be fine. It's just a week," Alistair smiles weakly. "Besides, I'll be spending most of the time with Gwen. And we'll be back before you know it...In fact, if we wanna get good seats we should head for the carriages."

"You two go ahead," Morgan says before locking eyes with me. "Gwen and I will catch up."

I frown and sigh irritatedly causing him to chuckle as Al steps right into my defense. "Mate, really? We just talked about this-"

"Will you relax? Besides, Gwen and I have to discuss without you," he smiles walking over to stand by me. "And if I'm going to apologize, I'd rather do it without an audience...You understand that, right?" He says to me, and I feel him mentally begging to talk to me. "It's about Alistair..."

I frown even harder before wiping it away and agreeing. "We'll be right behind."

Alistair begins to argue, but Sheva picking up on Morgan's hint is able to sway him in another direction. We let them get a few paces ahead before we start. 

"I guess once you get your wand, it won't be as difficult to keep me out."

"Finally a bright side to all of this," I comment as we start walking. "Thank you...for yesterday."

"I played a part...I'm sorry, and not just for giving something for Heidi to eavesdrop but for misreading you and your relationship with Al," he begins. "Just because I find overbearing and controlling parts of your personality incessantly irritating-"

"I'm sorry, I thought this was the part you were supposed to grovel for my forgiveness."

"My point is," he exaggerates. "You obsess because you care, and he's lucky to have someone who cares about him so much."

"...Is it really such a bad thing?"

"For me? Considering how I have a mother who restlessly does the exact same thing, yes...but not for him," Morgan smiles. "And I know your corrections and questions are coming from a good place. It's not like Heidi or what he faces back home. Which is essentially what won me over."

"You mean all this time we've spent together, the jury was still out?" I smirk and he smiles even bigger. 

"Asking me to look out for him, even under false pretenses of a broken relationship sealed the deal. I can see how much you love him, and asking me to protect him is a goal we share, especially as we go home for break," he explains. "I mean, has he told you anything regarding what it's like?"

I shake my head unable to imagine. Alistair won't really talk about what home is like, I just know it's extremely lonely. His mom died when he was young, and he's got a strained relationship with his father and step-mom. Bringing up home always brings his mood down, so I've learned not to mention it and only listen whenever he wants to talk. His happiest times seem to be at school...

Morgan reviews my thoughts and nods with a grave sigh. "I'm not going to share anything since it's not my story to tell."

"Major cliff-hanger vibes."

"I'll only ask you to do what you asked of me," he sighs again. "Look out for him."

"OI!" Alistair calls from a carriage. "Are you two done or what?" He grins waving us over and I feel my heart pang preparing myself for whatever we're about to face. 

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Thank you!
I'm stuck you guys with how i want to rewrite the next part..I've rewritten it so many times and i'm not happy with how it's coming out. That's why it's taking so long. My apologies once again, and hopefully i'll have something posted for you really soon!! <3


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Chapter 13: That was agonizing and beautiful all in one. I'm glad he's finally free of his family and I hope that he can still keep a close relationship with Gia without the rest of the family blocking them.

I really wish nothing but for joy and love to surround both of them from now on.

Also I'm not sure how much of this story is left but I'm excited to see their development at school after all of this. And how they handle that petty (I forgot her name lol)
743 streak #2
Chapter 13: Awesome chapter, although a bit sad. Oh, I so hope Lord Harris kicks the bucket, and Alastair ends up with everything - in a lovely twist of fate. :) Now, how to get rid of Auntie Dearest...

Hope you’re doing well. I am hanging in there.♡
743 streak #3
Chapter 12: Something tells me all hell is going to break loose at the party. Daddy Dearest and Step-mummy need to get what’s coming to them.
743 streak #4
Chapter 11: Good chapter. Oh no, you really are putting them through it! In the matter of a day, their lives have been completely turned upside down. I’m just hoping that outside forces will not tear them away from each other. Daddy Dearest and Auntie Acid both need to eff off.
Chapter 10: ing Sheva ?

I'm so glad that she found HER wand. I too can not wait to "see" Heidi's busted crusty dusty face. She REALLY needs for someone to bring her down a few notches.

I wonder what she'll name her Hippogriff when they get back to Hogwarts. And I wonder what her aunt will say about the wand situation ?
743 streak #6
Chapter 10: I need a wand to do my dishes and housework. (^_-) Good chapter, I like that Alistair is starting to open up. Hopefully he’s old enough now to stand up to his father, so that the man can’t make him miserable.
743 streak #7
Chapter 9: Hmm... “whatever we’re about to face” sounds ominous. lol The kids are finally in a good place, despite Heidi, now you’re gonna them headfirst into more problems? Can’t wait! (^_-)
Chapter 8: Damn... he was a whole thot.. the entire crew got a ride.
743 streak #9
Chapter 7: d (^‿^✿)
Chapter 7: Kinda glad they broke her moms wand. Now they know what she's capable of and know that they shouldn't fxck with her.... I bet they still will try but ??‍♀️. The 3 of them really need to break away from the pact. Now that they see how low the others will stop to... it's time to GO (if they can)