
“I think that is enough, don’t you?” Sehun’s voice suddenly rang out and Seoyeon widened her eyes in shock, having no idea when the door had been opened, much less how Sehun got in. “Hands off him now!”

Not daring to oppose Sehun, the man let go of Luhan immediately. Sehun walked over and stood beside Luhan as he glared at Seoyeon. If looks could kill, Seoyeon would be dead and buried six feet under. “You crossed the line when you hurt him.”

“But – this isn’t what it looks like - “ Seoyeon had the audacity to lie, her eyes downcast as she tried to make herself look innocent. “We are just – “

“Did you think that I wouldn’t know who was behind that accident? What makes you think that I wouldn’t know what you were up to?” Sehun asked, his tone sharp. “I just didn’t expect you to be so stupid as to let me catch you in the act.”

“I love you,” Seoyeon pleaded with her eyes, desperately wanting Sehun to believe her. “I – We would be happy together if it wasn’t for him. I am just doing you a favour by getting rid of the baby for you. Don’t you see? We could be perfect together.”

It was then that Luhan saw it, the woman was crazily in love with Sehun. She was twisted in the head and pure evil but there was no doubt in his mind that she loved Sehun. Appearing beside him, Jongin’s face darkened as he dared anyone to make a move on him.

“I am going to let this pass because I have have some business dealings with your Father,” Sehun disregarded everything Seoyeon had told him. “But the next time you touch even one strand of hair on him, I won’t have any mercy.”

“Sehun,” Seoyeon’s eyes were desperate as she took a step toward him. “Is that all there is between us?”

“There was never an us in the first place,” Sehun’s voice was cold. “I am simply being courteous to you because of your Father so don’t mistake that for anything else. But cross that line one more time, and I will disregard all of that, so don’t try me.”

“I will ask my father to cut off his business deal with you – “

Sehun smirked ever so slowly, “The only reason you are still alive is because your Father has a deal with me. You are in no position to negotiate anything with me. Just test me one more time and I will make sure that you are buried six feet under before you can even blink.”

With that threat hanging ominously in the air, Sehun threw a protective arm over Luhan’s shoulders before walking out of the room with him. Jongin had walked behind them, keeping his distance.

“Are you okay?” Sehun asked in concern, his tone so unlike the one that he had used with Seoyeon. “Sorry, I was held up and came a little too late.”

“I think that you owed me an explanation, don’t you think so?” Luhan was fuming at everything that had happened. He felt like he was being used and that didn’t sit well with him.



They drove home in silence, then they made their way up to their house but not before Luhan saw Sehun talking to Jongin.

Sitting on the couch, Luhan was tired out by everything that happened today but he still needed an explanation. “Did you sleep with her?”

“No,” Sehun answered immediately. “I never planned to. Not in the past and definitely not now.”

“You can start your explanation now,” Luhan folded his arms. “You better make it good otherwise you are going to sleep on the couch for the rest of the week. Month even. When did you know that she is behind the car’s accident?”

“When she suddenly appeared out of the blue,” Sehun took his seat beside Luhan. “I did have someone to investigate the accident but nothing showed up. Everything clicked when her father asked me to look after her for a while.”

Luhan hummed in response, waiting for Sehun to continue.

“Her father lives to please her, so it didn’t make sense that he would throw her out of the house. I was planning to keep her here so that I could keep an eye on her but you insisted for her to be send to a hotel.” Sehun ran his fingers through his hair. “I needed her to slip up so that I had some evidence otherwise everything would be just my one sided accusation.”

“So you sent me to her, knowing that she would – “ Luhan swallowed, unable to continue with what he wanted to say.

“It wasn’t supposed to go that far, I had Jongin put a bug on you so that he could interfere when things got out of hand.” Sehun moved towards Luhan. “I also set out once Jongin called me, but her Father stopped me when I got into the car. He tried to stall for time but when it was clear that I know what was up, he pleaded with me for his daughter’s life.”

“Everything is just too much,” Luhan closed his eyes. “You are scary, everything about you is terrifying. You – I feel that I don’t even know you at times.”

“Don’t pull away from me,” Sehun’s voice turned soft. “I will never let her, or anyone,  hurt you.”

“You might be able protect me from everything else but what about yourself? Who will protect me from you?” Luhan asked, his voice trembled. “I need some time.”



Luhan was once again in his work room, his mind swirling with questions and doubts again. This incident had forced him to look at their relationship in earnest, it forced him to come to a decision. He should have decided a long time ago but he had put it off time and time again.

Luhan had to decide whether he could love and live with everything that was Oh Sehun. He had long known that he loved the man, but whether he was ready to accept the world that he lived was another matter.

It was true when he said that there were times when he wondered if he knew the true Sehun. Today, he'd seen another side of Sehun which frightened him. What if one day Sehun wasn’t interested in him anymore? Would he discard Luhan as coldly as he discarded Seoyeon?

He placed his brush down because he had no idea. Getting up, Luhan was about to leave the room when he saw Jongin at the doorway. An unexpected sight.

“Princess, where do you think you're going?” Jongin asked him quietly and Luhan was too tired to even take offense at the nickname.

“Nowhere in particular,” Luhan answered. “What are you doing here?”

“I – Look – I – “ Jongin expelled an exasperated sigh. “I am sorry that I was late.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” Luhan assured him. “No one expected her to go so far. I never thought that she would just snap – “

“Princess, I am your bodyguard so I shouldn’t ever be so careless.” Jongin told him and for a moment, Luhan wanted to laugh because Jongin was actually apologising to him. He never thought would happen.

“You are forgiven,” Luhan told him with mirth in his voice when Jongin narrowed his eyes at him before breaking out in a small smile.

“You should forgive Sehun as well,” Jongin confided in him. “You make him happy, you know?”

“I – “

“He is a guy who has had a void that he needed to fill. Even with all the money and power that he had, Sehun has never felt happy. But then you came along and the guy was suddenly – he just became different.” Jongin continued and Luhan felt his heart constricted. “He looks at you as though you are everything good in the world. You don't see it because you're always looking  other way. ”

“I don’t know,” Luhan confessed. “I am scared because what if I give him my heart and he decides that he doesn’t want it anymore?”

Jongin looked at him for a while before answering, “He would sooner kill himself before harming you.”



Luhan had a lot to think about after that conversation with Jongin. Going up to their shared bedroom, he saw that Sehun was already sleeping. Making sure to not make any noise, Luhan stood over Sehun.

He brushed his hair away from his face and really, the answer had been in front of him since long ago. Luhan would never stay with a man if he didn’t love him, never mind that he had a child with said man.

Opening his eyes, Sehun gave him a smile. “Have you eaten? Do you want to eat anything?”

“I have decided,” Luhan told him. “I love you and we are going to be a family. So I am indirectly asking you to marry me soon and put a ring on my finger so that other people will know that I am yours and you are mine.”

“Are you sure about that? Can you accept everything that I am?” Sehun asked and Luhan saw how vulnerable he was. Damn, Luhan had really hurt this man when he told him that he had scared him.

Luhan nodded ever so slowly, bending down to place a kiss on his lips. “If you can put up with me when I am at my worst and not bail, then you are probably the one for me.”

That night, Sehun had slowly explored Luhan’s body and made Luhan fall in love with him all over again.





*an: okay so isn't this just sweet and well, i don't even know what to say. so that was the last appearance of seoyeon and with that hunhan had finally put a name to their relationship. no more running away and denial from Luhan.and i have a new fic up about Luhan and Sehun. it is a growingup!au where we will see how their life progressed from babies to adults. it is a drabble of sort. "through the years" take a look if you are interested. anyway, thanks for all the comments, upvotes as well as subscription.




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[captivated] [10/3/2015] for those who still missed captivated, i just post a drabble up on my tumblr (:


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XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 2: Sehun taking care of Luhan with his own ways
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: I miss hunhan really
kim_exolover #4
Read this when I was in my teens...I'm 21 now..😭😭
Lemme cry!! I logged in after a really long time!! The website looks kinda different and I remember...back then...we always use to have Chanbaek KAISOO and HUNHAN on the featured story list...
I miss ot12 so much!!
My 21 year old getting all emotional!!
Gonna reread this again!!
Gawdddd!! The nostalgia!!
1106 streak #5
Chapter 14: Beautiful ❤️
1106 streak #6
Chapter 5: Hahhaha the way Sehun kept calling Luhan hyung xD

Yasss sehun show those ladies that Luhan is off limits :D
Lilianlimi #7
Chapter 17: Re reading this again for the hundred times XDDD