For You Now

"Don't hold back," Chanyeol said as we came to a disco club where he had told me he would have taken me with his friends a few days ago. The place wasn't as big as the party place where students were partying most of the time, but it was still loud and full of lights making that dark place colored in different colours. 

I looked at him a bit confused. "What do you mean?" 

"Just relax," he said almost screaming, so I could hear him through the loud music and screams of other people around. "You are safe here with me. And I think your friends are already into this." 

I looked behind my back where I saw that Jongin, Kyungsoo and Minseok already ordered their drinks. I wanted them all to come to have more company and Chanyeol had Sehun and Yixing. 

"I will ing kill them if they get too drunk and I will have to take care of them!" I said. 

"What did you expect?" Chanyeol smiled and put his hand over my shoulders. "Last time we had a party you were the one who I had to take care of. It was kinda fun though. You speak nonsense when you are drunk. You speak all the time, laugh for no reason." 

"Yeah, you aren't getting that tonight," I looked at him serious. 

"KIM!" Chanyeol suddenly shauted to get Jongin's attention. "Give me that can of beer!" 

"Why?" Jongin screamed back. 

"I will pay you!" He got reply and I looked at Chanyeol surprised. 

"Deal!" Jongin walked to us and gave the beer in Chanyeol's hand. Right after that Chanyeol opened the can and the liquid took its way over his hands. 

"Here you go," he said and offered me a drink. 

I hesitied. 

"Do it, Baekhyun!" I heard Kyungsoo’s voice not far away from me. "It won't kill you!" 

I still wasn't sure about it. 

"He is right, it won't kill you. Look I can do it for you!" Chanyeol said and drank a bit of it. "Damn, this one is good. I think I will keep this one for myself and get something else—" 

"—give me that!" I protested and took the can from his hands. I looked at it and drank. "That is all for tonight!" 

"Yeah, I doubt about that," He smirked and pulled me away. "We should join the others." 

"Please don't give them any idea of playing games where you have to drink, because I am really not doing it!" I said. 

"Baekhyun. It wasn't that bad the last time you drank. You didn't complain that time." 

I swallowed as I thought about the last time I had gotten drunk. I had been completely wasted, going around dizzy without control. I had been the most vulnerable at that moment and Woosuk being present there at that time made the whole situation even worse. I still wasn't sure if Woosuk was really there or was it just in my mind, but according to his words, he really was there. "I didn't like it," I said. "And it was you who pushed me into it. I don't feel safe when I am drunk at all." 

"Why?" he asked. 

"Let's not go into that again," I said. 

"Okay, let me just promise you, that I won't let anybody do anything bad to you!" 

"Okay, I will blame you when it happens," I said and smacked him so he would remember it. "It always happens!" 

We came to the table where others gathered. The alcohol still didn't make effect on them, but I knew that they were soon about to get wilder. 

I was glad that they didn't decide to play anything in connection to drinking, which meant they would stay sober a bit more, and I wasn't forced into doing it either. 

I was mostly just listening to others while they were talking to each other. I also spoke from time to time to keep up with them. They soon got drunk and I also drank some alcohol, which Chanyeol poured in my glass. 

"Baekhyun, why do you drink everything Chanyeol offers you, but never do the same when I do it for you?" Kyungsoo suddenly asked. 

"No reason," I said and smiled. 

"He trusts me," Chanyeol laughed. "This is something you can't relate to! It is time for Baek to get some new friends." 

I noticed an angry expression on Kyungsoo's face as he had said that. Chanyeol also looked like he was right about to fight Kyungsoo to prove who I belonged to.

"Don't argue!" I said before anything serious happened. 

"I didn't mean it," Chanyeol said and took a deep breath. "Would you come with me? I want to talk to you a little..." 

"Here?" I asked. 

"No somewhere else," Chanyeol shook with his head. 

"WAIT, PARK!!" Sehun suddenly shauted. "Where do you think you are going?" 

"I'm running away," he replied. 

"AS THE GENERAL I WILL SEND YOU TO WAR, IF YOU DON'T STAY HERE!" Sehun continued and it was obvious that he was the most drunk. Even Kyungsoo wasn't as drunk, and he was literally screaming in Jongin's ear for no reason. 

"That is why we are running away," Chanyeol said and pulled me away from them. 

"You aren't much more sober than them," I said. 

"I am completely sober," he laughed, tripping over his legs a bit, proving that he wasn't sobber at all. 

We went to the bar, where he sat on the chair and showed me where to sit. 

"I just wanted some privacy with you," he told me with a small smile on his face. 

"I get it," I said. 

"Would you order anything?" he asked. "Sehun will pay anyway. He lost the war games."

"Ah, of course it is because of that. You put all of your life and energy in winning against Sehun, just to get drunk for free? You didn't even win!" 

"I didn't need to win, and it was good to suffer there on the ground with you. It is a win for me. Now if you won't order then I will do it for you." 

Of course he ordered something with alcohol. I didn't even know that that kind of a drink existed and I didn't even bother to ask him how it was actually called. 

"Cheers!" Chanyeol said and waited on me to repeat it. 

"Yeah, cheers!" I smiled and we both drank at the same time. It was very strong and the taste of the alcohol stayed in my mouth and throat for a while. "Damn, how strong is this?" I looked at the glass. 

"You like it?" he smirked. "Here try this," he gave me something else. 

"Will you say this tastes even worse?" I raised my eyebrows. 

"No, it is good and strong," he said. "You will see!" 

I drank it and clenched my teeth. "I will get drunk soon," I said. 

"I know," he told me. 

I put my hand over my lips and looked at him unsure. "You are impossible!" 

"Just like you are," he replied and continued right away. He was also drunk, but he could control himself very well compared to my friends. "You know I have been thinking a lot lately. About you — I think about you most of the time, if I am honest... Not all the time, because that would have been obsessive—" he laughed. "I love and trust you more than anybody." 

"Same," I said and he suddenly looked at me completely seriously. 

"Here drink some more," He told me. 


"—Do a long slip," he said, smirking at me. I gave up and did it. The last time I drank, the alcohol burned my whole throat, but this one didn't do much to me. It wasn't even strong and I could say I liked it. "It is good, isn't it?" 

"Better than the last one," I said. 

"Trust me I am giving the best for you... Most of the time..." 

"I trust you," I said and rised my hands up. 

He was looking at me expressionless, like there was something wrong. I clenched my teeth and did my best to stay focused. I felt how the alcohol slowly started to work on me. I wanted to have fun, tell Chanyeol everything. 

"How do you feel?" he asked me. 

"I feel a bit drunk," I told him. "But I am worried..." 

"Don't be," Chanyeol told me and offered me more to drink. 

I did it. Again and again until I was actually drunk. 

"You know, Baekhyun," Chanyeol continued. "It is cute when you are drunk. You smile all the time, but from time to time say things that make me wonder what had happened to you before we met."

I laughed on that. "What do you mean?" I asked. I wasn't smiling anymore. I kept myself serious and tried to do my best to control myself. 

"You once mentioned that Woo," he said and I got a feeling like I was about to spew out everything I had drank until that moment. I knew that Chanyeol heard me mentioning my brother. I knew that he wanted to know what had happened to me, but this all was just making me worried. What if Chanyeol knew that Woo was Woosuk... What if he knew that he was somehow my brother? It was quite easy to guess it. 

"W-what is the problem?" I asked. 

"Don't worry, Love," he said and smiled. "Try relaxing, maybe taking another sh—" he offered me his glass filled with liquid, but I hit his hand and caused that he glass fell down from bar table to the ground, shattering into small pieces mixed with alcohol as it landed.

"DON'T!" I literally screamed and got off the chair. 

"What was this for!?" Chanyeol argued back. He was furious. I could see it in his eyes, I could hear in the way he was speaking. I hadn't heard him so mad for a while. 

"I won't drink that!" I fought back. "You wanted to make me drunk? You wanted it, DIDN'T YOU?! What for? To make me relaxed and enjoy the night or just to make me speak up?" 


"—Don't dare to say it right now!" I warned him. 

"Baekhyun," he said and closed his eyes. "I want you to tell me—" 

"—I can't tell you everything!" I protested. "I can't!" 

"Can't or don't want to?" he asked. 

I just stared at him for a moment. "What do you know?" 

"Nothing, that is why I want to know," 

"I'm sorry to disappoint you," I said and walked away. My view was a bit blurred, but I could normally walk and think clearly. I was angry and glad that I got away from Chanyeol. 

I looked back to see what he was doing. I had been expecting him to try to stop me like most of the times, but it seemed like he wasn't about to follow me. 

"Baekhyun?" I heard Kyungsoo. "Did you get your private lesson? Now be here with us!!" 

"I am going," I said and took my jacket, before leaving the place. 

I took a look at Chanyeol again. He was sitting on the same spot as before, but now he was leaning on a bar table with his head, while holding a bottle in his hand. 

I didn't even think about going back to him. Not that night. I was too angry at him. 

I would tell him everything once I am ready, not when I am drunk. I want to trust him myself, not being forced to tell it.

Kyungsoo tried to stop me, but I didn't let go. I came outside and took a deep breath. I wanted to get rid of the dizziness and bad feeling that I had gotten after Chanyeol had mentioned Woosuk to me. 

"!" I cursed and passed through my hair. 

I looked up to the sky, but the lights around me in the city were too strong for me to see stars. I hated that. I needed something to relax with. 

I walked further on, but soon got stopped by somebody. He was tall, strong and a bit older. Probably around Chanyeol's age, or maybe even older. 

I clenched my teeth, because the way he stood in front of made me feel like I was standing next to Woosuk. I could smell alcohol from the guy, showing that he was drunk. 

"Hello, pretty boy," he said, making me terrified. 

I swallowed and walked to the other direction, but he pulled me back. "Don't run from me!" he said. 

"DON'T ING TOUCH ME!" I shauted, but he didn't give up. 

"Ahahaha, you dare a lot. You need a good lesson, boy," he laughed and leaned closer to me.

I pushed him away and that was the moment when he really got angry. He used more force and pushed me to the wall of a building, pressing his hand around my neck, choking me slowly. 

"Get off me," I said, trying to get enough air for breathing. 

"Fighting is pointless," He whispered to my ear. "I saw you inside with your boyfriend. He is your boyfriend, isn't he? A terrifying man, but it seems like you are alone and I can play with you a little—" 

"—Let me go!" I rised my voice. I felt alarmed and I panicked, but I didn't mamage to do any good moves. I thought about the things Chanyeol had learned me, but at that moment I wasn't in shape for it. I was dizzy and drunk, and also much weaker than my enemy. 

"No, I didn't even start," he said and then he bent over me. I felt how he burried his face in the side if my neck and he inhaled my smell. "Ahh, you smell good!" he said, making me even more uncomforteble. His hands were holding me so tightly that it even started to hurt. 

I tried to fight, but nothing seemed to work. 

The guy just moved higher from my neck and I could feel his breath on my ear. My eyes were tearing and my breath got heavier as I felt the guy's hands running over my body. 

Just in the moment he leaned even closer, so our bodies bumped into each other, something pulled him back and he yelled. I could barely see through the tears that I held in my eyes, but I saw how the guy got beaten up by Chanyeol. 

The taller one was all over the other one, showing me his back. Chanyeol's fist hit multiple times. The other one fought back, hit Chanyeol once or maybe twice, but it was nothing compared to the force Chanyeol used on him. The man ended up lying on the ground, begging Chanyeol to stop, while kicking to get away from him. 

"DON'T YOU ING TOUCH HIM AGAIN!!!" Chanyeol growled. His voice was rough and sent shivers even over my body. The guy backed away even more, holding his bloody nose and gasping. He didn't reply, but jumped up and leaped away as fast as he could. Chanyoel didn't turn around until the other one wasn't around anymore. 

Then he turned to face me and looked at me with worry in my eyes. He had a nosebleed and a small wound on the corner of his lips, which made me realise that he had gotten hit pretty well. 

He stepped closer to me, but I backed away and I hit the wall with my back again. He was right next to me, but I kept my eyes off him. In that moment I didn't want to be near Chanyeol. 

"Baekhyun, I am so sorry," he spoke with worried tune. His voice was hoase and deep, still pretty rough from the scene before. 

I didn't say anything. 

"Did you hear me?" I noticed that he was impatient. "I said I am sorry!" 

"I heard you!" I told him, but still kept my look away from him. 

"Baekhyun, look at me," he said and tried to turn my face with his hand, but I pushed it away and looked at him mad. 

"You also don't dare to touch me!" I said. "You are bleeding badly by the way! And you look more drunk than before. I don't want you next to me like that!" 

"You are dru—" 

"Because of who?" I asked and pushed him a bit away from me. 

"I am sorry," He apologised again. "And yes I drank some more... Well a lot more, after you had left me there inside." 

"I saw," I told him, getting more and more furious. 

"Do you forgive me?" 

"No," I said right away. I wasn't going to forgive him. Never. I didn't expect anything like that from him. To try making me drunk to get the information. I wasn't going to let that go just like that, but I couldn't really be mad at him. He was Chanyeol... My Chanyeol. 

"What have I ever done to—" 

"—Me? Try to remember what have you tried just a few minutes ago!" I said. "Now stop speaking, before I get even more mad. Let's go back to the campus. You really should do something with that blood, because it isn't making you look pretty, also I want to sleep!" 

"You can sleep in—" 

"No," I said. "I will sleep wherever I want and currently the option next to you is on the end of possibilities!" 

"I didn't mean—" 

"—I don't care!" I said. "You can either stay here with others, or go with me, but keep in mind that you will be keeping distance from me!" 

"You really are angry?" He sighed. 

"I hope it is obvious!" I walked away and he followed me as I went back to the campus. 

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!