
My New Reasons

Nikki/SunHee POV 

Bia and me took EunHae away. Seriously I've never seen her like that before. She's always cold and immune to the mocking and insults but why is she like that. She didn't say anything just tears flowing over her face. We took her to her room and sat her down. Just then the silence was broke by the sound of someone calling by Skype on the big LED TV. It was Shou. EunHae shook her head furiously. Her tears was still flowing. "Bia took the remote and turn it off quickly!"

"Okay here it is" Bia was panicking she took the remote but instead she put it on. And Shou face appeared but it turn to shocked after he saw the state of EunHae. 

"She had some audition for a musical. She was proving this brat wrong since he start act like he was a king or something and EunHae just told him you know you. But then the guy say some harsh words I don't know what and we found her like this"

"Nikki and Bia please leave I'll talk to her"







Shaw POV 

I was shocked the EunHae I knew wasn't like that. Her arm was bruised. Tears was flowing over her face and she kept on hugging herself crying. What happened for her to be like that. I thought she had become the cold and kind type. I smile sadly at her I just want to hug her. "EunHae what happened to you? Why is my angel like this? What happened?" I knew that if I let her go to another country something like that would have happened and it happened sooner than expected. I couldn't bear to see her like that. I ask her calmly and she just fell back on her bed. And she told me everything while still crying. From my point of view she just had enough of him. Because Yes Taemin was never kind to anyone. EunHae just give her thoughts. Taemin just mentioned her parents. That guy I'll kill him.

"Well it's my fault though I can't do anything right. I just wanted to help. That's why everything I cherished was taken away from me. I don't deserve anything" The words leave her lips as tears continue to fall over her sad face. Guilty, this is what she seem to be feeling now and I just cannot bear to see her sad like this.

"Kim EunHae stop that right now. You're better than that. I heard about that heard about that heartless guy don't worry. Just because he said that. You aren't at fault, every sane minded person would have said that so don't worry" I don't know but I had a really bad feeling about that Taemin guy and I just hope it wasn't the person person that I am thinking about. You see from sources I have I know a bit about Taemin and his background made him a person not to messed up with. He was the son of a very well known person. His father own the Lee Industry a very famous architechture company and not only that, his mother own many branch of restaurants all around the world. So he was obviously very rich and has power.

"But...but" She stammered at me but I just sigh and shake my head no matter what I say to her she woud not listen to me she was stubborn like that but now her sadness hasd took over her and there was no way to make her understsnd anything when she is like that. She would do anything with her own mind and she hate people giving her orders to do what she believed was the right thing. Ii did happened many times and in the end she was the one who was right.

"EunHae you won't become the weak EunHae of years ago. You're strong" I said as I look at her she not only look weak but right now she was weak. She curled up pn the bed with her head down and I can hear her supressing her cries. It is the first time in years that I am seeing her like that. She was always the kind and sassy type but with a real attitude. She had stop caring about people opinion of her long ago. She walk with pride but has a heart as big as the sun. Her kindness was just one of a kind that no one else except her could have.

 "He's playing a game and everything for him is a game so get I'll his game and teach him a lesson!" This was a real sudden change of character and when I lokokat her face on the screen she was smirking evily and after knowing her for hear I knew exactly what that smirk meant and trust me it wasn't something good but a really dangerous one. "EunHae he's dangerous" Why did I say that? Well because I knew exactly what she wanted to do. She will want to teach a lesson to that guy to made him pay but then she will be playing with fire which she wouldn't be able to extinguish but no matter what I would tell her she would not listen to me. "I know Shou. I won't respond back I'll just defend myself. Thank you Shou" She is really good at fighting since I was the one who teach her when she was little so as to defend herself and it seem to have been a good idea in the past but now I am really regretting now. I don't want to see her when she will be in jail after having beaten Taemin. I want to see her but not like that like seriously.

She end the call and I just sigh. I can't let her like that. Her story is that one day when she was returning from school. She was about 15/16. She got home and found some guys attacking her parents who were bleeding from their neck. They were vampires. EunHae succeeded in running away but her parents couldn't and they died. I help her to get away after the vampires got away. She was never the same after that. I can't let another stupid vampire hurt her. How do I know these well you see the cliche coming right? I am a vampire too.






Nikki POV 

I was just going out to get out my frustration I was now on a basketball playground. I took the ball and throw it I don't know where with anger. 


"Oh My I'm so sorry" Aish I feel so stupid now. I turn around and saw this godly handsome guy rubbing his neck where I would have guess I hit him with the ball. He had big eyes and amazing black hair. He smile to me and Oh God I was blown away. What a beautiful smile he had. He gave me back the ball. He was surely not like this bastard of Taemin.Now thinking of Taemin is making me mad but but seeing this handsome guy approaching me with his angelic smile is making my heart flutter like there is no tomorrow. "I guess it was yours?" He said giving me back the ball still smiling at me. Damn my heart is beating like so fast right now."Ah No I was just relieving my anger I don't really know how to play to be honest" He chuckle and smile."Ah I understand. I can teach you how to play if you want?" 

"Hahaha aren't you afraid that I might attack you like your fangirls?" I said laughing at him the mood seem to have calm down well it was mostly me who was panicking well I am alright now and his offer is making me blush slightly and obviously I wasn't like his histeric fangirls.

"You seem different and you seem cool" He threw the ball at me and took another one and start to teach me. Why so suddenly someone want to teach me how to play. I guess every girls here are just s and he wanted to have at least a girl as a friend. While he was teaching me he spoke. 

"Your friend EunHae is really something to have stand up against Taemin" From the EunHae I knew back in highschool she had really change. She seemed more daring and had more confidence about herself. She wasn't scared of poeple anymore. She faced her fear with a smirk on her face."She just hate guys in general because for her every guys are just and bastards who use girls like toys" 

"What a coincidence? Taemin too is like that about girls"He continue to teach me how to play and I suddenly slip he try to help me but he end up falling too. I cough and open my eyes to find him on top of me. We just stare at each other for some seconds. Looking at him this close he do look handsome as hell. I couldn't move and I'm sure I was red like a tomato. 

"Minho Oppa where are you?"

" not her! I'm sorry but I need to go or else this annoying person would come here. Sorry need to go" I told him it was alright and he need not to worry. He smile at me and for some reasons my heart skip a beat. He ran away when suddenly he turn around and wave at me.

"By the way! My name is Choi Minho!"





Outside POV. 

The three girls were back to school the next day. Everyone knew about what happened and there was this annoying girl that kept glaring at them. After the talk with Shou last night she was back to normal. She was walking and suddenly someone pull out their leg and made her fell on the floor. EunHae shook off her face and sigh knowing who exactly it was. She look back and saw Taemin glaring at her. She just look at him emotionless and went away without saying anything. Taemin was mad that she didn't say anything. He just went away to his class but just look at her and smirk. 

She got into her class but then everyone was just looking at her and whispering things. She was walking to her seat when someone just push her hard and she fell down. The girl who push her just look at her and said '' and just went away. She went to her table and she saw lots if sticky notes on which were written '', '', kill yourself'. She just sigh and took off the notes and put them in the trashcan. "Typical Bully Method" 

Suddenly she caught something on the blackboard and her eyes widen. She had heard about bullying methods that people use. But this one was just way too much. People were looking and pointing at her. She was push down hard. She look at the people and saw SeKyung smirking at her. She kick her on the face and she spat out blood. On the blackboard was written. "EunHae is a and a . She had slept with lots of men. Now she is pregnant" She quickly ran out of the classroom when suddenly she was hit by something. It was rotten tomatoes. She was surrounded by many students who're now throwing rotten tomatoes at her some throw flour mixed with water. SeKyung kick her and she fell on the floor. She was whispering for someone to help but she know that no one would come. She lost consciousness. 

Just when SeKyung was about to give her a final hit. She got hit hard by something. She look at it. It was a freaking bottle of water. Who dare to hit her with that. She look and saw Bia. And before she could think SeKyung got hit at the face by Nikki. Bia was glaring. "Dare to hurt my friend again and I'll hit you with a bottle of water again. You...you....you're a very bad person" Obviously onlyb a person like Bia would talk like that.

"Well take that my dear and told her that it wouldn't stop. Once you go against Taemin there's no going back" 

"Well tell this Taemin to go to hell" Nikki said angrily and took EunHae away. Taemin actually was walking by and caught a glimpse of EunHae and for some reasons he was feeling bad. He ask the others to give her a lessons but he didn't expect they would hurt her like this. He just shake the thoughts away and continue his way. He couldn't kill her because somehow she was different from others and he couldn't shake off these feelings away now so he just sign in frustration.





Bia was walking behind them slowly when suddenly someone grab her by her hand and push her aside. The others didn't notice and just continue their way. Nikki turn around and thought that maybe Bia had gone to the toilet. She just shrug it off and continue her way. Whereas someone was holding Bia and putting their hand on for her not to scream. The person came closer and whisper seductively in her ear. "Now we can have some really good fun together" 

It was obviously Jonghyun who said that as Bia turn around to see who that was. She was surprise but then smile as if she remember something. Jonghyun lightly caress her face with Bia completely confused not understanding anything. "So baby where do you want to do it?" Jonghyun smirk as she approach her face more. "How about in that classroom. There's no one there!" Jonghyun smile in victory. And hold her hand and went there. As Jonghyun close the door. He turn around to Bia and was way more than astonished to see Bia holding a PSP to him."Here I brought one for you. Now we can finally have some time to play!!!!"

Bia said happily as Jonghyun stared at her with a 'Are You ing Kidding Me' look. Bia tilt her head not understanding as Jonghyun put the PSP on the table and storm away angrily. For Bia she look at the PSP and scratch her head. "Didn't he say himself he wanted to play"





Author's Note: I was laughing like crazy while writing Bia part. OMFG HAHAHA. I hope you're loving it till now. What do you think of Minho, Jonghyun and Taemin in this part?

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737 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

737 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

737 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

737 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

737 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

737 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

737 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

737 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

737 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie