For You Now

The next round we played against major Zhang's unit, which meant I was about to compete against Kyungsoo's unit again. 

I wasn't really afraid of the fight, because I knew Chanyeol was with me and he really took the game seriously. The guy he had fought some time before really had broken arm so he wouldn't be able to play in the next round. 

"Deep breath!" Chanyeol stepped in front of me and smiled. 

"I am not nervous," I said. 

"Whatever," He replied. "I just want you to be calm. There is only one battle left. I already won against Sehun, soI actually don't care about how this one turns out. I won't be breaking hands anymore." 

"I am just glad you aren't in any other group," I sighed in relief. "You would've literally killed me!" 

"Why do you think so?" 

"We are talking about you!" I pointed at him. "Last time I played this, you told me that you wanted to come in and show everyone how to shoot at boys like me!" 

"I still want to do it!" He said and loaded his gun which sent shivers over my body. Chanyeol looked dangerous with weapon in his hand, completely armed for the fight. He was always big and scary, but now he looked even more menacing. I liked and feared that looks. 

"Please stop it!" I begged. 

"Stop with what? Looking cool and y?" 

"y?" I asked and checked him. He really looked y, but I didn't want to say that. 

"I know you like it," he whispered and looked away, while still smirking proudly. "Anyway, when this starts I want to go in action right away. This time leave Yixing for me, I want to get rid of him on my own." 

"You will get rid of them all on your own," I rolled wit my eyes and got ready to run again. 

"That is true." 

I heard announcement that the game started. I followed Chanyeol right away. I was the most safe and protected around him, but at the same time I wanted to go somewhere by myself and do my best as well without Chanyeol keeping me in his shadow. 

"There they are," Chanyeol whispered when we came closer to the other group. 

Chanyeol leaned to the tree and closed his eyes like he was mentally getting ready for the attack. He prepared his gun and in the next moment he was already shooting. Moving closer to the group of enemies, making them fall in screams one after another. I did the same. Helped him to finish it sooner. 

Somebody suddenly shot to my direction from other side. I turned around and quickly hid behind a tree. 

"Who was that?" Chanyeol asked, loading his gun with new charges. 

"I don't know..." I carefully looked around the tree and in that moment Kyungsoo shot again almost hitting my face. " that is Kyungsoo," I said. 

"Oh, I have to kill him!" Chanyeol said and suddenly moved from his hiding spot. He shot to Kyungsoo’s direction and then again. Approaching closer to my friend, while Kyungsoo was trying to strike as well. 

"Wait, Chanyeol!" I called and moved after him. "Don't hurt—" I was too late. I heard Kyungsoo’s screams, but Chanyeol also looked a bit confused. 

"SAY THANK YOU!!" I heard Jongin's voice. "I just killed my boyfriend!" 

"He was mine!" Chanyeol screamed furiously. "You should have asked if you can do it!" 

"You were obviously struggling, so I did it for you, sir!" Jongin said. 

"You will shut up right now!" Chanyeol said and suddenly aimed for Jongin with his gun. 

"Wow, I am in your— THIS HURTS AS HELL!!" Jongin cursed as he fell after Chanyeol pressed on his trigger. 

"CHANYEOL! JONGIN IS IN OUR UNIT!" I shauted and pulled the gun out of his hands. "Why would you do that?" 

"I enjoy seeing soldiers, which I don't like to suffer in pain, even if they are in my unit," Chanyeol said completely carelessly. "I was thinking about doing it in the first round, but I had to win against Sehun."

"They are my friends!" 

"That makes them even better targets," Chanyeol raised his hands in the air. "Wait no, I need to hit one again!" He said and brought his hand lover, shooting Kyungsoo again with his smaller gun. 

"You know what," I returned him his gun. "I am going!" 

"Yeah, go!" Chanyeol walked backwards. "I am sure you won't last longer than ten minutes!" 

I didn't listen to him, but just walked away, leaving Chanyeol alone with Jongin and Kyungsoo lying on the ground, who were still struggling with tha pain bullets caused. 

I was angry at Chanyeol, but it didn't last long. I wasn't so protected anymore. Chanyeol wasn't there to tell me where to do and how to react. I didn't have anybody who would actually stand by my side. Jongin also wasn't a chance to get somebody who could help me. 

I came across three soldiers from enemy group. I had luck and belated them all. I was really good at aiming and Chanyeol gave me some good instructions, but I still felt uncomfortable without him around. 

I suddenly heard steps not far away from me. I looked around and prepared myself to trigger in any moment. My heartbeat was fast and I wasn't able to breathe properly. 

I clenched my teeth and shot once to get response, but nothing had happened. 

Maybe I was just imaging things when Chanyeol wasn't around. 

I took a deep breath hand moved on. Slowly and quietly. 

I heard the sound of steps again. 

I checked the surroundings for the second time. Nothing seemed to be different, but I knew there was someone following me. 

I told myself to calm down, but it didn't work. I didn't want to be alone. 

"Who is that?" I asked. 

No response. 

"Ch- Chanyeol? Is that you?" 

"Somebody is afraid to be alone," I heard a deep voice. It was Chanyeol. I could've recognised his voice anywhere and any time. "It is nine minutes now." 

My heart literally stopped beating as I heard how he triggered. I didn't even move as the bullet hit my chest. The feeling of pain spread all over my body, pulling me to the ground. I didn't scream, but I collapsed to the ground anyway. 

I saw as Chanyeol approached me with his gun on his shoulders. He was walking closer to me proudly and confidently. 

"I told you you wouldn't last more than ten minutes without me!" he said. 

"I would," I pulled out of myself, trying to ignore the pain the bullet caused. "I could've done it, if you hadn't shot me!" 

He was now quite close to me. "Life is hard," He gave me a big smile. "How does it feel? I put all of my love in that bullet!" 

"Do you want to feel it?" I pointed at him with my gun and his face expression went from happy and proud to scared one. 

A sound of a gun shot mixed with Chanyeol's loud screams. He fell down to the ground and dropped his gun. He grabbed the part of his chest, where I had shot him, and groaned in pain. 

"Tell me how it feels!" I said, while still struggling with my pain. I shot again, making him literally growl because of the effect the bullets had. "Do you feel it better now, huh?" I asked. 

"Baekhyun, stop—" 

I triggered again. 

Chanyeol cursed and ended on the ground motionlessly. His fast breathing was from time to time interrupted by quiet gasps and groans caused by the pain. 

Seeing Chanyeol suffer like that on the same way made me laugh a bit. I actually understood why he liked seeing me like that. 

"Chanyeol?" I asked. "Are you still alive?"

", Baekhyun, this--this ing hurts!" He pulled out of himself and moved his body a bit up. 

"Now you know," I said and took a deep break because he wasn't the only one struggling with pain. The difference was that I had only been shot once and he got hit three times. I actually didn't care about that, because he was probably also three times stronger than I was.

"That is cheating, you know! You were already shot!" He complained and crawled to get closer to me. 

"Do I look as I care?" I asked and hit the ground with my head to forget about the pain. 

Chanyeol was getting closer to me and only stopped when he was already right next to me. He was breathing rapidly. "Baekhyun," he said and moved one of his hand on the other side of me, so he was above me. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"I am talking my revenge," He said and leaned down to me. He kissed me. I felt my heart going crazy and I wanted him to kiss me more. I slightly moved my lips apart, giving him a sign that I didn't want him to stop. He kissed me with more passion, locked my lower lip, like it was for the last time. I reached up to him with my hands to pull him closer, but then he tensed and quietly groaned. "Baekhyun, this hurts!" he said. 

"You can kiss me even if it hurts you," I said and pulled him back in a kiss, making him gasp in pain again. 

"No, my love," He moved away from me and lied on his back, breathing deeply because of the pain. "Was it necessary to shot me three tims?" 

"I enjoyed the sight of you suffering," I said. 

He looked at me seriously. "You are using my way of saying that!" 

"I like it," I shrugged with my shoulders. 

"Does it even hurt you?" 

I was also hurt, but the pain that Chanyeol's bullet caused was slowly starting to fade away, especially after I didn't think about it when he kissed me. "Not much," I said. 

He sighed in disappointment. "I really thought I did something."

"Anyway, the game is going on," he sighed. "I think we already lost..." 

"It is your fault!" I told him. "You shot me and Jongin!" 

"You shot me!" Chanyeol hit my shoulder. "I could've been shooting an all those kids now if you hadn't done that." 

"It is your fault." 

"Maybe a little..." he confessed. "I actually don't care what will be the result. As long as Sehun lost the last game."

"You don't?" I was sure Chanyeol hated losing more than anything. He was a competitive person. Literally the most competitive person I knew and I actually knew quite a lot of people. Jongin and Minho couldn't compare to him. 

"Well, I actually do a lot, but right now I like it here, even though I feel like my chest is burning!! WHY DIDN'T YOU AIM FOR LEGS?!" 


He clenched his teeth, trying to find an excuse for it, but at the end he didn't say anything. 

"We probably should get back..." I said. 


"I am pretty sure they are already looking for us and I actually almost don't feel pain anymore." 

"I would like to stay here with you," Chanyeol covered his face with his hands and passed through his hair, expressing how very annoyed he was by that. "I am not in mood for walking!" 


"What did you just say?" he looked at me with mad expression. 

I stood up mad looked down to him. "Lazy," I repeated myself clearly. "It is a word we use to describe a person who is unwilling to work or use energy. In this case its definition would be Park Chanyeol."

"How dare you!" 

"I can add major to it if it makes you feel any better about it," I continued. 

"I will get you in my hands!" he pulled himself up, trying to stand up, but he was obviously still under the effect of bullets. 

I picked up my gun and pointed at Chanyeol with it. "Do you want it again?" I asked. 

"Are you trying to be me?" He backed away from me. 

"What, are you afraid of me becoming like you?" I raised my eyebrows and smiled a bit, trying to imitate the way he smirked at me all the time. "I thought that was your making goal since the beginning..."

"It was," Chanyeol said. "It is just that I don't really like that gun, especially not if you are holding it like that. It hurts." 

I laughed and put the gun behind my belt. "You are afraid?" I asked. 

"You aren't?" He managed to stand up on his own, even though he was still fighting with pain. "I know what you are afraid of..." 

I looked at him surprised. My biggest fear was definitely Woosuk and I guessed that Chanyeol didn't really know much about him. I just hoped he didn't know that we were brothers. That would just do the things worse, and I also hoped he wasn't going to mention anything about him. "What do you have in mind?" I asked a bit worried. 

"A lot actually," he answered and followed me as I walked back to the camp. "Everything actually from your Traumas and seeings to the fact that you are afraid of telling your friends about our relationship!"

"Pft, I am not afraid of that last one," I rolled with my eyes. 

"Then prove it!" 

I looked at him. I wasn't sure about that at all. Not because I was afraid to tell them, but I was afraid of hearing their reaction. Kyungsoo didn't really like Chanyeol and I was sure Jngin also didn't like him, especially not after he had just shot him in this war game for literally no reason. "I don't think it would be good—" 

"—You are afraid." 

"They don't need to know." 

"You know it is hard to share you with them when they don't know," he looked at me with his eyes widely opened, hoping I would give op. 

"They hate you!" 

"I hate them."

"Fine!" I raised my hands to the air, because I was done with him. "I give up. I will do it!" 

He looked at me surprised and then just stared like that at me for some moments. "Wait seriously?" he asked. 

"You wanted it!" 

He didn't say anything after that. We just went back to the camp together, to see how the game had ended. I wasn't surprised that we didn't win. Without Chanyeol and Jongin we didn't have much chances. 

The rest of the day passed quickly. We had some more trainings and lessons, but I wasn't really bothered by them and the sun quickly fell behind the horizon. 

"I am exhausted," Kyungsoo complained once we were sitting next to the fire. It was very late. Probably much past midnight and most students were already sleeping in their tents, however, Kyungsoo and Jongin had to stay up for some more time, until it would be time for Minho to take his place. 

I didn't go to sleep, because I wanted to be with them for longer. 

"You can lay down and take some rest," I suggested him. 

"Nah, I just wanna talk about todays war games. I feel very proud and honoured that our group won," He laughed. "Now I can use it to brag around."

"I think you didn't do much to achieve this win, Soo," Jongin looked at his boyfriend seriously. 

"Actually true, Zhang did everything. I don't know where majors and general learned to fight on that way!" he said excited about it. "I want to know their ways!" 

"You still have time," Jongin told him. "I guess Park also needed some time to learn all that."

"I could've beat that Park if you hadn't been there. You could've at least let me to get a good shot, I thought we collectively agreed that we don't like him."

"Yeah, I don't like him," Jongin agreed. "He ing shot me! I thought we weren't supposed to harm soldiers from the same group... Did he even understand the rules?" 

"He did," I said and looked at both of them seriously. I didn't want them to think bad about Chanyeol. I knew that they were joking as well, but hearing them talk like that about my Chanyeol hurt. "Sometimes he just wants to enjoy the game." 

"Enjoy?" Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes. "Seriously, Baekhyun?" 

"I know him better than you do." 

He moved closer to me and looked at me with his big eyes. "I want to know something. After you leaved me and Jongin with that giant. Where did you go? And how come you two returned to the camp together, both harmed?" 

"I- I..." my heart started beeting much faster than it should. "He followed me to the woods..." 


"He shot me." 

"I knew it!" Kyungsoo clapped. "Now you understand! He hurt you​​​​​​, so I still don't get why you don't agree with us." 

"Probably because I was the one who shot him three times in return..." I said. 

Jongin suddenly started choking and Kyungsoo was just staring at me.

"I- I thought somebody else got him unprepared!" Jongin almost screamed. 

"You shot him? Wah, that is good! It must have felt good!" 

"It did," I didn't lie, because it had actually felt good when I had shot Chanyeol. 

"Baekhyun, you were doing God's—" 

"—Don't say anything more!" I interrupted Kyungsoo before he could say it to the end. "I think there is something you should know..." 

They looked at me a bit surprised, but gave me all of their attention. "What is it?" Jongin asked. "We are base buddies, so you can tell us anything." 

"But first promise you won't say anything offensive and you mustn't judge!" 

"That depends—" Jongin replied. 


"Okay! Okay! Okay, we promise."

"It is about Chanyeol..." I started. 

"You mean Park?" 

"Well, yeah... You know me and- ummm Chanyeol... Well we are somehow- together.... like for real," I awkwardly said.

Both of them stared at me speechless for some time. They almost didn't even move, like my words had just frozen them in time. 

I pressed my lips together and tried to end the awkwardness. "Did you hear—" 

"—Baek, I think you are not feeling well..." Kyungsoo suddenly said, shaking with his head. 


"—You and Park?! Park Chanyeol?! MAJOR PARK CHANYEOL!!? You are dating him?!" Kyungsoo burst out.

I awkwardly shrugged with my shoulders and nodded.

"Let's get him to doctor Kim, he is here, isn't he?" Jongin suggested, looking at me worried. 

"Common! I am serious. I wasn't really confident about it for some time, but we both seem to be really serious about it now," I said, shaking my head. 

"He is confident about it?! So he is the one that started it?!" Kyungsoo asked curiously. 

"Yea..." I quietly replied.

"He poisoned him!" Jongin cried, placing his hands on his head.

"I think he is under drugs," Kyungsoo added. "He is for sure high as never before!" 

"I am really not." 

"No no no no," Kyungsoo insisted. "You are just confused. You don't even know what you are saying. Do you even hear yourself saying this nonsense? Please say you are joking!" Kyungsoo added shaking my shoulders roughly. 

"Guys! I know what I am saying! Damn, I wish I never old you about it! You are useless!" I ended the argue.

They bot looked at each other in worry, like they would be silently talking about it. I saw their minds screaming about how I needed help and I wished that wasn't true. 

"Sorry, Baek, but I can't not judge you now. Jongin promised that, but I didn't!" 

"Kyungsoo, please," I begged him. 

He clenched his teeth together and took a deep breath. "Okay!" he gave up. "But just because you are my best friend!" 

"Thank you," I sighed, closed my eyes and passed through my hair. 

"Isn't it a bit awkward..." Jongin asked, interrupting a deadly silence. "...To date him? I mean your trainer?"

"It was at first.... But I don't think we shouldn't be together because he is my trainer here," I said and they nodded, trying to understand what I ment.

"What about age difference?" Kyungsoo asked next. "Isn't he like thirty and you still don't even have twenty?" 

"He is twenty four," I said. Chanyeol would've probably broke his neck if he had heard Kyungsoo guessing he was around thirty. "Five years isn't that much!" 

"It is still a lot..."

"It doesn't bother me," I said. "I am an adult." 

"You didn't- umm- do the stuff with him, did you?" Jongin asked on and I felt how I blushed.

I hesitated with answering.

"Byun Baekhyun?!" Kyungsoo looked at me shocked. "Did you—" 

"—No, God! N-Not really... He kissed me..." I said.

"Oh . He kissed you?!" Kyungsoo whined still shocked by it. "A ing Park Chanyeol kissed you!? Gross!" 

"Kyungsoo..." I looked at him seriously to remind him about his promise. 

"I'm sorry, I just can't think about it!" 

"Uff, at least have some respect! Chanyeol kissed me, so what?! I liked it and it isn't that bad as you think!" I said, crossing my arms.

"Actually, now I understand all Ch- major Park thing​​​​​. I knew that you had some kind of closer relationship with him, but I really didn't expect you and him together. On the same way as me and Jongin!" 

"It is kinda surprising, you have to understand why we react on that way," Jongin agreed with him. 

"Now!" Kyungsoo said immediately "You will tell us how was it. All the details please! I did it, when I was explaining about my relationship with Jongin, and I want to get the same back! I guess you have been keeping this a secret for a while! And I don't like it!"

"I don't have to tell you how we kissed!" 

Kyungsoo looked at me with angry face. "You will! Right now and right here! Describe your first kiss!" 

"Well, it was basically just him kissing me," I said as I thought about it. "I didn't really kiss back..." 

"What the hell, Baekhyun! I thought I raised you better! You should have gone for it—" 

"—You are excited about it now?" Jongin asked and I was surprised by Kyungsoo’s reaction as well. "I thought you absolutely hated the fact that they were together..." 

"Shut up, Jongin!" Kyungsoo said. "I still don't like it, but you know that this would be my reaction on any story about making out! Now, back to you, Baekhyun!"

"Well, I didn't kiss him back, because I was shocked, since I wasn't expecting it and I also wasn't really sure what I wanted. But it was a nice kiss." 

"Where was that?"

"Ummm... Fist time in- our room..." I carefully said.

"IN OUR ROOM!" Kyungsoo stormed. "Park was in my room! I knew something smelled bad!" 


"Okay, I won't do it anymore. Park is good! I mean... Chanyeol is the best!" he said, obviously faking it. "What about other times you two kissed?" 

"Two days ago he took me out and drove me to here," I explained. "There he kissed me for the second time." 

"Wait, he took you out? And drove you to here? In his ing expensive car?" Kyungsoo asked. 


"You were in his car!" 

"It actually isn't so nice car. It is big and based as military vehicle... I really don't care about it!" 

"Damn, I am starting to envy you a bit," Kyungsoo crossed his arms. "I have Jongin anyway. But listen to me well right now! If you ever get a chance. that man hard for me!" He laughed. 

Both me and Jongin bursted in awkward laughter. 

"Soo, I think Baek is the bottom..." Jongin said. 

"Like you know! Smaller ones are wilder in bed! I can show you next time, you just have to let me do it!" 

"Deal!" Jongin said. "Now back to, Baekhyun!" he looked at me again. "You know I also can't stop judging you for this. How can you like Park, if he is literally the most annoying trainer here around? In just these two days he took our beer and hid it god knows where, told us to go to general Oh, where we had to listen how he once got high on the same way and got beaten for it, today we lost because he got in a mood and shot me for no reason."

"He is not like that... Well he is, but I understand him and I actually like it."

"You like it? God knows what he did with our previous drink!" 

"Actually he came to me after that, drinking it." I explained. "He shared it with me and actually left the rest for me, but I didn't want you two to know..." 

Kyungsoo shot me an angry look. "I will pretend that I am surprised to hear that." he said. "You are privileged in this case. He drives you around in his car, he gives you alcohol he takes from other students..." 

"I don't want any of this. I like him, because he is himself and he is actually pretty romantic..." 

"Park romantic?" Jongin asked. "Kyungsoo, do you think I am romantic?" 

"You are not. But I still love you!" Kyungsoo answered and then looked at me. "Does he have any signs of wanting to go deeper into the relationship... I mean- ugh- deeper into you?" 

", Kyungsoo, do you really have to be like that? I am not doing any of it!" I said, blushing again. 

"Awww, boring. Well, if you ever change your mind... Tell me! What about your Chanyeol? Is he needy?" Kyungsoo raised his eyebrow, glaring at me seriously. 

"God no he isn't!" 

"You should seduce him," Jongin said. "I wonder how wild can somebody like him get..." 

"Shut up!" I protested. 

"Actually, Baekhyun, I think you should keep condoms with you! God knows what this guy has!" my best friend said.

"Damn, Soo. I am not making out with him yet!" I was almost shouting at him, but I knew I had to be quiet, because I didn't want everyone to know about me and Chanyeol. 

Kyungsoo didn't mind for my words and just continued. "Do you even have the right size for Chanyeol? What is his size?!" Jongin asked. "Do I even want to know?" 

"No, you don't and I also don't!" I argued

"Ummm... Guess he is big? How big condoms can you even get here?" Jongin asked like it was not a awkward topic.

"He is not big! He is a , that is the main reason why you even need condoms!" Kyungsoo crossed his arms, thinking about it. "Baekhyun, how big are you?" 

I widened my eyes and for some time just stared at him shocked. My size? "You don't need to know," I said awkwardly. "We will end this conversation here! I am not telling you any more. All you two need to know is that I am dating Park Chanyeol, that I don't want you two to talk bad about him and that you have to keep that for yourself. Maybe you can tell Minseok, because I trust him and he probably wouldn't go around talking about it. I told you that just because you are my best friends!"

"Okay!" Kyungsoo rises his hands to the air, like he had been arrested. "But that doesn't mean I won't be asking about your activities with Park. You know for me, so I want to know as well!" 

"My activities?" 

"Damn, Baekhyun, I want to know when he will break, kiss you like never before, go down to your neck, push you to his bed, ripped those clothes of yours off you and pushed—" 

"—Don't say it!" 

"Fine," he fave up. "I bet you won't last long without breaking as well. I will make sure to get details of it! Now I think it is time for us to really end this conversation, because Minho is coming and I want to sleep!" 

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!