30 - good news

The Crash


"Taeyeon, please come with me to the party. This will be our first party together. I need you there with me. I don't want to go without a partner please, love", she begs him


"I thought we are already done with this topic. I said NO. Get out",


They are currently at Taeyeon's gaming room where he spends most of his time whenever Tiffany is home. And she knows that he is still mad at her for what she did at the office.


"Dada, mommy. No fighting. That is not nice" the little girl said.


"Baby can you please go to your room for a while. Mommy will be there in a second. Dada and I need to talk about something", she calmly tells her daughter because they forgot that Winter is also there inside playing with her toys.


Waiting for the door to close feels like forever for Tiffany. She can't make things right if Taeyeon will not be with her at the company's anniversary.


"Can you stop playing first? I am being serious now, Taeyeon-ah. Turn that off and talk to me please",


Taeyeon has no choice but to comply with what she is asking him to do. He knows that he can not avoid her forever, especially that issue. He scoots over to give her space on his chair before tapping it to tell her to sit down.


" What do you want to talk about?", he asks


"First, are you mad at me for what I did back there at the office?",


" Not mad but more of disappointed. You should have consulted me before doing such a thing because it is like putting gas on the fire than putting water to kill the fire. You just make it worst",


Tiffany looks down. She only wants to stop them from saying things that are already hurting Taeyeon deeply. "I'm sorry if you feel it that way but I am not sorry for what I did",


"What do you mean by that?",


"I am not sorry for what I did. And I will do it again if I know that will be the only way for them to stop. Love, this has to stop. They need to stop hurting you. Even though you wouldn't tell me, I know it's harming you already deep inside. I'd rather let them hurt you physically because wounds can heal easily with some ointments but emotional pain is the most harmful. No amount of medicines or painkillers will help you. I know that because I've been through it and I don't want you to go walk that path",


" We cannot please everyone. They will still say what they believe is the truth. I want to be mad. I want to yell at them. I want to tell them how wrong they are! But if I do that it will just make me a bad person. And I am not like that. Tell me that I am not a bad person",


Hearing those words from the one that you love is heart breaking. You wanted to take some of his pain. And no one deserves to be treated like that. The sound of him sobbing is truly very painful to hear.


"You are not a bad person. I can attest to that. They don't know about you. They can't see your sacrifices. And they don't know the real Kim Taeyeon is", she said while rubbing his back


Tiffany hugs him sideways and caresses his face. " Please ignore whatever they are saying against you. The more you let them show how much you are affected by that, they will just continue to do that because they think that's the truth. Being affected means you're guilty. Show them they are the bad person. Prove them wrong, love",


"I am supposed to be the stronger one among the two of us. I'm sorry for being a weak one. It's hard. Hard for me to just pretend that I am okay and that the past is not bothering me anymore but the more I do that the more it is killing me inside. And I can't be like that if I want to be the best husband and father",


"Never pretend to be okay especially to yourself because it will just make it worst. Pretending is never been the best solution. You have to go with the flow and see where it will lead you. Remember, it is okay not to be okay. All of us has it's own flaws. Ignore the negatives and prove them wrong. That should be the attitude",


Taeyeon is like a child who was lost on his way home. And Tiffany is the good Samaritan who gives him the right direction, the right path to walk to reach home.


"I will. I promise",


"So, you're coming with me to the party", she suddenly went back to her first agenda.


Still hugging her, Taeyeon finally gives in. " It's tomorrow and I don't have anything nice to wear. Just bring Yuri as your partner",


"Do you remember the first time we went to the mall? The time that I bought some clothes and you brought me to your favorite shop?"


"What about it?"


Tiffany got up from her seat and ask him to follow her to their room. Because their closets are separate, Taeyeon never went through her stuff. She took out a big paper bag with the logo of the shop and hand it to him.


He slowly opens it and his eyes got big. "No, you didn't. How?",


"I saw you looking at that blue velvet tuxedo. You never look at another piece aside from that. I thought you will buy it because you never look at the others after but you didn't. At first, I don't know why you return it but afterward, I know why you didn't. Then I forgot to give that",


"You have something nice to wear. Will, you be my date to the party, my love?",


Taeyeon is really happy with the tuxedo it might be nothing for others but it means a lot to him. " You know what, this is my first new suit after 2 years. I wanted to buy it for myself but when I saw the price I changed my mind. It can wait, I still have something to wear at work. You also both the necktie that I've been saving up to buy. Of course, I will be your date"


"I knew it. I know you will give in to me. You really couldn't say no to me. I love you so much",


" But who will take care of Winter if both of us will go? Yuri and Sooyoung are coming too",


The mention of their daughter's name startled Tiffany and it makes her run to the other room. She forgot to clean her daughter up before going to bed.


Taeyeon also follows her and both of them stop at the door upon seeing their daughter already sleeping on her bed. She also changed her clothes which they find very cute because it wasn't fully zippered.


"She must have been waiting for that she decided to do it herself. Love, can you get me her diaper box please",


" Here. I am proud of her. She has changed a lot from the first day that I saw her. She was so tiny and fragile before but look at her now. She's ready to break a lot of boys' hearts. Our baby is growing up so fast",


Tiffany is cleaning her face and body because she can't wash her anymore. Winter hates it when her sleep is interrupted. She changed her diaper and fix her jammies.


"She will be up in the middle of the night again asking for some babas. You will be the one waking up. I have an early meeting before the party", Tiffany says before going back to their room.


Cuddling together, Tiffany and Taeyeon are talking about their daughter.


" Taeyeon-ah, I am thinking you will have to return to work soon because your proposal for the watch series has been approved by the board. Do you think we should enroll Winter now in the day care?",


"To tell you honestly, I already started looking for some schools for her. We can't just enroll her in some kind of day care because of her condition. She needs to be looked after all the time. I found one but the tuition fee is so expensive", he shook his head because that was the best school for their daughter


Tiffany knew why he is hesitating. "Then let's enroll her there. I know you've been thinking about money again. Remember all your project proposals before that soon became our products?"


"What does it have to do with this topic?",


"I did some checking. A lot of checking. Yuri mentioned to me about those bonuses that have never been given to all the employees. I did a lot of digging to find the root of that problem. And I found it. Some executives got 5 times what they are supposed to receive. Mr.Jung took a hep some amount", she tells him.


Now it makes sense to Taeyeon why he also didn't receive any bonus even though he is one of the directors of the company because he is not on Mr. Jung's side.


"Aside from that, I also when through all your files. You surprise me, Taeyeon. I saw some of your proposals and I don't understand why it was rejected by the board",


" They told me that there are no potentials on the market", which was one of the reasons why he is pushing himself way too much to prove to them that he can create a product that has potential.


Tiffany suddenly sits up and looks at him. "I beg to disagree but those proposals are much more valuable than our previous products. Anyway, my point is half of our company's products all came from your ideas. From the research, feasibility study prototypes everything. But didn't you know that you are supposed to have royalties for that? It's in the contract"


"What? No way, they didn't tell me about that. All I know is that it was part of my job description",


"I am going to tell you about this tomorrow at the party but I think it is better now that we are having this talk. Check your phone. The company should have transferred r it to you by now",


Taeyeon got up to get his phone that is on the dresser. He doesn't have any idea what she is talking about but his mouth fell open while reading the notification on his phone.


He looks back at her checking if she's pranking him or not. Taeyeon went back to the bed while showing her his phone. "Tell me this is not from your own money because I will be so mad at you. So mad that I will go to Yuri's apartment right now",


"That is from the company, not mine. I told you that you are supposed to receive royalties. I set up a meeting with the audit team and legal team. They found out that someone took those royalties. The total computation is 2.7 billion won but since we are still having some difficulties I decided to give you 1 billion won. I hope you will not sue us",


"Of course not. This is more than enough for me. I am expecting just half of this", he then kneels in front of her and gives her a vow. "Thank you so much, boss Hwang. I will work hard to repay your kindness",


Tiffany hits him on the arm. "Stop. You look stupid. Love, you will not ask me why I only gave you that and not the whole amount?",


"I know the financial status of the company. I understand it. No worries",


"That's not it. Our sales for this quarter grew by 15 percent from the previous one. Because I found out all the discrepancies, I managed to get 5 billion from those who have stolen from us in exchange for not pressing charges that will affect the image of their companies and also for not ending our contracts with them",


Tiffany knows that she is doing what her dad will also do if he is in her position. "Instead of using the emergency funds of the company, I decided to use the money that I got back from them to give the bonuses that they deprived all the employees but it is not sufficient",


"So, I know you will not get mad at me. The 1.7 billion won that is supposed to be yours, I gave it to the employees. I gave the utilities, maintenance, and securities another bonus for their hard work. The company didn't lose any money and we were able to give back to them",


"You don't know how happy they will be especially the utilities. Boss Hwang is the best! I am so proud of you. Slowly, the company is climbing up from the bottom. Aish, I want to keep you all night but you need some beauty rest",


"I want to stay up all night but I am super tired today. Let's sleep, love. I still have one more surprise for you",


" What is it? Hey! Don't you dare leave me hanging like this", he is trying to make her open her eyes but Tiffany is so tired and sleepy. "I hate you. I do hate you right now. I hope you don't have a wonderful night",


With all that is happening to Taeyeon, suddenly the baby monitor went on, and Winter can be heard crying in her room. Tiffany opens her eyes and laughs at him. " I wish you a wonderful night, love. You know what to do. Don't keep that little missy crying for too long. I love you",


"Oh, God! Please don't make me hate all the girls!", he groans and had no choice but to go to the other room.


"I'm sure you will not. If you hate us then you won't be able to touch me. Go now, byuntae. Winter must be hungry, we had dinner early",



The next day, Tiffany went to the office earlier than usual because of her important meeting with the new interested investors. She didn't tell Taeyeon about what she did but if she manages to close the deal it will not only help the company but it will also boost his confidence.


"This proposal is one of the best so far. Thinking about how important the features are, there is no doubt that this will be a hit. Send me the complete proposals and those revisions then we're good to go. I want to meet the man behind the idea",


"I will surely bring him with me next time. Thank you so much for choosing us",


Tiffany couldn't contain her happiness after closing the deal with the biggest electronics company in the US. This will be surely something to celebrate later.


"Thank you for choosing us too. I will not waste more of your time. I know you still have to prepare for the party tonight. Congratulations on your 10th anniversary. I'm sure Stella and James are so proud of you, Miyoung-ie", Mr.Clifford is smiling at her


The sudden mention of her parents' names makes her feel like it wasn't her who convinced him but because she was their daughter of them. "Oh so you're one of their friends too"


Mr.Clifford saw the disappointment in her. "Can't you still remember who I am?”, he looks at her but still there is no slightest hint in her eyes. "You were just a little girl since the last time that I saw you. I am your Uncle Adam, your mom's step-brother"


"I knew it! I am trying to remember where I saw you. Why didn't you tell me? How are you? Where is Auntie Mel?", she hugs her uncle whom she hasn't met for so long.


Her mom and her Uncle Adam are very close. She remembers that they will go hiking together with her cousins before but they moved to another state when she was about 8 years.


"I want to see how you deal with your clients. And I am so impressed with you. I am so proud of you. You're a great leader and I can see that my sister is right about you when she suggested building this company",


"But why did you show up just now? Why didn't you attend her funeral?",


He is the only one left in her mom's family and she was expecting him to come and get her after the accident because she doesn't have anyone during that time


"I'm sorry, Miyoung-ie. It took me a very long time to accept the truth. The accident- It was hard for me too. Losing my only sister hits me so hard that I couldn't even send her back on her last day here. I'm sorry", Mr.Clifford tears up with the memory of his sister. The one who is like a mother figure to him when his mom left them


"It is hard for all of us. I wish to meet up with you again with Auntie. Are you sure you don't want to attend the party tonight?",


Mr.Clifford wipes his tears and smiles at her. "I want to but I need to fly back to New York now. Have fun tonight. Don't forget to send me the revisions. I want to meet him soon",


"Of course. By the way, the man behind this proposal is my boyfriend. He is the President here but he's at home right now", she shyly confesses to her uncle.


"Oh. Now you have to bring him to me. I need to see if he is the right one for you and also, just to give him a little one-on-one talk. If I have spare time, we will visit you. But now, go tell everyone that you've got the 300 billion won investment. I love you, darling. See you soon",


The two separated and Tiffany is so happy to be reunited with her favorite uncle. She is sure that her mom would have been happy too. It is indeed a day to remember.


The meeting took longer than she expected and the twist is so mind-blowing that she cannot wait to tell everybody about it. Because of the party later, she gave all the employees some time to prepare and let them work half a day.


She went home after because they will be checking in to the hotel where the party will be taking place. Tiffany thought that upon going home everything is okay but outside she can already hear Taeyeon and Winter arguing inside.


"What is going on here? I can hear you outside",


The two suddenly points finger at one another like some kids at the park caught fighting. " Taeyeon, what is happening? Do you even have to raise your voice to her?",


"I'm sorry but talk to your daughter. I'm done with her", Taeyeon surrenders and sits on the opposite side.


"Baby, tell mommy why data is mad at you?",


"Dada doesn't want me to come with you. But mommy, I want to go. Winter promises to be a good girl",


The couple looks at each other because they already talked about that. Both of them agree not to bring her to the party to protect her identity and also to let her grow up just like any other kids.


Tiffany picks her up and lets her sit on her lap. "Baby, the party is not for babies like you. There are no kids there that you can play with. Auntie Sooyoung will play with you while we are at the party. I promise mommy and dada will not stay there for too long",


"I know but- okay", the little girl looks so sad when she climbed down from her mommy.


She then went to her play area and sit down while pretending to be playing with her toys.


"She's been like that and when I approached her we kind of engaged in a negotiation that I eventually lost. Fany-ah, what are we going to do? She really wants to come with us",


"Sooyoung will have to keep her entertain later. Let's go now. Maybe her mood will change when we get into the hotel",


Taeyeon sighed while watching his daughter. It will be their first party that they will attend together and he believes that their daughter wants to join them at that.


He loaded their bags into the car and Winter saw the pink dress that Tiffany will be wearing at the party. "Oh no",


"Baby, let's go to your room. Mommy will change your clothes", she struggles to cheer up the little girl.



At the hotel, Tiffany left the two to inspect the ballroom for the party. Taeyeon is left with their toddler who is still looking sad.


"There's a mall nearby. We can go get some ice cream since mommy is not here? What do think, baby?", bribing is the only way he can think of to cheer her up.


"And also gummies?",


"Ice cream and gummies. Let's go?",


And finally, the little girl is smiling again. Taeyeon puts her in the stroller before going out of their hotel without telling Tiffany about breaking her rules.



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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1120 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story