Five - Day 4

The Crash

Day 4

"Any updates? Please even a tiny bit of news" Sooyoung pleaded with her investigator. She knows the probability of not finding her sooner will  result in a very bad situation for Tiffany. 

"I'm sorry but we still can't start the search. The storm has been making it impossible for any rescuer to enter the zone. But I assure you that once it's more calm, my team will scour the perimeter as soon as possible" 

"Alright. Just keep me posted. Thank you"

The investigator left after and Sooyoung released a deep sigh. She's doing everything she can for Tiffany because no one is there to help her. What's make her even mad was a papers were sent to her by Tiffany's relatives. 

The house were she grew up and the only memory of her parents left to her, they still wanna get it to her. The greed is overpowering blood. All that they care about is to have what their sister and brother made not for them but for their only daughter. 


"Hi, Atty.Smith...Yes, this is Choi Sooyoung... I sent you an email. I need your help and if you needed some other documents just ring me up. I have all the original documents... Yes thank you. You're the only one I could trust... This is something very important" Sooyoung says on the phone. 

Tiffany's relatives is fighting over the glass mansion that has a street value of 8.5M dollars. They doesn't want the house, they just wanted the money. 

Her office phone rings. "Ms. Choi, the Hwang's legal attorney is on the other line. He's asking you to give them the papers that his clients has rights to have or else they will ask a court order to seize those documents" 

Sooyoung laugh sarcastically "Tell them that they can't treathen me. Just tell him that my lawyer will be in touch with him. And also tell him, whatever Tiffany has will stay with her name for as long as I live" 

She hang up and went back to work. They already expected that to happen. Just a few months after Tiffany legally acquired some assets of her parents that was left for her, they  all transferred it to Tiffany's name. 

And also Tiffany made a last will and testament stating that everything she owns will all go to Sooyoung, the only one that she can trust. But this doesn't mean that Sooyoung has a hidden motives, instead they did this to prevent those greedy relatives to enjoy all of those. 

Instead of doing her pending works, Sooyoung found herself browsing about any news regarding the crash. She stumbled upon a recent interview of some Survivors that cannot express how thankful they were for Tiffany and a man named Taeyeon. 

"Tiffany would be so happy to see this. Wow. Almost all of them tattooed their names.Wait, I need to have that story book." she's referring to sketches of one of the Survivors that detailed the epic rescue efforts of those two. 


Back on the Island 

"Taeyeon dinners ready!" she yell at him who is still playing with some stones and sands like a kid who's having a vacation on a beach. 

They finally figure out how they will be able to cook the ramen that was inside those luggage that they managed to rescue. Tiffany found some very sharp edged stones that she used to cut the coconut to have a small bowl out of it. 

Taeyeon help her doing that and they enjoyed doing it but not the small cuts and blisters they got while doing it. Slowly as days goes by, they are getting more and more comfortable with each other. They started getting to know each other and share some stories about their lives before the accident. 

"Wow! You really cooked it so well... Finally I can have a taste of my favorite food" Taeyeon exclaimed while smelling the ramen that she cooked for them. 

"Should I cook another one? I think you will finish all of these in one sitting" she and he just smile at her. 

"No this is enough. We have to save those for layers besides I am starting to get used with eating bananas all day long. Let's dig in" 

Tiffany is staring at him while he starts eating using their improvised chopsticks made of some branches that they trimmed down. She's thinking what if Taeyeon wasn't the one who's sitting beside her that day, will she be able to survive or she will be with her parents right now. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Taeyeon notices that she's been staring at him for quite awhile with some deep thoughts running around her head. 

Tiffany went back to her senses upon hearing his voice "I'm fine..." 

"Alright go taste it, it's so delicious... I remember mom always scold me whenever she will find my ramen stash underneath my bed" 

"Why are you hiding it under your bed? Mine is on the drawer of my study table with some books on top of it" Tiffany says while laughing remembering how she used to hide those from her mom. 

"Mom can easily find it if I hide on some drawers. But she still does" Taeyeon said as he gulped down his ramen and burp so hard. He looks so embarrassed but Tiffany just laugh at him. "Sorry" 

"Eating ramen won't be very satisfying without burping like that after" 

Taeyeon look at her and smile sadly "You know that's what my mom said to me every time I do that... I miss mom and dad" 

"You seems to be so close with them?" Tiffany ask. It's rare to know a man like him to be that close with his parents because she knows a lot of men that don't give a about their parents after getting a high paying jobs or having a more comfortable life away from them. 

" I am an only child. We are all both very busy with our own jobs but still we always see to it that we will ring each other every day just to give an update with stuffs or anything...I wish someone will come and find us because I'm sure they are so worried about me. It's been 4 days since the accident and it has been 2 months and 4 days since the last time we saw each other"

"Your parents is so lucky to have a son like you. It's not everyday that someone is fortunate enough like you to be able to feel and have a family that you can always run to and to experience the unconditional love that every parents have for their children...Don't worry, you will see them again soon"

Tiffany became very quiet after that. She aimlessly eat the ramen, not really enjoying it anymore. She's envy of him because he still has someone. She wish she could have her parents back. There is nothing that she hopes for aside from seeing them again. 

She miss them so much that until that very moment still she can't accept the fact that they are no longer with her. She misses the person that will always open their arms to her whenever she's feeling down. And whenever she's feeling down and don't know where to go, her mom and dad will always go to her to cheer her up.

"Hey, don't cry" Taeyeon notices the silence coming from Tiffany and when he look at her face, he saw her looking down, silently crying. He can't stand seeing a girl cry like that and it makes him more concerned because he already saw how fragile Tiffany was since the very first time they met. 

"I miss them so much. Why? Why does it has to be them? Why them? There's a lot of bad people out there somewhere but why choose the good people!" 

"Because God had different storyline for them. For you it might not be the best story but for them it is because that was what God had planned for them. And, I know God choose you because He knows that you have a lot more to show and prove to people around you. He might have cut your story with your parents short but He will give you more people deserving of your love and people who will truly believe in you and will give you the same love and support that your parents have always given you"

And that made Tiffany cry more than she is already. Those words from Taeyeon hits her home. She's been questioning God after what happened to her parents. She's condemning His will after because up until that very second she's suffering from the pain of losing both of her parents and losing those people she thought she can lean on.

But maybe it was right to have known it from the early beginning, she was able to cut those greedy people out of her life and she was able to put on her shield away from all of their evil motives to her. 

"I hope He will give me those people who I can lean on and who can protect me because I am already getting used to being alone and it's getting harder for me to let other people in" 

Taeyeon didn't reply after that. He just gave her a very comforting hug because that's the only thing that he can give her at the moment with their current status. 

"Don't let it affect how you live your life. There's so much to see and so much to experience in our life. Maybe it wasn't that pleasant but it's worth trying for and then after that feel free to be the judge of your own experience. Life is beautiful Tiffany. Continue living how it was like your parents are still here. They are not dead, they are still alive in your heart and that wherever you go, every steps you take, they are with you. And I'm sure that they are not happy with how you think or how you live right now"

"I just wanna be who I am before all of this happens" Tiffany said looking back at the calm water watching another sunset. 

Tiffany is a very bubbly and always smiling young woman before. She used to be going out a lot of time with her friends and especially with her parents. During free time away from their works, they always see to it that they could spend a quality time to catch up and unwind together. 

Having vacation with her parents is her favorite thing to do because she enjoyed doing different activities with her dad who is also always up to new adventures while her mom will just watch them and will capture it all using her beloved camera. 

Tiffany's dad is what they call young at heart, even though he's already in his late 50's, he will still do some extreme adventures with his daughter. Often times it will be just him and Tiffany hiking for a day or 2 whenever he can feel that Tiffany is already stress out and worn out from all the pressure that they've been putting on her. 

Meanwhile, her mom is the opposite of them. She is a very reserved and calm person. Her being with them could give a very peaceful and calm mood. The best thing about her is that she knows everything by just looking at you in the eyes. Like she can see your soul. And she can give you an advice that will make you reflect on and think about. 

Tiffany is longing for those things. Her world stops the moment they stopped breathing. Only her remaining friends somehow manages to keep her going especially Sooyoung who really help her out of depression. She let Tiffany do what she wants to do but she's also not letting her keep herself in the dark. 

Not many people are given a chance to have their parents or family with them for a very long time. Many are not given that opportunity because life is short. Whenever know what will happen a in every second of our life.

Sometimes with just a blink of our eyes what we have on our hand already slips away and we'll never be able to hold it again. Just like life, we never know when will be our time. Sometimes some people are not that fortunate enough to say goodbye to their loved ones which makes it harder for their remaining loved ones just like what Tiffany is feeling.

She never had a chance to say goodbye and to tell them how thankful she is for every sacrifices they've given her and how much she loves them.

People who is going through difficult time has different ways of coping up with their lost. Some will continue to do their usual routines but many are silently crying inside which is much more harder to understand what's on their mind.

"You're beautiful. You're wonderful. I will not say that you're perfect because no one is. We all do have blemishes but for me you're perfect. Just try to be more open and slowly get out of the box of your past and that's when you can start healing. I cannot help you heal, but I can help you by leading you towards healing. It's not easy but it's worth trying for"


HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS. Wishing you all a wonderful new year. Stay healthy and always keep safe everyone. 

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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1120 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story