~mean love~


“Yoona,let’s go to canteen”invite Jessica

“Sica-ah,Yoon-ah ppalli.I’m really hungry now!”ask Sooyoung in a high tone.She is now waiting at the front door.

“yah…sooyoung,can’t you low your voice.Don’t you feel shy”said Tiffany

“I don’t care.I’m really hungry right now.I will die if I don’t eat,you know?

“It’s okay sica-ah.You go first.After this I will follow you.There is a few things I need to do”Yoona said.

“You sure Yoon?Then I’ll go first.Meet you there”

After Yoona done all her work,she prepared to go to canteen.

"They must be waiting for me" think Yoona

As Yoona stood up she accidentally struck a guy.That guy is none other than Nichkhun.

“Jeongmal mianhada” said Yoona.She scared that Nichkhun might scolded her but otherwise happen.

Nichkhun just continue his walk without looking at Yoona.

“Does he can’t speak?”Yoona wonder.Then,Yoona continue her walk to the canteen.

At canteen

“Yah..Im Yoona,why you late?”ask Sooyoung

“Sorry….,a lot of work need to be done.Let me buy food first”said Yoona

“It’s okay we had buy food for you because we scared that you can’t get the food,” said Jessica while giving Yoona food.

“Gomawo.I’m really lucky to meet you all,”said Yoona while smiling.


“Looks like we had to go to class now,”said Tiffany

“Gaja!!”said Yoona,Jaessica and Sooyoung in one voice.

At class

“Khun,where did you go just now?We don’t see you.”ask Taecyeon as soon as Nichkhun entered the class.

“At canteen.Wae?”

“Nothing.Hey we are planning to watch movie after this at my house.Do you want to join?” ask Taecyeon

“Maybe no.I’ve a thing to do after this”

“Ahhh…Khun.Join please.Jebal!!”said Wooyoung.

“yeah Wooyoung right.Please join.It’s not complete if there are no you,”said Chansung

“Since when I become that important to you?”ask Nichkhun while smile

“Yah..Nichkhun-ah,don’t you know that you’re really important to us.For me you’re like oxygen.If you’re not around then I can’t breath,”said Chansung serious

“Yah….don’t you lie to me.Just use that word to your girlfriend.”said Nichkhun while laughing.Chansung sulk.

“Gwaenchana Chansung-ah. I understand what you mean,” said Wooyoung before hugging Chansung.

“Yah…,both of you look like gay you know”said Taecyeon make Nichkhun laugh more

“Look what are you doing to me Wooyoung.You make me look gay.oh no!!”said Chansung while try to release the hug.

“yah…!! I’m not gay,you know?” 4 of them laugh heavily.

Yoona,Jessica,Sooyoung and Tiffany entered the class.Yoona look at Nichkhun who was laughing.This is her first time look at Nichkhun laughing face and he looks very cute with that face.

“Hello..!!! Are you there?”ask Tiffany


“Who are you looking at?”ask Jessica while looking at the direction of Yoona eyes.

“What?’the three talk at once.

“You’re not fall in love with him right?”ask Tiffany.

“Ani..just now I thought that he can’t talk because this is my first time here him talk”

“He doesn’t like to talk with others except his friends so that’s why you rarely hear his voice,”explain Tiffany.

“But let me give you a warning.If you don’t want to have any problem with Victoria,it’s better if you stay away from Nichkhun,”said Sooyoung while the other two just nodded

“Wae?Are they couple?”

“Ani.It’s just Victoria who think it that way,”Jessica answer.

“I don’t understand”I said while wrinkled my forehead

“Even though 2PM is a popular group at school but the members are not playboy.You can say that they are a faithful guy.They rarely talk to girl especially Nichkhun and when Victoria claim him as her boyfriend,he doesn’t angry or say no so all the students in this school thinks that he is Victoria’s boyfriend.They’re no ones who dare to come near Nichkhun because scare of Victoria”explained Tiffany

“There are one more boy group in this group but their leader are playboy,”said Jessica


“They are in a group called Beast and their leader is Gi Kwang.”said Sooyoung in low tone.

Gi Kwang?Is it him?Maybe it the other person who accidentally have a same name.

“Yoona are you here?” ask Jessica

“Ne…”I said “Emmm,can I ask something if Gi Kwang is the leader of Beast and Victoria is the leader of F(x),then who is the leader of 2PM and Girls Generation.”

“Hmmm….actually 2PM have no leader.They said they are siblings so in siblings there are no leader and for our group,the leader is Taeyeon,the past senior but after she graduated, we does not have leader.You know our total members are 8 person and plus you it’s 9 but some of them had graduated so there just 3 of us.”said Tiffany

As they all are still talking,the teacher come in.

“Okay class…,I will give homework for you today and it must be done in pair.I’ll give you 2 days to finish this homework and whoever didn’t finish this homework will get a punishment,”said Mr Park.

“Then,how about the one who finish the homework?”ask Chansung

“You will get reward”

“What it is?”ask Wooyoung excited

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now...,all my assignment have been done so please wait for my update.Maybe on this saturday...^_^


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Keroppilove #1
Chapter 37: Aww the best story kinda ever
leogirlz_94 #2
Chapter 1: sory for the late reply... do you mean the 'that' person that i refer in chapter 1... if it is than it means her parents which had died....
ImYoonAndNichkhun #3
Who is ' that ' person 4 YoonA ? I cannot understand ...
wahh,, I just finish read your story,,
thanks for making khuna fanfic,
i like it,, hehehhehe,,
leogirlz_94 #5
thanks for all the supportive comment...i will try to make a new Khuna stories but maybe not now because i am really busy now but for sure someday i will come out with more great story..... And about the final chapter picture, i can't remember where i find it because i just find it randomly on one of the website....-;)
LilDO7 #6
Hi i saw this story and read it. its so good:)
Oh can l ask where you got the final chapter picture from?
It ended <3 please make more KHUNA stories I'll be waiting for you
fawbnerdy05 #9
Please write more awesome 9pm stories.!
The ending was great.!
Woohoo! Khuna!<3 woofany!<3 Taecsica!<3 changsoo.!<3
ImYoonAndNichkhun #10
Tks !! Post more KhunA stories!! You are a great author !! :P