Chapter 1

Who Are You?

It was a new day in Seoul and Krystal has just turned nineteen. It was 1:02 pm and her parents were having a party for her in four hours. Krystal and her older sister, Jessica, usually did something with each other on each others birthdays. Krystal was just lying in bed until she got a call from her good friend Sulli.


Krystal: Hey Sulli, what’s up?

Sulli: Hey~ the girls and I wanted to go hang out someplace with you before your party

Krystal: Oh! Umm…

Sulli: It’s fine if you don’t want to though

Krystal: umm~ actually… hold on a sec


Krystal then puts her phone down and rushes to her sister’s room. When she got to the door, Krystal realized that Jessica was still sleeping. Krystal tried shaking Jessica gently to wake her up. Jessica didn’t wake up until maybe a few minutes. Jessica yawned and sat up on her bed with her eyes still closed a little.


Krystal: Yah Unnie~ are we gonna do anything today?

Jessica: *yawn* I was gonna take you shopping with me later

Krystal: oh~ ok

Jessica: why?

Krystal: umm~ hold on


Krystal runs back to her own room and picks up the phone.


Krystal: Hello? Sulli? You still there?

Sulli: yea, im still here. So what’s up?

Krystal: Jessica and I were gonna go shopping later. Did you and the girls just wanna come with us?

Sulli: Ooh~ haha! In that case, no~ it’s fine. I’ll just tell the others that your busy. We’ll see you later. The party’s at 5 right?

Krystal: haha ok then. Yea~ it is. You guys are coming right?

Sulli: OF COURSE WE’RE COMING! Why wouldn’t we?

Krystal: haha! I don’t know. Well, I’ll let you go now. See you guys later.

Sulli: Ok. Bye


Krystal hung up the phone and walked back to Jessica’s room. Krystal saw Jessica wearing a big pink sweater and a pair of white shorts.


Krystal: are we going soon?

Jessica: in a little bit. Go get ready. Unless you want to go to the store wearing your pj’s

Krystal: haha! I’ll go get ready


Krystal walked to the bathroom to get washed up. She then went back to her room and changed into some jeans and a pink shirt that had Pikachu’s face on the front. After changing out of her pj’s, Krystal walked downstairs and over to the kitchen to see Jessica eating breakfast at the table and her mom cooking for the party later. Krystal made herself some cereal and sat across from Jessica.


Jessica: hey mom, Krystal and I are gonna go to the store after we finish eating. Is that ok?

Mom: that’s fine. Don’t stay out too late though. At least be back around 4:30

Jessica: haha yes mother


Krystal and Jessica soon finished their breakfasts and left for the mall. As they got to the mall, Krystal spots her close friends, Sulli, Luna, Amber, and Victoria, in the parking lot.


Krystal: HEY!!!

Luna, Amber, Sulli, and Victoria: KRYSTAL!!!!!!!

Jessica: Hello~ would you girls like to accompany us?

Victoria: no, its fine. We’re about to leave right now

Luna: yea~ sorry. maybe next time

Jessica: ooh alright then

Krystal: I’ll see you guys later

Luna, Amber, Sulli, and Victoria: see ya later~


Luna, Amber, Sulli, and Victoria leave towards a white van and drive off. Jessica took Krystal by the hand and pulled her into the mall. Jessica dragged Krystal to this shop that had so many clothing, accessories, etc. Jessica let go of Krystal’s hand and wandered around the shop to look for any cute clothing she might find. Krystal walked towards some hats and picked up a Pikachu cap. It had Pikachu’s face on the front and had long ears hanging out at the top of the hat. Krystal loved the little Pikachu hat. She held onto the hat and looked around some more. Jessica was only able to find these white pair of shades that had some jewels on the sides. Jessica couldn’t find anything else she liked so she walked around to find Krystal. Krystal walked around until she spotted Jessica looking all around the place. Krystal then walks up behind her and taps her right shoulder while moving to her left side. Jessica fell for it and looked to her right and then left. Krystal was laughing on the floor with her left hand covering . Jessica just smiled.


Jessica: I think I’ll give you one of the gifts I got for you in the car.

Krystal: haha! Why? And how come you’re acting weird today? You would usually already be trying to hurt me by now

Jessica: oh! As much as I want to right now, I won’t


Hearing Jessica say that last sentence made Krystal very cautious. Jessica had something up her sleeves and Krystal knew it. After purchasing the white shades and the Pikachu hat, they decided to go home. As they got out to the parking lot and into the car, Jessica locked the car doors and punched Krystal’s arm nineteen times.



Jessica: *smiling* your Birthday Punches!

Krystal: ooh~ for fooling you in the mall. Haha!!

Jessica: *starting up the car* why else would I punch you for?

Krystal: I don’t know, you tell me


Jessica just looks away with a smile and drives off. The Jung sisters arrived at home a few minutes later. As they got inside the house, they realized that there was still a long time till the party. Jessica walked upstairs and into her room. Krystal assumed that Jessica was probably going back to sleep. Krystal felt a little dizzy and so she decided to go back to bed as well. Krystal was awoken by Jessica a few hours later.


Jessica: *jumping on the bed* YAH! It’s time for you to wake up Krys~

Krystal: *yawn* what time is it?

Jessica: well~ lets just say that everyone’s here already

Krystal: WHAT!?!?!? THEY’RE DOWNSTAIRS??!!

Jessica: YEA~~


Krystal got up and ran downstairs. She saw a lot of her relatives just sitting around and talking. There was a knock at the door and Krystal walked over to open it. When Krystal opened the door, she found Luna, Sulli, Amber, and Victoria standing there.


Krystal: YOU GUYS MADE IT!!!!

Amber: we told you we were coming

Krystal: yea I know. But still…

Victoria: haha so yea~ can we come in?

Krystal: oh! Im so sorry! Yes, please come in


Krystal’s friends walked in and followed Krystal to her room. 4 of Sica’s friends came over a few minutes after Krystal’s did.


Jessica: you guys actually came haha!

Yoona: well yea~ it’s your sister’s birthday

Sunny: the others couldn’t make it though

Jessica: its fine. At least you guys came

Seohyun: so what are the party plans for today?

Jessica: I honestly don’t know

Taeyeon: *smiling* how do you not know?

Jessica: haha! I just don’t ok?


A few minutes passed and Momma Jung came up to Krystal’s and Jessica’s rooms to tell them to come downstairs. As they got downstairs, Momma Jung grabbed Krystal and shoved her in front of a cake. After everybody got done singing the Happy Birthday Song, Krystal closed her eyes and made a wish. Everyone was clapping after Krystal had blown the candles out. After a few hours of eating and hanging out with the family and friends, Krystal’s relatives decided to leave. Jessica and Krystal’s friends soon left too. Krystal was given her gifts and then she walked up to her room. Krystal walked to her bed, then dropped her gifts onto her bed. Jessica came barging in the room a few seconds later.


Jessica: so what’d you get?

Krystal: I don’t know yet. I just got in here.

Jessica: well HURRY UP!!!! I wanna see what you got

Krystal: ok ok~


Krystal opened a gift from Victoria. Victoria had gotten Krystal some cute pink house slippers. The next gift was from Sulli. Krystal started to laugh as she pulled out what Sulli had got her. It was a small plush of a black cat. There was a letter along attached to the cat plush.


When I saw this, I immediately thought of you. Hope you have a great birthday. Love Sulli.


Krystal and Jessica both chuckled. The rest of the gifts were just clothes and shoes. By the time Krystal had finished opening her gifts, it was 11:33 pm. Jessica walked over to her room after giving Krystal a hug and telling her “Happy Birthday”. A few minutes later, Krystal walked downstairs into the living room. Everyone was asleep by now. Krystal walked over to the kitchen to find herself a midnight snack. As she opened the fridge, there was a knock on the door. “Who‘s at the door at this time of day?”. Krystal walked over to the door and looked through the eye hole. There was no one there. Krystal opened the door and saw a box on the ground. She picked up the box and went back inside. The box said that it was for Krystal but it didn’t say who it was from. Krystal brought the box to her room and closed the door behind her. Krystal was too tired to open the strange box so she just went straight to bed.


The next morning.

Krystal woke up and immediately got up towards the box. She ended up falling off the bed making some noise. Jessica soon came running in the room.


Jessica: YOU OK KRYS!!??

Krystal: *rubbing her head* oww… huh? Oh! Good morning unnie~ and yea, im ok

Jessica: *sigh* what are you doing?

Krystal: oh! I found this box at the doorstep last night.

Jessica: *grabbing and observing the box* hmm~… well…….. LET’S OPEN IT!!!

Krystal: Give me the box then!


Krystal takes a pair of scissors from her desk and cuts the tape on the box. Krystal opened the box and saw a note and another box. This box was a lot smaller. Krystal took the note and read it aloud.


Krystal: “Dear Krystal, please~ you must save my world. Take this necklace, be ready, and prepare for a war that you will never want to see again.”

Jessica: it must be some prank or something

Krystal: *opens the smaller box* ooh! This necklace is pretty

Jessica: ooooh~~~ hey Krys? Can I have it?

Krystal: HAH! not in a million years Jess

Jessica: *pouting* please Krystal~

Krystal: Nope, its mine


Krystal sticks her tongue out at her sister and then looks back at the beautiful necklace. It was a gold necklace with a big pearl at the end. Krystal put on the necklace and stood before her mirror to examine it. Jessica sneaked up behind Krystal and slowly grabbed the necklace. Krystal could feel her necklace sliding up her neck to her head. Just as Krystal was about to turn around and yell at her “sneaky” sister, the pearl had started to glow blue. Both Jessica and Krystal stared at the mysterious looking pearl. The pearl stopped glowing and the Jung sisters suddenly fell asleep.

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abezface #1
Chapter 6: awsome update soon please i like this story
RFShip9389 #2
Chapter 1: cool opening :)