The beginning of the game.

My New Reasons



Outside pov. 

Eunhae was feeling both happy and sad. After some hours, she was now on an airplane from New York city to Korean. Why? Well she was assigned a job as an mv director for a kpop band which is non other than IKON where his old friend is. But the reason for her sadness is because Korea was the place where her life changes and where all the bad things happened. She hated it because she knows when she'll land there, she'll still remember every moment and every place where she has been with him. These moments where she was so happy and that nothing else could matter, she hated it. 

Eunhae was too busy glaring at the seat in front of her that she didn't hear Ren calling her. Ren was worried about her because since this morning she could see that Eunhae wasn't well and that she wasn't feeling happy about going to back Korea. After calling her, she finally got back to reality. "Oh Ren, I'm sorry I'm not feeling well I'll try to rest a bit". Ren knew something was really wrong because he wasn't only her manager but he was her friend too and she always tell him when something is wrong and such so having her to the point where she wasn't telling him anything really worries him. 

After some hours, they finally arrived at the airport of Incheon in Korea. The got down from the plane and after going through the security and such they went to get their luggage and to fetch a taxi for their hotel. Eunhae could have stayed at her old home but there were too many memories there. 

After arriving at their hotel they got to their room and decided to leave for where they have to go immediately since they already slept on the plane. They made their way to the YG Building and they have to meet the band at the dance practice room for introduction. 

Eunhae couldn't help but suppressed her laugh when entering the room she wanted to see the reaction of Bobby after so long. The room that was not long ago full of talking and laughter suddenly turns silent as the two enters. Eunhae immediately put on her professional façade and she immediately notice the shocked reaction of Bobby but she acted like she didn't see anything. "Boys, let me introduce you to the renowned director of many short series in Tokyo, Kim Eunhae". She hate when people exaggerate like this, she likes simplicity. The man then left leaving Eunhae and the boys awkwardly with each other. Both sides waiting for someone to break the silence. 

"Eunhae? Is that really you?". 

Unfortunately it wasn't Bobby who spoke as he was too surprised to say anything. It was Hanbin who was now smiling while approaching her and then giving her a hug. 
"It's been years since I've saw you and I'm glad you became successful. You suddenly disappeared without saying anything to your friends and Jonghyun wouldn't tells us anything. He just told us that you wanted to start anew". What he said was true. After all the messed up things that happened Eunhae wanted to start a new so she left without saying anything to her friends, only Jonghyun and Shaw knew where she was and they stayed in touch. 

"I'm glad you're doing great too like he said I just wanted a new start after what happened. Anyway let me do the proper introduction to the others. Hello, nice to meet you my name is Kim Eunhae and I'll be your Music Video director. I might be friendly but work is work so I will want perfection. So now meet my manager Ren" Ren who was silent the whole time just came in and bowed while introducing himself.

Eunhae made her way silently to Bobby. She was about to say something when he suddenly talked. "I'm sorry it was all my fault I should have watched before acting I'm really sorry I didn't want that to happened" Bobby continue to talk and Eunhae just wrap her arms around him and hug him. "What happened would have obviously happened in one way or another. It's not your fault and you were manipulated just like the one who manipulate you so don't worry I'm glad you're doing fine. Now let's get to work" 

Ren was confused about what they were talking about but decided not to meddle with her business if she wanted to tell her about it she'll do it one day or another. Suddenly they were out of their thoughts when the man who announced that Eunhae was coming came again. "Yes I forget to introduce to you to your new dance choreographer for this new comeback". They all look up and all the blood from Eunhae's face was drained as well as the other guys except for Ren. Eunhae wondered if the God hated her or something because these coincidence cannot be always like this. Was the world against her or something? 

"Here's Lee Taemin" Taemin look around and was as shock as Eunhae when they saw each other. Eunhae immediately gain her poker face after much difficulty and turn her face around. 

The man left and the room was dead silent. Not a fly dared to moved. You could literally cut through theand thick tension with a knife. Eunhae completely forgot what she was supposed to do. She finally gain the courage and decided to get out of the room because according to the schedule, right now they have to learn the choreography. "Ren let's go discuss about the planning with the directors" Ren with confusion on his face just nodded and went with her. 

The biggest challenge was that the door was near Taemin. She just walk past him with her head now. As she passed she just hope that her heart doesn't explode from beating so much like this. She hated how he still has that affect on him and hated more that she'll have to see him until the comeback end. And we all know that a comeback is not a matter of one or two days especially for the concept she prepared which she had to discuss with the choreographer aka Taemin. 

After Eunhae went away the others just shuffle around the room and changing their clothes and putting on something more comfortable. But Bobby and Hanbin were too stunned to move and they were just staring at Taemin. Taemin just look down and sigh and just made his way toward the boys. 

"Taemin can I talk to you?" It was Hanbin who talked this time. Taemin look a bit pissed but comply to his demand and he just followed Hanbin and Bobby to a corner of the room with a neutral face.

Hanbin didn't had time to even talk, "If you're here to ask why I'm here? I didn't know that she would be here. I was called in for a job and came. Second if you're here to ask me if I regret it or not then I don't know. I just did what was best for her. It wasn't because I was hurting her, it's because of something deeper than that". Hanbin smile sadly and just patted his back. 

"I'm not worried about her I was worried about you. Take care of you" Hanbin said and went away leaving Bobby and Taemin alone. But then Taemin realized what he said. 

Why wasn't he worried about her? 

Was Eunhae happier now? 

Why wasn't she affected when she saw me? 

Did she lost feelings for me? 

Also who was that guy with her? 

Why the hell do I care? 

"Also if you're wondering that guy with Eunhae is her manager but he look vaguely familiar I don't know why" Bobby said and went away. Taemin was more confused with his feelings than ever before why was he feeling jealous because of that manager well he knows for a fact that Eunhae has a thing for pretty boys and second thing he always had feelings for Eunhae and left for a good reason but now he felt depressed because Eunhae really seem to not wanting to see him anymore and look angry when she saw him. 

"At least I now know how Eunhae felt years ago"


Eunhae was now sitting in the cafeteria and cursing every words in the book under her breath while Ren was sitting across her complex confuse. Then she sigh "He reminds me of the man I loved years ago. I didn't want to bother you about my past so I prefer playing it low". Ren smiled sadly and just hold her hand across the table smiling at her, "We all have had past that we want to forget but we can't so let's just used it as a way to strengthen us. You helped me so let me help you this time Eunhae" Eunhae just smile and giggle, she was happy to finally have some good and trusted friends. "Thank you for your understanding Ren". 


Some hours later at a hotel in Seoul. 

"Why didn't you told me that he'll be there too?"

"I just thought that you wouldn't care about it...."

Eunhae look at Shaw and sigh. Shaw was right but this time wasn't like other time, this time she has to talk directly to him to look into the eyes of the damn man she was once madly in love again. She hated that man with every fiber of her being and Shaw clearly knows that. She didn't care about the money, she has much more to be happy with and she can clearly refused that job. But that would made her a coward and Taemin would know that it'll be because of him. She does not want Taemin to think that he still has some effect on her.

"You just gonna have to be strong Eunhae" Shaw sigh and tried to comfort her but Eunhae push his hand away.  

"Strong? I have been strong for so much now I can't anymore. You clearly know how broken I was two years ago. You know how long it took me for me to be alright but yet you still do stuff like this when you clearly know that all that happened because of you" Eunhae was in a big mess with tears flowing over her face and face so red to care about the last sentence which shock Shaw. "Get. Out. Now" Eunhae say before pushing Shaw out of the room and falling on the floor crying and hitting the ground. All this because of a man. She hated him. 

Then she felt strong arms hugging her from behind. At first she thought it was Jonghyun but when she look back she saw Ren. Ren rub her back lightly comforting her. It was the first time she see her like this, he wants her to be happy but now he's getting really worried. Obviously he did not believe that Taemin was just someone who look like her past lover he guess that Taemin was actually her past lover. "Eunhae it's alright to broke down sometime. You're a strong person so it's alright"

"I don't want to do it Ren please I don't want to" he'll make him pay in his own way. What will Ren do? Is it only a friendship love or something else? 

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737 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

737 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

737 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

737 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

737 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

737 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

737 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

737 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

737 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie