Chapter 2

Who Are You?

Jessica had just regained consciousness. Jessica was very disturbed of her and Krystal’s location. They were no longer in Krystal’s room. No~ they were laying down somewhere outside. They were in a field filled with grass and trees. Jessica got up and started to worry. She looked down at the ground to see Krystal on the floor still sleeping. There was something different about her though. Krystal was no longer wearing the clothes she was wearing in the bedroom. She was wearing a white shirt with a small pink vest, pink boots, a pair of white pants, and two metal wristbands on each wrist. Jessica looked and saw that she was wearing white short shorts, a pair of black leather gloves, a white tank top with a small, light blue vest, white shoes, and a small red scarf. Jessica jumped a little when she heard Krystal getting up.


Krystal: *holding her head* uhhgggg~ what happened Jess?

Jessica: Krys? Where are we?

Krystal: *looking at Jessica* what are you talk… Jess!? What~ are you wearing??

Jessica: me~!? Look at what your wearing!

Krystal: *looking down at her clothing* what the?? Umm… Jess? What happened to the clothes we were wearing before? and how did we even get here?

Jessica: that’s what im trying to figure out


Jessica: TIFFANY!!!! TAEYEON!!!! HEY!!!


Jessica and Krystal then sprint towards the two girls. Tiffany and Taeyeon looked at them in confusion.


Jessica: *hugs Tiffany and Taeyeon* IM SO GLAD TO SEE YOU!!!

Tiffany: umm~?? Who are you?

Jessica: huh? It’s me, Jessica

Taeyeon: *whispers to Tiffany*

Tiffany: *points to Krystal* and who’s this?

Jessica: this is my sister, Krystal. Guys! This isn’t funny. You know us

Tiffany: OH!!!! Sorry~ please forgive us for our behavior. We didn’t recognize you guys

Jessica: Yah! You better be sorry

Taeyeon: What are you two doing out here unarmed? Its dangerous out here

Krystal and Jessica: *looking at each other in confusion* we have weapons?

Taeyeon: *face palms* uugh~ you girls forgot again huh?

Krystal: *looking back at Taeyeon* what weapons?

Tiffany: you know, your Crystal Wand? And you Jessica, your Blizzard Sword?

Krystal and Jessica: umm~~???

Taeyeon: *sigh* come with us


Krystal and Jessica followed Taeyeon and Tiffany for a while to this huge mansion. Once they got inside, Krystal and Jessica were in shock of how amazing the place looked. The mansion was indescribably amazing. Krystal and Jessica continued to follow Taeyeon and Tiffany to a room that seemed to be the master bedroom. There were two beds, the bed on the right had a really weird looking Sword while the bed on the left had a Wand with a baseball sized crystal on the top. The Sword’s blade was an aqua blue color with tiny snowflakes glowing around it. Jessica walked over to the Sword and picked it up while Krystal walked over to the Wand picking it up. As Jessica and Krystal turned to the door, they saw that Taeyeon and Tiffany had left.


Jessica: *looking at her Blizzard Sword* umm~ Krys? I don’t think we’re home in Seoul anymore

Krystal: *sarcastically* NO~! YOU THINK?

Jessica: YAH! … *sigh* I guess we’ll just have to play along with what everyone’s doing.

Krystal: seems that way

Jessica: come on Krys. Let’s find out where we are

Krystal: agreed


Jessica and Krystal walked out of the room and walked towards the outside door of the mansion. As they got outside, Krystal was shoved forward a little. Krystal looked back to see four girls standing there. Three of them were dressed in black leather pants, white tank tops, and black leather vests while one girl was dressed up in a black, wizard looking, robe.



Sulli: haha! Hey~ we’re bored. Got any missions for us? Or anything at all?

Krystal: why do you need me to tell you what to do?

Victoria: umm because you and your sister are the village’s Presidents?

Krystal: Oh… umm… *looks and whispers to Sica* hey, what do I do?

Jessica: *whispers* I don’t know. Tell them whatever you want them to do I guess

Krystal: *looks back at Sulli* umm~ you girls will~… umm… lets see… uhh~ what weapons do you girls use again?

Victoria: haha! You forgot?! I use a Bow. Don’t you see my arrows?

Jessica: *whispers to Krystal* I could’ve told you that

Sulli: I use Daggers

Amber: *holding up her weapon* I use this here Chinese Spear

Luna: Im a Magic user. I use a Wizard’s Staff, as you can see

Krystal: ooh yea~ haha alright then. Umm~ … *pointing to a nearby village* you girls will go to the village and ask around to see if anyone needs help.

Sulli: WHAT!!?? SERIOUSLY!!??

Amber: why??

Krystal: you wanted something to do. Well there you go

Victoria: *sigh* well, I guess we brought this on ourselves

Luna: aish~ *looks at Krystal* how long do you want us to help people?

Krystal: umm~ I don’t know. As long as you guys want I guess… OH! What’s the village called?

Sulli: you don’t even know the name of the village you’re sending us to?

Krystal: *looking down* umm~ no…

Jessica: *whispers to Krystal* good going Krys

Amber: the village is called SM, Krystal

Krystal: oh… ok~ … well hey~ you girls should get going

Victoria: *sigh* ok. Bye Krystal. We’ll see you around. And OH! Don’t forget to meet up with Jay Park at SM’s village entrance

Krystal: *confused* ok~

Luna, Sulli, and Amber: Bye Krystal~

Krystal: Bye girls. Have fun


The four girls leave towards the small village, SM, which was just a little ways from the mansion.


Jessica: so~ what should we do now?

Krystal: didn’t you hear Victoria? We gotta go meet this Jay Park guy at the village entrance

Jessica: *sigh* fine… but~

Krystal: *pushing Jessica from behind* come on Jess


Jessica and Krystal walked down to the village and saw Victoria, Sulli, Amber, and Luna walking up to random people. Jessica and Krystal walked towards the village entrance and was immediately stopped by a random guy dressed in a pair of black, silk pants, a pair of black gloves, and a zipped up black vest with the collar plopped up. Jessica and Krystal were a bit frightened by this man because of the huge Great Sword on his back.


Random Guy: are you girls Jessica and Krystal Jung?

Krystal: y-yea

Jessica: and are you Jay Park?

Random Guy: yes I am


Krystal let out a small sigh of relief.


Krystal: so Jay? You’re on the same side as us right?

Jay: haha!! Yea. I’m a warrior from Flashback

Jessica: what do you mean “Flashback”?

Jay: umm~??? It’s an organization made by you two and the Presidents of the other villages

Krystal: yea~ remember? We started up the organization Jess


Jessica just gave Krystal a weird look.


Jessica: *raises eyebrow* why name it “Flashback”?

Jay: I’d actually like to know that myself

Jessica: oh~ haha! Umm~ I guess its because it sounds cool

Krystal: haha ook~ Jess

Jay: so~ you girls ready to go?

Jessica: what exactly are we doing?

Jay: I’ll tell you two on the way


Jay walks off with Jessica and Krystal following from behind.


Jessica: so? What’s happening?

Jay: we’re going to the village called JYP, to offer a truce

Krystal: why’s that?

Jay: it’s because of this big war that’s coming

Krystal: *whispers to Jessica* it’s like what the note said!

Jessica: well, who’s the bad guy in this case?

Jay: I haven’t heard much about the enemy but I do know the person uses two Bladed Guns

Jessica: “Bladed Guns”??

Jay: the name, itself, is self-explanatory. It’s a sword that can shoot like a gun. If used properly, it can be a very dangerous weapon.

Krystal: oh~



30 minutes passed by and the trio were still walking.


Krystal: ugh~ we almost there?

Jessica: just wait Krystal. We’re probably almost there

Jay: um, actually~ we still have 2 hours left of walking

Jessica and Krystal: WHAT!!!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Jay: haha!! Calm down~ I was just kidding

Krystal: so how much longer then?

Jay: should be just another 10 minutes or so

Jessica and Krystal: uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhhh~


A few seconds later, the three heard a loud rustling noise coming from a bush. The trio immediately stopped walking and took a defensive position.


Jay: Who’s there?


There was some whispering coming from the bush.


Voice 1: Crap~ they heard us

Voice 2: no really?!

Voice 3: you did manage to make the whole bush shake

Voice 1: oh! So it’s all my fault?

Voice 4: uh~ yea. It is, idiot

Voice 1: it’s not my fault you guys chose to hide here


A few seconds later, four women had jumped out from the bush. Their clothing was very barbaric like.


Jay: who are you? And what do you want?

Person 1: I am CL

Person 2: the name’s Minzy

Person 3: I’m Bom

Person 4: my name’s Sandara

Jay: and what are you girls doing here?

CL: we were sent here to bring Jessica and Krystal to our boss

Jay: and who is your boss?

CL: his name is~

Sandara: SHHHHH!!!! We’re not supposed to say his name CL

CL: oh yea~ sorry

Minzy: well are we just gonna sit here or are we gonna do what we came here to do?

Bom: you’re right Minzy. Let’s get em


The four girls ran towards the trio quickly while pulling out there weapons. CL with Brass Knuckles, Minzy with a giant Two-Handed Axe, Bom with two Daggers, and Sandara with a Metal Staff. Minzy and Bom ran after Jay, CL ran towards Krystal, and Sandara ran towards Jessica. Bom went in for a quick strike but was blocked and knocked back by Jay’s Great Sword. Jay had swung his Great Sword too hard and wasn’t able to block the direct hit to his body by Minzy’s Axe. Minzy had got Jay in the stomach pretty good. Jay quickly jumped away and put a hand on his wound. Jay was soon knocked out from Bom’s kick from behind. Jessica held her sword firm in front of her as Sandara jumped and swung her Metal Staff at her. Jessica slid backwards a little as their weapons hit but soon threw Sandara away. Jessica saw Jay on the ground knocked out and immediately changed on to the offensive side. Jessica swung her blue, icy blade at Sandara but they were all dodged. Jessica took one strong swing at Sandara and managed to cut her leg badly. Sandara jumped away and stopped moving.


Jessica: what’s going on?


Sandara’s skin had become pale and soon was frozen. Minzy and Bom quickly ran towards their frozen comrade in fear.



Minzy: BOM!!! She’s frozen. She was struck by that girl’s Blizzard Sword

Bom: yea! So?

Minzy: it means… *sniff* she’s no longer with us


Bom just looked at Minzy with teary eyes. CL saw what had happened and became furious. She threw many fast punches at Krystal but they were blocked and dodged. Krystal was getting tired of dodging and soon slowed down. CL saw that Krystal’s movement was getting slower and so she took this chance to land one painful uppercut under Krystal’s chin. As the punch and Krystal’s chin met, Krystal went flying in the air. Krystal fell right under a tree barely moving. Krystal didn’t have a clue of what to do with her Crystal Wand cause she didn’t know anything about using Magic. Krystal had blood coming from and was in severe pain. Krystal slowly turned towards CL and held out her Wand. The only thing that Krystal was thinking of was “please do something”. CL ran towards Krystal hoping to land another punch but as she got closer, a huge fireball shot out from the crystal of Krystal’s Wand and caused CL to fly back into a tree. CL was on fire but quickly jumped into a pond. CL soon came out of the pond with her face and arms burnt. She was more furious now than before. CL ran towards Krystal again but soon fell down.


Krystal: huh!? W-What happened??

Jessica: *pointing to CL‘s head* Krys, look


Krystal had spotted an arrow on the back of CL’s head.


Krystal: umm!! Im pretty sure I didn’t do that!

Minzy and Bom: CL!!!!

Jessica: somebody else is here with us… but where?


Bom ran towards the corpse in tears.


Minzy: *running towards Krystal* YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!


Jessica saw Minzy running towards her sister and immediately sprinted towards Krystal. Minzy was running way to fast for Jessica to catch up. Krystal closed her eyes as Minzy swung her huge axe at her. CLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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abezface #1
Chapter 6: awsome update soon please i like this story
RFShip9389 #2
Chapter 1: cool opening :)