
Jongin was bored out of his mind as he listened to the discussions between Sehun and Kris. Both of them had refused to budge, causing them to come to a standstill. Well, Kris should have known better than to negotiate with Sehun when it came to weapon smuggling. Sehun had been in this field far longer than Kris despite being younger than the other man.

He gave it another ten minutes before Sehun would cut short this discussion and tell Kris to get his weapons from other source, having had enough of this bull. Jongin was happily counting down to when he would be free when a phone call interrupted them. Usually, those phone calls would be ignored until Sehun was done with the meeting but unexpectedly, the man had picked up the call and put Kris on hold.

Which could only meant one thing: the Princess was in some kind of trouble.

Sehun’s face changed as he listened on and Jongin had a feeling that someone was going to pay for this. That certain someone had better start running now because looking at Sehun, Jongin had a feeling that someone would be given a fate worse than death. In fact, Jongin had seen how Sehun had managed to make someone beg for death before, and it wasn’t a pretty sight. He pited the poor guy who dared to harm the Princess.

“Kris, I am afraid that we'll have to continue this discussion another day.” Sehun said and Kris was about to protest when he saw the glint in Sehun’s eyes. That was enough to stop him short, and he simply nodded.

Jongin stood up and scrambled to follow Sehun out of the room.



Sehun wanted someone to pay, he wanted to see blood and pleas when he saw Luhan looking so fragile on the bed. He hadn’t tasted fear before in his life until today when he heard that Luhan was knocked down when he was crossing the road.

It might have been an accident, but Sehun couldn’t be too sure when there were so many people out for his blood. He gripped Luhan’s hand tightly, willing the sleeping male to open his eyes. Throughout his life, he hadn't had many people he considered to be important, but Luhan was different.

Therefore, he swore that if anyone dared so much as to lay their fingers on Luhan, Sehun would do everything in his power to have them pay tenfold and make them wish that they'd never been born.



Luhan woke up when he felt the sunlight on his face, he rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times to get his bearings. He was in a meadow filled with beautiful forget-me-nots, and there was a slight breeze which made the place extremely relaxing.

Standing up, Luhan realised that there wasn’t anyone to be seen. The meadow was vast, and yet, no one was in sight. This was weird, where was he? He started to panic because this wasn’t his world, this was another world.

“Sehun!” He shouted. “Dad, Mum!”

There was no answer and he ran around, trying to get out of this place when he felt someone tugging on the hem of his shirt. It was a child, a small boy with large doe eyes that resembled Luhan. The little boy had looked up at Luhan, his eyes glistening with tears. “Why don’t you want me?”

Luhan frowned, squatting down. “I want you – “

“Liar, you don’t want me anymore.” The little child cried before pushing Luhan away. “I hate you!”

“No! Listen to me – “



Luhan opened his eyes and was faced with white ceiling, he looked to his side and saw Sehun dozing off in his chair. The poor male looked exhausted and Luhan wondered how long he had been unconscious.

He tried to get up and Sehun opened his eyes immediately. Giving him a weak smile, Luhan reached out to pat Sehun’s hands. “I'm fine.”

Without so much as a word, Sehun enveloped Luhan in an embrace. “You – Don’t scare me like that again!”

Patting him on the back, Luhan tried his hardest to hug Sehun back. “I'm fine – Wait, Sehun! Is – is little cupcake fine?”

Sehun finally pulled back, looking Luhan in total seriousness. This made Luhan gulp when he recalled the dream he had earlier. This couldn’t be possible, right? He hadn't lost his little cupcake, had he? He didn’t even get the chance to watch his baby grow up and – no.

“Sehun, tell me! Tell me if I lost him – “

Sehun shushed him with a finger on his lips and Luhan had never felt so much like crying before. “Almost. You almost come so close to losing him but he is fine.”

Luhan let out a shaky breath; his little cupcake was still fine. The tears that he had been holding back before finally rolled down his face. His hands still shook slightly, realizing how close he had come to losing his baby.

Pressing a kiss onto Luhan’s forehead, Sehun thumbed his tears away. “Come on, little cupcake is fine.”

They had stayed that way until Luhan managed to calm down.



Luhan was allowed to leave after two days and Sehun had stayed at his side the whole time. If it wasn’t bad enough before, Sehun was downright suffocating now. He had made sure to help Luhan with everything, not letting him lift a finger.

It had gotten to the point where Sehun had stopped Luhan from pouring himself a cup of water. Luhan had just let it be, settling on rolling his eyes because he knew that Sehun still wasn’t over from the almost losing him and little cupcake.

Well, he guessed that he would simply let Sehun be for while, then. Since Luhan knew how Sehun had felt. After all, Luhan still had horrible dreams of losing his little cupcake at night and it still scared him exactly how close he had come to losing his baby.

“Are you feeling cold?” Sehun turned to ask him before taking off his own coat and draping it on Luhan’s slender frame. Luhan reached up to place a kiss on his lips.

“What was that for?”

“For everything,” he replied. Luhan smiled at him. 



*an: no, i am not cruel enough to make luhan lose the baby even though that thought had crossed my mind quite a number of times. and really thanks for all the upvotes and subscription as well as the comments. I am just one vote away from 200 and woah, this is rather unexpected since this is my first fic and I am just overwhelmed. Also please don't call me authornim cause well, i can't get used to it. You can address me by Rosa instead. 




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[captivated] [10/3/2015] for those who still missed captivated, i just post a drabble up on my tumblr (:


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XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 2: Sehun taking care of Luhan with his own ways
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: I miss hunhan really
kim_exolover #4
Read this when I was in my teens...I'm 21 now..😭😭
Lemme cry!! I logged in after a really long time!! The website looks kinda different and I remember...back then...we always use to have Chanbaek KAISOO and HUNHAN on the featured story list...
I miss ot12 so much!!
My 21 year old getting all emotional!!
Gonna reread this again!!
Gawdddd!! The nostalgia!!
1106 streak #5
Chapter 14: Beautiful ❤️
1106 streak #6
Chapter 5: Hahhaha the way Sehun kept calling Luhan hyung xD

Yasss sehun show those ladies that Luhan is off limits :D
Lilianlimi #7
Chapter 17: Re reading this again for the hundred times XDDD