For You Now

I just wanted some time for myself. I wanted to relax and calm down, but instead I almost got a heart attack. 

I was on the main hallway on the second floor. I gazed out of the full-sized window and watched the stars. I wasn't really interested into them, but this was the only place where I could be in the moment. I was in my room most of the day and I was slowly getting tired of it. 

I hummed the song I usually did. It reminded me of those nice moments of my past. Those which were left... I didn't hum to loud, because I knew anyone could hear. However it was something I usually did and until now nobody came by yet. Nobody....

I was lost in my mind when suddenly someone spoke right next to me. 

"It was you all the time!" I heard familiar voice. It appeared so suddenly that I almost jumpad through the window!

"What the-!" I yelled, but kept myself as quiet as possible. It was in the middle of the night and higher ranks were sleeping not far away from here.

Next to me I found a little figure, gazing at me with its shining eyes. I recognised him immediately. Baekhyun was curiously standing, almost touching the big window and trying to get a better look at me. For a moment I couldn't speak, even though my mind was screaming.

"Sing for me!" he said, out of nowhere. I choked on my own saliva.

"The , Byun! What the hell are you doing here?!" I backed away a bit, but I wasn't afraid. "You literally just popped up from nowhere. Let me remind you that you aren't allowed to be here anymore.... You dare talk to me and after all ask me to sing for you!?" 

He just shrugged with his shoulders.

"I don't care. It's you anyway. Will you expel me after you just made me stay?" he said with calm tune.

"I could! Get away before I change my mind and actually do it," I crossed my arms.

Baekhyun didn't look effected, by my words. "No, I want to stay," he said and then collapsed on the floor. He sat down....

"Then I am going," I said and took my way to my room.

"Once you leave, I will too..." he said and sounded sadder. I

t reminded me of the time when I told Junmeon that if Baekhyun leaves, I will too. I hesitated. "Seriously?!" I got a bit annoyed. Baekhyun shrugged with his shoulders again. I sighed and decided to stay. I walked back to him and sat down on his right. We both were facing the big window and glaring out at the night sky. A few moments of silence passed until Bakehyun spoke.

"Why did you let me stay? You could get rid of me—" he spoke. His voice was cracking, even thought he spoke more or less calmly.

"Wasn't I clear enough before?" I sighed. "You don't deserve it."

Baekhyun didn't comment on it and silence fell again.

"S-Sir..." he started again after some time.


"I-I am sorry for that before... With the- thing..." he spoke. I could feel saddness in his voice and regret. 

"It's alright. Don't torture yourself with that. Everything worked out fine," I said and tried to calm him down, but he puffed after my words.

"Yea- everything worked out fine... You were in the hospital wing for 2 days," he rolled with his eyes. 

"But I don't feel like it. I am perfectly fine now!" I said.

"Are you sure? You look like death chewed you... Have you seen yourself! You look awful." 

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do!" 

"Like you are anything better! You looked like death from the beggining!" I argued back.

He hesitated on that. His head fell down and I could see that he got sad again. I couldn't belive how fast this boy could get offended. 

"Common. Will you cry over it?!" I glared at him and he shrugged with his shoulders. "Ahhh stop. Looking like dead or not, Byun. You should accept yourself!" I said at last. 

"Ummm... Sir," the smaller one started after a few moments of silence. "I didn't expect you to react this way after the prank..." 

"Then what did you expect?" I glared at him.

"Well... You are strong, you could have- been strong that time too—" he said.

"Byun, I can't hold everything! Maybe it doesn't suit me, but..." I stopped for a moment. "...You found my weakness. I told you, everyone has got one!" 

"I understand this..... Tell me more. Why does this —you know what — bother you?" he looked at me and waited for my answer.

"Will you tell me your problems then?" I asked and he shook his head.

"N-No, I can't," he replied and lowered his head again.

"Well, then I am not telling you anything," I disappointed him.

Baekhyun hesitated a bit and thought about his decision. He was slowly tensing up and got a bit nervous, but I didn't mind it yet.

I felt more and more uncomfortable next to him. Bakehyun thought for a moment and then continued with excited tune.

"We can play truth or dare.... I mean truth or thruth..."

"Seriously?! You still paly this?!" I rolled with my eyes.

"Sir, you are talking with a solider that plays with Legos in free time. Do not expect me to be serious like you!" he smiled.

"Legos? You play with Legos?" he nodded in reply.

"Yes, and it was Jongin's idea. You should try playing with them. Mybe it would make you happier!" he giggled.

"Oh Kim?" I raised my eyebrows. "I knew that guy was weird!" 

"I am serious!" 

"Just dream about it! I am and adult and major! I won't play with kids toys!"

"You are boring." 

"You are childlish. That is worse!"

"It's better than your bitterness all the time!" he argued.

"I don't care. I like my life and I don't need any lightening up toy." 

"Then what did you do when you had free time?!" he asked.

"Is this your first question for Truth or truth?" I asked and saw how his face got brighter. How the heck is he such a child?! 

"It is now," he replied and then I thought about his question. 

"Well.... I spent most of my free time in training rooms, shotting all possible targets and practiced, so oneday I could kill annoying kids like you," I replied. 

"Stop lying! You didn't do that," 

"I can't lie here. This are the rules. I said the truth!" 

"No, you didn't," he protested. "Tell the truth. I am sure you didn't just do that stuff around all the time. What did you do with your friends?!" 

I thought again. Hmmmm... My friends? Yixing? Zitao? Sehun? What did we do? 

"I drank a lot... We did this often," I laughed.

"You just drank?! No wonder you are like this all the time.... Tell me more," he wasn't satisfied with the answer.

"Drinking is good!" 

"It isn't when you get addicted to it. It is also unhealthy!" 

"Well I am not addicted and I am for sure more healthy than you are!" I protested. 

"You can't know that," he insisted. 

I sighed and rolled with my eyes. "Seriously, Byun?" 

"Yes, what else do you do?" 

"Well...." I thought about the answer for some time. "I-I create music—" I said quietly.


"Yea..." I got uncomfortable by it. 

"Wahh!" he gasped. "That's cool! What kind of music? Where did you even learn that? You will let me listen ti it, right?"

"No, you aren't hearing anything from me. And that is more than one question! It's my turn," I interputed.

He got a bit upset, but still continued the game. "Alright, you ask," he agreed and waited for my question.

"What are your hobies? You know mine, now I want to know yours," I asked.

"I like reading," he said without even thinking about it.  He thought a bit now. "Well, I like astronomy, but I mostly just like watching stars,"

"Reading, astronomy? What is interesting in that?" 

"You get educated from books! They make me relaxed. Stars are pretty. Everyone should shine like that!" he explained.

"Everyone should shine like that?" I looked up to the stars, shining brightly, making the night sky look like a magic. 

"Well not literally," he said. "Shining positive energy. I've been through hard times. I couldn't see the stars back then, I imagined them in my mind. Now I can see them and I want everyone to be so pretty." 

"What did you mean when you said you weren't able to see them," 

He looked at me and hesitied. "It doesn't matter," he replied quickly. 

"So that's why you like coming here? To watch stars?" I asked and he nodded in reply. "That's why you were sleeping here?"

"Sir, now you are the one asking too much!" he reminded me.

"Come on if that is true, then are these stars responsible for that bruise I got because of you!" 

"It wasn't just because of the stars..." he said. 

I stared at him for some time and then gave up. "Fine, your turn!" I rolled my eyes.

Bakehyun hesitated again and thought of the question. "Hmmmmm... Your romances, love I mean," he asked.

I rised my eyebrow on that, because I didn't expect this kind of question from him. "You want to know about that?" 

Not this question! I can't answer on this! Common, Chanyeol be strong and answer! My mind was screaming, I just stayed quiet for sometime. After some time I cleared my throat and started. "Byun, girls were dying just to see me! I would walk into a a pub with my friends and they all would gasps on my handsomeness and hotness," I said and praised myself.

"This changed for sure! No offence, but now everyone hates you...." he laughed.

"That's because here are only boys and girls don't walk around. However, there are boys who flirt with me too," I smirked.

"Eww! Don't go that deep into details," he complained.

"Well, did you have any romances in your life?" I returned the question. He thought a bit before shaking his head.

"N-No. Not really," he said quietly.

"What?! Not even a girlfriend in a kindergarten?!" I asked and he shook his head again. "How?! Did you sleep all this 16 years of you life?!" 

"I'm 19..." he corected.

"Same thing. You better start dating someone. You won't be young forever! Maybe everyone will hate you after some years!" 

"So you are in a relationship? You still got a partner?" he asked.

I flew into my mind again. 

No, not anymore.

"I did have a girlfriend...." I slowly said.

"You broke up?"


"Then what?" he got curious.

I can't answer. How the did I even answer on the first question?! Focus Chanyeol! I was screaming on myself in my mind. 

"S-She isn't here anymore. She's gone, Byun," I tried to keep my bitterness inside me, but I still felt my eyes tearing up.

Don't cry Chanyeol! You can't do that! No more tears! 

Baekhyun lowered his head.

"I'm sorry," he said at last and then silence fell. I fought with my feeling, tried to push them far away from me. I noticed that I was scratching myself again. I sighed and looked for something that could distract my hands.

"It's alright, Byun..." I forced out of myself. 

It's not alright! It will never be! It can't be! My mind kept attacking me.

"You must have loved her—" he spoke and ended the silence.

I shrugged with my shoulders as he said it.

Did I really love? —Yes! But I didn't get the love back. No, I just avoided the love that was returned. I ignored it. 

"Let's not talk about it. It's past, I can't fix it," I said and hoped that we would change the topic. Baekhyun didn't say anything and silence fell once again. I could see his white skin getting brighter in the moonlight adn his shining eyes were pinned on the glowig stars.

"You are staring..." he looked at me with anger, but he wasn't really angry. I looked away awkwardly and cleared my throat.

"No, I just saw a bug behind you and hoped it will climb on you," I joked, but Baekhyun fell for it. He jumped away and looked around on the floor for the bug. I didn't even want to scare him. 

"Where?!" he panicked, but I just laughed at him.

"What a scared kid you are!" I laughed and on that he noticed I was joking. He hit my shoulder and sat down. "Awwww, that hurts!" I groaned after he hit me.

"You deserve it!" he showed his tongue. 

"Ah, shut up!" I got annoyed. He actually didn't say anything more.

We were sitting in silence again. I didn't mind it. I didn't feel awkward to just sit there and gaze out. I actually liked how I sat there with Baekhyun. I also didn't feel lonely that way. 

Suddenly something fell on my left shoulder. I almost jumped away, but stopped myself as I noticed that it was Baekhyun's head. He fell asleep all of a sudden.

How can someone fall asleep so fast?! Is he even human?! How?!!!

He started breath deeplyaand slowly and I smiled on sight of it. He was calm and relaxed while sleeping and it calmed me too.

For some moments he just leaned on my shoulder, but then his head got heavier and he almost fell down on the floor. I prevented the fall, I caught him and then pulled him closer between my arms. I placed his body in front of me and his body leaned on mine. His head fell on my shoulder again and after a few moments he snored on.

I don't know how long I stayed there, but I didn't get bored by just sitting there. I kept staring at Baekhyun in the moonlight. Chanyeol what's up with you? You can't just stare at someone! After all not at him! My mind screamed, but I didn't listen to it.

Suddenly Baekhyun tensed in his sleep. The calm feeling faded away and he started muttering something in his sleep.

"Let me go," I caught his words.

"Murderer," the next word came. I was shocked how his words just appeared. What he was dreaming about I had no ideas, but it wasn't nice for sure. He tightened up and every so he moved in my arms.

"Please," he didn't stop talking. His fists tightened he tensed even more. I had to do something.

I hugged him tighter to me and lowered my head to his ear. 

"Shhh, Byun, you will be alright. Don't let the dream hurt you, it's just a dream," I whispered. I am literally talking to a sleeping Byun Baekhyun and telling him to not mind his dream? Wtf is wrong with me?!

Baekhyun tightened up again.

"C-Ch-" I heard him start his word again. "Chanyeol," it fully came.

I was shocked. Did he actaully name me?! I fealt heat going up to my cheeks and I suddenly felt awkward. He could call me 'sir' or 'major Park' in his sleep, but he decided to call my real name. He actually knew what my name was! I never heard him say my name before. 

Baekhyun didn't stop muttering things and it made me more and more worried. His breathing got heavier and deeper. Why am I even worrying over him?!

I whispered again. 

"B-Baekhyun..." I said his name. "It's alright. You are with me,"

He relaxed. I felt how his body lied back on mine and once again breathed with slow motion. He stopped muttering things and lightly slept on.

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!