~mean love~



“Yoon….,want to join us?”ask Jessica

“To where?”ask Yoona confuse

“To Jessica’s house.We are doing pajama’s party today,”said Tiffany in happy tone while walking with Sooyoung towards us.

“Okay..!! but I’ll ask my parent first”

At Jessica house

“Where is your parent sica?”ask Yoona

“They’re not here,”

“Yoon,do you know why Jessica like Taecyeon?”ask Tiffany slowly to Yoona.


“Because they both are in the same place.Both of their parents are always outstations so they are both lonely so that is why they both suit each other”

“Yah…don’t tease me anymore”


Yoona look at the album that contains a lot of Jessica,Tiffany and Sooyoung’s picture.

“Are they also Girls Generation’s member?”ask Yoona

“Yup…,”said the three in union.

Yoona look at other pictures.

“Is this your pictures with 2PM members?”ask Yoona again after saw a picture of the girls with 2PM members.

“Yes…the pictures was taken 2 years ago.At that time we go camping together,”said Tiffany smilling show her smile eyes.

Then,Yoona eyes stop at one picture.The picture of Nichkhun but with a girl.


“Is this Nichkhun? But who is this girl?”

The girls look at the picture.

“Yes…it’s Nichkhun and that girl is Yuri.His girlfriend,”said Jessica hesitate

“Oh…but why I didn’t see her before?Did she move?”

The girls look to each other.

“Yoon-ah…,don’t you feel hungry because I’m really hungry right now.Let’s eat,”said Sooyoung suddenly while pull Yoona towards the kitchen.


The girls eating their food quietly making Yoona feel awkward

“Girls….,you still didn’t answer my question.Why didn’t I see her before?”ask Yoona suddenly.

The three look each other.They doesn’t know how to explain this to Yoona.

“Emmm….she…had…die!!!”said Tiffany

“Ohhh….,I’m sorry!!”

“It’s okay…let’s eat!!!”said Sooyoung try to cheer up the situation.

“But can I ask why she die?”

“I think you should ask Nichkhun about this,”said Jessica

Yoona just nodded her head.She really want to know the whole story but maybe this is not the right time.

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now...,all my assignment have been done so please wait for my update.Maybe on this saturday...^_^


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Keroppilove #1
Chapter 37: Aww the best story kinda ever
leogirlz_94 #2
Chapter 1: sory for the late reply... do you mean the 'that' person that i refer in chapter 1... if it is than it means her parents which had died....
ImYoonAndNichkhun #3
Who is ' that ' person 4 YoonA ? I cannot understand ...
wahh,, I just finish read your story,,
thanks for making khuna fanfic,
i like it,, hehehhehe,,
leogirlz_94 #5
thanks for all the supportive comment...i will try to make a new Khuna stories but maybe not now because i am really busy now but for sure someday i will come out with more great story..... And about the final chapter picture, i can't remember where i find it because i just find it randomly on one of the website....-;)
LilDO7 #6
Hi i saw this story and read it. its so good:)
Oh can l ask where you got the final chapter picture from?
It ended <3 please make more KHUNA stories I'll be waiting for you
fawbnerdy05 #9
Please write more awesome 9pm stories.!
The ending was great.!
Woohoo! Khuna!<3 woofany!<3 Taecsica!<3 changsoo.!<3
ImYoonAndNichkhun #10
Tks !! Post more KhunA stories!! You are a great author !! :P