
For the first time in his life, Luhan felt like he'd been screwed over. To be honest, he hadn’t expected anything to happen and most certainly, didn’t expect this to happen. But God had a way of screwing up a person’s life and Luhan just happened to be the unlucky victim this time. His hands shook slightly as he brought the cup to his lips, all the signs had been there in front of him so why didn’t he detect it sooner? The fatigue which never seem to go away, his poor appetite as well as feeling nauseous. It was right there in his face but Luhan had brushed it off, telling himself that he was probably overworked.

Looking back, he guessed that this was his own way of denying or running away from reality. He touched his stomach gingerly and cursed, he wasn't ready to be responsible for another life yet. Heck, he would probably never be ready for that. It wasn't a small matter and it didn't involve just him, he still had to consider whether if he should tell Oh Sehun - the father. How would the guy react to the news? When it came down to it, there were only two reactions. Either the guy would accept it or he would demand that Luhan get rid of the child. Out of the two, he guessed that Sehun would lean to the latter.

It was understandable, the man was a notorious crime lord who had the whole underworld of Korea jumping to do his bidding. He was a person who had no qualms in getting rid of anyone who stood in his way. That was the kind of person Oh Sehun was; ruthless, unscrupulous, and showed no mercy to people who had outlived their usefulness.

Well, if push comes to shove, Luhan would just have to raise the child on his own. Getting rid of the child was out of question, it went against everything in Luhan and he wasn’t that cruel. However, there was no use fretting about this. He had to get a confirmation before deciding what he needed to do next.

With that in mind, Luhan set out to the nearest pharmacy.


Why was there a need for so many brands​ of pregnancy kits in the market? Luhan’s head was spinning as he decided which pregnancy kit to choose. What made one better than another? How did people know which one to choose anyway?

He took one off the shelf, examining it when he saw some woman looking at him strangely. Giving them a small smile, Luhan grabbed a few more off the shelves hastily and made his way to the front. He averted his eyes from the cashier who was scanning his items and possibly judging him since, who the hell would buy four pregnancy kits? Well, taking four pregnancy kits was overkill but the embarrassment of putting any back was enough to make Luhan stand his ground.

After the cashier had scanned the last pregnancy kit, he informed Luhan of the amount payable. Digging into his pocket, Luhan belatedly realised that he had forgotten to bring his wallet in his haste to get to the pharmacy.

Of all the things to happen, this had to happen now. “I seem to have forgotten – “

“I will pay for it,” a card was handed over to the cashier as Luhan turned to face- Oh Sehun. Well, at least that was one less worry, since he didn’t have to think up of ways to tell the man that he was possibly pregnant with his child. Grabbing the bag of pregnancy kits from the cashier, Luhan walked ahead of the Sehun.

Once they were outside, Sehun had taken off his own scarf and placed it around Luhan’s neck and knotting it securely. An expensive looking car stopped in front of them and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that this was Sehun’s; all sleek and powerful, intimating and expensive much like its owner. 

Opening the door, Luhan had scooted all the way to the side, avoiding Sehun. Despite the fact that it was glaringly obvious that Luhan was pregnant, starting a conversation with the father of his unborn child wasn’t all that easy.

The other man was also surprisingly quiet, not even bringing up the four pregnancy kits which were in Luhan’s hands. Did the man have to make everything so complicated? He should just say something first so that Luhan could know where he stood. The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he got. He was about to initiate a conversation when the car pulled up to their shared apartment. Taking his chance, Luhan got out of the car quickly and made a dash to the toilet and locked the door once he was inside.

Taking out the pregnancy kits, Luhan started to follow the steps required of him. The waiting time could possibly kill him, he was overwhelmed by the pressure and it didn’t help that he was sweating profusely as well. Glancing his watch every other second didn’t make the time pass faster and he started to pace around, both grateful and annoyed that he could, since Oh Sehun’s toilet was so freaking huge that there was even a Jacuzzi at the corner of it.

He made his way to the counter when he heard the distinct beep of his phone which signalled that his wait was over. Squeezing his eyes shut, Luhan took a deep breath to calm himself because it wouldn’t do if he were to faint now.

Cracking one eye open ever so slowly, he looked at the tests’ results.


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[captivated] [10/3/2015] for those who still missed captivated, i just post a drabble up on my tumblr (:


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XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 2: Sehun taking care of Luhan with his own ways
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: I miss hunhan really
kim_exolover #4
Read this when I was in my teens...I'm 21 now..😭😭
Lemme cry!! I logged in after a really long time!! The website looks kinda different and I remember...back then...we always use to have Chanbaek KAISOO and HUNHAN on the featured story list...
I miss ot12 so much!!
My 21 year old getting all emotional!!
Gonna reread this again!!
Gawdddd!! The nostalgia!!
1106 streak #5
Chapter 14: Beautiful ❤️
1106 streak #6
Chapter 5: Hahhaha the way Sehun kept calling Luhan hyung xD

Yasss sehun show those ladies that Luhan is off limits :D
Lilianlimi #7
Chapter 17: Re reading this again for the hundred times XDDD