Chapter 3

Who Are You?

Krystal had her eye’s closed until she heard her sister say “KRYS!! LOOK!!!”. Krystal opened her eyes to see Amber blocking the attack with the bladed side of her Chinese Spear. Victoria came down from a tree while Luna and Sulli came running from behind. Amber knocked Minzy’s weapon to the side and quickly stabbed the girl’s arm. Minzy fell back holding onto her arm. Bom helped Minzy up to her feet and whispered something to her.



Bom: MINZY! We are clearly outnumbered here. Do you SERIOUSLY think that we can beat all of them?!

Minzy: UH. Er~… mmm… no~ fine, we’ll leave. *looks towards Amber* we’ll meet again~


Minzy grabbed her weapon and ran off with Bom and disappeared into the forest. Victoria, Luna, Sulli, and Amber gathered over near Krystal while Jessica ran over to Jay to see if he was alright.


Jessica: *shaking Jay* hey~ you alright?

Jay: *groaning while holding his head* uugh~ wha-what happened?

Jessica: you were knocked out. How’s your wound? Is it bad?

Jay: it’s not too bad. But I should get it looked at just in case

Victoria: KRYSTAL!!! Im so glad that we got here in time!

Sulli: I know right! Krys, you were almost killed

Luna: Thank goodness we caught up to you guys when you three left SM.

Amber: you were almost done for Krys. *smiling* Luckily I was fast enough to block the hit

Krystal: haha! Yea~ thanks a lot girls. I would’ve been dead by now if you all didn’t show up when you did. That CL girl almost had me.

Victoria: hah! Yea~ your welcome for that

Krystal: and if it wasn’t for Amber, that Minzy girl would’ve sliced me up

Amber: *with a huge smile* haha!! It was nothing

Krystal: … OH!!! IS JAY ALRIGHT!!??


The five girls looked over to Jay and Jessica and saw that everything was alright. The five girls then walked over to the other two.


Krystal: we should hurry over to the JYP village

Jessica and Jay: agreed

Krystal: *looks at Victoria* you girls gonna come with us?

Victoria: yea~ of course! There’s no reason in going back to SM right now anyways haha


The group continued on their journey to the JYP village. 10 minutes have passed by and they’ve finally reached the gate to JYP village. The guards that were guarding the gate saw that Jay was hurt and so they came to help him. They took him and told us that they were bringing him to the hospital. We followed the guards to the big hospital and were told to wait in the waiting room. 20 minutes passed by and we saw that Jay was walking towards us looking uninjured.


Victoria: so~ is everything alright Jay?

Jay: huh? Oh, yea~ *smiles*

Krystal: that’s good

Sulli: thank goodness your okay

Jay: haha! Thank you girls for your concern

Victoria: *wink* anytime

Jessica: so where do we go next?

Jay: we go to the village’s President

Krystal: which is where?

Jay: here, I’ll show you. Follow me


Jay walks out of the hospital with the girls following from behind. Jay points his pointer finger North and says “He‘s juuuuuust~ over there”.


Victoria: alright then. Let’s get going


The group walk North towards the President‘s mansion. It took about 3 minutes of walking to get there. Everything seemed really fishy since there were no guards outside near the door. Jay walked up to the door and as he was about to knock, the door automatically opened. The group walked in and saw lots of desks and computers. They then heard someone talking in a room around the corner. They got to the room and saw the President talking on the phone. The President hung up the phone and said to us “how may I help you?”


Jay: umm yes. First of all, why are you the only one in this building?

President: hmm~? What are you talking about? Aren’t the workers working out there?

Victoria: there’s no one out there

Amber: there’s no one guarding at the front doors of the mansion either

President: WHAAAAAT!!?!?!


The President rushes out the room and the group later hear some desks being tossed around. They ran out to see what was happening. Desks and broken computers were all over the place.


Jay: um… sir?

President: *frustrated* what?

Jay: do you have any idea where your people may have gone?

President: no, I don’t

Jay: hmm~ …


Just then, a scroll was tossed in the room from a nearby window. The President picked it up and read it.


President: Oh No~ … c-can I ask you seven a favor?

Jay: actually~ we came here to ask you something. A truce in the upcoming war.

President: … save my people

Jessica: *confused* excuse me??

President: someone has taken my people and my best pupil

Jay: do you know of the location?

President: they’re being held at the bridge that’s surrounded by nothing but trees. It’s about 20 minutes from here on foot.

Jay: will you accept the truce if we help you?

President: yes

Jay: alright then. Oh hey, if we’re gonna be working together, we’re gonna need to know your name

President: my name is Zico. And what are your names?


The seven told their names and walked out of the mansion and left towards this bridge where the President said his people are being held. Once they got a view of the bridge, they could see a lot of people in one spot tied up. There were ten guys there wearing black t-shirts, black pants, white gloves, black shoes, and different colored capes. In the group of tied up people, there was only one guy who looked completely different from the rest. He was wearing a nice black suit with a black tie, a white, buttoned shirt, white gloves, and a pair of black shades. Jay then brought the six girls behind some trees.


Luna: alright, so wats the plan?

Jay: hmm~ not sure

Jessica: we just gonna walk up there?

Krystal: Jess, you know we would get killed like that

Jessica: well I don’t hear any of you guys coming up with any suggestions

Jay: *looking back at the bridge* lets see here~ … alright how bout this? Victoria and Luna will go hide near some trees on the left side of the bridge, Amber and Sulli will go hide near some trees on the right side of the bridge, Jessica and Krystal will hide here behind these trees at the bottom of the bridge, and I will go hide on the other side of the bridge. This way, we have them cornered.

Amber: sounds good

Victoria: But. What are we gonna be doing? Just sitting there hiding?

Jay: I will throw a smoke grenade on the bridge as the signal. After the smoke covers up the people and guards, we will all rush in and take the guards out. Luna and Victoria, you girls will hold your position and shoot any of the guards who try to escape. Ok, everyone knows what’s gonna happen right?

The 6 girls: Yes sir~


Everyone took their positions and waited for the smoke. A few seconds later, the smoke grenade was thrown onto the bridge. As soon as the guards were hidden in the smoke, Jay, Krystal, Jessica, Amber, and Sulli ran onto the bridge. As they got to the area where the guards were standing, the smoke cleared up and the guards were gone. The tied up people were still here but the guards were gone.


Jay: *looking around* WHAT THE!? HOW’D THEY~…

Victoria: I guess the plan didn’t work


Everyone turned to see Victoria and Luna held captive by the ten guards. One guy had a Katana faced towards Victoria’s neck while another guy held his Katana behind Luna. The guy guarding Victoria soon spoke.


Red Cape: Heh~ you thought you could really beat us with that smoke?

Purple Cape (the one guarding Luna): you guys are weak~~


The ten guys laughed. Sulli saw that Jay looked frustrated and began to worry.


Blue Cape: Hey Suho? What do you think we should do with these two?

Red Cape (Suho): I don’t know~ what about you Chanyeol?

Purple Cape (Chanyeol): hah! We could just take them out right here

White Cape: you really want to do that Chanyeol?

Black Cape: why not Baekhyun?

White Cape (Baekhyun): cause I was thinking, why not bring them to the boss? You know what I mean D.O.?

Green Cape (D.O.): hmm~ yea… I guess you’ve got a point there


The guy in the black suit, that’s tied up, soon spoke.


Black suit man: OR~~~ you can release us

Orange Cape: HEY! Be Quiet! Or I’ll just go ahead and kill you

Yellow Cape: whoa~ hey, stay cool Tao

Orange Cape (Tao): *sigh*

Gray Cape: hey~ better idea. Why don’t we just call the boss and ask what he wants us to do?

Blue Cape: yea~ let’s do that

Sky Blue Cape: alright, go ahead and call him Xiumin

Blue Cape (Xiumin): WHAT!? ME?! Why not Sehun? He came up with the idea~

Gray Cape (Sehun): hey~ it was just a suggestion

Black Cape: umm~ so what’s gonna happen Chen?

Sky Blue Cape (Chen): *sigh* why are you guys making this so hard?

Yellow Cape: Hey Kris, just call the boss

Black Cape (Kris): why don’t you call him Lay?

Yellow Cape (Lay): well why do I have to call him?



Chen then pulls out this strange device and starts talking into it. He put it away after asking his question and immediately said “the boss said to take them out”. Suho was about to swing his Katana at Victoria’s neck but Jay quickly ran over and punched him in the face causing him to fall to the ground. Chanyeol reacted quickly and swung his Katana horizontally at Jay but it was blocked by a black cane.


Chanyeol: hmph~ how’d you get loose?

Black suit man: *grins* wasn’t hard. Just needed you guys to leave or get distracted

Chen: Darn you Rain~


Chen pulls out his Katana and swings vertically at Rain. Rain quickly kicks Chanyeol aside and hits Chen’s sword away. Jay pulled out his Great Sword and swung downward at Chanyeol but was quickly knocked away by Lay and Tao. Victoria knew this was a good time to run over to the other girls so she grabbed Luna’s hand and sprinted. Now all of the guards had their swords out. Lay, Tao, Kris, and Xiumin were about to attack Rain and Jay but heard someone yell out from behind “STOP!”. They stopped and looked to see who it was. The man standing there was wearing a white shirt, a long, ped, black coat, black pants, white shoes, yellow gloves, and a black cap that was flipped onto the side. The ten guys ran behind this mysterious man. Jay and Rain backed up a little not knowing of what was gonna happen. Jessica started to panic when she saw what the mysterious man was holding.


Jessica: Krys, look at his weapons


Krystal freaked out too as she saw the man holding a Bladed Gun in each hand.


Mysterious man: why hello

Jay: *taking a defensive position* who are you?

Mysterious man: we met earlier, remember?


Jay gave the man a weird look.


Mysterious man: im Zico

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abezface #1
Chapter 6: awsome update soon please i like this story
RFShip9389 #2
Chapter 1: cool opening :)