For You Now

I was walking with a group of young boys. There were around 60 or 70 of us and everyone was wearing an uniform in dark green and brown colours and in their hand carried their luggage. We were all walking to The military University. Only a few were talking, maybe because they knew each other or they just wanted to get friends before starting a year at the campus. Most of others including me were just walking silently, closed in our own thoughts. 

We all entred trough a big entrance and came to a big yard, with a lot of buildings sorrounding it. The property of the campus was surrounded by tall walls and it was bigger than I expected. I'd only seen this place on pictures and I didn't even do a lot of research before signing up. It was one of my rare chances to continue my life normally. 

This was going to be my new home for a while. The place where I could escape everyone and somehow start a new, different life. 

I noticed that a tall and strong man in a black uniform was waiting in the middle of the yard. His dark silver hair were messy and his black eyes were checking each boy at the time. The look in his eyes seemed to be strict and confident, like he knew exactly what to do. 

Everyone stopped in front of him and I did the same to blend in. We waited in silence until someone came, running from one of the buildings on the side. He was also wearing an uniform, had black hair covered with a hat and serious look in his eyes.

He placed himself next to the the taller man and started. "Welcome to The Military University!" he said with a strong voice. "I hope you all know at least a few things about this place already. I'm general Kim Junmyeon and I run this place," he continued and checked around, like he was looking for something.  "When I look at you like that I see a big potential!" he smiled as he said that, but I noticed that the other man didn't really agree with that, since he just crossed his hands and looked at us seriously. "I am sure most of you will become great soldiers, but of course there is still a lot in front of you. The trainings start today. Your schedule for this day is a little different, than the one you will have in the future, so don't worry. You will have enough time to get used on everything."

I looked to the ground. There was no way I could get used on this place, but I had to do my best. 

"However, major Park will explain you some rules here and I expect you to obey each one of them!" general Kim continued and I focused on his speech again. "The rules and discipline is very important here! We are also trying to keep friendly environment here, so if you break them, you will be called to my office and you won't like it there! Believe me and don't try if I am seruious or not, because I AM!!" he raised his voice on the end of his sentence and everyone just stood there completely frozen. "UNDERSTOOD?!" he added, but still got no reply. "Well you will still have to learn how to answer when higher rank says something..."  he said quietly and looked at the other man next to him.

The taller one stepped in front. I guessed he was major Park, since general had mentioned his name. He started explaining the rules. His voice was deep and stronger than general's.

He was talking about our schedules, what we could do at the campus, what was forbidden and what are the punishments for breaking certain rules. Most of the things he mentioned were there with a good reason, like: don't use the campus' weapon, unless the use of it is under a supervision of the trainers or higher ranks. This was definetly making me a bit more relaxed, since I knew I probably wouldn't get killed here.

There was many rules and everyone including me soon got a bid bored of listening. Some started quietly whispering to each other and discusing about random things, but I just stayed quiet and waited on this to end.

"I warn you all!" general Kim spoke after some time when major was done. "Any bigger rule broken and you will get kicked out immediately!" he checked everyone with very serious look.

Now everyone was quiet and focused again.

"We will put you in smaller units." He continued. "You will be training with your unit all the time and major Park, with some other majors will be training you. In units you can earn or loose points which will help you get higher position. It is start of your journey here, so there will be a bit more competition, because I will have to find a captain for every unit. The classes are more or less normal, just like at every university, there is not much to tell about this... Don't be late amd don't skip them because there will be exams as well! Any questions?"

No reply. I could see that general was bothered by it, but he still continued like it was nothing. "Well.... Major Park will call your names one by one. When you hear your name, please step forward," he said and major Park started.

"Kim Jongwoon!" he called and a tiny but tall boy steped forward. Major Park gave him some papers and showed him where to stand and wait. He called more names and all of them were now in unit A1. There were twelve of them and I expected that the same amount of members would be in other units. Major Park told them to go with the general, who lead them to their rooms. 

I was looking as they all left, but major suddenly continued calling the names. 

Two more boys were called. Both very tall and strong, one was even about the same height as major. They both stepped to the side and waited for next one to get called.


My body suddenly completely froze. It was my name. I felt how my heart started beating faster, pushing my blood stronger and faster, because I got scared. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the crowd. Closer to the major. I was avoiding his look as I was approaching, because I didn't want him to notice my fear.

"What are you doing here?" he suddenly asked and I looked up confuded. 

"What?" I asked quietly.

"I think you came to the wrong University. I'm sure you can't do more than 3 push-ups," he said and steped closer to me. I looked away and kept myself quiet. Other boys from the crowd silently laughed at major Park's comments and I knew they had a good reason to laugh.

I was small and not as strong as others. Nobody would have guessed that I was about to start my trainings as a soldier on the military University. Even I couldn't see myself in that role, but my messed life lead me to here.

"Why did you come here?" asked major with stronger voice, but I didn't answer and kept my look at the ground. "Hey! I can't hear you, Byun!" major spoke again. I looked up to him and met his dark and serious eyes. I was trying to find a good way to win this conversation, but there was nothing. He was right about the fact that I didn't belong here, but I also couldn't fit anywhere else.

"I didn't say anything," my voice was shaking.

"Maybe you should," his gaze got even more intimidating. 

I didn't say anything and just hoped on everything to end. I knew other boys were on major's side at that moent and this was bothering me even more.

"You are slow!" the voice got majors attention away from me. It was genertal who had just returned. Major pushed the papers in my hands and stepped away a bit annoyed. I wasn't really sure if it was becaouse of me or because of general Kim... Maybe both.

"Common move, I don't want to be here all day," major said and I walked away. 

I looked at the general Kim, but he just smiled and rolled with his eyes after major said that. Maybe he was just used on this.

"You should have said something," a guy next to me said, as I came to the two who had been called into my unit before. I made an aye contact with him. He had dark brown hair, dark eyes and he really looked good. I just smiled a little and then ignored him. I wasn't good in making friends and I also didn't want to get more attention, since major was already calling more students who would be in the same unit as me for next years. I tried to remember the names, but I forgot most as soon as I heard them so I gave up after three of them. 

After that, general lead us to our drooms and I was surprised of how soon we came to the right place.

There was one main hallway with many smaller side hallways which lead to our rooms. My room was on the very end of a third smaller hallway, room 27c. Some of others already got their roommate, but when I slowly unlocked the door and steped inside no one was there. I knew that I would get a roommate soon. I wanted to make myself comfortable as long as I was still alone. 

The room had white walls and quite nice wooden floor. There where two beds on each side, 2 tables in the front and closets.

I walked to the closed which I wanted for myself and opened it. It wasn't big, but just enough for me. I saw a mirror on the side and looked in it. My blonde colored hair were in mess and I looked a bit exhausted, but that didn't really bother me. It was my weaknes which I didn't like. I really looked weaker than other boys who came here with me.

I walked away and sat on the bed at the right side. I took the papers I had got and checked them. I was in the unit A2, which I already knew. The schedule for that day started at 4:00pm., so I still had enough time to unpack everything.

As I dropped the papers away, the doors of the room suddenly opened. There was a guy with dark hair, plump heart shaped lips and quite dangerous look in his eyes. He was holding same kind of papers in his hand and luggage in the other one.

"Ohhh, hey!" he said all of a sudden and smiled at me. "I'm Do Kyungsoo. I guess we are roommates!" he said happily.

"Baekhyun," I introduced myself and smiled a little. "Nice to meet you," 

I was happy to have Kyungsoo for a roommate. First of all, because he didn't make bad comments about me. I would have literally killed myself if I got a bad roommate at the place which was supposed to help me get normal life. 

Most of the others had laughed when major Park made bad comments about my height and strength. It had been humiliating to stand there silently, but it could probably be even worse if he had said anything. Kyungsoo was different. He didn't mention anything about my appearance, probaby because he also wasn't as tall himself. He really looked stronger and had more colour compared to my pale skin, but I still felt good around someone like him.

We both unpacked our stuff and changed our clothes for training. It was 3:40pm.. We still had 20 minutes before their first training.

"I saw major Park making jokes out of you before...." Kyungsoo suddenly said and my heart almost stopped again. "Don't mind him. He is just trying to scare you. Stand for yourself and prove you are worth being here no matter how you look! I think you are just perfect, if you ask me." 

"Thank you!" I replied and gave him a smile. "I just hope he won't do this again. It was really embarrasing and to be honest I am actually afraid of him," 

"Pft, afraid of that idiot?"

"He is major,"

"Who cares, he is still an for saying something like that in front of everyone! Look you just have to relax and show him who is the boss!"

"He is the boss..."

Kyungsoo hit his forhead a bit to show his disappointment. "Are you for real, Baekhyun?"

He didn't let me to answer, instead he just gave me more advices. Some were completely stupid and a bit crazy, but I actually felt a little more confident than before.

After talking for some time, it was time for their first training. There were already a lot of boys walking up and down the hallway. Some seemed to be older, which meant they were at the university for a while and newcomers were asking them where to go. 

We did the same and soon found a board where we could find where to go. Kyungsoo was in unit A3 and was sent to a training field with two more units. I  headed to a training room a little disappointed, because I didn't have training with my friend.

There were about 5 training fields outside, a lot of training rooms, halls, even a swimming pool and rooms for training with weapons. In other buildings were classrooms and offices. The drooms were a little further away from fields and other buildings. Bathrooms and a huge dining room were also on that side and some other smaller buildings which were probably warehouses for food or maybe weapons which were used for training. 

I followed some boys which I remembered to be in the same unit as me. I didn't talk to any of them and just followed to a big and quite cold training room. Students were still gathering and with the other unit I counted 24 people after everyone arrived. 

I was surprised to actually be in a good mood and was excited to start the training, but suddenly major Park came into the room. I almost forgot how to breathe as he approached us. He was in more casual clothes. He wore black tracksuit and black T-shirt shich showed his strong arms with perfect muscles. 

I tried to hide behind all the tall boys and kept my breath. Silence fell in the room and major Park started "Okay, everyone! Your first training here. Unfortunately you all will be trained with me most of the time," he said and my soul was slowly being ripped into pieces. I was preying not to meet major Park again but instead I got everyday trainings with him?? HOW!?

"General Kim decided to make this years schedule by himself and he thought it would be good for you to have one main trainer and sometimes others! We will have some fun together." major continued and I sighed quietly disappointed.

Some of the boys looked at each other, but none dared to say anything. 

"So.... My name is major Park Chanyeol" he continued. "If you have any questions or you're struggling with something, I'm here for you every day and every night!"

I could have vomited on that sentence! Asking him for help would have been a suicide.

"Of course I don't want to see any of you at three in the morning, because you don't know where the toilets are!!" he continued. "Pee in the grass if you don't want wet pants! Also make sure to hide all the evidences, because we are trying to keep that place clean!"

Some of the boys were struggling to keep themselves quiet, but nothing more than a strict and serious look was needed to push them back in a complete silence.

"Any questions?!" 

No one responded. 

"Okay! Let me make clear, that every time you get a question from someone who is on a higher position, you call us as a 'sir'! This is part of the discipline here!"

No response again.


"Yes, sir!" Everyone said this time and major Park was quite satisfied with it.

"I just have to check if you all are here before we start..." he continued and started to call the names again. Whenever he called someone's name, he got reply with "Here, sir!" or "Present!"

I was waiting for my name to come.

"Byun Baekhyun!" major called, with different tune in his voice.

"Present!" I replied as confidently as I could.

Major looked at me and I kept myself serious. "Byun, step forward!" he called at last and everyone moved a little to the side away from me. I stepped in front to of the major. Fear was taking over me again, but I didn't want to show it. "I thought you wouldn't be here anymore by now," he said and smirked at me. 

"What is making you think this way, sir?" I asked and looked a bit to the side.

The taller one didn't wait and replied right away. "As I said before, I'm sure you can't do more than 3 push-ups. You don't belong here!" 

I felt anger rising inside me. I hated major for making fun of me. I looked directly at his eyes with hate and major Park stopped smirking at me. "Try me, sir!" I replied and stared at him.

Shocked gasps came from other boys as I said that, but I ignored all.

Major laughed on this reply and stepped closer. "Is that a dare, Byun?" he asked and I kept staring at him confidently. "Okay! Let's do a competition!" he announced "Let's see who can do more push-ups. Or who can hold for more time!"

"Okay, let's do it!" I agreed and more gasps came from the boys watching. 

"YOU ARE A FOOL! YOU WILL LOSE!" someone shauted, but I reminded confident. "JUST LOOK AT MAJOR'S ARMS. THESE ARE GUNS!!" another one shauted and he actually wasn't wrong.  Major Park really looked very strong and confident in his strangth, but that didn't make me any more scared.

"Solider Kim Jongin and Choi Minho! Step forward!" major Park ordered. "You two will count and make sure we don't cheat!!"

I placed myself on my hands ready to start with push-ups and major did the same. We were facing each other and I saw how major smirked confidently right before Jongin started counting.

"Ready, set, go!" he called and both of us started to do push-ups with incredible speed. 

After a few seconds I proved major was wrong, when he had said that I couldn't do more than 3 push-ups, but now I had to hold up and make more than he could.

I wasn't thinking about giving up and it also didn't look like major was willing to just let me win. Sweat appeared on both of us. 

Major was strong and did all the push-ups like they were nothing. I was a completely different story. I didn't have so strong muscles, but I was also much lighter and could lift myself easily, so I kept up with the other one's tempo. 

After a minute or two of push-ups, boys who were watching started chanting my name and cheering for me, telling me not to stop. 

This went on for 3 minutes. I was soaked in my sweat, my breathing was fast and deep and I had a feeling like my arms were on fire. I was glad to hear that it wasn't much different for major. It was obvious that non of us could hold it much longer.

My arms started trembling and major Park was pushing himself up much slower than before.

More cheers followed and after a few more push-ups I felt how I soon wouldn't be able to make it. 

Time passed and I was ready to give up, but then I saw major Park collapsing on the ground right in front of me. I couldn't belve my own eyes! Cheers and clapping got even louder. I got on my legs and held my aching hands up, happy and proud that I won.

The boys were now everywhere around me and shaking my hands, hugging and congratulating me. It felt like a dream, even though I was near collapsing after putting so much of effort into this.

I suddenly heard major Park cursing at himself, while still lying on the ground completely sweaty. His breathing was very fast and deep and it was obvious that he was completely exhausted.

"Sir, would you stand up!?" I asked and major got up, looking at me with hate. 

"What do you want now, Byun?" he asked angry, like he was about to explode after he had lost a bet. 

"You said I don't belong here," I replied. "I think you should think, if you actually belong here!"

Major Park looked at me surprised. He raised his eyebroows and looked around as some of other students, who started laughing at the back. "SILENCE!" he ordered and gave everyone in the group of newcomers an angry look, so nobody even dared to breathe. "You are playing a dangerous game, Byun!" he looked at me furiously. "I am the major here! Do you know what this means?"

"I kno..." I was interrupted before I could finish the sentence.

"It means that I am much higher rank, than you will probably ever be and it means, that when I say something, you listen my orders and do exactly as I tell you! Clear?!"

I wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Jongin. I remembered that he was the one who had told me that I should have said something when major made fun of me as we had come. "Sir, he obviously won," he explained. "It was a fair play."

"DON'T SPEAK UP, IF I DON'T TELL YOU SOLDIER KIM!!" major Park shauted and everyone froze in silence which followed. "The training is over for now! I want every one of you in drooms right NOW! No visits, no talking or mentioning what happened here!"

"But, sir! We didn't even do anything in that hour," Jongin spoke again and major looked at him with serious look.

"Did you already forget what I said a second ago?" he asked with calm, but strict voice. "Don't talk! I don't care if you are a captain of your unit or not!"

"Sir, I am not," he replied. "The captain of our unit still isn't chosen..."

"Then you have even less rights to speak with me right now!" major Park said and Jongin silently moved backwards. "Today your schedule is a little different, since you all are newcomers! You might have noticed it before, but I guess you all are too lazy to read! I also have rights to dismiss you at any time and hold you here even after the training! Is everything enough clear now?!"

"Yes, sir!" Jongin replied.

I looked at him, because I was glad he tried to defend me. 

"Wwill have a plenty of time tomorrow," major continued. "If I don't see everyone in drooms in half an hour, I will make sure that you all will end up making push-ups all night!!"

"But, sir, you can't even do more than Baekhyun here," Jongin raised his voice again and everyone told him to stay silent, which was quite smart suggestion.

Major got angry and I knew it wouldn't end well. "SOLDIER KIM JONGIN! GO TO GENARAL KIM'S OFFICE RIGHT NOW! I WILL SEE YOU THERE LATER! We will have time to talk there!" his last sentence was more calm, but it was still a threat.

"But, sir,..."

"TO THE OFFICE! I don't care if you don't know where it is! Find a way!"

Jongin looked to the ground and walked away in silence. Everyone including me were looking as he left. Major Park ordered us to leave again after some time of painful silence and everyone did so without complaining or even releasing any sound. I was sure this was because everyone was afraid of pissing major Park even more. 

"Byun, we are not done yet!" he called before I could leave.  

I stepped back to the trainer and silently waited on him to continue. "Don't you dare to do something like this again!" he said with strict voice, while still looking at me with mad look. 

"Are you afraid of loosing again, sir?" I asked  and smiled a little for a moment.

"You won't always win like that!" 

"I accept that, sir," I stayed confident.

"Like I said. You are playing a dangerous game and I have much more power than you have,"

"I know that," 

"Then use your brains and don't play with your future,"

I didn't say anything. Mostly because I didn't know what exactly to say and also because I didn't want to make the other one even more pissed. Major Park sent me away like everyone else. I walked out as confidently and calmly as I could, but at the same time I wasn't really sure if it was right to do what I had done on the first day.

When I came out to others, more boys congratulated me, but I didn't want to brag about it. It was obvious that others wanted to talk about it, even though major Park told them not to mention it. I just kept myself quiet and went to my room. I was waiting for Kyungsoo to finish his training for that day. The victory made me feel a little better, but I knew this was only a small step to start and continue my new, different life, away from the people I didn't want to see.




//Thank you for reading. If you like the story subscribe, upvote, comment and stay to the end:)!!// 

Love, half.alive.exol & Karmenll



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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!