Ch. 15

Husband or stranger?

It is 5 in the morning, four days later. The hospital is silent, there are only few doctors and nurses who are silently watching over the patients, but other than that the place is silent and dark. The one patient who is on the well secured floor slowly regains consciousness. 


Yesung slowly lifts his heavy eyelids and his vision is foggy. He can recognize that he is in some white room and there are dim lights, but that’s all. Some annoying beeping reaches his ears, but Yesung can’t turn his head to see the source. He can’t feel his body, the painkillers they gave him numbed his battered body. Yesung is slowly blinking and doesn’t understand what happened. They punished him for stealing a tiny bit of meat and then …. the water everywhere ….. and then Donghae. But that is all he can remember. Suddenly it hit him.


Donghae told him about the terrible experiments. Experiments with gas, chemical weapons and more. So this is how they are going to kill him. Yesung closed his eyes and few tears escaped them. The beeping sound is now much faster and louder which terrifies Yesung. What does the sound mean? Does it mean that some poisonous gas is going to fill the room soon? A small red light starts to blink in the nurses station and a nurse runs there to see what is happening. When she saw that the patient is awake, she quickly runs to get the doctor. They are relieved that Yesung woke up, but now the real hard work starts. His injuries are bad, doctors are doing everything they can to save him, but it all depends on Yesung’s will to live. They let Siwon to visit Yesung for a few minutes every day, but it isn’t enough. The doctor is trying to be calm and explains Yesung what happened and where he is while Siwon is on his way. 


The man is running to see his husband and runs in the hospital room only to be met by a loud screaming. It is Yesung who screams and Siwon stands there in shock. Yesung is trying to fight with the doctor, but it is useless when he can’t get up from the bed or move his legs. Only his left arm is able to move and he is trying to push the doctor and nurses away. After seeing Siwon, Yesung didn’t calm down, ohh no - he starts to scream even more. A nurse pushed Siwon out of the room and Siwon can only imagine what is happening inside. A few seconds later the screaming stopped and after a while the doctor and nurses walk out. The doctor led Siwon in his office and explained that Yesung had a panic attack. He also gave Siwon a list of psychiatrists who have experience with treating refugees from North Korea. It is a long list and Siwon decided to speak with the psychiatrists to choose the right one. At least it takes him a few hours and his brain isn’t thinking about Yesung for these few hours. Then he drives back in the hospital and stands in front of the door of Yesung’s room. He shouldn’t go inside again. There is a small round window in the door and Siwon peeks inside. The drugs the doctor gave him are wearing off and Yesung is weakly tugging on the bed restraints which are binding his wrists and ankles to the railing of his hospital bed. Siwon feels tears forming in his eyes and quickly blinks to get rid of them. This isn’t Yesung. This is just Yesung’s shadow which hates Siwon.

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400 streak #1
Chapter 25: Rereading this, I feel so sad for Sungie. Must be so hard
400 streak #2
Chapter 21: Donghae to the rescue! Go go Hae-ah~ <3
Chapter 25: I'm SPEECHLESS
I don't know how to start ... I ate the whole story as fast as I could, the thing is ... I couldn't stop reading even though I cried since the first chapter.
All the pain Yesung suffered is beyond my imagination ... I still can't believe those things happen in real life and how people who survived the worst of horrors have to live with the memories forever. It's a living nightmare.
I have this bitter taste after reading about the consequences on his mental health... and his physique ... it breaks my heart.
I have read scientific articles about PTSD in victims and they NEVER recover, the trauma is too huge, the damage is too deep that nobody who went through it can heal entirely. It's so sad.
About the story I love the fact that Donghae character is so full of life (like him irl) his resilience is admirable. I cried the times he comforted Yesung, like an older brother would do. He was sweet and strong in the worst moments, he melted my heart.
And for Siwon I can only feel sympathy ... the poor man always wanted to do things right ... he was unlucky to live in a ty country with a crazy leader.
I'm sure I'm going to read this story again sometime, it let a big impact on me. Thank you author-nim :)
Seems sooo interesting! Reading NOW!
Chapter 25: Nooo

first of all thanks for the updates it was a really good story that i enjoyed reading but please author don't end it here >< i want to see yesung getting better and having a normal life with siwon
if u could do a sequel it would be great
Chapter 21: donghae is such an angel <3
Chapter 20: it's getting more interesting i hope yesung gets over this soon :(
coloring_grace #8
Chapter 19: Love the update as usual! But I miss Donghae...what happened to him? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 19: thanks for the update i'm liking this story more and more
BadBad #10
Chapter 18: I think this is my favourite story here