Still Loving You.

My New Reasons


Taemin POV 

"Of course I'm happy Mr Lee Taemin my dear Susana...." she said and smirk taking me off guard completely. "EunHae....I....I...."

"I knew it you know Taemin"

"H...How..." I was still in a horrendous shock state. I couldn't believe it. I tried my best to be as a normal human as possible but yet she saw through me. 

"At first to me you were a simple human like everyone else but then it all started with the garage incident" Yeah that incident which made me realize that not everyone is ty and bad. There was some who weren't ty but her, she was kind of different and till now I still couldn't tell why. 

"It was your eyes. At first I thought it was a trick of the light but there was no light reflecting on your face and at that time it was already night time. I didn't care about it but the thing that made me realize what you were was what happened when I was unconscious...." My eyes always betrayed me and when I'm ill they sometimes glow without me knowing but I was still shock and I didn't know how to respond. A lot of questions are going on my mind.

Will she hate me now?

Would she stop loving me?

My mind was a mess how can someone mess with my mind that much I've never been so confused in my life. 

 I look at EunHae obviously waiting for her to say something. How can I say or talk about anything to her now. Her parents were killed and her cousin taken by

Susana and I was one. Obviously I didn't killed her parents or else she'll have already killed me even if I was a Susana. Reading her mind I could see that she was remembering the time she saw me drinking blood from that pack.

How can I forget it. I forget something and I was about to tell Taemin about it. But then I saw something which I never expect that I would see. My best friend was drinking something and a red liquid was flowing from his mouth to his chin. I ran I saw Minho and told him that I had something urgent to do.

Of course she'd be scared no matter how strong you're. Something like that would scare you especially her. 

"But then I regained my calm and thought about it. Also everytime before I said something you always read my mind and respond back. It's either this or I'm easy to read"

I chuckle and ruffle her hair "I can read mind but I respect people's privacy and also you're really easy to read". Then she just look at me "Then being your friend I realize that not all vampires are bad people. So I just continue on with having feelings for the kind that destroyed my life but I guess being hurt by you won't be a bad thing".


She was weak.

She llook so weak.

Her eyes were full of sadness. 

I just hold her hand and look into her eyes "I will never hurt you and that's a promise".

She smile and ruffle my hair "Awww you're so adorable Lee Taemin Hahaha". 

I pout "I'm not adorable" I said and wrap my arms around her "Finally I can be happy and I'll make you always happy"

"Same for me. So do your friends know that you're a Susana?" She ask me and I nodded 

"Actually they're Susana too" 

"Wait does....does than mean Emmy too?" 

"Yeah and your friends found out the day the Susana attack us"




Outside POV. 

EunHae look at Taemin as soon as he said that. Her friends knew it before her. She just chuckle at the thoughts of how they reacts. 

"We have two months of holidays before our final year. Isn't there anything you want to do?"

"I actually want to learn how to swim" 

"Perfect I'll teach you" Taemin said smiling at her.

"Really? I take time to learn things you know" 

"It's okay I'm really patient as the,saying goes 'Patience is a virtue' but no worry but actually There's something else bothering me" Taemin said with a really serious face while staring at the distance he look really worried and seem a bit nervous. 

It made EunHae think about bad things again. She just look at him sadly "Are you regretting going out with me now?"

Taemin seem taken aback by her question and he just stare at her. Taemin put his hand on her head "Emmy told me about how you're. You're always on the negative side but no way I'll regret it. The one who should regret here is me or no one" 

EunHae know what he was talking about. Taemin know that EunHae was too good and too kind for this world. Her image that she portrayed of her looking cold, sassy and tough is the image that herself want others to see. She's always worried that when someone will love her they'll leave her for someone else. Taemin knew that but Taemin see her as perfection. 

The problem that Taemin was talking about EunHae figure it out. Both of them never had any experience in dating so they had no idea what it's like to date. 

"I didn't see anyone as more better than you. Even if others were pretty I wouldn't care you're pretty in a way that isn't normal. Your kindness and heart is way too big for you body. You'll be the only girl I'll always look at and no one else" Taemin said and he lift EunHae blushing face in his hand.

"You....really meant it?" EunHae eye him suspiciously.

"Yes" Taemin chuckle and kiss her forehead "No worry. You're one of a kind, my one of a kind". EunHae smile and nodded. 

"So when do you want to start your swimming lessons-

 Taemin was interrupt when suddenly her phone got a message and she look at it. The message is from Minzy.


From Dancing Goddess Minzy:

"You have been my friend and someone who have been admiring me for long. You've never seen me as ugly like most people. But This time I'm the one saying sorry. I know it's really late for sending this but I heard that you're one of Bobby's best friend but I heard that you didn't know about that thing. So I'll send you the link" 


EunHae was confused and Taemin was too when he see the message but when the link came they immediately understand why Bobby was related to all these. 

What happened was EunHae was really busy she didn't really care about idols since she's an anime lover. She only love 2NE1 but as they weren't active this year she didn't take notice of what was happening in their company aka YG Entertainment. What happened was that YG created a survival show which include two trainee group. They were labelled as Team A and Team B and they have to go through a number of test and audition. The name of that show was WIN. The winner team of that will be able to debut under the name WINNER whereas the other would either be disband or some members would be removed. 

She didn't really cared about these survival game but as she continue to read. Her eyes widen. One of the members of Team B was Bobby. As she kept on reading she found out that Tomorrow night will be the last episode of the Show and the winner will be announced. She immediately felt both happy and sad. 


 Happy? Hoping that it would be Bobby who'll win because she heard him rap and for someone who didn't like rap she immediately fell for his rap. 

Sad? Because why did Bobby didn't tell her about it. Maybe it was because he didn't want to bother her she thought. 


But it wasn't the time to be feel emotion right now. She immediately left in a hurry leaving a confused Taemin "What about the swimming lessons?" EunHae just wave away "Later I need to watch all the episodes of WIN to understand what will happened tomorrow. See you later Taemin"

Taemin just stare angrily at the distance. He was freaking jealous. 

EunHae run to Emmy's room and see her just laying on her bed. She just smirk "So how're you feeling you vampire" EunHae scoffed while saying that completely shocking Emmy which stood abruptly looking at her with a panic face but then EunHae chuckle "It's okay Noona Taemin told me everything and.....we're to...together now". EunHae smile at EunHae and just hug her "I'm happy you found another happiness"

"I hope you find this type of happiness too Emmy"

"I wish that too" Emmy said smiling sadly then look at EunHae "So what're you here for?"

EunHae quickly explained her everything about what happened when Minzy send the text and how Bobby is related to all this. She then ask Emmy to watch the episodes of WIN with her, Nikki and Bia which she agreed. They all sit in the living room and EunHae just roll her eyes again when she see the living room with that big LED T.V. Fortunately the guys weren't show off so EunHae didn't hate them. 

She didn't hate men but she do hate those who think that money is everything. She was well aware that money isn't happiness. She didn't have a luxurious house not even a car but she was happy. Before starting to watch the show, the four girls go into the kitchen to prepare some food to eat. They put themselves into pairs. Nikki with Bia and Emmy with EunHae. Each one of the two groups prepared something. 

They were having a good time especially Bia who fell on the floor making the sauce she was carrying to fall on her. 

Since EunHae don't like sweet things, Emmy and EunHae prepared pizzas and fried potato chips and Nikki and Bia prepared the dessert and they invite the guys to come along with them to watch. Surprisingly the jealous Taemin accept to come since there was food. The dessert that was prepared was strawberry dip in chocolate which was weird for EunHae because pizza with chocolate was really weird as well for Taemin. 

EunHae took the remote and go to YouTube on the internet. She put on the playlists on WIN and sit down. Just as she was about to sit next to Emmy, Taemin immediately push her next to him while staring at the TV. He was obviously jealous but EunHae didn't notice anything as she was blushing like hell. 

The show start with the artists talking about how difficult their trainee days were and how happy they felt when they debut. After years YG would be finally releasing a new boy band. Then they start showing the members entering the practice room with surprise face as there are many camera, it was Team A so Bobby wasn't in it. Then the second Team enter which was Team B and Bobby look as clueless as the same day EunHae met him. 

The show goes on and Nikki was fangirling over someone called Hanbin which was in Team B and who seem to be Bobby's best friend. Minho was obviously pissed off. Most of the monthly assessment were won by Team B and I had to admit that they really deserve it. Bobby's rapping was out if this world and without realizing it, EunHae was fangirling over his rap which obviously made Taemin jealous again. 

Bia didn't seem to have any reaction except on the episode where both Team had a versus against a JYP trainee Team. Bia was fangirling over someone called Jackson and Mark which irritates Jonghyun a lot. EunHae was to absorb in the show to notice that Taemin was wrapping his arms around her. Receiving no reaction from her Taemin growl in a low voice. He then rest his head on her shoulder but still no reaction. 


(The Food)



Fortunately after hours, the show finally finished and tomorrow night will be the last episode which will determine the winner. Everyone left to go to sleep leaving EunHae to realize that Taemin has fallen asleep on her shoulder. With precaution she move away laying the still sleeping Taemin on the couch and went to fetch a blanket for him. She cover him and then just look at him smiling 

"How could I have got so lucky to have you?" EunHae ask herself as she watch Taemin sleeping peacefully. Looking at him EunHae just chuckle. He look like an adorable baby while sleeping. 

"Do I even deserve you?" EunHae was also scared. Lots of people told her that they'll never leave but in the end she was always left alone. That's why she always pretend room be a cold person because being always happy and smiling will make you weak in front of strangers. Deep inside she was scared and weak but as years goes by she became a strong and confident person. 

But now she's wondering if she really deserve a guy as amazing as Taemin in her life. Wouldn't he one day be bored of her and leave her for someone better? 

She promise herself to never fall in love because because of that feeling called love she would become a weak person. But with Taemin it seem different. 

"You do deserve me" Taemin suddenly rise up from his sleep wrap his arms around her and push her back still back-hugging her. "I know your life has been really hard with people always leaving you but trust me. It's me who's scared you'll leave me. EunHae you yourself can't see it but you're perfect. Anyone will be lucky to have you but I won't accept it because you're mine and only" Taemin pout and EunHae chuckle lightly. This guy was just too adorable for his own good. 

For someone who's always serious and never him smile made EunHae happy and she understood what Taemin meant. Taemin is more happy and he smile more with her. EunHae smile and just hope that this happiness will last for forever. After some minutes she fell asleep.

Being fast asleep EunHae nor Taemin notice that EunHae got a message on her phone when they were watching the show.






Author's: Thank to everyone who's reading my story it really mean a lot to me. I'll continue to do my best and a really special thank to my friend Alita_DivinerAngel who's a book analysis and who had really help me a lot. Just thank you. I always thought it wasn't good but with you telling me 


" You don't realise your inner potential of writing

I was really shocked when i started to read this. Though there was a bit some grammatical error ( which is not important, can be corrected later) , i could drown into the book! I actually did! I could feel the characters emotions and feelings.. I could put myself in their place! There was even, some comedy scene! Which doesn't let boredom be felt by readers! Thats these qualities which are found in real books!"


Really help me a lot. Thank you.





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737 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

737 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

737 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

737 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

737 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

737 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

737 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

737 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

737 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie