
Sehun pulled up the blanket to cover the sleeping male beside him, the pregnancy had taken a toll on him, seeing how his dark circles were more prominent than before. He brushed his hair off his face, smiling when Luhan leaned into his touch. He recalled that particular night where he told his men to bring Luhan up to him. It was one of those nights when he just happened to be overseeing the club, and he'd seen Luhan looking extremely out of place. His discomfort was shown clearly on his face and it made Sehun puzzled as to what he was doing in his club.

That was until he saw Baekhyun in a place where he shouldn’t have been and he had ordered his men to do a search immediately. Like he'd suspected, Luhan and Baekhyun were together, and he guessed why Byun Baekhyun was in his club. The man had a career in crime fighting after all, it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he was here to dig up some dirt on Sehun. Not that he would be able to find any, since Sehun was extremely careful in covering his tracks.

Nothing could ever be traced back to him, and if any one dared to turn against him, they would be buried six feet under with no mercy. Therefore, he should just let Luhan go. But he didn’t. For one reason or another, he was interested.

Luhan was something different though; the man was scared. He was trembling, and his voice was shaking but he held on to his façade, pretending to be brave. A rather laughable attempt, but Sehun had to give him credit since not many could be like Luhan. So he decided to play with the man, and see how he fared. He was stubborn but Sehun liked that, the defiance in his eyes was calling to Sehun. He liked his partners to be feisty and Luhan was a good challenge, not to mention that he was extremely beautiful.

Over time, he found himself seeking Luhan out over and over again. He kept tabs on him, and then he had made the man move in with him. Getting him pregnant was unexpected, but Sehun didn’t mind it. Expect that now, Sehun was more vulnerable. He had a weakness now, and people in his world would be out to exploit it. Things could get rather messy in the future, and it would only get even messier if he managed to succeed in what he was doing.

He couldn’t let his guard down because this beautiful man, was his to protect and he would kill anyone who dared to touch a single strand of hair on Luhan’s body.



Waking up, he felt Sehun’s arm draped protectively on his stomach and he smiled at the sight. Memorising each detail, Luhan committed it to his memory. He had a good idea of what he wanted to paint next. Pushing his arm off gently, Luhan bent down to kiss Sehun on his cheek before going out of their bedroom to prepare breakfast. 

He was searching for the pan when Sehun’s arms came around him, he placed his head on Luhan’s shoulder and planted a kiss there. "Come back to bed."

“Go to sleep, you don’t have to wake up this early.” Luhan told him.

“I can’t sleep when you aren't there,” Sehun said drowsily, not yet awake. This was a side which wasn’t known to many, and Luhan was one of the lucky few who get to see it. “Come back to sleep.”

“I am preparing breakfast – “

“I should hire a maid for you as well as a cook – “

“Sehun, I am pregnant, not an invalid.” Annoyance was clear in Luhan’s voice as he pushed off Sehun’s arms. “You have to stop treating me like a fragile vase. I won't break.”

“I don’t want you to overwork yourself,” Sehun told him as he watched Luhan preparing what appeared to be pancake mixture.

“Cooking won’t kill me,” Luhan rolled his eyes. “I also need you to call off those men who – “

“You know that I can’t do that,” Sehun sighed. This was probably the ten hundredth time that they'd had this argument, but he wasn’t going to budge on this. “They are there to protect you when I am not around.”

“Jongin doesn’t like me,” Luhan retorted. “He hates me and only tolerates me because of you.”

“Well, if you stopped giving him premature grey hairs, then maybe he would like you more.” Sehun suggested, and regretted shooting his mouth off. “I – “

“Are you blaming me now?” Luhan asked, his eyes flashing dangerously.

“Luhan, be reasonable.” Sehun reached out for him, only to have Luhan stepping away from him. “You – “

“I am not talking to you,” Luhan snapped before taking off his apron and throwing it in Sehun’s face.

Great, just great. Maybe Sehun should write a book how to piss off your pregnant partner in less than five minutes. Or maybe he should find a book that would teach him how to not stress out his pregnant partner. 



“You looked absolutely exhausted, is the Princess giving you a hard time?” There was obvious amusement in Jongin’s voice as he sat down in front of Sehun. “I suggest dumping him and getting a new woman.”

“I should have just shot you and been done with you long ago,” Sehun gritted out. Jongin had been his right hand man for a long time, but there had been times that Sehun questioned why he kept the obnoxious guy around. “Stop annoying Luhan – “

“Hey, do you know how much work it takes to protect that Princess? He attracts trouble like a magnet.” Jongin defended himself hotly.

“He is pregnant now,” Sehun divulged to Jongin, something which he hadn’t told anyone else yet. But Jongin had to know since he was often put in charge of protecting Luhan.

“You're in for it now,” the amusement was back in Jongin’s voice now and Sehun ordered Jongin to get out of the room and not to show his face for the rest of the day. 



Luhan was being difficult, he knew that, but he really didn’t like the thought of people following him everywhere he went. He was fine on his own and he could take care of himself perfectly well. Like he said to Sehun, he was pregnant not an invalid. He had known what kind of occupation Sehun was in, and that there were many people who wanted him dead. If Sehun was to show so much as a mild interest in a person, that automatically made them a target. That much was clear from the start.

Forget it, he could come to a compromise. Not that he would allow a team to protect him, because that was just too eye catching. If it was only one or two then that was fine with Luhan, but he absolutely refused to be stuck with Jongin.

Their first meeting had been none too pleasant, because Jongin had threatened to kill Luhan if he so much as breathed wrong, and Luhan had proceeded to knee him because who the hell did this guy think he was?

Seeing the traffic light turn green, Luhan crossed the road and was about to take out his phone to call Jongdae when he heard shouting coming from all directions. By the time, he spotted the incoming car, Luhan was unable to get away.

His last thoughts before darkness claimed him were of Sehun. 





*an: granted some of you might be cursing at me, wondering why is there a need to change again. Well, that is because I couldn't find the balance for Sehun's character. On one hand, he is a ruthless person who can kill without as much as blinking but he wasn't a man without a heart. I didn't know how I wanted him to treat Luhan because love wasn't an emotion he had considering the world he was in.

So after much thought and rewriting this, I decided to make Sehun as such. Like I said, he might be a man who was ruthless but Luhan was different. That male had been the first person he was ever interested in and made an initiative to approach. well, see how it will continue on in the future. As for the side stories, I will put them up again next week after I managed to rewrite it.

Until then, I want to thank everyone for taking the time to comment, subscribe and upvote. They meant a lot to me. 



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[captivated] [10/3/2015] for those who still missed captivated, i just post a drabble up on my tumblr (:


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XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 2: Sehun taking care of Luhan with his own ways
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: I miss hunhan really
kim_exolover #4
Read this when I was in my teens...I'm 21 now..😭😭
Lemme cry!! I logged in after a really long time!! The website looks kinda different and I remember...back then...we always use to have Chanbaek KAISOO and HUNHAN on the featured story list...
I miss ot12 so much!!
My 21 year old getting all emotional!!
Gonna reread this again!!
Gawdddd!! The nostalgia!!
1105 streak #5
Chapter 14: Beautiful ❤️
1105 streak #6
Chapter 5: Hahhaha the way Sehun kept calling Luhan hyung xD

Yasss sehun show those ladies that Luhan is off limits :D
Lilianlimi #7
Chapter 17: Re reading this again for the hundred times XDDD