Chapter 5

Who Are You?



It was very quiet in Rain’s house. (Only cause everyone was sleeping XD) It was 6:35am and Rain was the only one awake.



Rain: *to himself* hmm… how should I wake them up?… *out loud* I got it



Rain ran to the kitchen to grab some pots and pans and quietly walked to the center of the living room. (where everyone was sleeping)

BANG!!!!!!!!!! CRASH!!!!! CRASH!!!!! BANG!!!!!! BANG!!!!!!! CRASH!!!!!!!!!



Everyone: AAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rain: *smiling* good. Now that you’re all awake and ready, shall we go?

Jay: *rubbing his head* uugh~ I don’t think im ready yet… *lays back down*

Rain: huh? HEY!!! YOU SLEEP WHEN YOU DIE!!!!! GET UP!!!



Jay quickly shot up after hearing that.



Rain: *smiling* now. We all ready?

Victoria, Luna, Amber, Sulli: Y-YES!~

Rain: *looks towards the Jung Sisters* what about you two? Still tired?

Jessica and Krystal: N-N-NOPE!~ WE ARE WIDE AWAKE

Rain: *smiling* good. Now, shall we?



The group left the house and JYP towards the huge town of YG. Its been 30 minutes of just silent walking and the girls were getting hungry.



Sulli: *stomach growls* umm… Rain?

Rain: yea?

Sulli: im getting kind of hungry

Amber: yea~ same here. Mind if we take a break here?

Rain: *sigh* I suppose



A few minutes passed by and the group had just got their food and fire up. The food was taking too long to cook so Luna decided to use her magic to help roast the food faster.



Luna: hey Krystal? Can’t you use magic too?

Krystal: umm…



Jessica saw that Krystal didn’t know what to say to Luna at that point so she decided to help her out.



Jessica: she doesn’t remember a lot of the spells she practiced doing

Luna: oh~~ well, for someone who only uses magic, that’s not a good thing

Krystal: *smiles at Jessica and then turns back to Luna* haha yea, I know

Luna: haha it’s ok. I was just wondering

Krystal: *smiling* ok



After 18 minutes of eating their food and putting out the fire, it was time for them to start their journey again.



Rain: alright then. Lets go guys

Jay: yea~



The group walked for what seemed like years but was actually 4 hours. Jessica and Krystal were already getting tired by this time.



Krystal: *whisper* hey~ Jessica?

Jessica: *whisper* what?

Krystal: *whisper* im getting really tired of all this walking

Jessica: *whisper* want me to piggy back you?

Krystal: *whisper* WOULD YOU REALLY!!??

Jessica: *whisper* haha!! No! *laughs out loud*

Krystal: *pouting* Jess, your mean

Jessica: *sigh* fine. Come here



Jessica lets Krystal onto her back and carries her. Jessica knew Krystal was asleep when she heard some small snoring. Jessica just giggled to herself. A loud roar was heard a few seconds later and startled the group.



Amber: what the heck was that?!

Rain: hmm…

Jay: Rain?

Rain: shh~

Jay: …. *whisper* what is that?

Rain: *whisper* I’m not a hundred percent sure but I sure hope we don’t encounter it while walking

Sulli: *whisper* umm~ im getting a bit worried

Jessica: *whisper* we should continue walking with caution

Rain: *whisper* agreed. Lets go



The group continued to walk with extreme caution. As they walked, they kept hearing some rustling noises nearby. The group walked until they found themselves in the middle of an open field. Before they decided to keep walking, another loud roar was heard. Soon, a huge, strange looking beast came out from some trees. The beast had the body and arms of a bear, wings of a dragon, legs of a goat, and had the skull of a horse as a head. Jessica then quickly woke Krystal up.



Jessica: KRYSTAL WAKE UP!!!!!! NOW!!!!!

Krystal: ugh~ what’s wrong Je~… WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!!!!




Krystal then jumps off her sister’s back and prepares herself for a fight.



Luna: I thought you said that you didn’t know many spells?

Krystal: oh! Yea~… I don’t … *runs behind Luna*

Luna: umm~ here, take this book. Look through it and try to memorize the spells

Krystal: ok

Rain: *pulls out his sword* NO TIME! ITS COMING TOWARDS US


Victoria and Luna: Yes Ma’am!!!



The group pulled their weapons out as the beast was flying towards them. Jay ran towards the beast and swung his Great Sword downward at the beast’s head but it did nothing. The beast just swatted Jay away with ease as if he was just a bug. Rain and Amber both ran towards the beast while Jessica stayed near Victoria, Luna, and Krystal. The beast saw the two running towards it and finally landed on it’s feet. Rain ran towards the beast’s right arm and climbed up on it while Amber was doing the same on the left arm. Rain jabbed his sword, harshly, through the beast’s right shoulder and quickly took it out. The beast let out a loud roar and grabbed Rain with it’s left hand and through him at a nearby tree. Amber was startled and a bit frightened now but managed to stab the beast’s left shoulder. Amber saw the beast’s right hand coming for her so she quickly jumped in front of the beast and quickly swung her spear at the beast’s chest. The beast let out another loud roar as Amber was running back towards Jessica and the others. Jessica stood there in horror. She didn’t know what to do. Just then, Victoria started shooting the beast with fiery arrows. Luna then finally realized that she could’ve been shooting the beast with her magic. Luna stuck her staff out and was soon shooting fire balls at the beast. The beast couldn’t do anything with all the fire balls hitting it so it flew up in the sky. Victoria’s arrows couldn’t reach high enough to hurt the beast so she stopped shooting. Luna soon stopped as well as she saw what the beast was doing. The beast put it’s arms out in the air and a round, black and red sphere appeared above it’s hands. The sphere was growing bigger and bigger. Jay and Rain finally regained consciousness and ran towards the group. The sphere now looked as if it was bigger than a planet. Everybody became horrified and soon shut their eyes as the beast finally threw the sphere at them. The group felt the sphere near them but instead of getting hit by it, they heard something like a loud thunder clap. They opened their eyes and faced towards the beast. The beast had been hit by the sphere instead and was falling down covered in smoke. The group saw it land with a huge THUD!



Rain: h-how did that happen?

Jay: I-I-I really don’t know. But I sure am glad that it was it that got hit instead of us.

Victoria: I know right? Luna, did you do that?

Luna: n-no~

Jessica: K-Krys? Was that you?



Everyone turns to Krystal to see her holding her wand up.



Krystal: I… don’t know

Rain: it had to be you

Luna: How’d you do that?!

Krystal: like I said “I don‘t know”. I just read this weird line in the book you gave me and then the next thing I knew, the sphere bounced back and flew towards that beast

Luna: where’s this “weird line” you speak of?

Krystal: *opens and flips the pages of the book* here it is


Rain: aren’t Force Field spells suppose to be easy to learn?

Luna: not in an instant. Even if an average spell castor were to learn how to use it in this much time, the force field wouldn’t have been strong enough to withstand that impact with the sphere

Krystal: umm…

Luna: but it’s as if Krystal’s mastered it already. Especially since she used the Force Field spell right before that sphere hit us

Jessica: *whisper* wow~

Sulli: Wow~! You must be really good at memorizing, Krystal

Victoria: or she probably had it memorized already

Luna: did you?

Krystal: No~ I really didn’t have it memorized at all

Jessica: well~ at least we’re safe now

Jay: Jessica’s right. C’mon guys, we should keep moving

Rain: Jay’s right, lets go



The group continued their journey to YG but this time, without having to fight any monsters. It was around 6pm and it was gonna get dark soon and Rain knew it.



Rain: hey~ we should stop somewhere for the night.

Amber: that sounds like a great idea

Jessica: yea~ I am a bit tired

Jay: alright then. Lets set up camp over there near those trees.



Rain and Jay found some pieces of wood lying around and decided to take them.



Jay: hey~ what about food? Its getting kind of dark to go hunting

Rain: hmm… that’s not good

Krystal: while we were at your house, I packed some food


Krystal: I was hungry…

Jessica: why didn’t you tell us about it the first time we stopped to eat?

Krystal: I was saving it until we really needed it. You know, like right now?

Sulli: well she’s got a point


Victoria: well if she hadn’t stole your food, we would be starving and out of energy later.

Rain: *sigh* yea… you’re right

Jay: alright then. Well, I got the fire up. Krystal? The food?

Krystal: oh! Yea



Krystal then pulled out some sandwiches from a bag that she had been holding and gave everyone one. After they finished eating, they all decided to head to bed.



Jay: hey~ what if something attacks us while we’re sleeping?

Rain: hmm… in that case, someone will have to stay awake

Jessica: you mean like, taking turns keeping guard?

Rain: …. Something like that, yea

Jay: I’ll be first then

Everyone but Rain: Thanks so much~

Jay: its fine but your welcome. I guess each of us will stay awake for an hour

Rain: sounds good. Alright then, im gonna sleep now. Good night guys

Everyone but Rain: goodnight



Everyone soon fell asleep but Jay and Jessica.



Jay: you not sleeping yet?

Jessica: I just think it that you have to be awake by yourself

Jay: haha! It’s fine. You need to sleep though. *smiling* You could be the one who takes the next shift

Jessica: haha! Ok fine. Just be careful. Good night

Jay: good night



Jessica then yawned and fell asleep. Now Jay was the only one aware of the two dark figures in the forest.





sorry for updating so slow~ i've been kind of busy with other things... but i hope you guys enjoyed the story so far :)  i will try to update more often though... i will try to update on fridays or sometime on the weekends  :)

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abezface #1
Chapter 6: awsome update soon please i like this story
RFShip9389 #2
Chapter 1: cool opening :)