Ch. 13

Husband or stranger?

Spring came and Shindong can finally announce that they know Yesung’s location. Shindong found the best men who could save Yesung and these men are Park Chanyeol and Choi Minho. The small team with Siwon, Chanyeol and Minho will do their best to save Yesung, but the result isn’t sure. However, Minho and Chanyeol don’t mind dying during this dangerous mission. 


Their plan is simple. The fence behind the camp headquarters isn’t electric so they will climb over it and then the guard who is a spy and works for NIS will turn off the electric fence around the section with huts where is Yesung. It sounds easy, at least on a paper, but the reality is more complicated. The three men need to reach the camp without being spotted and that is the problem. Their mission can end before they will actually save Yesung. Siwon worked out for the last months to get back in shape so he won’t slow down the team and now he feels ready. The good things is that North Korea has only a few roads and there aren’t many cities or villages. They walk through the wild forests and only occasionally need to hide because they come closer to a village or a road. The bad thing is that it is raining. It took them three days to finally reach the camp and for the whole three days it is raining. Heavy raindrops are hitting their backs while they watch the huge camp in front of them. Siwon silently cursed because the rain for making everything harder, but Chanyeol smiled a bit.


“Rain is good because they will stay inside and dogs won’t be able to catch our smell.”


They are waiting for a signal from the spy who is a guard. Siwon feels the rain soaking his shoes and back, but doesn’t care about it. He is praying that the signal will come and after a bit longer it really came. A guard, the spy, walked out of the main building and started to smoke. 


Chanyeol turned to them and silently whispered.




Chanyeol and Siwon easily climbed over the fence and run toward the electric fence which is turned off and stands between them and Yesung. They have only few minutes to get Yesung and climb back, then the spy will turn the fence on again. They started to run toward the smaller huts and Siwon is counting the huts until they reached the one where should be Yesung. Minho picked the lock on the door and quickly goes to silence Donghae before he can wake up and scream. It is dark because the lights outside aren’t strong enough to break through the heavy rain and fog, but Siwon can recognize his husband. Siwon pulled out a special bag which is made from thick and strong material. He quickly put Yesung inside the bag and then fastened the bag to his back. Like this he can carry him and still run fast with empty hands.


Donghae is shocked and watches the men with wide eyes. Minho sees that he is calm, so he pulled his hand away a bit from his mouth to let him breathe.

“Please, take me with you.”


Donghae is begging them and Chanyeol turned to Siwon.


“You decide, but quickly or we will be trapped in here.”


Siwon is looking at Donghae and imagines Yesung in Donghae’s position. Would someone save Yesung?


Siwon nods and Chanyeol told him to climb on his back. Donghae is very light so it is no problem to carry him and they climb over the fence again. Right after they climbed over they can hear that electricity is buzzing in the metal fence again. A few seconds later they climbed over the second fence and started to run. Donghae is tightly holding on Chanyeol and can’t understand that he is running so fast and yet so effortlessly, he is moving like a cat or like a ghost. The three men are running fast and soundless and after few kilometers they stopped to check on Donghae and Yesung. Donghae is doing fine, he is scared and wants to get lost as soon as possible, but Yesung is unconscious and looks like dead. Siwon can feel that his heart is slowly and faintly beating, but there isn’t much they can do right now so they start to walk again. This time they don’t run, but walk fast so two days later they crossed the border and find themselves in South Korea again.

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390 streak #1
Chapter 25: Rereading this, I feel so sad for Sungie. Must be so hard
390 streak #2
Chapter 21: Donghae to the rescue! Go go Hae-ah~ <3
Chapter 25: I'm SPEECHLESS
I don't know how to start ... I ate the whole story as fast as I could, the thing is ... I couldn't stop reading even though I cried since the first chapter.
All the pain Yesung suffered is beyond my imagination ... I still can't believe those things happen in real life and how people who survived the worst of horrors have to live with the memories forever. It's a living nightmare.
I have this bitter taste after reading about the consequences on his mental health... and his physique ... it breaks my heart.
I have read scientific articles about PTSD in victims and they NEVER recover, the trauma is too huge, the damage is too deep that nobody who went through it can heal entirely. It's so sad.
About the story I love the fact that Donghae character is so full of life (like him irl) his resilience is admirable. I cried the times he comforted Yesung, like an older brother would do. He was sweet and strong in the worst moments, he melted my heart.
And for Siwon I can only feel sympathy ... the poor man always wanted to do things right ... he was unlucky to live in a ty country with a crazy leader.
I'm sure I'm going to read this story again sometime, it let a big impact on me. Thank you author-nim :)
Seems sooo interesting! Reading NOW!
Chapter 25: Nooo

first of all thanks for the updates it was a really good story that i enjoyed reading but please author don't end it here >< i want to see yesung getting better and having a normal life with siwon
if u could do a sequel it would be great
Chapter 21: donghae is such an angel <3
Chapter 20: it's getting more interesting i hope yesung gets over this soon :(
coloring_grace #8
Chapter 19: Love the update as usual! But I miss Donghae...what happened to him? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 19: thanks for the update i'm liking this story more and more
BadBad #10
Chapter 18: I think this is my favourite story here