~mean love~


They went into the amusement park and there were more people than they expected. The condition was very noisy with the sound of background music and the shout of the people but it was very merry.

“Wah…..it’s been years since last time I come here and it had changed so much,” said Wooyoung with an excited tone. His eyes get wider looking at the number of the game that contain in the amusement park.

“Yah….,what should we ride first….,roller coaster or Ferris wheel or cliff-hanger or carousel swing or……,” Sooyoung interrupt Chansung speech.

“Yah Hwang Chansung…,you are so over acted.Can’t you be more patient?”

“Waeyo??? I didn’t disturb you right?” reply Chansung with smirk making Sooyoung angry.

“Yah…,both of you,can’t you stop fighting.Let’s decide on which game should we play first,”said Jessica.The others just nodded.

“Should we play roller coaster first?”suggest Taecyeon

“What?? But I don’t want….,”said Yoona slow because she doesn’t want to disappoint her friend but at the same time she scared to ride it.

“Are you scared?” ask Nichkhun in a slow tone.The others guys have been excited to play roller coaster.Yoona nodded her head slowly.

“It’s okay.I’m here beside you so you don’t have to scare,”Nichkhun try to comfort Yoona.

“Guys…, let’s go now!!!” said Wooyoung and Tiffany excited.

They had to queue up about 30 minutes before they could ride it. Finally, it was the time that Yoona had been nervous for.

“Wooyoung…, sit with me…ppali-wa!!” said Tiffany while drag Wooyoung to sit beside her.

“Looks like you like me now,”said Wooyoung giggle.

“Haha….in your dream…I ask you to sit beside me so that it’s easy for me to hit you,” reply Tiffany while showing her eyes smile. At that time, Wooyoung can feel there something different with his heartbeat.Is it because of Tiffany’s eye smile?

“Sica-ah…,would you like to sit beside me?”ask Taecyeon politely.

“Ahh??”answer Jessica shock.

“I ask would you like to sit beside me?” ask Taecyeon again but this time he smile.He feel happy while looking at Jessica’s shock face.He find it that Jessica look really cute in that face.


Nichkhun took a seat “Let’s sit here,” said Nichkhun to Yoona making Yoona shock.


“I said let’s sit here.I have promise you before that I will be by your side right? So let’s sit here,” said Nichkhun referred to the seat beside him.Yoona looked hesitated at first but at last she giving up.She take a sit beside Nichkhun.

“Ahh…all of them have partner up…now only me and Chansung that left.Looks like I have to sit with him,”think Sooyoung to herself.

“Yah…,Choi Sooyoung,ppali-wa…sit here…The journey in riding roller-coaster was going to start! Ppali!!!” said Chansung excited.

Sooyoung sigh before take a sit beside Chansung.

“Oh! It’s moving!” Tiffany looked around while holding onto Wooyoung’s arm in anxiety.

“Yah! What are you doing?!” Wooyoung put away Tiffany’s hand from his arm.

“D… do you think I purposely did that?! Ceh!” Tiffany scolded him back.

Yoona who sit behind them laughed at them both.

“If you scared you can hold my hand,”said Nichkhun making Yoona shock.“Consider this as my way to say thank you”

“Thank you?”

“Yes…, because you are there beside me when I need someone,” said Nichkhun while give his popular wink making Yoona blush.

“Are you scared?”ask Taecyeon.

“Ahh…ani…emm….maybe a bit”

“Then,hold my hand,” said Taecyeon while intertwine his hand with Jessica hand.

“Oh! Oh! It’s going to start!” Chansung held the iron safety tightly.

“Yah! Can’t you stop shouting like a girl?!”

“What?!” Chansung glared at Sooyoung.

The roller-coaster start with a slow speed but after passing down from 10 meters high with high speed,everyone was shouting happily.The roller coaster kept going up and down without any stop.

“ARGHH!!!” scream Yoona before they were going down again.

Without Yoona conscious,Nichkhun hold Yoona hand.Because of scared,Yoona strengthen the hand grip.She hide her face at Nichkhun’s shoulder.

“It’s okay I’m here,”said Nichkhun try to comfort Yoona.

A few minutes later, it slowed down and moved with a slow speed. Everyone was fixing their own hair as they heaved a satisfied sigh. It stopped and everyone left with a happy smile.

“It’s really fun, right?” Taecyeon looked at Jessica while taking off the safety iron.

“Yes, it has been long since I ride this!” Jessica exclaimed happily.

“Wah…it’s really fun,”said Wooyoung happily

“What’s fun with it? It was really scary,” exclaimed Tiffany

“Aaaa….Even if I die now it will be alright,” exclaimed Chansung happily.

“Then if it happen,I will be the most happy person in the world,” reply Sooyoung with smirk.

“I know that will not happen because you love me,right?”

“Yah…since when did I love you?”

Chansung just ignore the question and laugh.

“Gwenchana?”Nichkhun ask Yoona but there was no reply from her.

He immediately went to her. “Yoona, are you okay?!” Nichkhun asked in nervousness.

“Oh?” she slowly lifted her head up and looked at Nichkhun blankly. “I… I’m okay.” However, her condition was opposite to her answer.

He could sense there was something wrong with her. “Let’s get up.” He held her arm, helping her to get up. She almost stumbled. He immediately held onto her, “Are you really okay? Do you feel dizzy?”

“Y… yes…” she nodded.

“Khun,we want to ride cliff-hanger now,do you want to join?”ask Taecyeon as they are ready to went to another game.

“I don’t think I can join you,”said Nichkhun while looking at Yoona’s condition.“It’s okay you guys just go,I will accompany Yoona”

“Yoon-ah,are you sure you okay?” ask Jessica concern.

“Ne….you don’t have to worry about me.Just go enjoy yourself”

“Then,we go first…let’s meet here again after 2 hours,ok?” said Wooyoung.Nichkhun just nodded his head.

He brought her to the nearest bench.He stared at her .

“Are you really okay?” He patted her shoulder.

“Ne…you don’t have to worry about me”

“Then should we go to another game?”

“Game?”ask Yoona in worried.She don’t think that she can ride something like roller coaster anymore.

Nichkhun laugh looking at Yoona’s worried face.

“Kaja….”said Nichkhun while drag Yoona’s hand.

“Do you want that?” ask Nichkhun while indicate at the dolls that neatly arranges on shelves.

“Waeyo? Do you want to give me that?”

“Kaja…,”said Nichkhun while drag Yoona to the stall.“Which one do you want?”

“Emmm…..that’s one,”said Yoona while her finger show at one of the dolls. “The big one”

“What should I do to get that teddy bear?”ask Nichkhun to the seller.

“Take this,”said the seller while give Nichkhun a rifle.“Use this to shot at the target.If you hit all the target then I will give you this bear”

“I bet I could do it,” Nichkhun said confidently, closing one eye and aiming the fake rifle at the target.

“No way, it’s almost ten feet away!” Yoona replied doubtfully.

 He lowered his rifle to look at Yoona, pretending to be shocked and hurt. “Don’t you believe I can do it?”

“Emm….maybe a bit,”said Yoona while smile brightly.

Nichkhun back to focus on the target that keeps moving left and right.


He hit the target, and Yoona couldn’t help but applaud, bouncing up and down. She saw him smirking at her. She gave him a bright smile while he chuckled.


He hit all the target.

“Wah…I don’t know that you are so good in this,” applaud Yoona.

Nichkhun smile brightly.

“Here your bear…,”said the seller while giving the big bear to Nichkhun.

Nichkhun take the bear and give it to Yoona.“Here…It’s for you”

“Wah!!…noemu kyoepta….Komawo Khun-ah”

Nichkhun stare at Yoona.Her expression are like Yuri. Yuri is also like this when he give her a teddy bear as a present.He know that he can’t live in a shadow of Yuri and Suzy anymore but he can’t help it to remember those person that he love very much in the past.

“Waeyo?” ask Yoona as Nichkhun keep staring at her.

“Ahh…ani….kaja…there’s a lot more place we need to explore”


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now...,all my assignment have been done so please wait for my update.Maybe on this saturday...^_^


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Keroppilove #1
Chapter 37: Aww the best story kinda ever
leogirlz_94 #2
Chapter 1: sory for the late reply... do you mean the 'that' person that i refer in chapter 1... if it is than it means her parents which had died....
ImYoonAndNichkhun #3
Who is ' that ' person 4 YoonA ? I cannot understand ...
wahh,, I just finish read your story,,
thanks for making khuna fanfic,
i like it,, hehehhehe,,
leogirlz_94 #5
thanks for all the supportive comment...i will try to make a new Khuna stories but maybe not now because i am really busy now but for sure someday i will come out with more great story..... And about the final chapter picture, i can't remember where i find it because i just find it randomly on one of the website....-;)
LilDO7 #6
Hi i saw this story and read it. its so good:)
Oh can l ask where you got the final chapter picture from?
It ended <3 please make more KHUNA stories I'll be waiting for you
fawbnerdy05 #9
Please write more awesome 9pm stories.!
The ending was great.!
Woohoo! Khuna!<3 woofany!<3 Taecsica!<3 changsoo.!<3
ImYoonAndNichkhun #10
Tks !! Post more KhunA stories!! You are a great author !! :P