Chapter: WOOSUK

For You Now

I had been looking for almost a year. Maybe even more. After they had let him from the hospital, he had ended the last year at high school, for which nobody had told me where it stood. 

Finally I found solider Byun Baekhyun at the Military University. It was the best chance for me to get to him again. When one of the trainers hadn't been able to train anymore, I had had everything they needed to replace him.

Finally I got to see Baekhyun again.

He changed a lot. His hair, which were black 2 years ago, were now in bright white colour. He was still skinny and pale, but I noticed the difference. He looked a bit stronger and he obviously grew up a bit. Maybe it was the result of him being at that university or he just became more mature. Whatever it was, I was still stronger than him. 

I was slowly getting used on the campus and usually got lost in all the fields and halls that were around. 

The units I usually trained were E1 and E2, but I also had have martial arts trainings with younger students, so on alredy second day of my work in the University I got to train unit A2 and A4.

It was monday and early in the morning. I got a list with all the names from the units, checkng it from the top to the bottom. I smiled as I saw the name Byun Baekhyun written on it. Soliders gathered in front of me, creating two lines, for which I guessed were the units.

"Good morning, boys," I said, making a more fake smile. I checked each one of them and felt disappointed as I couldn't find Baekhyun among them. "I guess you know me already. General or other trainers probably mentioned me before. I'm Byun Woosuk and I am a new martial arts trainer here. However, I don't know any of you, so I will just read the names first," I said.

I wanted to sound professional and confident. I could do that. I had talent for speaking in front of many people and I knew how to make young students shut up. 

"Kim Jongin," I started and the boy nearest to me answered with strong "Yes, sir!" I read the names on, noticing that the soliders stood as it was selected, so I could find out who was who on my own. I read 2 more names, before calling "Byun Baekhyun," even though I knew he wasn't here.

Silence fell and I narrowed my eyes.

"Sir, he isn't here," Jongin said.

"Skipping trainings?" I asked. 

"No, sir. He isn't," Jongin answered. 

"Then where is he?" I stormed, rising my voice, but nobody flinched.

"Training with major Park," he answered.

I was confused. "Why is he there. He in your unit, isn't he?" I asked, feeling more and more disappointed every second.

"Yes, he is," captain of the unit told me. "There was some trouble going on between him and major Park from the start of the year. General Kim said major Park's punishment to train Baekhyun for 2 months, but I think they will train like this until the end of the year," Jongin replied and I could hear that even he didn't like the fact that Baekhyun wasn't here. 


"It was a prank from major Park," Jongin replied. "Ask him, he will know it better. Soldier Byun was in hospital for some time after that." 

"Which Park are you talking about?" I crossed my arms.

"major Park Chanyeol, sir," he replied.

I thought a bit. I had met a lot of people in a short period of time and I wasn't good with names, so couldn't remember hearing about Park Chanyeol before. As I thought about him, I felt envy rising inside me. That this guy having trainings with Baekhyun made me feel sick. 

"Fine then," I said and after that continued with calling the names. "I was also told to tell you, that all first year students are having three day training outside of the campus, starting tomorrow morning. It is some kind of a military camping. I really don't know.... You will probably get more information from your trainers who will actually be there. That is all I need to tell you now, so let's get to work!"

"Sir," one of the students raised his hand. "Will there be any competitions there?" 

"Shut up, Minho!" Jongin spoke up. "Don't try competing with me again!" 

"Silence!" I ordered and the two boys just exchanged angry looks. "I said that you will get more information later!" 

No one dared to say anything else. After that I was not interedsted in the training. I had hoped to meet Bakehyun, but he escaped me once again. It was like the training wasn't about to end. I did my best to learn about martial arts, but I wasn't doing it like I would've, if my day hadn't been destroyed. 

The training ended soon and it was finally time for breakfast. 

I was sitting with other trainers and professors. I didn't talk to them. Whenever they asked me something I answered shortly and then got back to my thoughts. However, I was trying to guess who was Park Chanyeol.

You will find out soon enough! I told myself and then looked to the other side. 

Baekhyun was sitting behind the table, eating his breakfast, taking with his group of friends. I noticed that Jongin from before, how he casually talked and laughed with him. I didn't think about disturbing them at the time. If I had appeared behind Baekhyun's back, he would've freak out. I would actually enjoy seeing him this way, but I just needed to talk with him in private. I didn't want to make him scared again. 

He left the place with his friends as he finished his breakfast. I didn't follow them right away, but rather waited for a while. After that I checked all the hallways on the first floor where they had dorms, but he was nowhere to be seen. 

I didn't spot him until the afternoon. I was about to go for another training at 2 p.m, when I crossed my way with his.

I saw him with a lot of people, but never with the person that was walking next to him in that moment.

I guessed it was Park Chanyeol, since I remembered seeing him before on the second floor. I hadn't talked to him, mostly because he somehow scared me. I thought I was tall, but this guy was even taller. His body was built and strong. He was showing his body around, scaring others with how good body he had. His silver hair were combed back and his skin shined. He took well care of himself. His expression was serious, like he was about to torture Baekhyun right now. I decided to ignore him and focus on my brother.

"Byun Baekhyun!" I called, getting his attention.

As he looked at me I saw how his eyes filled with fear, but he didn't stop walking.

With calling his name I also got the taller ones attention, but that one didn't even flinch on my call.

Once Bakehyun was closer, he looked at the ground and answered with cracking "Yes, sir?"

"I didn't see you on training today. They said you aren't training with your unit," I started.

"Yes, that's correct," Baekhyun kept his look at the ground.

I looked at the taller one who still looked deadly serious. "You train him?" I asked and got a nod from the man.

"Yes, for a month now," his deep voice came. 

"So you have 1 month left with him?" I asked, glaring back at Baekhyun.

"No," Bakehyun rised his head. "We decided to train like this until the end. I am pretty much behind everyone else, so I only work with my unit when we have competitions and games against other units," he said, gaining confidence.

He really changed a lot. He didn't really looked scared like he used to be. 

"Really? For what? So here is one trainer for a under-average solider on this school?" I said bitterly. 

"And what do you know about him?" Park rised his voice, loosing his temper, but Baekhyun stopped him. 

"—This is different," Baekhyun said. "Cha- major Park is training me as a punishment, and we foud it useful to train this way. I improved a lot and general Kim also agrees with the idea..." 

"Punishment... Pranking, right?" I continued with the conversation. I gained nodds from both of them, Park Chanyeol was still standing straight, looking at me seriously, while Baekhyun was trying to avoid my look most of the rime. "What was the prank about?" I asked.

"Y-You don't have to- know," Baekhyun cracked, but gained a push away from Chanyeol.

"Common, Baekhyun. He is new here and you go like this over him? Stand straight and look in the eyes when you speak. Don't be childlish," Park Chanyeol said with his deep voice. 

"Sorry," Baekhyun obeyed immediately. Standing up straight and rising his head, to look up. He took a deep breath before really looking at my eyes. 

I could see the effect Park had on Baekhyun. He was probably the one who made him stronger and more confident. 

"Good boy," he said, giving Baekhyun a smile, ruffling his hair, making everything weird. I rised my eyebrow on that and the other two noticed how very awkward this was. Baekhyun moved a bit away from Park and slmost tripped even though he just did only one step. "Well, sorry, but we got training right now and I guess you got one too!" he reminded.

"Yes, I do, but  can I have a word in private with Baekhyun, before we go appart?" I asked and hoped for him to leave me alone with Baekhyun.

"Ummm... Well..." he glared at Baekhyun from whom he gained a nod.

"—I don't think that would be necessary!" Baekhyun said. 

"It will take only a minute or two," I insisted. 

"Fine!" Baekhyun said and looked to his trainer, telling him to give us some privacy. 

"Very well. I will wait in the training room," Park said and walked away. 

Baekhyun crossed his arms and glared at me seriously with confidence. 

"So you can't be averge on any school?" I joked as we were alone again.

"It's not your thing to worry about," Baekhyun shot back, staying serious. "I was doing just fine in high school until you make things worse!"

"Pft, me?" I pointed to myself. "It was all your fault. You weren't the one who almost died!" 

"Too bad you didn't!" He replied and it seriously made me mad this time. 

I decided to keep myself calm. "Oh, someone got rough!" I laughed a bit.

"Good to hear that. I usually don't get that, but it makes me feel proud because you noticed the difference! I won't let you come close me ever again!" 

"I am standing in front of you," I made a step back. 

"Do you think I got blind?" he sighed and rolled with his eyes. "Why do you need me?" he snapped right after that, looking at me impatiently.

"Ahhh, nothing serious," I raised my hands, showing him that I won't do anything tok him.

"You are spending my time..." he reminded me.

"No, you know I was thinking.... We didn't start well here. I saw you after a long time, yet we already had a fight. I don't want it! Don't think I came here to hurt you. Please, let's not fight here like we did years ago, okay?" I said.

Baekhyun hesitated. He thought of my words, stepping a bit away and started to chew his lower lip. "You really want that?" he asked. 

"Of course!" I said. "We are brothers."

"No we aren't!"

"Not by blood, but like a family..." I reminded him. "Forget about our parents, forget about things that had happened between us! It doesn't matter!"

"Okay," he said after some time. "But this doesn't mean I will hang out with you. Never! Okay? NEVER! Leave me alone and don't disturb me," 

"Fine, great! I can deal with this," I said, managing a smile. 

"Well, are we done now? I want to go," he crossed his arms, tepping his leg impatiently.

"Alright," I said and let him go.

I headed to the place where I had training with other unit. I trained like always. I tried my best to show my skills in martial arts, but at the same time I was already a bit annoyed by that all. I wasn't really good with students and it showed a lot. However, it didn't go that bad and the trining was soon over. I went back to the drooms of higher ranks and workers at the campus.

"YA!" I suddenly heard a familiar voice behind my back which tensed me a bit. 

I turned around and faced Park Chanyeol. "That sounded like you want to fight me!" I said right away.

"I wasn't planning that," he said.

"Better for you!" I reminded him.

He laughed and stepped closer. "I just wanted to introduce myself properly. I guess everything was in a rush when we met at the hallway before the training. I'm Park Chanyeol. Major Park Chanyeol." He offered me his hand.

I looked at him. "Byun Woosuk," I replied, but I didn't shake his hand. I didn't want to have anything with him. He took Baekhyun away from trainings and I was actually a bit jealous.

"You won't shake?" He asked and moved his hand away. "Fine then. Last time we met you didn't look at me very nice, so I thought you had something against me."

I looked at him surprised. I really had a lot against him, and I didn't even know exactly why. He was just giving me that feeling for which I hated him. "I don't think you should be bothered by what I think about you. I don't know you and you don't know me so I think it would be best if you just stand away from me!" 

"Wow wow wow!" he protested. "What have I ever done to you?" 

"Nothing," I smiled. "I am just not a person for making friendships with people like you!" 

"What tall, handsome, talented, skilled and smart people like me?" 

"Uh, you really have a big ego," I sighed. 

"It is not bad knowing that I am for everything. By the way, what did you need to ask Baekhyun?" 

"It really isn't something you need to know." 

"I am his main trainer," Chanyeol said, stepping closer me, making me feel a bit endangered. 

I clenched my teeth and shot him a mad look. "Nothing like that," I lied. "General Kim told me to tell him something and I did. It really wasn't anything like that..." 

He narrowed his eyes and stepped away. "I don't like you," he told me before leaving me alone. 

I hated that tall guy!


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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!