last but not least....


Ever since Luhan got married, the shorter man had been on Jongin’s case on how he should find a nice girl or boy to settle down with. Initially, Jongin had ignored him and not taken him seriously, thinking that Luhan would get bored eventually.

That was until Luhan tricked him into going to a blind date, making Jongin realise that the man was dead serious. He stepped into the restaurant and Luhan was there with a woman, and it didn’t take a genius to piece everything together. Jongin had bolted immediately after he texted Luhan that was he was unable to turn up for the dinner. Honestly, he was fine with being single and playing the field.

Yes, his heart did clench slightly at times when he saw the intimate looks between Sehun and Luhan but he also known that it wasn’t that easy to have the sort of relationship the both of them had. He just didn’t want to be disappointed. Therefore, he did everything he could to escape Luhan's attempt at matchmaking. He even considered going to Sehun but knowing his friend, the bastard would most probably laugh at him instead of helping him out.

His luck managed to last until one fine day when Luhan stormed into his office and locked his door, cutting off his escape route. The man glared at Jongin before breaking out in a sweet smile that didn’t bode well for him.

“I am busy,” Jongin lied and saw Luhan’s eyes narrowed. “Extremely busy – “

“You are going on this date tonight.” Luhan told him, cutting him off.

“No,” Jongin shook his head. “I am really busy.”

However, Luhan wasn’t one to give up easily as he sat in front of Jongin with a thoughtful look on his face. “I will let you off if you attend this one date. Deal?”

“Deal.” Jongin agreed immediately. If all it had taken was one date to get Luhan off his back, this was a rather fair trade off. He just had to make sure that he was on his worst behaviour that night so that there wouldn’t be a second date.



With extremely heavy footsteps, Jongin made his way to the restaurant. It was a pricy restaurant and he definitely didn’t fit in here. But the thought of having Luhan no longer nagging him to settle down was enough for him to take a step in.

The maître d' led him to his seat after he had given his name. Jongin took a look at the menu, thinking of what to eat.  He might as well eat something nice while he was here since this meal would be paid for by Luhan.

His once sour mood lighten up considerably as he continued flipping the menu. Just as he had decided what to get for his main course, a man had taken the seat in front of him. To be honest, Jongin liked girls better than boys.

But this guyin front of him was rather cute, like fluffy puppy cute. “Hi – “

“I am sorry,” the man in front of Jongin had blurted out before he could even introduce himself. “I'm not interested in looking for a relationship right now. We got drunk yesterday, and my friends decided to create a profile for me on that dating site.”

Woah, he was rejected before he could get his second word out. Suffice to say, Jongin’s pride was hurt slightly. Not to brag or anything but with his looks, he could get almost anyone he wanted, and no one had ever rejected him before. 

This meant that he had zero experience in dealing with rejection and the man seem to mention about some dating site –

“I could never date someone as attractive as you,” the guy confessed. “I mean you look like a god and I look like a peasant so – actually, is there something wrong with you?”

“What? I – “

“I mean someone with your good looks shouldn’t be lurking on dating sites. Are you secretly a ert? Or some psychotic killer?” The male just went on without giving Jongin any chance to speak. He didn't know if he should be honored that he was being complimented or if he should be offended at being called a ert. “You're not going to kill me, are you?”

The alarmed look on the man’s face had Jongin bursting into laughter. This startled the man greatly, and Jongin saw his eyes darting to the knife on the table as though he was afraid that Jongin would take it to stab him. “You are cute, how did Luhan manage to find you?”

“Who is Luhan?” The male’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Wait a minute, are you Kim Joonmyeon?”

“I am Kim Jongin,” Jongin corrected him, making a blush creep up on his face. If he wasn't wrong, he guessed that the guy must had mistaken him for someone else. 

“Kill me now,” he buried his face in his hands. “Just pretend that I am not here and you can’t see me. Well, you can just close your eyes and once you open them, I won't be here.”

“What’s your name?” Jongin asked instead of closing his eyes; this guy was pretty interesting.  

“Kyungsoo,” he replied softly, the tip of his ears still red from embarrassment.

 "Nice to meet you, Kyungsoo." Jongin said politely before flashing a sincere and sparkling smile. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to see where this will lead to.





*an: this is for those that wanted jongin to find his happy ending. i will leave it open ended so it is up to you to think where this will lead to. honestly, i am really surprised at being featured because well, how did this happen? 

here, i would like to thank each and everyone of you who read this fic, commented and subscribed as well as those who upvoted this fic. i wanted to thank you for waiting patiently for me to update because there are times when i didn't update in a month. i am touched at the amount of subs this fic get because this is my first fic so i didn't expect to get a such good response. i might not reply to each and everyone of your comment but i did read every single comment. it was through those comments that i manage to learn and grow as a writer.

i am glad that you all give this fic a chance and hopefully, all of you will continue to support me in my future fics. once again, thank you for everything. 

*p.s: for those who wanted kaisoo, i have acutally made a sequel for them and you can find it over here. LINK 


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[captivated] [10/3/2015] for those who still missed captivated, i just post a drabble up on my tumblr (:


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XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 2: Sehun taking care of Luhan with his own ways
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: I miss hunhan really
kim_exolover #4
Read this when I was in my teens...I'm 21 now..😭😭
Lemme cry!! I logged in after a really long time!! The website looks kinda different and I remember...back then...we always use to have Chanbaek KAISOO and HUNHAN on the featured story list...
I miss ot12 so much!!
My 21 year old getting all emotional!!
Gonna reread this again!!
Gawdddd!! The nostalgia!!
1106 streak #5
Chapter 14: Beautiful ❤️
1106 streak #6
Chapter 5: Hahhaha the way Sehun kept calling Luhan hyung xD

Yasss sehun show those ladies that Luhan is off limits :D
Lilianlimi #7
Chapter 17: Re reading this again for the hundred times XDDD