twelve – the beginning

The Crash


Later that afternoon, Tiffany was transported back to her room. The first thing that she looks for at her room is Taeyeon but much to her disappointment, he is not there when she returns.


“I will have you to stay here for at least another day until the results are available. We don’t want to send you home without being so sure that there are no internal bleedings or whatsoever. You can now eat but gradually. Drink lots of water because you are dehydrated” Dr. Park instructed her before going out.


Sooyoung went near her after the doctor left. “What do you want to eat?”


“Soo~” Tiffany calls her seeing the disappointment on her face.



Tiffany looks at her straight in the eyes “I know that you are disappointed with what I did and with my decisions. For the past few years, you’ve been with me every single time that I made a decision. I’ve always considered your decision but trust me on this one. I am never been this sure in my life”


“Trust me just once. Trust me on him. Taeyeon is not like those other guys. He is not the type to take advantage of other people. He has the heart that will always put other first before him and I already witnessed it”


“I’ve seen it all with my own eyes when he risks his life to save those passengers. And if not for him, I will not be here today. Taeyeon saved me. He took care of me and he never let me struggle with anything be it with water or foods. He always makes sure that I will be fine during our stay in the island”


Tiffany holds her best friend’s hand, “Soo, he makes me fell loved again that I haven’t felt for so long. He gave me comfort and protection even without me asking him to do so. With him, I can feel that I am safe and sound”


Sooyoung found herself tearing up with how her best friend is telling her all that after seeing how she struggles in the past. She can feel the happiness behind every word that came out from . It was love, she is sure of that.


 “Fany, I am not against with whatever decision you made or will make. I will always be on your back to support you and to catch you when you fall. All that I want to tell you right now is that be careful. Don’t give your all to him. Always leave something for yourself. Self-love is much more important that romantic love. Always remember that”


The two best friend hugs each other after their talk. For Sooyoung, watching her friend openly speaking about what’s on her mind and what she is feeling is enough for her to be at ease knowing that the accident didn’t do worse for her mental state.


Meanwhile on Taeyeon’s room tension is building up between Jessica and the two boys. The reason is simply because Jessica wants Yuri out of that room and on the hospital premises.


“The last time I checked, you don’t have any rights to be here. Yes, it was you who initiated the rescue operation.  Yes, it was you who got him out of the island. And that should be it. Nothing else. So, stop acting like you owned Taeyeon now. his family is already thankful for your help” Yuri argued with her


Jessica let out a soft laugh like she is trying to intimidate him, “Yuri, you should refrain yourself from talking and sticking your nose in to our business. What you should do now is to call my dad right now before he sues you for breaching your contract”


“I can still work even if I am here. Just wait until our contract expires and we’ll see” Yuri fights back. He will now back out without giving her a fight.


“Correction. Your contract not OUR contract”


Taeyeon catches on with what Jessica is trying to say. “What do you mean by that? What are you up to?”


Jessica just smiles at them, “You will know once we are back home. I think it’s time for your tests. I will just inform uncle and auntie”


Taeyeon and Yuri watched her as she steps out of the room that leaves them baffled with what is going on. “Yul, did something happen while I am gone? I can tell there is something going on”


“A lot! Taeng our contract is about to end in 6 months. I am not going to renew it whether they like it or not!” Yuri started with a dramatic voice.


Taeyeon is not surprised by his decision instead he is more intrigued by his eagerness to leave that company. “Why?”


“Why? Simple! I can’t work with a heartless and greedy boss like Mr. Jung! You cannot believe it but after the accident, he’s been forcing me to open your computer to get the program. Every single day he will come to me for an update and it pissing the hell out of me! He didn’t even for once asked anything about your whereabouts or if there is news about you!”


Taeyeon just sigh knowing that he already expected that with Mr. Jung who has been treating them like a slave. He is even waiting for a day that he will someone change that way he is treating his employees.


Yuri continues, “He is so desperate to get your program and to be able to present it with the investors. You know what, he even threatens me to pack all my things if I failed to hand it over to him. I think the Jungs’ are planning something that Jessica even went to that extent knowing that your contract is about to end. I think they want to put a leash on you to keep you at their company with that rescue efforts”



“That is what I am thinking about. Good thing you didn’t let them have access on my computer. My other prototype is in there too. They might have stolen it. Thinking about it, Jessica will never put so much efforts just like that without waiting for a bigger prize at the end” Taeyeon says


“So, what’s our plan?”

“The beginning!” two words but speaks volumes for the both of them.


Years ago, Taeyeon and Yuri are casually talking about their plans when their contracts end. That is when they both agree to start their own company. An IT company that will create informative video games and devices that can help a lot of people on their daily lives.


The company will be called ‘The Beginning’. It was Taeyeon’s idea. According to him it is about having a new innovative and new ways of giving information through new technologies and most importantly, it is about having their life long dreams come true.


He wanted to create something not based on what the markets wants but what the people needs and can afford. The satisfaction and being of help to others is their primary goal.


Having the consumers satisfaction will give them their profits gradually like they are testing the waters. So, it was the beginning.


“Taeng, there is another problem”


“What is it?” Taeyeon asks him while looking at him confusedly.


Yuri heaves a deep breath, “We are here in LA and our life and work is back there in Korea. Tiffany lives her in LA and you live 16 hours away from her”


“I know that. I have to talk to her about all this. I don’t want to leave her here either but there is nothing else that I can do right now. it’s only 6 months and we can work that out. Hopefully” Taeyeon is being optimistic that Tiffany will understand and will support his plans.


On the other hand, at the lobby of the hospital Jessica can be seen talking to someone on her phone. “Yes, dad. The Kims are coming back with me tomorrow if his test results are all normal. I know that just keep your promise dad. By the way, Yuri is here too and I will also bring him with us”


“Alright. Bring those to two here ASAP! I need them before the investors backs out of our deal!” Mr. Jun yells on the other line


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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1120 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story