eleven - i'm sorry

The Crash

11 – I’M SORRY


Taeyeon doesn’t want to leave Tiffany’s side despite being ordered by his doctors to go back to his own room. He is known to his friends to be very stubborn at times.


They all gave up on him as they allow him to stay for the night and the nurses reminds him to be back on his own room the morning after for his test.


Yuri and Sooyoung are both very tired and sleepy to even argue with him. So, they just let him look after Tiffany for the rest of the night hoping that when they wake up, Tiffany too is also awake.


It’s already 2 in the morning and Taeyeon is fighting himself to stay awake and eyes wide open. He doesn’t want to sleep because he wants to look after her all throughout the night.


With a lot that had happened that day, sleep took over him. He finally let himself to sleep with one of his arms is laying on top of Tiffany so that in case she moves he can be aware of it.


When everyone inside the room is dead asleep, unknown to them is that Tiffany is slowly regaining consciousness. She is slowly opening her eyes while adjusting on the dim lights inside.

Tiffany cannot recall what happened to her after they arrived at the hospital. All that she can remember is how she felt so weak then everything went blank. Her eyes are roaming around the room and she saw Sooyoung and Yuri both sleeping together on the couch.


She then notices something heavy resting on her stomach and that is when she realizes that there is a fourth person inside her room. Slowly and very careful she lifts the arm of the unknown person.


She saw that the person also has an IV inserted on his hand. Upon feeling a movement, Taeyeon opens his eyes and as soon as he did, their eyes met again after being separated on the island. It was a mix emotion for them especially for Tiffany. She is sad, hurt and disappointed on him.


“How are you feeling?” he asks her


“I’m fine. What are you doing here? Why are you here?”


Taeyeon can feel that Tiffany doesn’t want to see him and talk to him with the way she asked him that. He sighs and look down. “I am worried about you when I learned about your condition. I’m sorry”


Yuri and Sooyoung are now awake and both pretending to be asleep because they want to hear what the two will talk about. They are curious with what they will say to each other.

“I’m okay now. I am no longer your responsibility so; you can go now…again” Tiffany manages to tell him that straight to his face with her still weak body. She didn’t know what to feel and do anymore and other than to go home and be alone.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to leave you there alone. If only I had the chance, I will swim back to you but I didn’t. I’m sorry. I really am sorry for what happened to you, Tiffany” Taeyeon is fighting back his tears but he is to hurt to even stop himself. “S-sorry”


Tiffany finally looks at him and she can see the fears and hurt in his eyes that is being covered with the strings of tears. She is biting her trembling lips.


She is thinking what she will do because she knows that she has to do something and with what decision she is about to make, she knows that it could end everything that she wants or they can continue what they already started to build at the island.


Minutes passed by with no words coming from Tiffany and Taeyeon knows that there is nothing he can do at that moment other than to go back to his own room. “I will inform your nurses that you are awake on way my out. I shall not disturb you anymore”


Taeyeon get up from his seat and was about to turn his back when suddenly he felt a hand stopping him from walking away.

He turns around and saw Tiffany holding the hem of his hospital gown, “Hey! Why are you crying? Don’t cry” he worriedly returns to her side and sits on the bed while wiping her tears.


Tiffany holds both of his hand and starts crying so hard again. “I don’t know why I am being like this. I don’t know why I am acting like this!”


“It’s okay. Don’t think about it that much. Just be well and you will be fine after”


“I don’t want to see you anymore after what you did to me. But thinking about not seeing you again is driving me crazy!” Tiffany says in between her sobs and Taeyeon just hug her.


He his rubbing her back to calm her down and to tell her that everything is okay. "Think about it after but for now, focus on being healthy again. We will have a talk after but not now. Stop crying now”


Tiffany breaks their hug to wipe her face. “I want to be mad at you but I can’t!”


“Because you will miss gawking at my body” Taeyeon decided to just to change the atmosphere and it works because Tiffany is now smiling at him.


Tiffany punch him on the chest “Shut up! They stare at each other for a moment before both of them leans in for a kiss on the lips. A short kiss that is enough for them.


Their friends who are pretending to be sleeping finally decided to end the reunion after seeing them kiss that creates a lot of questions instead of giving them answers.


Yuri opens all the lights inside the room while Sooyoung is standing on the edge of the bed with her arms crossed. She is looking at her friend. “Care to explain why the two of are kissing like that?”


And it woke the two up who are in their own world already that they forgot the other two who is with them inside the room.


Tiffany pushes Taeyeon away from her before looking at her best friend Sooyoung. “Lay down and I will inform your nurses”


Sooyoung left and return with the nurses and doctors who immediately checks on Tiffany’s condition. The room fell into complete silence while waiting for the doctors to finish what they are doing.


“We will take Tiffany now to have her CT scan and MRI. And also, we will do an extensive ultra sound check on her abdomen” Dr. Park informs them as the nurses are preparing to bring her to the lab.

Before they went out of the room, Dr. Park look at Taeyeon. “Mr. Kim, you should go back to your room now. Dr. Andrews is already here scheduling your tests later”


When it was the three of them inside the room, Sooyoung is looking at Taeyeon intensely. She already suspected that there is something going on between the two of them but not to that extent that they will be kissing now.


Sooyoung acts like Tiffany’s mother when both of her parents died on a plane crash years ago. She became very protective of Tiffany since then and especially when people around her are trying to take advantage of her.


Tiffany’s parents left her some properties and a huge amount of money that can last her 2 years without even working and that is what her relatives are after her. All if them wants to get a share of that money.


Tiffany asked Sooyoung to help her with her inheritance because after the firm were stripped from her, they started to make a move to get her house and money.


Since then, Sooyoung has been very cautious of those people who is befriending Tiffany or those who wants to date her.


Almost all of them only wants to be with her because of her money if not they will lure her to invest on something bogus. Because of that, Tiffany closes all her doors and wouldn’t let anyone to enter her life.


Sooyoung’s concern is that Tiffany will fall hard on the ground again in the event that Taeyeon will turn out to be just like them.


They are moving so fast without even knowing each other that well. Sooyoung is not against Taeyeon but she can feel something bad with how fast their relationship is going.


“Yuri, you should bring him back to his room before his family returns” she tells him before grabbing her phone.


Taeyeon is thinks that she is thinking that I am thanking advantage of her friend. “I can explain what you saw. I am not taking advantage of her nor I am forcing her. It’s just-“


Sooyoung cuts him, “You don’t have to explain it to me. Just give me some time to talk to her because to be honest, I don’t like how fast the two of you moving with whatever relationship you both have right now. I’m sorry, Taeyeon but you should go back to your room now”


The two men walks out of the room with Taeyeon hanging his head ow, “I’m sorry, Taeyeon. I just want to make sure that Tiffany is in good hands and safe with you and that you can be her lights in her already dark moment. I am not afraid of you but those people around you that I know is capable of hurting her” Sooyoung says while looking at the closed door


Back on Taeyeon’s room, Yuri is so eager to asks his friend about everything because he is now convinced that there is more that they are not willing to tell anyone.


“Taeng, we’ve known each other for 10 years and I’ve seen you fall in love before but now it makes me wonder what happens to you. You are not like this before even when you are dating Jessica. So, what’s up?”


Taeyeon look up at the ceiling, “With all that I’ve been through before with my past relationship, you know how badly hurt I was with the last one. So, I made a promise to myself not look at some on their outer appearance”


“That’s my mistake with Jessica. I failed to look at her inner beauty, her inner self but man, Tiffany is something else, she is different with those I met before. With Tiffany, she makes me fall for her inner beauty with that small span of time”


“Tiffany is what every man’s dream girl. She has a pure and beautiful heart. She can give you nothing but contentment, she will make you want to protect her without her even asking you to do it. It comes naturally”

“A beautiful soul with an angelic face. I know she is the missing piece that I need to complete my shattered heart. I will do anything that I can just to be with her because without her, there is no happiness, no life” Taeyeon tells Yuri all that with the imagine of Tiffany smiling at him is playing on his mind.


As what Yuri expected, the door opens right after Taeyeon stops talking. Yuri has a smirk on his face upon seeing Jessica.


He is looking at her, silently telling her ‘I’m sorry but you have no chance to get him back’




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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1120 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story