Ch. 22

Husband or stranger?

Yesung was staring out of the window for rest of the day and thought about Donghae and Siwon. Heechul isn’t coming today so Yesung is alone. The TV is quite annoying, it is full of confusing things. Evening came and it means a tray full of food. It takes him a long time to finish it all but then Yesung starts to feel sleepy. His eyes are slowly closing and a nurse carried the tray away after tucking him under a second warm blanket. She smiles a bit and turns the light off and then silently closes the doors. The hospital is completely silent, every night in this hospital is silent and calm because no regular patients come here so it isn’t very busy. Yesung thinks that the silence is weird, the labor camp was always noisy. Dogs, soldiers, screaming of prisoners, the camp was full of terrifying noises. And now Yesung is warm, his stomach is full and the room is quiet.





Yesung woke up exhausted as if he got no sleep last night. He rolls on his side and opens his eyes. He is facing a gray wall which was white many years ago. Yesung knows this wall. 


There is hanging a worn out blanket which is covering a small part of the wall next to the bed. They have only one bed and it is quite small so Siwon sleeps with his back pressed to the wall and it is cold so Yesung sacrificed the blanket so his husband’s back won’t hurt. Yesung is staring at the ugly blanket and suddenly hears very familiar chuckling coming from behind him. Yesung slowly turned around and gasps.




The man who is already wearing a uniform smiles and he is surprised when Yesung jumps from the bed and jumps on him. Siwon pats his back and thinks that Yesung is scared after another neighbour got dragged away last night. Siwon tightly hugs his husband and kissed the top of his head. He sees Yesung’s bare feet and so he picks him up in order to keep his feet away from the cold floor. He sighs and wishes he could afford a better home for his love. It doesn’t matter he has a job in the army, he isn’t important enough to get more money or better flat. But Yesung doesn’t mind it, he had a terrible nightmare where Siwon abandoned him and Yesung ended in a labor camp.


“I need to go, honey.”


Siwon wants to pull him away but Yesung shakes his head no.


“Don’t go!”


Siwon chuckles and his hair.


“You know we need to work.”


Yesung shakes his head no and hugs him harder.


“Something bad will happen to you.”


Siwon frowns because he has no idea what made him so scared. Yesung is slightly shivering and Siwon pushes him away.


“Don’t do this to me, I have to go. I might bring chicken for dinner if I am lucky.”


Siwon smiles a bit at him but Yesung looks like on the edge of tears. Siwon kissed the top of his head and grabs his coat.




He waves to him and left Yesung alone and the young teacher trembles in fear. The nightmare felt so real and left Yesung terrified. However, work is waiting and there is no way how could Yesung afford not showing up. He slowly gets dressed and walks to the school. His pupils are listening to their beloved teacher who is always nice. Yesung isn’t so cheerful as usually, the terrible nightmare is still lingering in his mind and doesn’t allow him to relax. When the school ended, Yesung walks out of the building and an army jeep is already waiting there with Yunho standing next to it. Two soldiers run to him and roughly handcuffed his hands behind his back. Yesung doesn’t understand it. How did his nightmare come true?! Yesung cries and the car stopped after few minutes. Yunho grabs the collar of Yesung’s shirt and drags him inside a dark building. 


“Where is my husband? What did you do to him?”


There are dozens of same metal doors and Yunho opened one of them. 


“Don’t worry, he is already waiting for you!”


Yesung sees no one in the dark room and Yunho pushed him inside. Yesung stumbles because something is lying on the floor and then he starts screaming.


Siwon is lying on the dirty floor with his eyes wide open. Blood is creating a red pillow underneath his head and there is a black hole in the middle of his forehead.


“I hope you don’t mind rats. They can smell the blood.”


Yunho smirks and closed the door with a loud bang. Yesung tightly hugs his husband and ran his fingers across his face. He is sobbing while clinging to the body which is quickly getting cold and then hears some rustling. Rats! 


Their sharp claws are scratching against the ground and Yesung spots their glowing hungry eyes. The rats are crazy thanks to the strong scent of blood and climb on the dead body. Yesung tries to throw them away from his husband but there is too much of the hungry monsters. Soon the rats climb on Yesung who screams and swats his arms around. Hundreds of sharp teeth are sinking in his flesh and he screams in pain. The rats are hissing at their fighting prey and Yesung feels the teeth tearing his flesh. He screams and suddenly a bright white lights filled his eyes.






The nurses are shocked. The noises this patient emits aren’t humane. They tried to wake him up and after a few minutes the screaming and thrashing man woke up. Yesung is still caught in the nightmare and jumps away from the nurses. He painfully landed on the floor and scrambled away from them.


“Don’t hurt me!”


The nurses are shocked that usually lethargic Yesung is yelling and kicks his legs to make them go away.


“Siwon! Where is my husband?!”


This is the first time he calls for Siwon and so one nurse runs to call him while the rest stayed in the room to eventually stop Yesung from hurting himself. However, Yesung just finds a safe place in the furthest corner of the room where he makes himself as small as possible. He is hungry his bony legs and cries.


Meanwhile Siwon is rushing to the hospital. He has troubles with catching his breath when he reached the room and runs inside. Siwon wasn’t expecting to find crying Yesung in the corner while hiding his face in his hands. Siwon slowly comes to him and kneels next to him.


“Yesung …”


Yesung slowly raises his head and Siwon his hair. Yesung crawls in his arms and tightly clings to him.


“Don’t leave …”


The nurses walk away and Siwon kneels on the floor with Yesung in his arms. Yesung pushes his head under his husband’s chin and Siwon his back until he stops trembling. After a moment Siwon slowly got up with Yesung in his arms and moves toward the bed. 


“Let’s get some sleep, okay?”


Siwon sat Yesung on the bed but it is clear that Yesung isn’t going to let go of him. Siwon lay down and holds Yesung pressed to his side. Yesung is calm with his husband next to him and Siwon starts to play with his hair. His hair isn’t so soft as before but with the right nourishment he will look great very soon. Yesung is falling asleep and Siwon smiles a bit while looking down at him. Siwon brings Yesung’s petite body closer to him and kisses the top of his forehead. 


“I will never leave you again.”

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400 streak #1
Chapter 25: Rereading this, I feel so sad for Sungie. Must be so hard
400 streak #2
Chapter 21: Donghae to the rescue! Go go Hae-ah~ <3
Chapter 25: I'm SPEECHLESS
I don't know how to start ... I ate the whole story as fast as I could, the thing is ... I couldn't stop reading even though I cried since the first chapter.
All the pain Yesung suffered is beyond my imagination ... I still can't believe those things happen in real life and how people who survived the worst of horrors have to live with the memories forever. It's a living nightmare.
I have this bitter taste after reading about the consequences on his mental health... and his physique ... it breaks my heart.
I have read scientific articles about PTSD in victims and they NEVER recover, the trauma is too huge, the damage is too deep that nobody who went through it can heal entirely. It's so sad.
About the story I love the fact that Donghae character is so full of life (like him irl) his resilience is admirable. I cried the times he comforted Yesung, like an older brother would do. He was sweet and strong in the worst moments, he melted my heart.
And for Siwon I can only feel sympathy ... the poor man always wanted to do things right ... he was unlucky to live in a ty country with a crazy leader.
I'm sure I'm going to read this story again sometime, it let a big impact on me. Thank you author-nim :)
Seems sooo interesting! Reading NOW!
Chapter 25: Nooo

first of all thanks for the updates it was a really good story that i enjoyed reading but please author don't end it here >< i want to see yesung getting better and having a normal life with siwon
if u could do a sequel it would be great
Chapter 21: donghae is such an angel <3
Chapter 20: it's getting more interesting i hope yesung gets over this soon :(
coloring_grace #8
Chapter 19: Love the update as usual! But I miss Donghae...what happened to him? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 19: thanks for the update i'm liking this story more and more
BadBad #10
Chapter 18: I think this is my favourite story here