Bathroom Incident

My New Reasons

5 Months Later.... 

Everything has been going fine during these past months. After Taemin had taken EunHae back, she was staying in his room wait I meant his house in another room because Emmy and Jonghyun were really over protective. Despite Taemin many attempts to tell them that he wouldn't do anything to EunHae, they still didn't listen. Of course Taemin wouldn't do anything to her (for now) but the over protectiveness of a best friend and a brother is really strong. 

EunHae's room was next to Emmy which she was really glad about it. Because it has always been a wish to her to live near Emmy and in a way it became true. 

But Taemin was how to say it? He was annoyed and really pissed off, why? Because EunHae's attention were only towards Emmy. Like come on EunHae finally met her internet best friend which she was literally like literally dying to meet so please understand her. But EunHae didn't ignore Taemin. But Taemin is a guy who want her girl to look at him and only him. Friends or not, Taemin want EunHae's attention only on him even if it's selfish. 

Apart from the stubborn Taemin, everything was fine in him and EunHae's relationship. EunHae was trying her best to make her shyness go away and little by little she was succeeding except for the fact that she couldn't kiss first but apart from that everything was fine. Taemin understand her and would never rush her. Their date well more like bonding time consists of eating together and spending their time together. 

In a way to say it. We can say that they both don't know how to show their feelings to each other.

But to them it wasn't a problem. They don't need to date to feel the love. Because there's a saying that goes around, it says that you may have dated someone for years and still haven't felt the love but you may also be with someone for some months and already feel like this person is the one. And this was Taemin's and EunHae's case. Sometimes when you look at them you wouldn't believe that these two are madly in love with each other. The best relationship is when you can act like lovers and best friends at the same time. 

At school EunHae was really busy and when she came back home with her homework she most of the time had to put all her attention towards her work which leave Taemin bored and lonely but he didn't mind. He always love watching how serious EunHae is when she work. He could watch her all day which he do. Just spending time with her even without a word being spoken you could understand how much they love each other. EunHae was the only girl to understand Taemin's feelings. 

Fortunately it was now the weekend and Emmy had a meeting to attend so she wouldn't be here during the weekend. It'll be only EunHae and Taemin. Since EunHae had already finished her work, she decided to prepare Taemin's favourite food in this whole entire universe which we can also say is his second love.  


It was her first time trying to cook steak so she did it with the utmost care. EunHae take the steak out of the refrigerator about 20 minutes before preparing it, cut off the bones and fat she want Taemin to be healthy, coated the steak in a thin layer of olive oil. She season steak with salt and a generous layer of fresh black pepper about 15 minutes before you plan to cook it. 

Suddenly as she was about to put the timing on the frying pan, suddenly two strong arms wrap around her waist and she felt a chin on her shoulder. She just smile. It was Taemin. EunHae knew that he would've come after smelling the aroma. 

"Did you prepare that for me? Thank you love"

She just laugh and just ruffle his hair smiling making Taemin pout. Taemin continue to back hug her which made EunHae blush furiously. He then rub his sinful lips against EunHae's neck making her gulp slightly. Then he lightly kiss behind her ear "Yes I did! I hope that you'll like it. Go take a bath for now while I finished cooking it dear" Taemin grin happily after hearing EunHae calling him dear. 

EunHae was talking while trying to adjust to timing of the frying pan but Taemin was just looking at her smiling and he just backhug her again making you smile slightly. "What now? Aren't you tired of hugging me?" Ask EunHae while chuckling a little "Nope because I love you Kim EunHae" You ruffle his hair and told him to go but then Taemin just put his lips to your ear and whisper. 

"Well but you can still come with me if you want to!" 

With that every cell of her body froze. These words were enough to make her gulp and shiver. "What...what....." EunHae open to say something but nothing came out "Haha I was just kiddi-" EunHae's thoughts was rushing through her mind like a mad horse so she didn't heard Taemin talking. "Well sure I can but I'll just standing outside"

With that Taemin was surprise, he was just messing around he didn't expect her to say yes. Well it was just to Wait inside the bathroom while he finished taking his bath. It was a good way to make her shyness go away. Taemin was shock in a happy way that he just took the clothes and ran off the the bathroom EunHae go to the bathroom and just stare at the door before opening it. She open the door and close it to just lean against it.

Taemin notice her and just smile innocently, He turn his back and just open the hot water in the shower. He lean back and start to remove his shirt off which made you gulp and immediately look away with your heart beating like crazy. You didn't want to look, you had seen him shirtless many times because he most of the time walk around the house shirtless but this time something burn inside you and you just took a peek. A little look won't hurt right? But then for some reasons EunHae found herself staring at his sinful and gorgeous body. 

The steam from the hot water didn't help at all.

The steam coming from the hot water was already making his skin look sweaty. And you could even see droplets of water flowing over his back which made him look more hot. He smirk because he knew EunHae was staring at him but EunHae didn't know that he knows because his back was facing her. Then he turn around surprising her but she look away as if she wasn't looking but he just smirk at you. It was too hard to resist you were taking peeks from his body "Are you enjoying the view love?" EunHae's eyes widen the she stare away "'re you ta...talking about?" Taemin smirk and then made his way towards her who was still staring into the distance "Oh but you know? I really like it when you look at my body though" She could feel the teasing in his voice. 





He approach her and took her by her hand and push her against the closed door with a thud. He then put his hands on both side on her head smirking. She quickly look back at him trying to keep cool but couldn't because that bastard pressed his bare body against hers and his lips were just inches from hers. With that EunHae find it hard to breath, she continue to look away but she could feel that her face was about to explode from blushing that much. His hot breath was hitting EunHae's cheek making it more hard to breath. 

"Love? Why are you so red? Is something wrong?"

She just look away completely red. He put his warm hand over her face. If it was possible she would've just melt at his touch. No one can make her feel love like that. She felt safe with him. He hold her face and turn it to his and just stare in her eyes. His hand went down and hold her by her waist "You're perfect" he said in a whisper as he lean closer and kiss her passionately his hands went on her back pushing her closer to him. EunHae didn't hold herself she kiss back but was reluctant to hold him by his waist thinking it would make her a bad person so she quickly take away her hands from getting more closer to his waist. But he notice it and back away and just stare at her.

"Why didn't you touch me?" Taemin sigh knowing exactly why she was reluctant. He did that trying to make EunHae's shyness go away but it didn't help.

"Wh....what?" EunHae was something else. She do love him but he was scared that if she continue it would make her like a bad person and that's why Taemin wanted to make that feeling of hers go away. 

"I mean you were about to hold me by my waist but you back away. I'm I.....I being too fast?" Of course Taemin had another thing on his mind. 

" it's not that it's just that I don't want to look like a bad person and how can someone like me touch you..." Taemin just sigh and hug her. 

"You aren't a bad person if you touch me I know that you aren't one. Just look at you. You're just like Jonghyun, you're way too kind and perfect and freaking gorgeous" but EunHae was still feeling bad. 

"I....I don't know Taemin.." He just sigh in frustration and glare at her. He had enough and had really enough of EunHae acting like that. So Taemin just took out everything. 

"Can't you just be positive for once. I've had enough of you being like that. If you were any of these things that you're telling me do you think that I'd be here with you. Just leave and prepare the food and let me take my bath" Taemin was frustrated and angry. He had enough of her being like that, he just wanted to be alone to think. He make EunHae go out and she just sigh getting out and waiting for him to finish showering. She hear the door open and she look at him. He was just wearing a towel around his waist. You went to him trying to apologize but he just back away. 

"Look Taemin I'm sorry I promise I won't ever say that again I'm sorry you know. Sometimes it's hard for me sometimes I know you're speaking the truth but I'm really sorry. It's just hard to believe that I find someone who love me for who I'm I" but Taemin just shake his head ignoring her. He wanted her to be more confident. There was only one way to make everything alright but she were really hesitant about it.

EunHae just quickly kiss him on his cheek and back away. Taemin was just so happy that he squeal and hug her so tightly that they both fell on the floor laughing happily. Taemin was happy. Just when he was about to stand up he suddenly stop and his face become red after realizing something. He look left and right and then look at her and his face become more red. "Are you alright Taemin? Did you hurt yourself when you fell"

" it's not that. It's just...well my towel came untied and if I stand up it'll fall down. So can you please tie it for me" Taemin ask as EunHae process what just happened. After some seconds, EunHae's eyes widen. 


She whisper scream and her face turn completely like who wouldn't in that situation. After a moment of hesitation and thinking EunHae sigh. She made her hands goes down but by accident she caress Taemin's bare stomach. She was so close to him were so close to him that she could see him close his eyes and he was biting his lips at the contact. EunHae finally find the towel and quickly tied it well. 

She signal Taemin who just nodded "Thank you and I'm glad that you became more confident. Stop worrying about these and just trust me" EunHae nodded and Taemin kiss her forehead lightly "That's my girl!"

They were still in that position as Taemin kept kissing her forehead while grinning happily "I'm glad you kiss me. You aren't being scared anymore" EunHae was blushing but they haven't notice that someone has been calling Taemin. The door suddenly open "Taemin have you seen Eun- 

She immediately stop at the scene of a Taemin with only a towel wrapped around his waist on a blushing EunHae. dropped open at the scene "Well there you are Hmmm. What should I deduce from that" Emmy raise her eyebrow as she stare at them. Taemin immediately got up helping EunHae too up. He took his clothes and immediately rush out leaving EunHae with an angry looking Emmy. 

EunHae explain everything quickly and Emmy just chuckle and patted her back "At least you weren't scared anymore and he's right, I know how you feel but Taemin is really something else so don't be scared I know that you trust him" EunHae smile but then put on a serious face "Fine but I'll need to talk with you later" Emmy was a bit surprise at the sudden seriousness of EunHae but she just nodded. EunHae sigh.




EunHae left to go to the kitchen to find Taemin sitting at the table and he's staring at his plate in front of him impatiently as he was moving his legs in annoyance "I'm hungry~" he said as he saw EunHae coming "Give me my food" he said that cutely while pouting which made EunHae blush.

His cuteness was too much for EunHae. 

"Fine fine here's your steak" EunHae chuckle as she put the steak on his plate which Taemin ate immediately and just moan at how delicious it was "Daaamn~ it's so good~ You're really the best EunHae" EunHae sit and just look at how happily Taemin was. He look so happy. She wish that he'll always be happy.

Happiness is all that Taemin need.

"Open up" EunHae saw a fork with a piece of meat on it. "You need to eat more love. I know your work is important but you need to eat" EunHae eat it and Taemin smile at her "I hope our happiness last forever" EunHae then quickly peck on his lips shyly making Taemin surprise and giggle "I'm glad you aren't scared anymore" 


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737 streak #1
Chapter 97: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I have read the whole fic and I must say that I loved it and enjoyed it! Thank you!

737 streak #2
Chapter 46: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Jonghyun's POV is something alright!

737 streak #3
Chapter 45: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Quite an interesting chapter!

737 streak #4
Chapter 44: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It was a great chapter!

737 streak #5
Chapter 43: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Bullying is wrong on so many levels, there is no doubt about it. :( -_-

737 streak #6
Chapter 42: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Ah, sometimes bad things happen... *sighs*

Loved the chapter!

737 streak #7
Chapter 41: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

I loved that chapter and can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for the lovely chapter and sorry that it took me too long to continue reading. *sighs*

737 streak #8
Chapter 40: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

It's just the beginning of the story and it already has humor in it. I like the chemistry between her and her friends. Especially Nikki she went chasing after her! That cracked me up! But hey, their dream did come true and they were finally able to go to Seoul... although the last scene concerns me a little, but we'll see what happens next and if those girls will bother them again.

Hush, it's not bad, not bad at all. :D

737 streak #9

I like the plot and the description of each character! I am ready for the ride and let's see how this goes! 😄👍👌😏😉✔✨

78 streak #10
This seems to be an oldie yet a goodie