28 - no one's gonna hurt you now

The Crash


The next day, Tiffany is working on her laptop. Even though it is Saturday morning, she need to do something while waiting for Taeyeon to wake up. He’s been sleeping for so long and the doctor assured her that there is nothing that she needs to worry. The amount of painkillers that they injected on him is what keeping him from staying awake.


She is doing a report that will terminate all contracts with the T.K enterprises. She is determine to put an end to everything that is hurting her man. It’s about time that she will do something to protect him like he protected him. Tiffany also forwarded some documents to her legal team because she will not pay them anything for the penalties of the contract, they already took a lot from her company that is enough.


As for Kyung Tae, she will be the one to present the consequences of his actions. She will make sure that he will pay big for hurting Taeyeon physically and mentally. She is confident that she can put an end to him agonizing Taeyeon.

With the connections from her uncles, Tiffany manages to get the documents that will prove that Kyung Tae took a loan under Taeyeon’s name without his permission and they also found out that his dad knew the person who approved it without a questions. 



“You’re finally awake. Don’t move, love”, she closes her laptop and goes to Taeyeon’s side who is trying to move his body.

Tiffany help him up to sit but she do that Taeyeon can’t stop whimpering due to the aftermath of his injuries. He is holding on to his ribs. “What uh, what time is it?”, he can barely speak

“It’s already 3pm. Do you want some water?”, she ask him and he only nodded. “Here, slowly- How are you feeling?”,

“Good but I can’t move that much. Ugh! D-did you already eat?”, he asks

Despite not feeling really well, Taeyeon still didn’t forget to ask her about that because he knows that Tiffany doesn’t really wanna eat if she’s thinking too much. “Uh-um, yeah. The doctor said that we can go home tomorrow”,

“Look at me. You’re lying, right? When was the last time you eat? Fany-ah, I’m okay now”, he sigh feeling guilty. He force himself to move on his left and asked Tiffany to sit beside him. “I’m sorry for making you worried. If only I choose to talk to you yesterday- if only I went home and drink”,

“You don’t have to apologize to me. What’s important is that you’re alive. Love, tell me what happened that night and who did this to you?”, Tiffany still asks him despite knowing already the event of last night.

Taeyeon tookdeep breath. He wanted to hold his girlfriend but he can really move his upper body. “Went to the bar to think. You know how harsh those words that is spreading around the office. I just wanted to forget it for awhile. I am really not that drunk time bit but I had few drinks already. He- uhm, he saw me there”,

“I don’t want to talk to him or either see his face that’s why I walk away. When I’m on my way out to go home, he held me on the arms. I remember him punched me once then I fought back. Then he kept going. I can’t remember everything but one thing I am so sure is that all of them are monsters, heartless. They used me as a pawn!”,


“What do you mean? What did he say?”, Tiffany have a gut feeling that there is more to what she already know. 


“Jessica and Kyung Tae are married. They’ve been together even before we started dating. Our dads are friends and they have this kind of agreement. My dad’s company just is really not that big. I don’t have any idea that it was them that I am dealing with. Mr.Jung will always be the one to attend the meetings even though it was my job”,


Taeyeon whimper again holding his head but that didn’t stop him from telling everything to her. “I admit that I am distracted with work before because Jessica became the center of my world. There are some documents that I didn’t really check and I just signed it. You know the feeling of wishing to be loved and then you have it makes you create a world that was only the two of you exists. And that is the biggest mistake that I did. I should’ve known it from the start. Dad, mom Mr.Jung, Jessica, Kyung Tae used me as their pawn for their business. But now that I know it all, I just want to forget that they were once part of my life. I will be a much better man for you and winter”,


“Hold on. You mean to say that all the proposals and contracts is signed by you before the higher ups will sign it?”, Tiffany asks


“Yes because you know that I also handled the rnd department so, Mr.Jung gave me the authority to review and approve those”, he sadly replies feeling guilty because he just realized that he is part of the downfall of the company. “I’m sorry, without me knowing it your company will not be where it is right now. If it wasn’t for me they will not be able to steal from your company”,


Tiffany is in dilemma. She can’t press charges against them because Taeyeon will also be dragged by it as he is one of those who signed the proposals. Even though he is innocent, she needed more evidence to acquit him or she won’t pursue the lawsuit and think of another way to make them pay.

“This is not your fault. They made you commit that. Just like the company you’re also a victim of their evil and greedy motives. Don’t worry about it. Focus on your recovery and leave everything to me. No one’s gonna hurt you now that I am here”, she told him while his hair.


“Thank you but you don’t have to do that. I’m okay now after knowing everything,I can finally move on. I can now stop blaming myself for thinking that I messed up and that I caused my life to fall apart. You being here with me now is what matter most to me. You make me feel loved and worth it”, 

“Your brother is the one who is worthless not you. You are more than who you think you are. You are greater than what you think you are. You are worth it of everything. I love you”,

They stayed quiet for a while. Both still sitting side by side with their heads resting on one another. Taeyeon is thinking of closing that chapter of his life and open a new one with Tiffany and his daughter while Tiffany is thinking of a way that will prevent all those people from coming after her man again.

“Fany-ah, I am thinking on leaving the company. I don’t think I can still work there anymore”,


“What? If this is because of those people talking bad about you, then I won’t let you. Love, I need you there with me. We need your knowledge and skills to produce products that will be essential to many people. We need you”, 

“I am tired of proving myself to everyone. I’ve been living my life trying to let them know who is the real me and not what others painted of me. I want to rest for awhile and think of what I really want to do. Look, you can have a full time driver,cook,cleaner and everything”, Taeyeon tries to be a cheerful as he was before. 


Tiffany didn’t answer him back instead she look at him trying to find a hint that he didn’t mean what he just told her but there is none. Listening to his story and looking back to what he’s been through, she realize that he badly needed a time out. 

“What if I let you take a indefinite leave and come back when your ready? How about that? I really need you at the company, you are our best asset, love”,

“Okay. I can still help you with work and you can bring some if you are really exhausted. It’s settled! Now, get your out of here and get something to eat. I know you’ve been trying to lost weight because you gain a lot since we started living together!”

And that earn him a slap on his arm. “Hey! Don’t hit me, I am still weak!”,

“Shut up! I can beat you up too. Don’t you dare say that again. I did not-“, Tiffany look away and look at herself. “Fine. I did gained, why do you have any problem with that?”,

“Absolutely none. You are still the most beautiful girl in the world. The iest woman alive with a little bit of cute fats- Ouch, I’m sorry! I won’t tease you again. Stop stop stop!”, he is covering his right arm that has a cast on it because Tiffany is hitting him.

He did that to let the bad atmosphere in there to go away. Taeyeon wants her to forget the awful scene that she saw when she picked him up at the bar. He wanted them to be back before it happens.



Monday comes, Tiffany doesn't want to let Taeyeon be alone at their house because he still can't get up on his own due to his swollen ribs. Before going home the other day, they notice big bruises on his thigh and knees that according to Taeyeon is where Kyung Tae kicked him several times and also had stepped on him.



The absence of Taeyeon at the company sparks another rumor that maybe Tiffany dumped him too just like what Jessica did before.



At first, Tiffany can still tolerate everything that she's been hearing because they needed to stay professional but it all changes after the incident.



She is on her way to the meeting when she passed by a group of employees talking. It was okay for her because maybe they are just discussing some work-related stuff. But her ears perked when she hear Taeyeon's name.



"Looks like the high and might Taeyeon fell again. It's happening again", a guy said



"Probably healing his broken hearts. Told you it's not always working; "when in debt, find a rich girl", 



Then all of them laugh at what the senior employee said. Tiffany already checked the profile of all the employees that were already at the company at the start. She knew that those groups are all expecting a promotion too but Taeyeon beat them all.



Tiffany won't let it slide this time. She needs to step up and let them know who they are dealing with. "If I am not mistaken it is still working hours. Is it part of your job description to gossip about your colleagues?",



"I'm sorry, Ms.Hwang", they all said at the same time with their heads low



"Everyone listen!", she raises her voice in which startled the employees in that area. "You all think that I am a pushover for not acting on all those baseless rumors that some of you have been spreading? This will be the first and last time that I am going to speak about this matter!",



The guilty employees suddenly can feel all the hair on their bodies is raising. They always see her smiling at them, greeting them politely but what they are seeing now is the same opposite of that. 



"What happens in the past should stay on it. What happened in the past is a history that we all should have learned from it. And Taeyeon already learned from it and he's been trying his best to move on from that", 



She took a few glanced at those she caught talking behind Taeyeon's back before she continues. " Some of you might have been thinking that he only got his position because he seduce someone in this company. He landed in that position because he worked so hard without stepping on anyone or talking behind their backs. Taeyeon is not like someone of you and he will never be like those people", 



"And lastly, Taeyeon is on leave because he is heart broken. He is on leave because he just got out from the hospital and needed a long time of healing. The reason why he is hospitalized is private. And oh, let me just clear something. This is the second time that I hear this phrase 'when in debt, find a rich girl'. I won't name the person responsible for this kind of nonsense thing but my advice, why don't you do that so that you can pay your overdue company loan",



The senior suddenly walk away. He can even lift up his head. His juniors are looking at him and some are shaking their heads. "Go back to work. Your whole department, I expect all the reports which is due next week to be on my table by Friday. This may serve as a reminder to all of you and those at the other department, if you don't have anything good to say to others just keep it to yourself. One more thing, I did not dumped Taeyeon", 



With all that and said, Tiffany starts walking away from them hoping that they clearly got her message. Don't mess with her man. 



"Ms.Tiffany, is Taengo okay?", YoonA ask being one of Taeyeon's friend. 



"He is okay now but he was beaten so bad. But don't worry about him he is having the time of his life at home except that he's having a hard time holding his controller", 



"I think I already knew who did that and he is here", YoonA said before opening the door for her boss



Tiffany can feel that all the blood on her body went up to her head. She is not expecting to deal with everything all at once. She wants to do it one by one. "YoonA, please cancel all my other schedule after this. I will need a breather after this" 


Meeting with T.K enterprises. She only invited Mr.Kim who is the President of that small company but to her surprise the whole Kim family are there including Kyung Tae that really makes her blood boiling. She can tell that he is checking her out with a smirk on his face that disgust her.

She forced herself to give them a warm smile as her greetings. “Oh, I didn’t expect to meet the whole family today. Welcome to our company, I’m Tiffany Hwang”, she offer her hand to them except for Kyung Tae

“Nice to finally meet you, Ms.Hwang”, Mr.Kim greeted her. “By the way this is my beautiful wife and this-is my son Kyung Tae”,

Tiffany can feel that he is up to something with how he is introducing his son to her. Then Kyung Tae walks to her and grab her hand before kissing the back of her hand. “I thought that they are only exaggerating when they say how beautiful you are but I guess the rumors about you are true. Such a lovely lady, I’m Kim Kyung Tae or Kevin Kim”,


“Shall we get to our agenda for today?”, she said while pulling her hand away from his hold. Under the table Tiffany is wiping her hand. “As you can see I have with me our company lawyer to listen to what I am going to discuss with you today”,


And that makes Mr.Kim uneasy like he is already expecting it already. “Okay”,

“As you all know already, I am the new Chairman of this company and Mr.Jung is no longer here. All the transactions and contracts from the past years are all reviewed by me. And I noticed that your company signed a 10 year contract with us to be our suppliers for some of the electronic parts. I am just wondering how did you manage to land that very long contract if the company policy is only to have 3 years maximum before renewing it if possible”, she pinpoint 


The Kims look really nervous but Kyung Tae has his own agenda which is to flirt with Tiffany without knowing who she really was. Seeing how he kept on looking at her, Tiffany purposely let her right hand on the table showing her gold ring.

“I guess we just got lucky to have the trust of Mr.Jung back then. He saw the potential and we are the only who can meet the demands”,

“I see but don’t you know that it was illegal in our company. And also, I found some discrepancies with the approved proposal that Mr.Kim signed versus the actual contract”, she said before lining up the documents on the table. 

Mr.Kim and Mrs.Kim took some documents each and both of them look at each other. “We- Uhm. I don’t know how this happens. We didn’t really pay attention to the content of the contract because we were already aware of the content of the proposals”,

“Since you landed a contract in my company and with only 3 years here if I will add up the amount that you are supposed to earn from it will be roughly around 3 billion won,1 billion per year and it depends on the demands of the supply. But how can you explain the 6 billion won that went in to your account from my company?”, 

Tiffany did her assignment very well and found out everything about that bogus contract between them and Mr.Jung. “You got double of what you are supposed to get all those years. And do you think that you still can away with that again this year?”,


“W-what do you mean?”, Mr.Kim ask while looking so agitated 


“Our new President saw the proposals and contracts for this year. Just like the previous years, the amount on the proposal and the contract that was submitted doubled again. Don’t you think that we will never notice how you and Mr.Jung has been stealing from our company?”, Tiffany raises her voice letting them know that she is not what she think she is.

“This is a heavy accusation, Ms.Hwang. You might need an evidence to support this”, Mr.Kim comes up with a defense


Tiffany look at their company lawyer who took some papers from his folder. “These are the statements from those people who are involved in this scheme. They already confesses that Mr.Jung and you both wrote those contracts and they only signed it in exchange of 500 thousand won”,


“As the Chairman and owner of this company, I hereby inform you that Hwang-Jung Technology is terminating all the contracts between T.K Enterprises effective this very minute and you will no longer be able to apply for any biddings that our company will be having. Enough is enough!“,


“Do you think you can easily do that? You have to pay for the penalty of terminating the contract”,

She smile like as what she expected him to say. He really won’t go without getting more money from her company. “1 billion won if the contract will be terminated by one party. You thought I wouldn’t know that? Okay, let’s do some math, your company already stolen 6 billion in my company then if I have to pay you for the penalty, how about you give me back our 5 billion? Fair enough right, 6 minus 1 is 5”,

“You!”, Mr.Kim slams his hand on the table while her wife is trying to calm her. “Go bring Taeyeon here! He can testify against this allegations!”,


And that was it for Tiffany when her man’s name was brought up. She asked the lawyer to give her the documents before telling him that he can go. As soon as the door closes, Tiffany is no longer the Chairman who is in front of them. She is simply Tiffany Hwang the girlfriend of Kim Taeyeon.

“If I press charges against your company rest assured that your business is done for good. But I will not do that because of those innocent people that will lose their jobs because of their boss stole billions from it’s customer. I am giving you options now, sign this document stating that both parties are terminating the contracts and no penalties shall be paid by either party. Or don’t sign this and I will see you in court. Your call”,

She can see the anger in their eyes while reading the document. That is only for what they did to her dad’s company and she is not yet done with because part two is for Taeyeon.

“Bring Taeyeon here now. I need to talk to him”,

“Dad, why do want to talk to him? Can you see he is useless? I told you he is nothing you just wasted your time on him. Uhm, Ms.Hwang would you like to have a coffee with me? You know let’s talk about all of this outside this room”, Kyung Tae suddenly butts in. 

Tiffany wants to play along with him for the meantime as she gives him her infamous eye smile. “I think we can do that some other time if there will be. Now that you mentioned Taeyeon’s name. You want to talk to him, why? So that you will used him again , so that he will lie for you? Come on, give him a break”,


“Stop right there. You don’t know anything! He is my son and he can testify that this is all Mr.Jung’s idea”, Mr.Kim replies with his finger pointing at Tiffany.

“You really think that I don’t know anything? If I tell you that I know that Taeyeon is only your adopted son. If I tell you that I know that you abandoned him when your real son returns. If I tell you that you and Mr.Jung set up Taeyeon to meet Jessica so that your plan will be done without being caught”,

And that made all three of them looks so terrified with their eyes so wide. “H-how?! Who are you really?”,

“I am someone who knows all your dirty secrets. I am not speaking as the Chairman of this company. I am speaking as someone who knows everything that you did to Taeyeon. I want to ask you both as his parents. Why did you not listen to him when he told you about everything that his brother is doing to him?”,

“Because Kyung Tae will never lie to us and there is no need for him to do that. Taeyeon always get what he wants when he was a kid but when his brother came he wanted to do nothing with him! He is not our son that we raised!”, Mr.Kim still defending his son


Tiffany saw Kyung Tae smirking while his dad is talking which proves that Taeyeon is telling her the truth that his brother brainwashed their parents to push him away from the family that he grew up with. She is so disappointed because there is no hint of concern or love for Taeyeon in their eyes.

“You really believe that? If I tell you that Taeyeon is telling you the truth all this time, will you still stand beside your  real son?”,

“Wait, why all of a sudden it shifted on me? I did not do anything!”, Kyung Tae shouted at her

“Are you really sure you didn’t do anything? How about the 50 million won loan that you took out using Taeyeon’s name? How will you explain that because I have here in my hand the evidence that will prove this!”, and that shut him up. “As their parents you didn’t do anything about that! You believe in that son of yours while letting your other son to suffer from something that he did not do!”,

Tiffany took a deep breath as her patiences is running low with that family. “Taeyeon has been paying that big debt because you didn’t listen to him! You didn’t believe in him! And you, Kim Kyung Tae, what did Taeyeon do to you?!”,

“Looking at your bruises on the face is enough for me to file a criminal charges against for assaulting Taeyeon last Friday night. You think you can get away with that? Taeyeon is not here at the company today, he is on indefinite leave because he just got out of the hospital!”,


“W-what? Is he okay? What happened to him?”, it was the first time Mrs.Kim has spoken during that whole time and she is concern about Taeyeon.


“Taeyeon sustained a big cut on his upper left eye which requires 15 stiches. A broken right hand. A bruise knees. And a broken ribs due to the extensive kicking of someone who is triple his size. What can you say about it, Kyung Tae? He is trying to leave that place because he doesn’t want to see you nor talk to you and yet you beat the hell out of him! What for?! What do you really from him? You already have your family, you’ve got money and he got nothing!”,


That is a shocking information that Mrs.Kim cannot fully grasp. She began questioning herself about everything that had happened to their family especially to Taeyeon. “Kyung Tae, is that true?”, she ask her son 


“She’s making it up! She’s lying just like how Taeyeon lied to you!”,


“We already gathered evidence against you. Statements from the witnesses and a video of you beating him up! You’re a monster, an evil monster who manipulates the people around you! You’ve been telling Taeyeon that he is nothing and worthless when in fact it is you who nothing without your parents. You can’t even find a job!”,


Kyung Tae is so mad that he suddenly got up from his that terrifies Tiffany because he might hit her like how he did to Taeyeon. His pretty face turn into a monster. “Yes, I did that. I took out 50 million won loan in his name. I beat him up. So what? I will do that over an over again until I will no longer see him again!”,

Then a slap echoed inside the room. Mrs.Kim just slapped her son across his face. The anger on Mrs.Kim’s eyes is so scary that even her husband cannot utter any word. “How dare you? We gave you everything that you want but why did you do that to your brother? Tell me, Kyung Tae! What did Taeyeon do to you?!”,


“Shut up! Tiffany, I am giving you permission to do what you have to do because this time I will not tolerate him! He needs to learn his lessons!”,

“Honey!”, Mr.Kim grab her arm to make her stop but Mrs.Kim is determined to do the right thing.

Mrs.Kim forcefully took her arm away from his hold while looking at him with so much disgust. “I’ve been nothing but a supportive wife to you. I tolerated everything. I believe in you. But what did you do? You’re stealing from another company using your own son? How can you call yourself a father! And you, Kyung Tae! Starting today, you will no longer be receiving anything from us! Find a way to keep that lavish life of yours with your wife! Tiffany sue them!”,


“I can’t, Mrs.Kim”,

“Why not? You’ve got all the evidence”,

“Taeyeon doesn’t want to take revenge because you are still his family. All that he wants to do is to forget everything and move. He wants a fresh new start away from all of you. That is what he wants. Taeyeon is a good person. I hope you will see that too”, Tiffany tells them


Mrs.Kim acknowledge what his son wants because they cannot blame him for what they have done to him since he was a child. She feels so bad and sad for what happened to him. The beating is uncalled for. “Tiffany, how did you know about all of this?”,

“Taeyeon told me about it. Your son and I are together”, she showed them her ring. “This is the least that I can do to help him move on. I have to do this for us to be able to start our family. All I wanted is for you to set him free and let him go”,

“Tell him that mom is so sorry”, Mrs.Kim wipes her tears. “Sign everything that you need!”, she orders her husband and son


At least someone from that family really do love him, that is what Tiffany concluded.

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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1120 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story