Ch. 19

Husband or stranger?

Heechul visits Yesung every day and spends few hours with him. Sometimes they are just silently sitting in the room, sometimes Heechul speaks about everyday life in South Korea. Heechul knows that there are many things which must be confusing for Yesung but he is going to help him with adjusting. And then there is also Siwon.


Siwon …. well Heechul isn’t sure that seeing Siwon could help Yesung. Yesung is still too fragile, he is taking many pills which help him with his occasional paranoia, anxiety, PTSD, panic attacks …… and much more. Yesung is writhing somewhere between getting better and wanting to run away to find his family. Yesung understands that he can’t escape from this place, there are too many nurses and doctors. Today Heechul the TV and the room is filled with bright colors and loud sounds. 


“This is BTS, a very famous K-pop group.”


Yesung is staring at the TV screen at the beautiful men who are singing and dancing so happily that it looks like a dream. They look so happy, no one looked like this back in his home town. He is staring at the TV with mouth agape and Heechul chuckles. 


“Do you like them?”


Yesung doesn’t know if he likes them. The music is so weird and different from the music he knows from North. Everything is new - the food they give him, the clothes Heechul wears and gifts he brings him. Siwon is the one who buys gifts for Yesung and then gives them to Heechul so the man can give the gifts to Yesung. Siwon is fighting with his guilt and the fact that he has to tell Yesung that his family is dead.


Siwon is always waiting outside the room to ask Heechul if Yesung does a progress. Heechul is tired of explaining that healing Yesung’s mind won’t take a week or two. It is something what will take many months or years and the result isn’t very sure. Siwon is alone in their house and doesn’t know what to do. He has his husband back but nothing can fix what happened. So Siwon spends the days working for NIS and then comes in the empty house to sleep or stare into nothing for few hours. He really wants to see Yesung but he is too scared. However he can’t avoid it forever. Yesung has been in the hospital for almost three weeks now and Heechul is putting pressure on Siwon to visit Yesung and the man knows he has to do it. He needs to be strong and sees his husband to fix everything and to get another chance. If that is possible.

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390 streak #1
Chapter 25: Rereading this, I feel so sad for Sungie. Must be so hard
390 streak #2
Chapter 21: Donghae to the rescue! Go go Hae-ah~ <3
Chapter 25: I'm SPEECHLESS
I don't know how to start ... I ate the whole story as fast as I could, the thing is ... I couldn't stop reading even though I cried since the first chapter.
All the pain Yesung suffered is beyond my imagination ... I still can't believe those things happen in real life and how people who survived the worst of horrors have to live with the memories forever. It's a living nightmare.
I have this bitter taste after reading about the consequences on his mental health... and his physique ... it breaks my heart.
I have read scientific articles about PTSD in victims and they NEVER recover, the trauma is too huge, the damage is too deep that nobody who went through it can heal entirely. It's so sad.
About the story I love the fact that Donghae character is so full of life (like him irl) his resilience is admirable. I cried the times he comforted Yesung, like an older brother would do. He was sweet and strong in the worst moments, he melted my heart.
And for Siwon I can only feel sympathy ... the poor man always wanted to do things right ... he was unlucky to live in a ty country with a crazy leader.
I'm sure I'm going to read this story again sometime, it let a big impact on me. Thank you author-nim :)
Seems sooo interesting! Reading NOW!
Chapter 25: Nooo

first of all thanks for the updates it was a really good story that i enjoyed reading but please author don't end it here >< i want to see yesung getting better and having a normal life with siwon
if u could do a sequel it would be great
Chapter 21: donghae is such an angel <3
Chapter 20: it's getting more interesting i hope yesung gets over this soon :(
coloring_grace #8
Chapter 19: Love the update as usual! But I miss Donghae...what happened to him? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 19: thanks for the update i'm liking this story more and more
BadBad #10
Chapter 18: I think this is my favourite story here