Chapter 10

Who Are You?

The next morning.


It was 5:03 AM and Jessica was all ready to go out and find her sister. Jessica quietly opened her bedroom door and walked out. She saw Lay, Kai, Luhan, Rain, and Jay all sleeping in the living room. Jessica quietly closed her door and carefully walked past the 5 guys. As she opened the door to outside, Jay starting getting up.



Jay: *quiet whisper* im coming with you.

Jessica: *quiet whisper* your awake?

Jay: *quiet whisper* I couldn’t let you go out there alone.

Jessica: *quiet whisper… smiles* thanks.



The two then walk outside and close the door. Jessica and Jay took a few steps before they heard the door open up again.



Victoria: We’re coming too.

Jessica: “We‘re”?

Amber and Luna: Hi~

Jay: alright then. Lets go girls.



The group of 5 then started walking down the roads of YG.



Luna: so~ where exactly do we start?

Jessica: I’m gonna go check out the “abandoned city” that Krystal went to.

Jay: that’s a good place to start.

Victoria: what about Sulli?

Amber: if she came out last night, she’d probably head there too.

Luna: so she might already be there?

Jessica: possibly.

Victoria: *sigh* I just hope the both of them are okay.

Jessica: same here.



Krystal’s eyes slowly started to open. She was laying down in a cave, under a blanket. Krystal saw her belongings next to her and grabbed them. Krystal quickly got up as she saw a man at the entrance walking towards her. The man was dressed in black ninja-like clothing with a mask covering only his mouth.



Man: calm down. I’m not gonna hurt you.

Krystal: *raises wand* W-Who are you?!

Man: please, put your weapon down.



Krystal slowly lowers her weapon and sits down on the blanket. The man took a few steps closer to Krystal and pulled his mask down.



Man: my name is Yoseob. And you are?

Krystal: my name’s Krystal.

Yoseob: you mean like, Krystal Jung from the village of SM?

Krystal: y-yea. Why?

Yoseob: haha, it’s an honor to meet one of the presidents from SM.

Krystal: haha, okay~. So where am I? What happened? ……. WHERE’S THE SHADOW KING!?!?!

Yoseob: It disappeared somewhere when I showed up.

Krystal: when you showed up?

Yoseob: I kind of, sort of, knocked you out last night by accident. Hehe~

Krystal: well what did you do???

Yoseob: I tried throwing a rock to distract that weird shadow creature so I could quietly sneak you out. But I somehow accidentally missed and got your head.

Krystal: *stares at Yoseob* (like this) O_O

Yoseob: im so sorry for doing that. I still managed to get you out of there though without alerting that shadow creature.

Krystal: well, I guess it’s fine. I mean, I am alive still so it’s alright I guess.

Yoseob: *smiles*

Krystal: so where are we?

Yoseob: we are still in the abandoned city.

Krystal: really!?

Yoseob: yup. Step out there and you’ll see the damage that you and that shadowy creature did. Not that it matters, no one lives here anymore.



Krystal quickly stands up and runs towards the cave entrance. She looked out in the opening and saw the car that had been blown up by the Shadow King’s power. Krystal then walked back to Yoseob and saw him holding a small bag.



Yoseob: sit.

Krystal: why?

Yoseob: *opens bag* food.

Krystal: oh, ok then.



The two sat down and ate the food that was in the bag. After 20 minutes of eating, Yoseob handed Krystal a bottle.



Krystal: what’s in it?

Yoseob: just water. *smiles* Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with it.

Krystal: how can I trust you? I just met you.

Yoseob: to trust me, that’s all on you. If you get dehydrated, that’s all on you.



Krystal opened the bottle and sniffed it. She then slowly started to drink it. After she was done drinking, she handed the bottle of water back to Yoseob.



Krystal: so why are you here?

Yoseob: I was just passing by. I was just walking along the trees in the forest until I saw you walking into the city. After watching you and that Shadow King character fight, I decided to help get you out of there.

Krystal: ooh~ well, thanks for that.

Yoseob: *smiles* no problem.

Krystal: well, I gotta go now.

Yoseob: where to?

Krystal: back to my friends. They’re waiting for me in YG.

Yoseob: ooh~ haha. Alright then. Mind if I accompany you there?

Krystal: umm, I don’t see why not haha.



Yoseob and Krystal walked out of the cave and onto the road to YG. The two have been walking for 2 minutes until they heard a girl’s voice scream out “HELP!”. Yoseob pulled his mask back up and swiftly ran towards the sound of the voice. Krystal quickly followed from behind but Yoseob was too fast and left a huge gap between them. Krystal continued to run as she saw Yoseob suddenly stop. As Krystal caught up to Yoseob, she stopped to shed some tears. Krystal couldn’t believe at the sight. Sulli was hanging on a tree by her hands and had multiple cuts on her body and legs. Krystal quickly ran to Sulli and shot a small Fire Ball at the string that was holding Sulli. Krystal caught Sulli and held her on the ground.



Krystal: *sniff* SULLI!!! WAKE UP!!

Sulli: …

Krystal: *sniff* PLEASE!!! Sulli~ … wake up~



Yoseob walked over to the two and knelt down.



Yoseob: is she breathing?

Krystal: *wipes tears* a little.

Yoseob: then she’s still alive. C’mon, we’ve got to give her some help.

Krystal: ……… *sniff* …… wait~. I know how to use the Healing spell. I can use that to restore her strength right?

Yoseob: give it a shot.



Krystal then held out her wand and began charging up the spell. Just then, 5 guys jumped out of nowhere. Yoseob prepared his weapons and waited. The 5 guys were dressed up in bandit-like clothing with black bandanas.



Yoseob: did you 5 do this?

Male 1: HAH! Nope~

Male 3: maybe~

Male 4: and if we did?



Yoseob quickly threw a Shuriken (Ninja Star) at the left shoulder of Male 4. Yoseob threw it so fast that it looked like he didn’t even move.




Taecyeon: ugh~ yea. I’m fine.

Male 1: Hey! Junho! Let’s get him!

Male 5(Junho): right behind you Nichkhun!



Nichkhun and Junho sprinted towards Yoseob with knives as Male 2 and 3 ran over to Taecyeon. Nichkhun tried stabbing Yoseob’s stomach but was quickly punched in the face. Nichkhun fell backwards while Junho swung a left hook shot, following by a right uppercut. Yoseob dodged the hook shot and grabbed Junho’s right hand with his left. Junho looked at Yoseob and was soon punched in the gut. Yoseob saw Nichkhun getting back up so he quickly punched Junho in the face and kicked him away. Junho fell to the ground with a bruise. Nichkhun came at Yoseob with his knife, swinging at him. Yoseob swiftly dodged them and grabbed Nichkhun’s right arm (the arm with the knife) and delivered a painful punch to Nichkhun’s stomach. Nichkhun then dropped his knife and fell to the ground.



Yoseob: heh~ you shouldn’t play with knives.

Male 2: OH SHUT UP!!



Male 2 ran at Yoseob with a knife in both hands. He swung with his left hand and then with his right. Yoseob just jumped back to evade it. Yoseob then took out a Kunai and ran towards the guy.



Junho: be careful Wooyoung. He’s really fast.

Male 2(Wooyoung): alright.



Wooyoung took a defensive position and waited for Yoseob to strike. Yoseob ran behind Wooyoung and stabbed him in the shoulder.



Wooyoung: * to himself* He was so quick, I didn’t even see him!!



Yoseob pulled the Kunai out of Wooyoung’s shoulder and threw him at Nichkhun, who was now standing. Just then, Male 3 and Taecyeon took off running towards Krystal. Yoseob noticed them and chased after them.



Taecyeon: If we can’t put a scratch on this guy, we can atleast do something to her.

Male 3: HE’S COMING!!!

Taecyeon: Chansung!! Stall him!

Male 3(Chansung): GOT IT!



Chansung then stopped running and turned around to see Yoseob still running at him. Before Chansung could do anything, Yoseob quickly punched Chansung in the face and then repeatedly punched him in the gut with both hands. Once Yoseob had stopped punching, Chansung fell to the ground holding his gut. Yoseob pushed Chansung aside and took off running after Taecyeon. Yoseob was just too far away to catch up to Taecyeon. Taecyeon was now right behind Krystal. Taecyeon was about to stab Krystal right in the head. Before Yoseob even thought about throwing a Shuriken at Taecyeon, Taecyeon was shot by some kind of energy ball and flew backwards. Krystal was finally done charging the Heal spell and shot it at Sulli’s body. Sulli’s cut marks slowly started heal. After a few seconds, Sulli’s eyes started to open. Krystal was now overjoyed and hugged Sulli tightly.



Sulli: W-what happened?

Krystal: I found you hanging on a tree with multiple cuts on your body.

Sulli: really!? Wow~

Krystal: I’m so glad your okay now.

Sulli: *pointing* who’s that guy over there?



Krystal looked where Sulli was pointing.



Yoseob: my name’s Yoseob. And you’re Sulli correct?

Sulli: yea.

Yoseob: it’s very nice to meet you. Are you feeling well?

Sulli: yea.

Yoseob: that’s good.



Just then, loud footsteps could be heard. The 5 guys who attacked Yoseob were now standing up. The footsteps were getting louder and louder.



Chansung: *cough cough* what is that?

Junho: I don’t know.



Yoseob then turned to look in the forest and saw a huge figure walking towards them.



Yoseob: Krystal, whatever that thing is in the forest, it’s coming this way.



Yoseob slowly pulled out a Kunai while the Sulli pulled out her daggers. The 5 guys stood there in horror when the huge figure came into view. The huge monster wore a black mask that covered it’s whole head, brown leather straps on it’s huge and bulky body, a pair of black baggy pants, a pair of black fingerless leather gloves, and a HUGE two-handed axe. Everyone just stood there staring at the 8 ft tall monster.











here's chapter 10 guys~ ;)  please comment and let me know what you guys think of the story so far. :) haha! hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. till next chapter :P

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abezface #1
Chapter 6: awsome update soon please i like this story
RFShip9389 #2
Chapter 1: cool opening :)