By My Side

My New Reasons

EunHae POV. 

After days and days of stressing over whether the company would accept my project or not, the answer finally came like an angel ascending from heaven. The project was accepted by the company and I couldn't be more glad. I just had to find a good name and a good preface and a good cover for the book after I've finished writing it. I couldn't be more glad. It has already been two week since the last incident with Hailey and I haven't heard from her since then. Well good because I have better to do than to deal with her again and I don't want her to mess with my life again.

I sigh again at my laptop I was so tense about this project that I couldn't think straight. I didn't want to mess this up because I want it to be perfect because I'm obviously portraying Taemin as the guy in it. So I want to be careful with every precious little detail to make everything good. I had been working on this for hours now and Ives only come up with the introduction of the book only. I was just so tense I just hope the introduction is good enough. I'll just have to ask Taemin later then. 

I was actually ignoring everything around me these days because of that project. I don't really mean that I was ignoring Taemin okay I was just concentrating too much on my project but Taemin wasn't mad or anything. In deed he was understanding and even help me I still make him food of course I can't let my Taebaby starve. I still cook him his steak once a week and I was still learning how to make the best steak and food for him. His childish act is from his childhood where he had to act strong and matured for such a young age. Him being his normal self-make me really happy because he really deserve to have the happiness he deserve.

But since one week I've notice that he has been acting a bit weird. Every time I try to talk to him he said he was busy and went away. I wasn’t an idiot I could clearly see his behavior as sighs of ignorance and boredom towards one person which was me. I pretend like I don't understand thinking like maybe he was stressed because of that new dance competition that was coming up and the issue with his uncle and the throne. When I try to cheer him up he just looks at me and force a smile. A force smile especially his tell me everything. He didn’t yell or act rude towards me but he was way to calm.



Had he got enough of me?

No I should stop thinking like this as we already talk about this and I understand his feelings.




It's nearly lunch I should just go out to eat something to clear off my mind and think better. Food really does make everything better and I sometimes really forget to eat well there wasn’t anyone who remind me to ear because when I start writing I don’t think about anything except my work. How about the cafe I and Taemin usually go for lunch as the food there are simple, light and delicious and also I absolutely love the greenery decoration it add a glimpse of heaven and nature in this city life. Yes that'll make me think better and more relaxed. I and he really love that place it's really cozy and comfortable and there aren't many people there so it feels like home and also like our secret place just for the two of us. When one of us needs to think about our work or some personal matter we just come here to relax and get to also get some privacy to think. Taemin usually come here to relax and to rest.

I enter the place to order some things to eat since I haven't eaten since morning. I took just a hot chocolate to drink and some croissants. I might not like Paris but the foods in that country especially the croissants were absolutely delicious when I went there during my younger years. My younger years where there was no worry and no problems where nothing could go wrong and just the warmth of a loving family could make everything better and safe. A family where you feel safe and secure where you have a place you can finally called home. Such place is where you can go is a home. But will there be one day I could get that feeling again? I just sigh, this is why I always immerse myself in writing because if I start thinking deeper into things I will always end up thinking too much and destroying myself. As if I’m not destroyed enough ha-ha. Okay sorry I wasn’t funny here. Damn I really have no sense of what they called humor.

I took my tray and made my way to a table but when I turn around the corner I immediately hide. My heart was beating really fast and I could not believe what I've just seen. Maybe it was my mind playing a trick on me. So I've decided to check again. I quietly try to look again and I felt it. It was like an arrow on fire piercing through my heart.

I couldn't really utter any words and my heart along with my whole self was just shaking and I could feel my mind dizzy and strange. I felt something salty on my lips. Without noticing I was crying. I hurt myself more by looking again and I couldn't bear it anymore. The tray fell off my hands and I just ran away trying not to cry out loud and I put my hand over my mouth while running away with tears still falling over my face. 






What I saw was Taemin but he wasn't alone. Taemin was laughing and smiling with someone else which he hadn't been to do towards me since long. He even patted her hair softly and was looking lovingly at her. If it was someone else like Minzy I would've understand but this time it wasn't her. It was someone worst which I couldn't even believe myself. 


It was Hailey. 






Was I really not that caring that he had to search affection somewhere else? He downgrade to that thing. I admit we barely hug and such but I did everything else. I cook and make his bed and we always get some time to talk. So why I just couldn't understand and it wasn't for a photo-shoot or something because I couldn't see any camera. It look so real because now if I think of his recent behavior of taking his distance towards me made me realize that maybe that's why he was distant. 







Outside POV. 

It's been already weeks since Jonghyun has been ignoring Bia and since he had some work to do abroad. Today was the day he was coming back to Seoul. Also he has been ignoring every message of Bia and after some time she stop messaging and he also knew that most message was her asking about his sudden departure answer if he was doing well and such but after Jonghyun ignoring her she stop replying.

Jonghyun just wanted to do something just to make Bia understand how it feel to be betrayed by the person whom you love the most. So he called up a very famous singer and gorgeous to the core model of Seoul. The singer accepted to help him as she was also one of her best friend. Jonghyun actually intentionally appeared with her at some places where their pictures would be taken and posted on the net and it was actually around this time that Bia Stop messaging her.

Jonghyun arrive at Incheon airport but he wasn't alone. The gorgeous singer accompanied her. It was actually Krystal Jung the famous actress and singer. 

"Are you sure about this Jonghyun?" Krystal look at him playing her role really well. She didn't have actual feelings for her and their actual relationship was like brother and sister. Krystal knew that Jonghyun still have feelings for Bia and that he is just denying them. She knows how of a stubborn character Jonghyun is. Jonghyun sigh "I'm sure about it. So no worry Krys"

The door open and Jonghyun immediately hold her hand both starting their act as people start to take their pictures. One paparazzi came and start asking questions, "So Mr. Kim are you and, Mrs. Jung together?" Jonghyun then smile while looking down and nodded slightly. They tried their best and succeeded to move throughout the crowd. 






"Let the show begin now!"

Jonghyun and Krystal went together to a known cafe knowing clearly that Bia is working as a part-time job here. They came in holding hand laughing and smiling and of course the people around them started talking. They sat down and wait for someone to take their order.

"Yes! Hello and welcome to our restaurant what can I do fo-

The person was Bia and she was indeed shock of seeing her supposed lover acting all lovey-dovey with a girl. Jonghyun didn't even look at her and of course knowing that she was here he somehow felt bad for what he was doing but she also hurt him. "I would like a cafe only and same goes for my girl"




"Excuse me do I know you?"


"Can you please just get our command instead of just staying there?"




Bia was just so surprise and she just went away. Jonghyun felt so bad and Krystal got angry "Jonghyun are you sure about what you're doing-

Krystal suddenly stop and stared mouth wide open at something behind Jonghyun.

Jonghyun being confused about her reaction just turn around to look at what made Krystal like that. On the TV there was an MV playing and in it were Bia, EunHae and Nikki. Reality came like a slap at Jonghyun's face, as he immediately understand everything. Bia never betrayed him it was just an MV that she was filming.

Krystal just rolled her eyes and slap Jonghyun on his arms angrily "I got it now I knew I remember her from somewhere. She was in that MV along with your sister. Oh My gods Jonghyun how can you be so stupid". The award to the most stupid person on this planet goes to Kim Jonghyun. How could he have been so dumb not to realize the cameras that were around? He was just sitting there completely speechless until another slap hit him "What're you doing here Jonghyun? Go after her! I can't believe you're so dumb Ugghh. Now go!!!!"






Jonghyun immediately stood up and ran to the counter asking for Bia and was told that her shift has just finished and that she was going home. He get out to find her walking out. Like a crazy person he ran to her.

"Bia!!!" he yelled making the girl stop in her tracks. He ran next to her and put his arms on both of her shoulders while panting crazily. "J....just li...Listen to. Me"

"Didn't you say to me to go away?" That cold tone of Bia shook Jonghyun completely. This wasn't the sweet and innocent Bia anymore but a rather cold and hurt girl that had her feelings betrayed by the man she trusted the most. "I'm sorry for having interrupted your moment with your girl", these words were like daggers towards Jonghyun as he could feel the hurt in each words that she was uttering.

"Bia please listens to me....." Jonghyun pleaded to the girl who refuses to look into his eyes.

"So now you want me to listen to you? How about the time when you ignore my messages when I wanted to talk to you" She said calmly to him while putting emphasis on the 'I' making Jonghyun feel like another dagger had hit him. "Bia this isn't you...." Jonghyun said and this Bia look at him and sigh.

"Jonghyun I want you to understand that am not an idiot. I know you see me acting like cheerful and happy and jumping around like a happy person. But I have my limits too. But you I just don't know if I wasn't good enough you to give you what you wanted you could have just said so" Bia sigh again. She didn't know what to do so she just turn her back towards Jonghyun who panic and didn't knew what to do.

"Bia please- 






But his sentence was cut short when a guy was running towards Bia and screaming her name happily. The guy then jump and back hug Bia while laughing happily. Jonghyun glare at the guy as it was the same guy who was with Bia in that MV.

Yunhyeong notice that Jonghyun was glaring at him angrily and didn't know why. "Excuse but who're you?" Yunhyeong ask confuse as he didn't knew who he really was.

"My name is Kim Jonghyun and Bia is my girl" Yunhyeong look shock and he end up laughing thinking it was a joke but seeing that Jonghyun wasn't laughing and was looking as if he wanted to strangle him he understand that it wasn't a joke.

"If you're really her love then why is she looking so hurt and betrayed? Let me guess you cheated on her for another girl well this isn't a surprise guys like you are always the bad ones- Yunhyeong couldn't finished his sentence because he was shoved harshly against the wall by an angry Jonghyun about to punch him right in the face with his other hand grabbing him by the neck and panting heavily.

"Jonghyun!!!! Stop!!!!!" Bia yelled and tried to take his hands off Yunhyeong who was struggling to break free of the angry man's hold. But as soon as Bia came Jonghyun immediately calm down and let go of the guy who pant and try to catch his breath. Bia immediately came to Yunhyeong who fell down "Are you alright?" Bia ask with worries making Jonghyun more sad unknowingly.

"I'm sorry was just a misunderstanding…I....thought you were with him" Jonghyun said before immediately running away with tears in his eyes. He couldn't believe how of a complete idiot he was to do such a mistake but maybe it a good thing.






(Jonghyun crying)

Jonghyun ran he didn't know where but he ran until he suddenly bumps into someone and both of them fell on the ground. "I'm sorry" a weak feminine sobbing voice said and Jonghyun with tears still in his eyes look up to the familiar voice. His eyes widen as he saw EunHae looking completely broken with tears still flowing over her red eyes.

Jonghyun place her hand over her sister's face and EunHae look up to see Jonghyun had also cried and he was still crying. Like a scared kitten she wraps herself around her brother and cried and Jonghyun hug his dear sister back and rubbed her back gently soothing the completely broken girl. He takes a step back and looks at her crying face. He tried to lift up her face but the girl didn’t want to. He places his warm hand over her cheek and EunHae give him. She look up and his face still sobbing lightly. Jonghyun was also sad because of his issue with Bia but he needed to be strong for his sister. He smile gently at her and kiss her forehead making her smile lightly. Their path may change but their bonds will remain stronger than ever.

EunHae smile and sigh at her brother and sigh “Let me guess it is Bia, right?”

Jonghyun nodded and chuckle lightly “And you Taemin?”

EunHae and Jonghyun love each other dearly.  Having brother and sister is like we have everything in our life for sharing our emotions, feelings, thoughts. There is no match of their love, else brother and sister is the best friend in the world whom you can trust, a true friend given by nature who can always be with you on any condition which is priceless. They may look old and wish to the outside world. but to each other, they are still in junior school. Siblings are one of the best things our parents bring in our life. They are our first friends. We are raised together with them and so siblings better understand each other better even without a brief explanation. Relationship between siblings is a bit complicated especially in childhood. They fight and argue with each other every now and then but at the end of the day they can’t live without each other. At some point you believe them to be our biggest rival and at other moment feel immense love for them. With time as they mature, they understand each other much better and learn to respect more.

Having a great brother is no less than having our own super hero. You won’t find him roaming around in some fancy costumes; neither would he have enough time for to always show his care towards you. But nonetheless, whenever you need his guidance or help, he is surely going to be for you. Jonghyun smile never failed to make her smile. A simple smile of her brother could make her days brighter and her smile like she has no worries. She didn’t know where she would be if it wasn’t for her protective and loving brother. Her fears and worries, Jonghyun knew everything and was always there to cheer and give her advice.Someone who can be there in happiness and sadness and to make you happy. The whole world could betray her but as long as she has her dear and trusted brother by her sides then she could face the whole world without any fear. Nothing in this world could make her hate or even despise Jonghyun.

(The smile that could brighten her darkest days)

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737 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

737 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

737 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

737 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

737 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

737 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

737 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

737 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

737 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie